Price Adjustments for OGS Centralized Contracts Periodic price adjustments will occur no more than twice per year on a schedule to be established solely by OGS. Pricing offered shall be fixed for the first twelve (12) months of the Contract term. Such price increases will only apply to the OGS Centralized Contracts and shall not be applied retroactively to Authorized User Agreements or any Mini-bids already submitted to an Authorized User. Price Decreases Price decreases may be made at any time. Additionally, some price decreases shall be calculated in accordance with Appendix B, section 17, Pricing.
OGS Centralized Contract Modifications OGS, an Authorized User, or the Contractor may suggest modifications to the Centralized Contract or its Appendices. Except as specifically provided herein, modifications to the terms and conditions set forth herein may only be made with mutual written agreement of the Parties. Modifications may take the form of an update or an amendment. “
CENTRALIZED CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS A. OGS, an Authorized User, or the Contractor may suggest modifications to the Centralized Contract or its Appendices. Except as specifically provided herein, modifications to the terms and conditions set forth herein may only be made with mutual written agreement of the Parties. Modifications may take the form of an update or an amendment. “
Contract Price Adjustment The basis upon which the Contract Price shall be adjusted is as set out in paragraph 9.2 of Schedule IVB.
Alternative Interconnection Arrangements 3.1 In addition to the foregoing methods of Interconnection, and subject to mutual agreement of the Parties, the Parties may agree to establish an End Point Fiber Meet arrangement, which may include a SONET backbone with an optical interface at the OC-n level in accordance with the terms of this Section. The Fiber Distribution Frame at the Reconex location shall be designated as the POI for both Parties.
Market Adjustment The parties to this Agreement recognize the appropriateness of market pay adjustments in rare instances for compelling reasons. To effectuate judgments in such cases, the President and AAUP Chapter President, in consultation, shall each name three (3) individuals to a university Market Evaluation Committee. Deans may submit recommendations for market pay adjustments with supporting written reasons to the committee. Said Committee shall consult with the President concerning proposed market pay adjustments reporting its advice not later than May 15 in each year. Upon the favorable recommendation of the President and the Chancellor, market pay adjustments may be approved effective at the beginning of that pay period including September 1 of the following year. Not more than one (1) market pay adjustment per one hundred (100) full-time members, or fraction thereof, may be recommended in any contract year. A member’s salary may not be increased beyond the maximum for the rank. Funding for this program shall be governed by Article 12.10.2.
OGS Centralized Contract Terms and Conditions have been renumbered as depicted in the following chart: Current Amended Section Title 4.25 4.26 Severability 4.26 4.27 Entire Agreement
Market Adjustments 22. Neither this Article nor any other in this Collective Agreement prevents the Employer from using other funds to increase a Member’s salary in response to offers received from other employers or to accommodate other market forces.
PRICING for Markup of Non-Prepriced Items in RS Means Unit Price Book What is your proposed Markup Percentage on materials not found in the RS Means Price Book? If any materials being utilized for a project cannot be found in the RS Means Price Book, this question is what is the markup percentage on those materials? When answering this question please insert the number that represents your percentage of proposed markup. Example: if you are proposing a 30 percent markup, please insert the number "30". Remember that this is a ceiling markup. You may markup a lesser percentage to the TIPS Member customer when pricing the project, but not a greater percentage. EXAMPLE: You need special materials that are not in the RS Means Unit Price Book for a project. You would buy the materials and mark them up to the TIPS Member customer by the percentage you propose in this question. If the materials cost you, the contractor, $100 and you proposed a markup on this question for the material of 30 percent, then you would charge the TIPS Member customer $130 for the materials.
Price Adjustment Civil works contracts of long duration (more than 18 months) shall contain an appropriate price adjustment clause.