GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH RESPECT TO THE UNIT. As discussed above, the Allottee shall, after taking possession, be solely responsible to maintain the Unitat his/her own cost, in good repair and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything inthe Unit, which may be in violation of any laws or rules of any authority or change or after or make additions to the Unit The Allottee further undertakes, assures and guarantees that he/she would not put any sign-board/name-neon light, publicity material or advertisement material etc. on the face/facade of the Building or anywhere on the exterior of the Project, buildings therein or Common Areas. Further, the Allottee shall not store any hazardous or combustible goods in the Unit or place any heavy material in the common passages or staircase of the Building. The Allottee shall also not remove any wall, including the outer or load- bearing wall of the Unit / Colony / Boundary. The Allottee shall plan and distribute its electrical load in conformity with the electrical systems installed by the Promoter and thereafter the association of allottees and/ormaintenanceagencyappointedbyassociationofallottees.TheAllotteeshallberespon sible for any loss or damages arising out of breach of any of the previously mentioned conditions. That the Allottee shall not use or allow using the Unit for any non-residential purpose or any activity that may cause nuisance to other owners/occupants inthe building/project. The Unit shall be intended for personal use as residence by such person. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not store any goods of hazardous or combustible nature or prohibited goods and/or which can cause damage to the construction or structure of the building. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not display any name, address, and signboard and/or advertisement material on the external façade of the structure except the name of the Unit owner as per the signage guidelines provided by the PROMOTERS. AFTER the possession of the premises is handed over to the Allottee, any additions or alterations in or about or relating to the said Unitshall be carried out by the Allottee in co-operation with the Allottees of the other Unit in the said township at his own costs and the ‘PROMOTERS’ shall not in any manner be liable or responsible for the same and for any damage caused to the unit. No such work shall be carried out without the permission of the concerned competent authority and adjoining Unitholders, that any loss caused to the common area and facilities by such work then the allottee shall be responsible to cure the same from his/her own source. THE Allottee shall not to throw dirt, rubbish, rags, garbage or other refuse or permit the same to be thrown from the said Unitin compound or any portion of the said land or project land and shall abide by rules set out by local authority for garbage disposal. After the execution of the sale deed, the insurance of the Unit shall be thesolediscretion and at the expense of the Unit owner/s. THE Allottee shall not do or permit any act or thing which render any insurance of the said property and the adjoining Units void or voidable or any part thereof or whereby any increase in premium shall become payable in respect of the insurance by the other Unit holders in the township, That after formation of association of allottee the insurance of project including the title of land and real estate construction shall be taken by the association of allottee and promoter shall not be responsible for the same. That the Allottee has understood that the common amenities like gardens, common roads, drainage, sewers, water pipe lines, street light, Borewell,whatever as decided in specification shall be the common property and shall be available for common use by all the Allottee/s of the Units in the said project. The Allottees of the Units in the said project and the different common organization will have unrestricted right of way in common spaces, gardens, roads and in project for laying of pipelines, telephone and electric cables, sewerage and drainage line etc.whatever as decided in specification THE Allottee shall use community spaces i.e. common spaces, services in the project as per stipulated terms, condition, rules and regulations framed for the purpose by the ‘PROMOTERS’ or maintenance society/Company. The common area of the project shall not be permitted to be used for conducting personal functions like marriage, parties etc. THE Allottee shall from the date of Possession/ Deemed possession maintain the said Unit and carry out all internal up keep & repairs therein, at its own cost, so as to keep the said Unit in good tenantable state and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything, in or to the neighboring areas or any part of the township or the project, staircase or common passage, infrastructure facilities/amenities, which may be against the rules, regulations and byelaws of the society/Company or concerned local authority and/or public authorities and/or the ‘PROMOTERS’. The Allottee hereby agrees to abide by all the terms & conditions of the application for allotment and this letter of Allotment and the applicable laws and to indemnify and to keep indemnified ‘PROMOTERS’ for any such act that result in the loss owing to any contravention or non-compliance of any of the provisions of the application for allotment and this agreement. THE Allottee shall take electricity and water connections from the various agencies in this respect. The ‘PROMOTERS’ will provide all necessary co-ordination in availing such permanent electricity connection and till the time the permanent electricity connection shall be issued by the Electricity Board or other concern authority, Allottee agrees to avail electricity facility through temporary connection from concern electricity providing company or ‘PROMOTERS’. It is further agreed that the Allottee shall pay all such charges, Fees, penalties & interest for such electricity connection, as may be levied by the authority giving the connection. Charges are detailed as per Clause 1 of this Agreement. The Allottee or the society/company/body formed by the Allottee shall not object or place any hindrance to the other Unit owners. ALL charges including proportionate charges payable to various department for obtaining service connections to the said Unit like electricity, telephone, piped gas, Wateretc., including security deposits for sanction and release of such connection as well as informal charges pertaining thereto will be payable by the allottee to the provider of these services directly, as no amount is received by the promoter from the allottee in this regard.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement for Sale Viraj Shanti Kunj

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH RESPECT TO THE UNIT. As discussed above, the Allottee shall, after taking possession, be solely responsible to maintain the Unitat Unit at his/her own cost, in good repair and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything inthe in the Unit, which may be in violation of any laws or rules of any authority or change or after or make additions to the Unit The Allottee further undertakes, assures and guarantees that he/she would not put any sign-board/name-neon light, publicity material or advertisement material etc. on the face/facade of the Building or anywhere on the exterior of the Project, buildings therein or Common Areas. Further, the Allottee shall not store any hazardous or combustible goods in the Unit or place any heavy material in the common passages or staircase of the Building. The Allottee shall also not remove any wall, including the outer or load- bearing wall of the Unit / Colony / Boundary. The Allottee shall plan and distribute its electrical load in conformity with the electrical systems installed by the Promoter and thereafter the association of allottees and/ormaintenanceagencyappointedbyassociationofallottees.TheAllotteeshallberespon sible and/or maintenance agency appointed by association of allottees. The Allottee shall be responsible for any loss or damages arising out of breach of any of the previously mentioned conditions. That the Allottee shall not use or allow using the Unit use of residential property for any non-non- residential purpose or any activity that may cause nuisance to other owners/occupants inthe in the building/project. The Unit shall be intended for personal use as residence by such person. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not store any goods of hazardous or combustible nature or prohibited goods and/or which can cause damage to the construction or structure of the building. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not display any name, address, and signboard sign board and/or advertisement material on the external façade of the structure except the name of the Unit owner as per the signage guidelines provided by the PROMOTERS. AFTER the possession of the premises is handed over to the Allottee, any additions or alterations in or about or relating to the said Unitshall Unit shall be carried out by the Allottee in co-operation with the Allottees of the other Unit in the said township at his own costs and the ‘PROMOTERS’ „PROMOTERS‟ shall not in any manner be liable or responsible for the same and for any damage caused to the unit. No such work shall be carried out without the permission of the concerned competent authority and adjoining Unitholders, that any loss caused to the common area and facilities by such work then the allottee shall be responsible to cure the same from his/her own sourceUnit holders. THE Allottee shall not to throw dirt, rubbish, rags, garbage or other refuse or permit the same to be thrown from the said Unitin Unit in compound or any portion of the said land or project land and shall abide by rules set out by local authority for garbage disposal. After the execution of the sale deed, the insurance of the Unit shall be thesolediscretion the sole discretion and at the expense of the Unit owner/s. THE Allottee shall not do or permit any act or thing which render any insurance of the said property and the adjoining Units void or voidable or any part thereof or whereby any increase in premium shall become payable in respect of the insurance by the other Unit holders in the township, That after formation of association of allottee the insurance of project including the title of land and real estate construction shall be taken by the association of allottee and promoter shall not be responsible for the same. That the Allottee has understood that the common amenities like gardens, common roads, drainage, sewers, water pipe lines, street light, Borewell,, etc., whatever as decided in specification shall be the common property and shall be available for common use by all the Allottee/s of the Units in the said project. The Allottees of the Units in the said project and the different common organization will have unrestricted right of way in common spaces, gardens, roads and in project for laying of pipelines, telephone and electric cables, sewerage and drainage line etc.whatever etc. whatever as decided in specification THE Allottee shall use community spaces i.e. common spaces, services in the project as per stipulated terms, condition, rules and regulations framed for the purpose by the ‘PROMOTERS’ „PROMOTERS‟ or maintenance society/Company. The common area of the project Green Lawns, gardens shall not be permitted to be used for conducting personal functions like marriage, parties etc. THE Allottee shall from the date of Possession/ Deemed possession maintain the said Unit and carry out all internal up keep & repairs therein, at its own cost, so as to keep the said Unit in good tenantable state and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything, in or to the neighboring areas or any part of the township or the project, staircase or common passage, infrastructure facilities/amenities, which may be against the rules, regulations and byelaws of the society/Company or concerned local authority and/or public authorities and/or the ‘PROMOTERS’. „PROMOTER‟. The Allottee hereby agrees to abide by all the terms & conditions of the application for allotment and this letter of Allotment and the applicable laws and to indemnify and to keep indemnified ‘PROMOTERS’ „PROMOTER‟ for any such act that result in the loss owing to any contravention or non-compliance of any of the provisions of the application for allotment and this agreement. THE Allottee shall take electricity and water connections from the various agencies in this respect. The ‘PROMOTERS’ „PROMOTER‟ will provide all necessary co-ordination in availing such permanent electricity connection and till the time the permanent electricity connection shall be issued by the Electricity Board or other concern authority, Allottee agrees to avail electricity facility through temporary connection from concern electricity providing company or ‘PROMOTERS’. „PROMOTER‟. It is further agreed that the Allottee shall pay all such charges, Fees, penalties & interest for such electricity connection, as may be levied by the authority giving the connection. Charges are detailed as per Clause 1 of this Agreement. The Allottee or the society/company/body formed by the Allottee shall not object or place any hindrance to the other Unit owners. ALL charges including proportionate charges payable to various department for obtaining service connections to the said Unit like electricity, telephone, piped gas, Wateretc.Narmada water etc, including security deposits for sanction and release of such connection as well as informal charges pertaining thereto will be payable by the allottee applicant in addition to the provider price of these services directly, as no amount is received by the promoter from the allottee in this regardsaid Unit.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement for Sale

GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH RESPECT TO THE UNIT. As discussed Subject to para 12 above, the Allottee Allottee(s) shall, after taking possession, be solely responsible to maintain the Unitat his/Unit along with parking (if applicable) at his/ her own cost, in good repair and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything inthe in or to the Building, or the Unit, parking, or the staircases, lifts, common passages, corridors, circulation areas, at or the compound which may be in violation of any laws or rules of any authority or change or after alter or make additions to the Unit or parking and keep the Unit or parking, its walls and partitions, sewers, drains, pipe and appurtenances there to or belonging thereto, in good and tenant able repair and maintain the same in a fit and proper condition and ensure that the support, shelter etc. of the Building is not in any way damaged or jeopardized. The Allottee Allottee(s)/ Association of Allottee(s) further undertakes, assures and guarantees that he/he/ she would not put any sign-board/board / name-plate, neon light, publicity material or advertisement material etc. on the face/face / facade of the Building or anywhere any where on the exterior of the Project, Project ,buildings therein or Common Areas. Further, The Allottee (s) shall also not change the Allottee colour scheme of the outer walls or painting of the exterior side of the windows or carry out any change in the exterior elevation or design. Further the Allottee(s)/ Association of Allottee(s) shall not store any hazardous or combustible goods in the Unit and/ or parking or place any heavy material in the common passages or staircase of the Building. The Allottee promoter/ Allottee(s)/ association of Allottee(s) shall ensure that they will not create any hindrance by way of locking, blocking, parking or any other manner in rite of passage or access or common areas which otherwise are available for free access. The Allottee(s)/ Association of Allottee(s) shall also not remove any column, wall, including the outer or load- and load bearing wall of the Unit / Colony / Boundaryand/ or parking, as the case maybe. The Allottee Allottee(s)/ Association of Allottee(s) shall plan and distribute its electrical load in conformity with the electrical systems installed by the Promoter and thereafter the association of allottees and/ormaintenanceagencyappointedbyassociationofallottees.TheAllotteeshallberespon sible Allottee(s) and/ or maintenance agency appointed by association of Allottee(s)/ competent authority. The Allottee(s) shall be responsible for any loss or damages arising out of breach of any of the previously mentioned aforesaid conditions. That the Allottee shall not use or allow using the Unit for any non-residential purpose or any activity that may cause nuisance to other owners/occupants inthe building/project. The Unit shall be intended for personal use as residence by such person. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not store any goods of hazardous or combustible nature or prohibited goods and/or which can cause damage to the construction or structure of the building. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not display any name, address, and signboard and/or advertisement material on the external façade of the structure except the name of the Unit owner as per the signage guidelines provided by the PROMOTERS. AFTER the possession of the premises is handed over to the Allottee, any additions or alterations in or about or relating to the said Unitshall be carried out by the Allottee in co-operation with the Allottees of the other Unit in the said township at his own costs and the ‘PROMOTERS’ shall not in any manner be liable or responsible for the same and for any damage caused to the unit. No such work shall be carried out without the permission of the concerned competent authority and adjoining Unitholders, that any loss caused to the common area and facilities by such work then the allottee shall be responsible to cure the same from his/her own source. THE Allottee shall not to throw dirt, rubbish, rags, garbage or other refuse or permit the same to be thrown from the said Unitin compound or any portion of the said land or project land and shall abide by rules set out by local authority for garbage disposal. After the execution of the sale deed, the insurance of the Unit shall be thesolediscretion and at the expense of the Unit owner/s. THE Allottee shall not do or permit any act or thing which render any insurance of the said property and the adjoining Units void or voidable or any part thereof or whereby any increase in premium shall become payable in respect of the insurance by the other Unit holders in the township, That after formation of association of allottee the insurance of project including the title of land and real estate construction shall be taken by the association of allottee and promoter shall not be responsible for the same. That the Allottee has understood that the common amenities like gardens, common roads, drainage, sewers, water pipe lines, street light, Borewell,whatever as decided in specification shall be the common property and shall be available for common use by all the Allottee/s of the Units in the said project. The Allottees of the Units in the said project and the different common organization will have unrestricted right of way in common spaces, gardens, roads and in project for laying of pipelines, telephone and electric cables, sewerage and drainage line etc.whatever as decided in specification THE Allottee shall use community spaces i.e. common spaces, services in the project as per stipulated terms, condition, rules and regulations framed for the purpose by the ‘PROMOTERS’ or maintenance society/Company. The common area of the project shall not be permitted to be used for conducting personal functions like marriage, parties etc. THE Allottee shall from the date of Possession/ Deemed possession maintain the said Unit and carry out all internal up keep & repairs therein, at its own cost, so as to keep the said Unit in good tenantable state and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything, in or to the neighboring areas or any part of the township or the project, staircase or common passage, infrastructure facilities/amenities, which may be against the rules, regulations and byelaws of the society/Company or concerned local authority and/or public authorities and/or the ‘PROMOTERS’. The Allottee hereby agrees to abide by all the terms & conditions of the application for allotment and this letter of Allotment and the applicable laws and to indemnify and to keep indemnified ‘PROMOTERS’ for any such act that result in the loss owing to any contravention or non-compliance of any of the provisions of the application for allotment and this agreement. THE Allottee shall take electricity and water connections from the various agencies in this respect. The ‘PROMOTERS’ will provide all necessary co-ordination in availing such permanent electricity connection and till the time the permanent electricity connection shall be issued by the Electricity Board or other concern authority, Allottee agrees to avail electricity facility through temporary connection from concern electricity providing company or ‘PROMOTERS’. It is further agreed that the Allottee shall pay all such charges, Fees, penalties & interest for such electricity connection, as may be levied by the authority giving the connection. Charges are detailed as per Clause 1 of this Agreement. The Allottee or the society/company/body formed by the Allottee shall not object or place any hindrance to the other Unit owners. ALL charges including proportionate charges payable to various department for obtaining service connections to the said Unit like electricity, telephone, piped gas, Wateretc., including security deposits for sanction and release of such connection as well as informal charges pertaining thereto will be payable by the allottee to the provider of these services directly, as no amount is received by the promoter from the allottee in this regard.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement to Sell

GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH RESPECT TO THE UNIT. As discussed 16.1 Subject to para 12 above, the Allottee shall, after taking possession, be solely responsible to maintain the Unitat Unit at his/her own cost, in good repair and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything inthe in or to the Building, or the Unit, or the staircases, lifts, common passages, corridors, circulation areas, atrium or the compound which may be in violation of any laws or rules of any authority or change or after alter or make additions to the Unit and keep the Unit, its walls and partitions, sewers, drains, pipe and appurtenances thereto or belonging thereto, in good and tenantable repair and maintain the same in a fit and proper condition and ensure that the support, shelter etc. of the Building is not in any way damaged or jeopardized. The Allottee further undertakes, assures and guarantees that he/she would not put any sign-sign- board/name-plate, neon light, publicity material or advertisement material etc. on the face/facade face / façade of the Building or anywhere on the exterior of the Project, buildings therein or Common Areas. Further, The Allottees shall also not change the colour scheme of the outer walls or painting of the exterior side of the windows or carry out any change in the exterior elevation or design. Further the Allottee shall not store any hazardous or combustible goods in the Unit Apartment or place any heavy material in the common passages or staircase of the Building/Project. The Allottee shall also not remove any wall, including the outer or load- and load bearing wall of the Unit / Colony / Boundary. The Apartment, the Allottee shall plan and distribute its electrical load in conformity with the electrical systems installed by the Promoter and thereafter the association of allottees and/ormaintenanceagencyappointedbyassociationofallottees.TheAllotteeshallberespon sible Association, as the case may be. The Allottee shall be responsible for any loss or damages arising out of breach of any of the previously mentioned aforesaid conditions. That It being clarified and agreed by the Allottee shall Allottees that AC/Service space to be exclusively be used installation of VRV air-conditioning and not use or allow using the Unit for any non-residential other purpose or any activity that may cause nuisance including but not limited to other owners/occupants inthe building/project. The Unit shall be intended for personal use as residence by such person. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not store any goods the purpose of hazardous or combustible nature or prohibited goods and/or which can cause damage to storage materials and the construction or structure of said space is duly earmarked in the building. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not display any name, address, and signboard and/or advertisement material on the external façade of the structure except the name of the Unit owner as per the signage guidelines plan provided by the PROMOTERSPromoter. AFTER The Allottees hereby further undertake that the possession of the premises is handed over to the Allottee, any additions or alterations in or about or relating to the said Unitshall be carried out by the Allottee in co-operation with the Allottees of the other Unit in the said township at his own costs and the ‘PROMOTERS’ shall not in any manner be liable or responsible for the same and for any damage caused to the unit. No such work shall be carried out without the permission of the concerned competent authority and adjoining Unitholders, that any loss caused to the common area and facilities by such work then the allottee shall be responsible to cure the same from his/her own source. THE Allottee shall not to throw dirt, rubbish, rags, garbage or other refuse or permit the same to be thrown from the said Unitin compound or any portion walls of the said land or project land and shall abide by rules set out by local authority for garbage disposal. After the execution of the sale deed, the insurance of the Unit shall be thesolediscretion and at the expense of the Unit ownerAC/s. THE Allottee shall not do or permit any act or thing which render any insurance of the said property and the adjoining Units void or voidable or any part thereof or whereby any increase in premium shall become payable in respect of the insurance by the other Unit holders in the township, That after formation of association of allottee the insurance of project including the title of land and real estate construction shall be taken by the association of allottee and promoter shall Service space would not be responsible for the same. That the Allottee has understood that the common amenities like gardens, common roads, drainage, sewers, water pipe lines, street light, Borewell,whatever as decided in specification shall be the common property and shall be available for common use by all the Allottee/s of the Units in the said project. The Allottees of the Units in the said project and the different common organization will have unrestricted right of way in common spaces, gardens, roads and in project for laying of pipelines, telephone and electric cables, sewerage and drainage line etc.whatever as decided in specification THE Allottee shall use community spaces i.e. common spaces, services in the project as per stipulated terms, condition, rules and regulations framed for the purpose by the ‘PROMOTERS’ or maintenance society/Company. The common area of the project shall not be permitted to be used for conducting personal functions like marriage, parties etc. THE Allottee shall from the date of Possession/ Deemed possession maintain the said Unit and carry out all internal up keep & repairs therein, at its own cost, so as to keep the said Unit in good tenantable state and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything, in or to the neighboring areas or any part of the township or the project, staircase or common passage, infrastructure facilities/amenities, which may be against the rules, regulations and byelaws of the society/Company or concerned local authority and/or public authorities and/or the ‘PROMOTERS’. The Allottee hereby agrees to abide by all the terms & conditions of the application for allotment and this letter of Allotment and the applicable laws and to indemnify and to keep indemnified ‘PROMOTERS’ for any such act that result in the loss owing to any contravention or non-compliance of any of the provisions of the application for allotment and this agreement. THE Allottee shall take electricity and water connections from the various agencies in this respect. The ‘PROMOTERS’ will provide all necessary co-ordination in availing such permanent electricity connection and till the time the permanent electricity connection shall be issued by the Electricity Board or other concern authority, Allottee agrees to avail electricity facility through temporary connection from concern electricity providing company or ‘PROMOTERS’. It is further agreed that the Allottee shall pay all such charges, Fees, penalties & interest for such electricity connection, as may be levied by the authority giving the connection. Charges are detailed as per Clause 1 of this Agreement. The Allottee or the society/company/body formed by the Allottee shall not object or place any hindrance to the other Unit owners. ALL charges including proportionate charges payable to various department for obtaining service connections to the said Unit like electricity, telephone, piped gas, Wateretcdemolished., including security deposits for sanction and release of such connection as well as informal charges pertaining thereto will be payable by the allottee to the provider of these services directly, as no amount is received by the promoter from the allottee in this regard.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement for Assignment

GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH RESPECT TO THE UNIT. As discussed Subject to Clause 12 above, the Allottee shall, after taking possession, be solely responsible to maintain the Unitat his/her Commercial Space and the Car Parking Space at the Allottes’s own cost, in good repair and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything inthe Unitin or to the Commercial Space and the Car Parking Space, or the staircases, lifts, common passages, corridors, circulation areas, atrium or the compound which may be in violation of any laws or rules of any authority or change or after alter or make additions to the Unit Commercial Space and the Car Parking Space and keep the Commercial Space, its walls and partitions, sewers, drains, pipe and appurtenances thereto or belonging thereto, in good and tenantable repair and maintain the same in a fit and proper condition and ensure that the support, shelter etc. of the building is not in any way damaged or jeopardized. The Allottee further undertakes, assures and guarantees that he/she the Allottee would not put any sign-board/board / name-plate, neon light, publicity material or advertisement material etc. on the face/face / facade of the Building building or anywhere on the exterior of the Project, buildings therein or the Commercial Common Areas. Further, The Allottees shall also not change the colour scheme of the outer walls or painting of the exterior side of the windows or carry out any change in the exterior elevation or design. Further the Allottee shall not store any hazardous or combustible goods in the Unit Commercial Space and the Car Parking Space or place any heavy material in the common passages or staircase of the Buildingbuilding. The Allottee shall also not remove any wall, including the outer or load- and load bearing wall of the Unit / Colony / BoundaryCommercial Space. The Allottee shall plan and distribute its electrical load in conformity with the electrical systems installed by the Promoter Owner and thereafter the association of allottees and/ormaintenanceagencyappointedbyassociationofallottees.TheAllotteeshallberespon sible and/or maintenance agency appointed by association of allottees. The Allottee shall be responsible for any loss or damages arising out of breach of any of the previously mentioned aforesaid conditions. That the Allottee shall not use or allow using the Unit for any non-residential purpose or any activity that may cause nuisance to other owners/occupants inthe building/project. The Unit shall be intended for personal use as residence by such person. The Allottee further specifically agrees and confirm that he shall not store any goods of hazardous or combustible nature or prohibited goods and/or which can cause damage to the construction or structure of the building. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not display any name, address, and signboard and/or advertisement material on the external façade of the structure except the name of the Unit owner as per the signage guidelines provided by the PROMOTERS. AFTER the possession of the premises is handed over to the Allottee, any additions or alterations in or about or relating to the said Unitshall be carried out by the Allottee in co-operation with the Allottees of the other Unit in the said township at his own costs and the ‘PROMOTERS’ shall not in any manner be liable or responsible for the same and for any damage caused to the unit. No such work shall be carried out without the permission of the concerned competent authority and adjoining Unitholders, that any loss caused to the common area and facilities by such work then the allottee shall be responsible to cure the same from his/her own source. THE Allottee shall not to throw dirt, rubbish, rags, garbage or other refuse or permit the same to be thrown from the said Unitin compound or any portion of the said land or project land and shall abide by rules set out by local authority for garbage disposal. After the execution of the sale deed, the insurance of the Unit shall be thesolediscretion and at the expense of the Unit owner/s. THE Allottee shall not do or permit any act or thing which render any insurance of the said property and the adjoining Units void or voidable or any part thereof or whereby any increase in premium shall become payable in respect of the insurance by the other Unit holders in the township, That after formation of association of allottee the insurance of project including the title of land and real estate construction shall be taken by the association of allottee and promoter shall not be responsible for the same. That the Allottee has understood that the common amenities like gardens, common roads, drainage, sewers, water pipe lines, street light, Borewell,whatever Project is a green building with certified rating as decided in specification Gold and the norms governing the maintenance and usage of such green building shall have to be compulsorily adhered to and/or complied with as more fully mentioned under Schedule I hereunder written and the common property Allottee hereby agree and shall be available for common use by all the Allottee/s of the Units in confirm to comply with the said project. The Allottees of the Units in the said project and the different common organization will have unrestricted right of way in common spaces, gardens, roads and in project for laying of pipelines, telephone and electric cables, sewerage and drainage line etc.whatever as decided in specification THE Allottee shall use community spaces i.e. common spaces, services in the project as per stipulated terms, condition, rules and regulations framed for the purpose by the ‘PROMOTERS’ norms and/or guidelines without any demur or maintenance society/Company. The common area of the project shall not be permitted to be used for conducting personal functions like marriage, parties etc. THE Allottee shall from the date of Possession/ Deemed possession maintain the said Unit and carry out all internal up keep & repairs therein, at its own cost, so as to keep the said Unit in good tenantable state and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything, in or to the neighboring areas or any part of the township or the project, staircase or common passage, infrastructure facilities/amenities, which may be against the rules, regulations and byelaws of the society/Company or concerned local authority and/or public authorities and/or the ‘PROMOTERS’. The Allottee hereby agrees to abide by all the terms & conditions of the application for allotment and this letter of Allotment and the applicable laws and to indemnify and to keep indemnified ‘PROMOTERS’ for any such act that result in the loss owing to any contravention or non-compliance protest of any of the provisions of the application for allotment and this agreement. THE Allottee shall take electricity and water connections from the various agencies in this respect. The ‘PROMOTERS’ will provide all necessary co-ordination in availing such permanent electricity connection and till the time the permanent electricity connection shall be issued by the Electricity Board or other concern authority, Allottee agrees to avail electricity facility through temporary connection from concern electricity providing company or ‘PROMOTERS’. It is further agreed that the Allottee shall pay all such charges, Fees, penalties & interest for such electricity connection, as may be levied by the authority giving the connection. Charges are detailed as per Clause 1 of this Agreement. The Allottee or the society/company/body formed by the Allottee shall not object or place any hindrance to the other Unit owners. ALL charges including proportionate charges payable to various department for obtaining service connections to the said Unit like electricity, telephone, piped gas, Wateretcnature whatsoever., including security deposits for sanction and release of such connection as well as informal charges pertaining thereto will be payable by the allottee to the provider of these services directly, as no amount is received by the promoter from the allottee in this regard.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement for Sale

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GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH RESPECT TO THE UNIT. As discussed above, the The Allottee shall, after taking possession, be solely responsible to maintain the Unitat Unit at his/her own cost, in good repair and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything inthe in or the Building, or the Unit, or the staircases, lifts, common passages, corridors, circulation areas, atrium or the compound which may be in violation of any laws or rules of any authority or change or after or make additions to the Unit and keep the Unit, its walls and partitions, sewers, drains, pipe and appurtenances thereto or belonging thereto, in good and tenantable repair and maintain the same in a fit and proper condition and ensure that the support, shelter etc. of the Building is not in any way damaged or jeopardized. The Allottee further undertakes, assures and guarantees that he/she would not put any sign-board/name-neon light, publicity material or advertisement material etc. on the face/facade of the Building or anywhere on the exterior of the Project, buildings therein or Common Areas. Further, the Allottee shall not store any hazardous or combustible goods in the Unit or place any heavy material in the common passages or staircase of the Building. The Allottee shall also not remove any wall, Column, beam, including the outer or load- load-bearing wall of the Unit / Colony / Boundary. The Allottee shall plan and distribute its electrical load in conformity with the electrical systems installed by the Promoter and thereafter the association of allottees and/ormaintenanceagencyappointedbyassociationofallottees.TheAllotteeshallberespon sible and/or maintenance agency appointed by association of allottees. The Allottee shall be responsible for any loss or damages arising out of breach of any of the previously mentioned conditions. That the Allottee shall not use or allow using the Unit for any non-residential purpose in contravention to the uses allowed by the competent authority in the sanctioned plan or any activity that may cause nuisance to other owners/occupants inthe in the building/project. The Unit shall be intended for personal use as residence by such person. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not store any goods of hazardous or combustible nature or prohibited goods and/or which can cause damage to the construction or structure of the building. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not display any name, address, and signboard and/or advertisement material on the external façade of the structure except the name of the Unit owner as per the signage guidelines provided by the PROMOTERSPromoter. THE Allottee shall keep the partition walls, sewers, drains, pipes in the said premises and appurtenances thereto, in good tenantable repairs and conditions and shall not chisel or in any manner damage the columns beams walls, stalls, RCC Pardis, carry out retaining walls or other structural alterations in the said Unit /Project/ Common Areas. AFTER the possession of the premises is handed over to the Allottee, any additions or alterations in or about or relating to the said Unitshall Unit shall be carried out by the Allottee in co-operation with the Allottees of the other Unit in the said township project at his own costs and the ‘PROMOTERS’ „Promoter‟ shall not in any manner be liable or responsible for the same and for any damage caused to the unit. No such work shall be carried out without the permission of the concerned competent authority and adjoining Unitholders, that any loss caused to the common area and facilities by such work then the allottee shall be responsible to cure the same from his/her own source. THE Allottee shall not to throw dirt, rubbish, rags, garbage or other refuse or permit the same to be thrown from the said Unitin Unit in compound or any portion of the said land or project land and shall abide by rules set out by local authority for garbage disposal. After the execution of the sale deed, the insurance of the Unit shall be thesolediscretion the sole discretion and at the expense of the Unit owner/s. THE Allottee shall not do or permit any act or thing which render any insurance of the said property and the adjoining Units void or voidable or any part thereof or whereby any increase in premium shall become payable in respect of the insurance by the other Unit holders in the township, That after formation of association of allottee the insurance of project including the title of land and real estate construction shall be taken by the association of allottee and promoter shall not be responsible for the same. That the Allottee has understood that the common area and common amenities like gardens, common roads, drainage, sewers, water pipe lines, street light, Borewell,whatever as decided in specification shall be the common property and shall be available for common use by all the Allottee/s of the Units in the said project. The Allottees of the Units in the said project and the different common organization will have unrestricted right of way in common spaces, gardens, roads and in project spaces for laying of pipelines, telephone and electric cables, sewerage and drainage line etc.whatever as decided in specification etc. THE Allottee shall use community spaces i.e. common spaces, services in the project as per stipulated terms, condition, rules and regulations framed for the purpose by the ‘PROMOTERS’ „Promoter‟ or maintenance society/Company. The common area of the project shall not be permitted to be used for conducting personal functions like marriage, parties etc. THE Allottee shall from the date of Possession/ Deemed possession maintain the said Unit and carry out all internal up keep & repairs therein, at its own cost, so as to keep the said Unit in good tenantable state and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything, in or to the neighboring areas or any part of the township or the project, staircase or common passage, infrastructure facilities/amenities, which may be against the rules, regulations and byelaws of the society/Company or concerned local authority and/or public authorities and/or the ‘PROMOTERS’. „Promoter‟. The Allottee hereby agrees to abide by all the terms & conditions of the application for allotment and this letter of Allotment and the applicable laws and to indemnify and to keep indemnified ‘PROMOTERS’ Promoter for any such act that result in the loss owing to any contravention or non-compliance of any of the provisions of the application for allotment and this agreement. THE Allottee shall take electricity and water connections from the various agencies in this respect. The ‘PROMOTERS’ Promoter will provide all necessary co-ordination coordination in availing such permanent electricity connection and till the time the permanent electricity connection shall be issued by the Electricity Board or other concern authority, Allottee agrees to avail electricity facility through temporary connection from concern electricity providing company or ‘PROMOTERS’Promoter. It is further agreed that the Allottee shall pay all such charges, Fees, penalties & interest for such electricity connection, as may be levied by the authority giving the connection. Charges are detailed as per Clause 1 of this Agreement. The Allottee or the society/company/body formed by the Allottee shall not object or place any hindrance to the other Unit owners. ALL charges including proportionate charges payable to various department for obtaining service connections to the said Unit like electricity, telephone, piped gas, Wateretc.Water connection etc, including security deposits for sanction and release of such connection as well as informal charges pertaining thereto will be payable by the allottee applicant in addition to the provider price of these services directly, as no amount the said Unit. The Allottee hereby agrees to not perform or undertake any activity whether directly or indirectly which is received prohibited by the promoter laws in force. The Allottee agrees that it shall be solely liable for any liability due to any action or inaction with respect to the responsibilities and liabilities arising from this agreement. The Allottee also agrees to keep the allottee Promoter indemnified in this regardcase any liability falls upon the Promoter due to any such action or inaction of the Allottee.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement for Sale

GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH RESPECT TO THE UNIT. As discussed 16.1 Subject to para 12 above, the Allottee shall, after taking possession, be solely responsible to maintain the Unitat Unit at his/her own cost, in good repair and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything inthe in or to the Building, or the Unit, or the staircases, lifts, common passages, corridors, circulation areas, atrium or the compound which may be in violation of any laws or rules of any authority or change or after alter or make additions to the Unit and keep the Unit, its walls and partitions, sewers, drains, pipe and appurtenances thereto or belonging thereto, in good and tenantable repair and maintain the same in a fit and proper condition and ensure that the support, shelter etc. of the Building is not in any way damaged or jeopardized. The Allottee further undertakes, assures and guarantees that he/she would not put any sign-sign- board/name-plate, neon light, publicity material or advertisement material etc. on the face/facade face / façade of the Building or anywhere on the exterior of the Project, buildings therein or Common Areas. Further, The Allottees shall also not change the colour scheme of the outer walls or painting of the exterior side of the windows or carry out any change in the exterior elevation or design. Further the Allottee shall not store any hazardous or combustible goods in the Unit Apartment or place any heavy material in the common passages or staircase of the Building/Project. The Allottee shall also not remove any wall, including the outer or load- and load bearing wall of the Unit / Colony / Boundary. The Apartment, the Allottee shall plan and distribute its electrical load in conformity with the electrical systems installed by the Promoter and thereafter the association of allottees and/ormaintenanceagencyappointedbyassociationofallottees.TheAllotteeshallberespon sible Association, as the case may be. The Allottee shall be responsible for any loss or damages arising out of breach of any of the previously mentioned aforesaid conditions. That It being clarified and agreed by the Allottee shall Allottees that AC outdoor space to be exclusively be used installation of air- conditioning out door unit/s and not use or allow using the Unit for any non-residential other purpose or any activity that may cause nuisance including but not limited to other owners/occupants inthe building/project. The Unit shall be intended for personal use as residence by such person. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not store any goods the purpose of hazardous or combustible nature or prohibited goods and/or which can cause damage to storage materials and the construction or structure of said space is duly earmarked in the building. The Allottee further agrees that he shall not display any name, address, and signboard and/or advertisement material on the external façade of the structure except the name of the Unit owner as per the signage guidelines plan provided by the PROMOTERS. AFTER the possession of the premises is handed over to the Allottee, any additions or alterations in or about or relating to the said Unitshall be carried out by the Allottee in co-operation with the Allottees of the other Unit in the said township at his own costs and the ‘PROMOTERS’ shall not in any manner be liable or responsible for the same and for any damage caused to the unit. No such work shall be carried out without the permission of the concerned competent authority and adjoining Unitholders, that any loss caused to the common area and facilities by such work then the allottee shall be responsible to cure the same from his/her own source. THE Allottee shall not to throw dirt, rubbish, rags, garbage or other refuse or permit the same to be thrown from the said Unitin compound or any portion of the said land or project land and shall abide by rules set out by local authority for garbage disposal. After the execution of the sale deed, the insurance of the Unit shall be thesolediscretion and at the expense of the Unit owner/s. THE Allottee shall not do or permit any act or thing which render any insurance of the said property and the adjoining Units void or voidable or any part thereof or whereby any increase in premium shall become payable in respect of the insurance by the other Unit holders in the township, That after formation of association of allottee the insurance of project including the title of land and real estate construction shall be taken by the association of allottee and promoter shall not be responsible for the same. That the Allottee has understood that the common amenities like gardens, common roads, drainage, sewers, water pipe lines, street light, Borewell,whatever as decided in specification shall be the common property and shall be available for common use by all the Allottee/s of the Units in the said project. The Allottees of the Units in the said project and the different common organization will have unrestricted right of way in common spaces, gardens, roads and in project for laying of pipelines, telephone and electric cables, sewerage and drainage line etc.whatever as decided in specification THE Allottee shall use community spaces i.e. common spaces, services in the project as per stipulated terms, condition, rules and regulations framed for the purpose by the ‘PROMOTERS’ or maintenance society/Company. The common area of the project shall not be permitted to be used for conducting personal functions like marriage, parties etc. THE Allottee shall from the date of Possession/ Deemed possession maintain the said Unit and carry out all internal up keep & repairs therein, at its own cost, so as to keep the said Unit in good tenantable state and condition and shall not do or suffer to be done anything, in or to the neighboring areas or any part of the township or the project, staircase or common passage, infrastructure facilities/amenities, which may be against the rules, regulations and byelaws of the society/Company or concerned local authority and/or public authorities and/or the ‘PROMOTERS’. The Allottee hereby agrees to abide by all the terms & conditions of the application for allotment and this letter of Allotment and the applicable laws and to indemnify and to keep indemnified ‘PROMOTERS’ for any such act that result in the loss owing to any contravention or non-compliance of any of the provisions of the application for allotment and this agreement. THE Allottee shall take electricity and water connections from the various agencies in this respect. The ‘PROMOTERS’ will provide all necessary co-ordination in availing such permanent electricity connection and till the time the permanent electricity connection shall be issued by the Electricity Board or other concern authority, Allottee agrees to avail electricity facility through temporary connection from concern electricity providing company or ‘PROMOTERS’. It is further agreed that the Allottee shall pay all such charges, Fees, penalties & interest for such electricity connection, as may be levied by the authority giving the connection. Charges are detailed as per Clause 1 of this Agreement. The Allottee or the society/company/body formed by the Allottee shall not object or place any hindrance to the other Unit owners. ALL charges including proportionate charges payable to various department for obtaining service connections to the said Unit like electricity, telephone, piped gas, WateretcPromoter., including security deposits for sanction and release of such connection as well as informal charges pertaining thereto will be payable by the allottee to the provider of these services directly, as no amount is received by the promoter from the allottee in this regard.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement for Sale

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