Credit Line If your application is approved by us, this agreement will constitute a revolving line of credit for an amount which will be the credit line under your Account. We will advise you of the amount of your credit line. That amount will be the maximum amount you may have outstanding at any time. You agree not to attempt to obtain more credit than the amount of your credit line. However, if you temporarily exceed your credit line, you agree to repay the excess immediately, even if we have not yet billed you. Obtaining such credit does not increase your credit line and if you exceed your Credit Limit repeatedly, we may suspend your credit privilege under this Agreement. We retain the right to increase or decrease your credit line at any time for any reason. Any increase of reduction on the limit of your credit line will be shown on your monthly statement or by separate notice together with any changes in the applicable minimum monthly payments. Your eligibility for this credit line is determined by our loan policy and may be terminated at our sole discretion, without demand or notice. You may close your credit line at any time by notifying us in writing and returning all Cards cut in half. If you terminate this Agreement or if we terminate or suspend your credit privileges, the provisions of this Agreement and your liability hereunder shall otherwise remain in full force and effect until you have paid us all sums due under this Agreement and returned all Cards.
Amount and Terms of Credit 1.1 Credit Facilities.