General Provisions 18. Obecná ustanovení. 18.1. This Agreement and its Exhibits contain the entire understanding between the Parties and unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, can only be modified by written agreement of the Parties. Titles and headings are inserted in this Agreement for reference purposes only and must not be used to interpret the Agreement. 18. 1. Tato Smlouva a její Přílohy obsahují úplné ujednání mezi Stranami a není-li v této Smlouvě stanoveno jinak, lze ji měnit pouze na základě písemné dohody obou Stran. Názvy a nadpisy jsou vloženy v této Smlouvě pouze pro referenci a nesmí být použity k výkladu znění Smlouvy. 18.2. With the exception of legal notices, all notices under this Agreement shall be in writing, signed by the relevant Party, and delivered personally by courier, recorded delivery posts or e-mail, in each case with written confirmation of delivery or receipt. Legal notices under this Agreement shall be in writing, signed by the relevant Party, and delivered personally by courier or by recorded delivery posts with confirmation of delivery or receipt in writing. Notices shall be addressed as follows: 18.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Clinical Trial Agreement, Clinical Trial Agreement, Clinical Trial Agreement
General Provisions 18. Obecná ustanovení. 18.1. This Agreement and its Exhibits contain the entire understanding between the Parties and unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, can only be modified by written agreement of the Parties. Titles and headings are inserted in this Agreement for reference purposes only and must not be used to interpret the Agreement. 18.
1. Tato Smlouva a její Přílohy obsahují úplné ujednání mezi Stranami a není-li v této Smlouvě stanoveno jinak, lze ji měnit pouze na základě písemné dohody obou Stran. Názvy a nadpisy jsou vloženy v této Smlouvě pouze pro referenci a nesmí být použity k výkladu znění Smlouvy.
18.2. With the exception of legal notices, all notices under this Agreement shall be in writing, signed by the relevant Party, and delivered personally provided by courieremail with subsequent personal delivery, courier delivery or recorded delivery posts or e-mailposts, in each case with written confirmation of delivery or receipt. Legal notices under this Agreement shall be in writing, signed by the relevant Party, and delivered personally by courier or by recorded delivery posts with confirmation of delivery or receipt in writing. Notices shall be addressed as follows: 18.:
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Clinical Trial Agreement
General Provisions 18. Obecná ustanovení. 18.1. This Agreement and its Exhibits contain the entire understanding between the Parties regarding the subject matter herein and unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, can only be modified by written agreement of the Parties. Titles and headings are inserted in this Agreement for reference purposes only and must shall not be used to interpret the Agreement. 18.
1. Tato Smlouva a její Přílohy obsahují úplné ujednání mezi Stranami a není-li v této Smlouvě stanoveno jinak, lze ji měnit pouze na základě písemné dohody obou Stran. Názvy a nadpisy jsou vloženy v této Smlouvě pouze pro referenci a nesmí být použity k výkladu znění Smlouvy.
18.2. With the exception of legal notices, all notices under this Agreement shall be in writing, signed by the relevant Party, and delivered personally by courier, recorded delivery posts by registered or e-certified mail, or e- mail, in each case with written confirmation of delivery or receipt. Legal notices under this Agreement shall be in writing, signed by the relevant Party, and delivered personally by courier or by recorded delivery posts registered or certified mail with confirmation of delivery or receipt in writing. Notices shall be addressed as follows: 18.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Clinical Trial Agreement