E-RATE Authorized users who receive E-rate funding are encouraged to review Universal Service Fund rules and regulations to verify the applicability of this Contract to the E-rate program. NEW YORK STATE RIGHTS OGS Reserved Rights New York State reserves the right to:
Y-Rate The Board of Supervisors may adopt a Y-rate to apply to: (1) an employee who would suffer an actual decrease in salary as a result of action taken by the County, without fault or inability on the part of the employee, or (2) an employee who is changing from one (1) class series to another, as a normal consequent of career development through the County's upward mobility program, and the salary of the class the employee enters in the new class series is less than the salary the employee was receiving in the former class. A Y-rate means a salary rate, for an individual employee, which is greater than the established range for the class.
INDIVIDUAL CASE BASIS PRICING 42.1. Individual Case Basis (ICB) pricing will be provided by Sprint upon request from the CLEC for customer specific rates or terms for network services and features for UNEs that are not otherwise provided for in this Agreement.
BASE PAY RATE The employee's basic hourly rate exclusive of overtime premium, shift premium, stability or any other special allowances.
Accrual Rate Compensatory time for employees will accrue at the rate of one and one-half hours for each one hour of overtime worked.
Regular Rate The regular rate of pay is defined as the employee's prescribed rate per hour, including any applicable shift pay, prison ("P" rate) pay, hazard pay, and on call pay.
PERCENTAGE GOAL The goal for Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) participation in the work to be performed under this contract is 23.7 % of the contract amount.
Pay Rate Sick leave pay shall be at the shift straight-time hourly rate.
Wage Rate The hourly rates for full-time junior and adult apprentices as set out in this agreement shall apply to school based apprentices except that the school based apprentice for pay purposes will be paid a further 25% of hours to the actual hours worked for off the job training.
Reallocation to a Class with a Lower Salary Range Maximum 1. If the employee meets the skills and abilities requirements of the position and chooses to remain in the reallocated position, the employee retains existing appointment status and has the right to be placed on the Employer’s internal layoff list for the classification occupied prior to the reallocation.