HUMAN ORGAN, TISSUE AND CELL TRANS. PLANTS Other transplants or autotransplants of organs, tissue or cells not included in the foregoing de- tail are excluded. Likewise, in all organ trans- plants, medical or surgical procedures to be per- formed on the donor, being he or she an insured party, to remove the organ to be transplanted to the other person, and the procedures related to the conservation and transfer of the organ, are also excluded. - Litotricia renal. - Ondas de choque para calcificaciones muscu- lotendinosas. Los tratamientos anteriores, en todos los ca- sos, han de ser prescritos por facultativos del Cuadro Médico de la Aseguradora que tengan a su cargo la asistencia del Asegurado, asistencia que ha de estar cubierta por la Póliza.
HUMAN ORGAN, TISSUE AND CELL TRANS. PLANTS Other transplants or autotransplants of organs, tissue or cells not included in the foregoing de- tail are excluded. Likewise, in all organ trans- plants, medical or surgical procedures to be per- formed on the donor, being he or she an insured party, to remove the organ to be transplanted to the other person, and the procedures related to the conservation and transfer of the organ, are also excluded.