Improved Production Bonus Sample Clauses

Improved Production Bonus. Global will provide to Lodemo an incentive for increased oil production from the Project. Twenty percent (20%) of all oil produced by Global as part of the Project in excess of the projected baseline production shown in Exhibit C (as amended with the mutual consent of the parties from time to time) will be sold to the Joint Venture at the same average cost as other oil sold by Global during any given month for exclusive use as feedstock to the Joint Venture.
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Related to Improved Production Bonus

  • Sales Milestone Payments Licensee shall notify MTI of any Calendar Year in which annual Net Sales of a Licensed Product in such Calendar Year in all countries in the Territory reach the following thresholds for the first time within [***] days after the end of such Calendar Year, and shall make the following sales milestone payments to MTI within [***] days after receiving an invoice from MTI therefor: Annual Net Sales Threshold Sales Milestone Payment [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] Each sales milestone payment is separate and may only be earned once for each Licensed Product, irrespective of the number of times such thresholds are achieved for such Licensed Product, but if more than one Net Sales threshold is reached in the same Calendar Year, all corresponding sales milestone payments shall be payable during such Calendar Year. For example, if annual Net Sales of a Licensed Product first reach [***] dollars [***] in Calendar Year 1, [***] dollars [***] shall be payable to MTI for such Calendar Year 1, however, if annual Net Sales of a Licensed Product first reach [***] dollars ($500,000,000) in Calendar Year 2 [***] Portions of this exhibit have been redacted pursuant to a confidential treatment request. An unredacted version of this exhibit has been filed separately with the Commission. (without first reaching [***] dollars [***] in Calendar Year 1), then both the [***] dollars [***] and the [***] dollars [***] sales milestone payments would be payable to MTI for such Calendar Year 2. Net Sales of the Co-Exploited Product in the United States, which are subject to profit and loss sharing pursuant to the Co-Exploitation Terms, shall be excluded from the annual Net Sales of such Co-Exploited Product for purposes of this Section 7.10.

  • Development Milestone Payments In partial consideration for the rights and licenses granted to Coya hereunder, within ten days after the first achievement of each milestone event in a given Indication set forth in this Section 5.2 (Development Milestone Payments) with respect to a Product (each, a “Development Milestone Event”) by or on behalf of Coya or any of its Affiliates or Sublicensees, Coya shall provide ARScience Bio written notice to ARScience Bio identifying the Development Milestone Event achieved. Upon receipt of any such notice of first achievement of a Development Milestone Event by Coya or its Affiliates or Sublicensees, ARScience Bio will promptly invoice Coya for the applicable Development Milestone Event and Coya will make a milestone payment to ARScience Bio in the amount set forth in this Section 5.2 (Development Milestone Payments) corresponding to such Development Milestone Event (each, a “Development Milestone Payment”) within 45 days of receipt of such invoice. On an Indication-by-Indication basis, each Development Milestone Payment shall be payable only upon the first achievement of the corresponding Development Milestone Event by a Product, in any given Indication for which the Development Milestone Events have not been previously achieved (each such Indication, a “New Indication”). No amounts shall be due for subsequent or repeated achievements of such Development Milestone Event with respect to the same or different Mono Product or Combination Product, as applicable, in such Indication. Accordingly and for clarity, the Development Milestone Payment shall be paid only once, when first achieved by Coya, an Affiliate or a Sublicensee, but no payment shall be due if the same milestone is subsequently achieved by one of Coya, an Affiliate or a Sublicensee. For clarity, the amounts owed in Column (a) below shall be due for the first Combination Product to achieve the Development Milestone Events in a New Indication and the amounts owned in Column (c) below shall be due for the first Mono Product to achieve the Development Milestone Events in a New Indication. Any Combination Product or Mono Product to achieve the Development Milestone Events in a New Indication after the first achievement of the Development Milestone Events as described in the foregoing sentence will cause the amounts in Column (b) with respect to a Combination Product and Column (d) with respect to a Mono Product to be due and payable by Coya upon each such occurrence. If the first Product to achieve a Development Milestone Event in any Indication is a Combination Product, the amounts in Column (a) below shall be due and payable by Coya. If the next Product to achieve a Development Milestone Event in a New Indication is a Mono Product, the amounts in Column (c) below would be due and payable by Coya; provided, that if such next Product to achieve a Development Milestone Event in a New Indication is a Combination Product, the amounts in Column (b) would be due and payable by Coya. By way of example, if a Combination Product achieves IND Acceptance in ALS, and is the first Product to achieve a Development Milestone Event under this Agreement, [***] will be due and payable by Coya. If subsequently a Mono Product achieves IND Acceptance in ALS, no Development Milestone Payments will be due and payable by Coya under this Agreement. However, if subsequently any Combination Product achieves IND Acceptance in Alzheimer’s disease, [***] would be due and payable by Coya.

  • Royalty Rates Within [***] ([***]) [***] after the end of each calendar quarter, commencing with the calendar quarter during which the First Commercial Sale of a Licensed Product is made anywhere in the Territory and during the applicable Royalty Term, Hansoh shall make royalty payments to Viela based on Net Sales of all Licensed Products sold in the Territory in accordance with the table below. Within [***] ([***]) [***] after the end of each calendar quarter during the Term, Hansoh shall provide to Viela a report that contains the following information for the applicable calendar quarter, on a region-by-region basis: (i) the amount of Net Sales of such Licensed Product, (ii) a calculation of the royalty payment due on such Net Sales, including any royalty reduction made in accordance with Section 5.4(d), and (iii) the exchange rate used for converting any Net Sales recorded in a currency other than Dollars. In the case that the annualized royalty rate during a particular calendar year is more than that set forth in the table below, the corresponding overpayment received by Viela shall be credited to Hansoh against subsequent royalty payments; and in the case that the annualized royalty rate during a particular calendar year is less than that set forth in the table below, Hansoh shall pay the difference within [***] ([***]) [***] after receipt of Viela’s invoice. Threshold of the Net Sales of all Licensed Products Royalty % [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [*] = CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED BY BRACKETS, HAS BEEN OMITTED BECAUSE THE INFORMATION (I) IS NOT MATERIAL AND (II) WOULD BE COMPETITIVELY HARMFUL IF PUBLICLY DISCLOSED.

  • Sales Milestones As to each of the sales milestone events set forth below, GSK shall pay EPIZYME the non-refundable, non-creditable sales milestone payments indicated below upon the first achievement by GSK, its Affiliates or Sublicensees of the success milestone events set forth below with respect to each Selected Target, on a Selected Target-by-Selected Target basis. Sales Milestone Event (For Licensed Products directed to a Selected Target) Milestone Payment (in $ [**]) First Calendar Year in which aggregate world-wide Net Sales of Licensed Product(s) directed to such Selected Target are greater than or equal to $[**] [** ] First Calendar Year in which aggregate world-wide Net Sales of Licensed Product(s) directed to such Selected Target are greater than or equal to $[**] [** ] First Calendar Year in which aggregate world-wide Net Sales of Licensed Product(s) directed to such Selected Target are greater than or equal to $[**] [** ] Upon achievement by or on behalf of GSK, its Affiliates or Sublicensees of a sales milestone event set forth in this Section 6.7, GSK shall promptly (but in no event later than the date on which the royalty report for the Calendar Quarter in which such achievement occurs is due pursuant to Section 6.10.1) notify EPIZYME of such achievement, and GSK shall pay EPIZYME the corresponding sales milestone payment within [**] days after receipt of an invoice for the milestone payment from EPIZYME. Such invoice shall be sent to GSK’s Alliance Manager and [**] with a copy to [**] (or such other email address(es) as may be notified to EPIZYME by GSK). For the avoidance of doubt, more than one of the foregoing sales milestone payments may be earned and become payable with respect to Licensed Products directed to any given Selected Target in the same Calendar Year based on aggregate world-wide Net Sales of Licensed Product(s) directed to such Selected Target during such Calendar Year.

  • Net Sales The term “

  • Production Work Except as agreed to in writing by the Parties pursuant to the "Production Work" section of the Standard Online Commerce Terms & Conditions attached hereto as Exhibit F, MP will be responsible for all production work associated with the Affiliated MP Site, including all related costs and expenses.

  • Development Costs With respect to activities prior to the Amendment Effective Date, each Party was to pay [*] of the total Direct Development Costs of a Product incurred in accordance with the Development Budget (as defined in the Original Agreement). Notwithstanding anything in this Article 6 of this Agreement or in any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, with respect to activities on and after the Amendment Effective Date, subject to Sections 3.1.2, Alimera will be solely responsible for, and shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of, all development costs of a Product, including Direct Development Costs. Notwithstanding anything in this Article 6 of this Agreement or in any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, (i) all payments owing by CDS hereunder with respect to development activities prior to the Amendment Effective Date are hereby deemed fully paid by CDS (or waived, to the extent such waiver may be required), including any Development Payments, Compounded Development Payments, Determined Disputed Costs and Compounded Disputed Costs (as all defined in the Original Agreement), further including any penalties and interest which might have accrued with respect thereto, and further including all CDS payments deferred pursuant to that February 11, 2008 letter agreement sent by CDS and executed by CDS and Alimera regarding deferral of payments under the Original Agreement as of such date; (ii) all payments owing by Alimera hereunder with respect to development activities prior to the Amendment Effective Date are hereby deemed fully paid by Alimera (or waived, to the extent such waiver may be required), including any Development Payments, Compounded Development Payments, Determined Disputed Costs and Compounded Disputed Costs (as all defined in the Original Agreement), and further including any penalties and interest which might have accrued with respect thereto; and (iii) subject to Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, from and after the Amendment Effective Date, CDS will have no liability whatsoever hereunder for any past, present or future development costs, including Direct Development Costs (which includes those incurred before, on and after the Amendment Effective Date), and instead Alimera shall have sole liability therefor.

  • Commercial Milestone Payments Green Cross shall pay to MacroGenics the Net Sales milestone payments set forth below, which shall be due and payable within *** after the end of the first Calendar Year during which such milestone is triggered.

  • Production Royalty The amount of the Royalty shall be determined at the end of each month after the Effective Date. The Royalty shall be determined monthly on the basis such that payments will be determined as of and paid within thirty (30) days after the last day of each month during which Lessee produces any Geothermal Resources. The Royalty rates shall be determined as follows:

  • Development Milestones Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, no later than [**] following the first occurrence of each event described below (each, a “Development Milestone”), on Product-by-Product basis Moderna shall pay Carisma the non-refundable and non-creditable amounts set forth below for each Product to achieve such event (each, a “Development Milestone Payment”): ​ Development MilestoneDevelopment Milestone Payment (in US$ millions) [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] [**] ​ Moderna shall provide written notice to Carisma of the achievement of each Development Milestone within [**] after such achievement. If a Development Milestone for a Product is achieved without the preceding Development Milestone(s) having been achieved for such Product, then the Development Milestone Payment for such preceding Development Milestone(s) shall be paid by Moderna to Carisma together with ​ ​ the Development Milestone Payment for the Development Milestone that was achieved. For example, if the [**] Development Milestone [**] in the table above is achieved for a Product but the [**] Development Milestone [**] in the table above had not been achieved for such Product, then Moderna would pay the Development Milestone Payment for both such [**] Development Milestone and [**] Development Milestone upon achievement of the [**] Development Milestone. Each of the Development Milestone Payments set forth above shall be payable one time only per Product. If Moderna or its Affiliates or Sublicensees Develops a Product that has achieved at least one Development Milestone and subsequently discontinues Development of such Product and Develops a different Product incorporating or directed to the same combination of Collaboration Targets (whether one Collaboration Target or multiple Collaboration Targets), then Moderna shall be required to pay Development Milestone Payments for such different Product only for Development Milestones that had not been achieved by such discontinued Product.

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