Incorporation of Preamble Sample Clauses

Incorporation of Preamble. The preamble of this Agreement set forth above is true and correct and is incorporated herein by this reference as if fully set forth below.
Incorporation of Preamble. 1.1. The parties affirm that all of the matters set forth in the preamble are true and correct and hereby incorporate said preamble as a material part of this Agreement.
Incorporation of Preamble. The Preamble shall be incorporated into and become an enforceable part of this surety agreement.
Incorporation of Preamble. The preambles to this Agreement are hereby incorporated into this Agreement and made an integral part of this Agreement by this reference.
Incorporation of Preamble. Recitals and Exhibits. The preamble, recitals and exhibits hereto are hereby incorporated into this Agreement.
Incorporation of Preamble. The statements set forth above are true and accurate. All of statements set forth above are repeated and are incorporated herein by the reference thereto as if each statement were set forth fully herein.
Incorporation of Preamble. The Preamble above is true, correct, and incorporated into this Agreement as if fully set forth herein.
Incorporation of Preamble. 1.1 The Parties hereto agree that the statements contained in the foregoing preamble be and are hereby incorporated into this Agreement as if more fully set forth herein at length.
Incorporation of Preamble. The Preamble of this Agreement is incorporated herein by reference as if set forth in length.
Incorporation of Preamble. The preamble above is true and correct and is incorporated into this Agreement as if fully set forth below. This Agreement shall be considered an interlocal agreement pursuant to the authority given to the County and the City, including the authority found within, but not limited to, Sections 163.01, 163.3171, and 163.3177(6)(h)1.a, Florida Statutes (2003), as well as Chapter 125, Chapter 166 and Chapter 171, Florida Statutes and the Constitution of the State of Florida.