Information Privacy or Security Laws Sample Clauses

Information Privacy or Security Laws. The HIPAA Laws and any other laws concerning the privacy and/or security of personal information, including but not limited to the Xxxxx-Xxxxx-Xxxxxx Act, state data breach notification laws, state health information privacy laws, the Federal Trade Commission Act and state consumer protection laws.
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Information Privacy or Security Laws. Without limiting or qualifying Section 3.07 or any other provision of this Agreement, except as could not be reasonably expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect, each of the Loan Parties and Subsidiaries, and to the knowledge of the Loan Parties, each Managed Entity, is in compliance with Information Privacy or Security Laws, and has taken commercially reasonable steps, consistent with industry standards, to the extent required by Requirements of Law, such that patient, health, protected or personally identifiable information is protected against unauthorized access, use, modification, disclosure or other misuse. None of the Loan Parties or Subsidiaries, or, to the knowledge of the Loan Parties, any Managed Entity, has within the past three (3) years, suffered any breach of unsecured protected health information, received any written notice from the Office for Civil Rights for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or any other Governmental Authority regarding any allegation regarding its failure to comply with Information Privacy or Security Laws, nor made any notification of such a breach or failure to the media or the Secretary of the U.S. 51167637.4 Department of Health and Human Services pursuant to Information Privacy or Security Laws, except as could not reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect. Each of the Loan Parties and Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of the Loan Parties, each Managed Entity, in each case to the extent required by Information Privacy or Security Laws, has undertaken required or reasonable security risk assessments, surveys, audits, inventories, reviews, analyses and/or assessments and remediated any deficiencies identified thereby, and have provided training with respect to compliance with Information Privacy or Security Laws to their “workforce” and, except where failure to do so would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, has entered into a business associate agreement with each third party acting as a “business associate” or “subcontractor” thereto (as such terms are defined in HIPAA).

Related to Information Privacy or Security Laws

  • Third-Party Information; Privacy or Data Protection Laws Each Party acknowledges that it and members of its Group may presently have and, following the Effective Time, may gain access to or possession of confidential or proprietary information of, or personal information relating to, Third Parties (i) that was received under confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements entered into between such Third Parties, on the one hand, and the other Party or members of such Party’s Group, on the other hand, prior to the Effective Time; or (ii) that, as between the two Parties, was originally collected by the other Party or members of such Party’s Group and that may be subject to and protected by privacy, data protection or other applicable Laws. Each Party agrees that it shall hold, protect and use, and shall cause the members of its Group and its and their respective Representatives to hold, protect and use, in strict confidence the confidential and proprietary information of, or personal information relating to, Third Parties in accordance with privacy, data protection or other applicable Laws and the terms of any agreements that were either entered into before the Effective Time or affirmative commitments or representations that were made before the Effective Time by, between or among the other Party or members of the other Party’s Group, on the one hand, and such Third Parties, on the other hand.

  • Data Privacy and Security Laws The Company and its subsidiaries are, and at all prior times were, in material compliance with all applicable state and federal data privacy and security laws and regulations, including without limitation the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (the “HITECH Act”) (collectively, the “Privacy Laws”). To ensure compliance with the Privacy Laws, the Company and its subsidiaries have in place, comply with, and take appropriate steps reasonably designed to ensure compliance in all material respects with their policies and procedures relating to data privacy and security and the collection, storage, use, disclosure, handling, and analysis of Personal Data (the “Policies”). “Personal Data” means (i) a natural person’s name, street address, telephone number, e-mail address, photograph, social security number or tax identification number, driver’s license number, passport number, credit card number, bank information, or customer or account number; (ii) any information which would qualify as “personally identifying information” under the Federal Trade Commission Act, as amended; (iii) Protected Health Information as defined by HIPAA; and (iv) any other piece of information that allows the identification of such natural person, or his or her family, or permits the collection or analysis of any data related to an identified person’s health or sexual orientation. The Company and its subsidiaries have at all times made all disclosures to users or customers required by applicable laws and regulatory rules or requirements, and no disclosure made pursuant to any Policy has, to the knowledge of the Company, been inaccurate or in violation of any applicable laws and regulatory rules or requirements in any material respect. The Company further certifies that neither it nor any subsidiary: (i) has received notice of any actual or potential material liability under or relating to, or actual or potential material violation of, any of the Privacy Laws, and has no knowledge of any event or condition that would reasonably be expected to result in any such notice; (ii) is currently conducting or paying for, in whole or in part, any investigation, remediation or other corrective action pursuant to any Privacy Law; or (iii) is a party to any order, decree, or agreement that imposes any obligation or liability under any Privacy Law.

  • Data Privacy and Security Bank will implement and maintain a written information security program, in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations (including any similar international laws) applicable to Bank, that contains reasonable and appropriate security measures designed to safeguard the personal information of the Funds' shareholders, employees, trustees and/or officers that Bank or any Subcustodian receives, stores, maintains, processes, transmits or otherwise accesses in connection with the provision of services hereunder. In this regard, Bank will establish and maintain policies, procedures, and technical, physical, and administrative safeguards, designed to (i) ensure the security and confidentiality of all personal information and any other confidential information that Bank receives, stores, maintains, processes or otherwise accesses in connection with the provision of services hereunder, (ii) protect against any reasonably foreseeable threats or hazards to the security or integrity of personal information or other confidential information, (iii) protect against unauthorized access to or use of personal information or other confidential information, (iv) maintain reasonable procedures to detect and respond to any internal or external security breaches, and (v) ensure appropriate disposal of personal information or other confidential information. Bank will monitor and review its information security program and revise it, as necessary and in its sole discretion, to ensure it appropriately addresses any applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Bank shall periodically test and review its information security program. Bank shall respond to Customer's reasonable requests for information concerning Bank's information security program and, upon request, Bank will provide a copy of its applicable policies and procedures, or in Bank's discretion, summaries thereof, to Customer, to the extent Bank is able to do so without divulging information Bank reasonably believes to be proprietary or Bank confidential information. Upon reasonable request, Bank shall discuss with Customer the information security program of Bank. Bank also agrees, upon reasonable request, to complete any security questionnaire provided by Customer to the extent Bank is able to do so without divulging sensitive, proprietary, or Bank confidential information and return it in a commercially reasonable period of time (or provide an alternative response that reasonably addresses the points included in the questionnaire). Customer acknowledges that certain information provided by Bank, including internal policies and procedures, may be proprietary to Bank, and agrees to protect the confidentiality of all such materials it receives from Bank. Bank agrees to resolve promptly any applicable control deficiencies that come to its attention that do not meet the standards established by federal and state privacy and data security laws, rules, regulations, and/or generally accepted industry standards related to Bank's information security program. Bank shall: (i) promptly notify Customer of any confirmed unauthorized access to personal information or other confidential information of Customer ("Breach of Security"); (ii) promptly furnish to Customer appropriate details of such Breach of Security and assist Customer in assessing the Breach of Security to the extent it is not privileged information or part of an investigation; (iii) reasonably cooperate with Customer in any litigation and investigation of third parties reasonably deemed necessary by Customer to protect its proprietary and other rights; (iv) use reasonable precautions to prevent a recurrence of a Breach of Security; and (v) take all reasonable and appropriate action to mitigate any potential harm related to a Breach of Security, including any reasonable steps requested by Customer that are practicable for Bank to implement. Nothing in the immediately preceding sentence shall obligate Bank to provide Customer with information regarding any of Bank's other customers or clients that are affected by a Breach of Security, nor shall the immediately preceding sentence limit Bank's ability to take any actions that Bank believes are appropriate to remediate any Breach of Security unless such actions would prejudice or otherwise limit Customer's ability to bring its own claims or actions against third parties related to the Breach of Security. If Bank discovers or becomes aware of a suspected data or security breach that may involve an improper access, use, disclosure, or alteration of personal information or other confidential information of Customer, Bank shall, except to the extent prohibited by Applicable Law or directed otherwise by a governmental authority not to do so, promptly notify Customer that it is investigating a potential breach and keep Customer informed as reasonably practicable of material developments relating to the investigation until Bank either confirms that such a breach has occurred (in which case the first sentence of this paragraph will apply) or confirms that no data or security breach involving personal information or other confidential information of Customer has occurred. For these purposes, "personal information" shall mean (i) an individual's name (first initial and last name or first name and last name), address or telephone number plus (a) social security number, (b) driver's license number, (c) state identification card number, (d) debit or credit card number, (e) financial account 22 number, (f) passport number, or (g) personal identification number or password that would permit access to a person's account or (ii) any combination of the foregoing that would allow a person to log onto or access an individual's account. This provision will survive termination or expiration of the Agreement for so long as Bank or any Subcustodian continues to possess or have access to personal information related to Customer. Notwithstanding the foregoing "personal information" shall not include information that is lawfully obtained from publicly available information, or from federal, state or local government records lawfully made available to the general public.

  • Confidentiality/Protection of Customer Information The Company shall keep confidential and shall not divulge to any party, without the Purchaser's prior written consent, the price paid by the Purchaser for the Mortgage Loans, except to the extent that it is reasonable and necessary for the Company to do so in working with legal counsel, auditors, taxing authorities or other governmental agencies. Each party agrees that it shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the privacy or security of Customer Information and shall maintain appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of Customer Information, including maintaining security measures designed to meet the objectives of the Interagency Guidelines Establishing Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information, 66 Fed. Reg. 8616 (the "Interagency Guidelines"). For purposes of this Section, the term "Customer Information" shall have the meaning assigned to it in the Interagency Guidelines.

  • Privacy and Data Security (a) The parties will keep confidential any information regarding the Trust, Jefferson National, the Variable Accounts and Contract Owners received in connection with providing services and meeting their respective obligations hereunder, except: (a) as necessary to provide the services or otherwise meet their respective obligations under this Agreement; (b) as necessary to comply with applicable law; and (c) information regarding the Trust or Variable Accounts which is otherwise publicly available. The parties will maintain internal safekeeping procedures to safeguard and protect the confidentiality of the data transmitted to another party or its designees or agents in accordance with Section 248.11 of Regulation S-P (17 CFR 248.1—248.30) (“Reg S-P”), and any other applicable federal or state privacy laws and regulations, including without limitation 201 CFR 17.00 et seq. and applicable security breach notification regulations (collectively “Privacy Laws”). Each party shall use such data solely to effect the services contemplated herein, and none of the parties will directly, or indirectly through an affiliate, disclose any non-public personal information protected under Privacy Laws (“Non-public Personal Information”) received from another party to any person that is not an affiliate, designee, service provider, or agent of the receiving party and provided that any such information disclosed to an affiliate, designee, service provider, or agent will be under the same or substantially similar contractual limitations on use and non-disclosure and will comply with all legal requirements. NFD and the Trust will not use information, including Non-public Personal Information, directly or indirectly provided to it by Jefferson National or its designees or agents pursuant to this Agreement for the purpose of marketing to Contract Owners or any other similar purpose, except as may be agreed by the parties hereto. Except for confidential information consisting of Non-public Personal Information, which will be governed in all respects in accordance with the immediately preceding sentence, confidential information does not include information which (i) was publicly known and/or was in the possession of the party receiving confidential information (the “Receiving Party”) from other sources prior to the Receiving Party’s receipt of confidential information from the party disclosing confidential information (the “Disclosing Party”), or (ii) is or becomes publicly available other than as a result of a disclosure by the Receiving Party or its representatives, or (iii) is or becomes available to the Receiving Party on a non-confidential basis from a source (other than the Disclosing Party) which, to the best of the Receiving Party’s knowledge is not prohibited from disclosing such information to the Receiving Party by a legal, contractual or fiduciary obligation to the Disclosing Party, or (iv) describes the annual fees payable to JNSC under this Agreement.

  • Privacy and Security Except as set forth in Schedule 3.26:

  • Privacy of Customer Information Company Customer Information in the possession of the Agent, other than information independently obtained by the Agent and not derived in any manner from or using information obtained under or in connection with this Agreement, is and shall remain confidential and proprietary information of the Companies. Except in accordance with this Section 10.10, the Agent shall not use any Company Customer Information for any purpose, including the marketing of products or services to, or the solicitation of business from, Customers, or disclose any Company Customer Information to any Person, including any of the Agent’s employees, agents or contractors or any third party not affiliated with the Agent. The Agent may use or disclose Company Customer Information only to the extent necessary (i) for examination and audit of the Agent’s activities, books and records by the Agent’s regulatory authorities, (ii) to protect or exercise the Agent’s, the Custodian’s and the Lenders’ rights and privileges or (iii) to carry out the Agent’s, the Custodian’s and the Lenders’ express obligations under this Agreement and the other Facilities Papers (including providing Company Customer Information to Approved Investors), and for no other purpose; provided that the Agent may also use and disclose the Company Customer Information as expressly permitted by the relevant Company in writing, to the extent that such express permission is in accordance with the Privacy Requirements. The Agent shall take commercially reasonable steps to ensure that each Person to which the Agent intends to disclose Company Customer Information, before any such disclosure of information, agrees to keep confidential any such Company Customer Information and to use or disclose such Company Customer Information only to the extent necessary to protect or exercise the Agent’s, the Custodian’s and the Lenders’ rights and privileges, or to carry out the Agent’s, the Custodian’s and the Lenders’ express obligations, under this Agreement and the other Facilities Papers (including providing Company Customer Information to Approved Investors). The Agent agrees to maintain an Information Security Program and to assess, manage and control risks relating to the security and confidentiality of Company Customer Information pursuant to such program in the same manner as the Agent does so in respect of their own customers’ information, and shall implement the standards relating to such risks in the manner set forth in the Interagency Guidelines Establishing Standards for Safeguarding Company Customer Information set forth in 12 CFR Parts 30, 208, 211, 225, 263, 308, 364, 568 and 570. Without limiting the scope of the foregoing sentence, the Agent shall use at least the same physical and other security measures to protect all Company Customer Information in the Agent’s possession or control as the Agent uses for their own customers’ confidential and proprietary information.

  • Definition of Customer Information Any Customer Information will remain the sole and exclusive property of the Trust. “Customer Information” shall mean all non-public, personally identifiable information as defined by Xxxxx-Xxxxx-Xxxxxx Act of 1999, as amended, and its implementing regulations (e.g., SEC Regulation S-P and Federal Reserve Board Regulation P) (collectively, the “GLB Act”).

  • Cybersecurity; Data Protection To the Company’s knowledge, the Company and its subsidiaries’ information technology assets and equipment, computers, systems, networks, hardware, software, websites, applications, and databases (collectively, “IT Systems”) are adequate for, and operate and perform in all material respects as required in connection with the operation of the business of the Company and its subsidiaries as currently conducted, free and clear of all material bugs, errors, defects, Trojan horses, time bombs, malware and other corruptants. The Company and its subsidiaries have implemented and maintained commercially reasonable controls, policies, procedures, and safeguards to maintain and protect their material confidential information and the integrity, continuous operation, redundancy and security of all IT Systems and data (including all personal, personally identifiable, sensitive, confidential or regulated data (collectively, the “Personal Data”)) used in connection with their businesses, and there have been no breaches, violations, outages or unauthorized uses of or accesses to same, except for those that have been remedied without cost or liability or the duty to notify any other person, nor any incidents under internal review or investigations relating to the same, except in each case as would not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect. The Company and its subsidiaries are presently in material compliance with all applicable laws or statutes and all judgments, orders, rules and regulations of any court or arbitrator or governmental or regulatory authority, internal policies and contractual obligations relating to the privacy and security of IT Systems and Personal Data and to the protection of such IT Systems and Personal Data from unauthorized use, access, misappropriation or modification.

  • Privacy Act To protect Customer Information (as defined below) and to comply as may be necessary with the requirements of the Xxxxx-Xxxxx-Xxxxxx Act, the relevant state and federal regulations pursuant thereto and state privacy laws, the parties wish to include the confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations set forth herein.

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