Infringing Content. You may not Post any content that may infringe on or otherwise violate any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual property or proprietary right of any person. Infringement may result from the unauthorized copying, posting, editing, modifying or distributing of any content, including ringtones, graphics, pictures, photographs, logos, software, articles, music, games, or videos. By Posting any content, you represent that you have legal rights to use, distribute and publish such content. Harmful Content. You agree not to Post any content that contains viruses, worms, time bombs or other similar programs that would interfere with or disrupt our provision of services. Removal of Objectionable Content. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove or delete any content that you Post on our service that violates these Terms of Service or is otherwise deemed objectionable by us in our sole discretion. We may delete content that you have downloaded to your personal vault or limit the amount of content that you may download during any given period.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions
Infringing Content. You may not Post post any content that may infringe on or otherwise violate any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual property or proprietary right of any person. Infringement may result from the unauthorized copying, posting, editing, modifying or distributing of any content, including ringtones, graphics, pictures, photographs, logos, software, articles, music, games, or videos. By Posting posting any content, you represent that you have legal rights to use, distribute and publish such content. Harmful Content. You agree not to Post any content that contains viruses, worms, time bombs or other similar programs that would interfere with or disrupt our provision of services. Removal of Objectionable Content. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to remove or delete any content that you Post on our service that violates these Terms of Service or is otherwise deemed objectionable by us in our sole discretion. We may delete content that you have downloaded to your personal vault or limit the amount of content that you may download during any given period.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Terms and Conditions, Telecommunications, Telecommunications