Institutions N Sample Clauses

Institutions N. A N.A (a) Mutual Funds/UTI
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Related to Institutions N

  • Institution and Investigator acknowledge that SPONSOR has no obligation to indemnify or be responsible for any loss, claim, cost (including reasonable attorney fees) or demand if and to the extent such losses, claims or demands arise from any injuries or damages resulting from Institution’s, Investigator’s or the Study Personnel’s negligence, breach of this Agreement, failure to adhere to the Protocol, failure to obtain signed informed consent forms, failure to follow Applicable Law, misuse of the Study Drug, unauthorized warranties, or willful misconduct. This indemnification obligation is without prejudice to the precedence of insurance coverage from compulsory clinical trial insurance. 12.3. Zdravotnické zařízení a zkoušející berou na vědomí, že ZADAVATEL nevyplatí žádné odškodnění ani není odpovědný za žádné ztráty, náklady, spory (včetně přiměřených nákladů na právní pomoc) či nároky v souvislosti s újmou či škodou, ke kterým došlo v důsledku nedbalosti na straně zdravotnického zařízení, zkoušejícího a/nebo členů týmu provádějícího klinické hodnocení a/nebo v důsledku toho, že zdravotnické zařízení, zkoušející a/nebo některý člen týmu provádějícího klinické hodnocení porušili ustanovení této smlouvy, porušili ustanovení protokolu, nenechali subjekt hodnocení podepsat informovaný souhlas, porušili ustanovení platných zákonů, chybným způsobem použili studijní léčivo ZADAVATELe, způsobili škodu úmyslným zaviněním a/nebo poskytli neoprávněné záruky. Touto povinností odškodnění není dotčeno přednostní pojistné krytí z povinného pojištění klinického hodnocení.

  • Institutions Higher education institutions financed either by public or private funding; national, regional and state libraries; academic specialist libraries mainly financed by public funding (excl. project funds); research institutions mainly financed by public funding (excl. project funds); governmental institutions; including any of such above mentioned types of German institutions abroad, and all to be specified in Schedule 2.

  • Administration of the Contributions 1.1. The Bank shall be responsible only for performing those functions specifically set forth in this Agreement and shall not be subject to any other duties or responsibilities to the Donors, including, without limitation, any duties or obligations that might otherwise apply to a fiduciary or trustee under general principles of trust or fiduciary law. Nothing in this Agreement shall be considered a waiver of any privileges or immunities of the IBRD and XXX under their Articles of Agreement or any applicable law, all of which are expressly reserved.

  • FINANCIAL INSTITUTION’S LIABILITY Liability for failure to make transfers. If we do not complete a transfer to or from your account on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, we will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will not be liable, for instance:

  • Institution For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the “Institution” means the institution purchasing goods and services for which a Purchase Order has been lawfully issued to the Vendor.

  • Institution of Legal Actions Any legal actions related to or arising out of this Agreement must be instituted in the District Court of Xxxxxxx County, Kansas or, if federal jurisdiction exists, in the Federal District Court in the District of Kansas.

  • xxx/OpenGovernment/LobbingAtOrangeCounty aspx A lobbying blackout period shall commence upon issuance of the solicitation until the Board selects the Contractor. For procurements that do not require Board approval, the blackout period commences upon solicitation issuance and concludes upon contract award. The County may void any contract where the County Mayor, one or more County Commissioners, or a County staff person has been lobbied in violation of the black-out period restrictions of Ordinance No. 2002-15. • Orange County Protest Procedures xxxx:// px Failure to file a protest with the Manager, Procurement Division by 5:00 PM on the fifth full business day after posting, shall constitute a waiver of bid protest proceedings.

  • GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT The City Manager of the City, or designee, shall be the City’s representative, and shall oversee and approve all services to be performed, coordinate all communications, and review and approve all invoices, under this Agreement.

  • Special Rules Regarding Related Entities and Branches That Are Nonparticipating Financial Institutions If a Finnish Financial Institution, that otherwise meets the requirements described in paragraph 1 of this Article or is described in paragraph 3 or 4 of this Article, has a Related Entity or branch that operates in a jurisdiction that prevents such Related Entity or branch from fulfilling the requirements of a participating FFI or deemed-compliant FFI for purposes of section 1471 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code or has a Related Entity or branch that is treated as a Nonparticipating Financial Institution solely due to the expiration of the transitional rule for limited FFIs and limited branches under relevant U.S. Treasury Regulations, such Finnish Financial Institution shall continue to be in compliance with the terms of this Agreement and shall continue to be treated as a deemed- compliant FFI or exempt beneficial owner, as appropriate, for purposes of section 1471 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, provided that:

  • Determine Whether a Non-U.S. Entity Is a Financial Institution a) Review information maintained for regulatory or customer relationship purposes (including information collected pursuant to AML/KYC Procedures) to determine whether the information indicates that the Account Holder is a Financial Institution.

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