Instream Habitat Complexity. The Permittee will not implement any measures specifically to protect/improve instream habitat complexity under elevated baseline, see section E.3.c.
Instream Habitat Complexity. Large Woody Debris
Instream Habitat Complexity. None proposed.
Instream Habitat Complexity. See E.2.d.
Instream Habitat Complexity. The Permittee will continue existing management practices that protect instream habitat complexity and does not propose additional actions at this time.
Instream Habitat Complexity. Permittee agrees to provide access for addition of large wood enhancement, up to 15 sites, in the Shasta River (Hole-in-the-Ground Section E.3.c.; Figure 5) Time Frame: Within 10 years of ESP issuance.
Instream Habitat Complexity. Provide access for implementation of habitat enhancement projects (LWD for bank stabilization) and alcove improvement as shown on the attached Habitat Improvement Map and as described in Section E.3.c. -Implement beaver Best Management Practices BMPs as described in E.3.c. -Maintain existing cattle exclusion fencing to protect riparian areas. Continue to perform yearly maintenance on existing riparian fencing, crossing and existing alternative stock watering systems as described in E.1.d. -Allow access to assess riparian planting opportunities and techniques that may be effective. Allow access for resulting riparian planting efforts as described in Section E.3.d.1
Instream Habitat Complexity. No instream structures currently exist on Permittee property. E.3.c.
Instream Habitat Complexity. Instream Structures:
Instream Habitat Complexity. -Natural woody debris from existing trees along the banks throughout the property will be left in place for refugia.