Visibility Sample Clauses

Visibility. 1. Unless the Council of Europe requests or agrees otherwise, the Grantee shall take all necessary measures to publicise the fact that the Action has been funded within the framework of a Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe. Information given to the press and to the beneficiaries of the Action, all related publicity material, official notices, reports and publications, shall acknowledge that the Action was carried out with a grant from a Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe and shall display in an appropriate way the Joint Projectsvisual identity (for instructions on use of the Joint Projects’ visual identity, see Appendix IV). 2. In cases where equipment or major items have been purchased using funds provided by the European Union or the Council of Europe, the Grantee shall indicate this clearly on that equipment and those major items (including display of the European Union and Council of Europe’s logos), provided that such actions do not jeopardise the safety and security of the Grantee’s staff. 3. The acknowledgement and Joint Projects’ visual identity shall be clearly visible in a manner that will not create any confusion regarding the identification of the Acton as a project of the Grantee and the ownership of the equipment and items by the Grantee. 4. All publications by the Grantee pertaining to the Action that have received funding from a Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe, in whatever form and whatever medium, including the Internet, shall carry the following or a similar disclaimer: “This document has been produced using funds of a Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union or the Council of Europe”. 5. If the equipment purchased with a grant from a Joint Project is not transferred to the local partners of the Grantee or to the final recipient of the Action at the end of the implementation period of this Agreement, the visibility requirements as regards this equipment shall continue to apply between the end of the implementation period of this Agreement and the end of the Joint Project, if the latter lasts longer. 6. All layouts of any communication items prepared by the Grantee are subject to approval with the Contact point within the Council of Europe. 7. The Grantee accepts that the European Union and the Council of Europe...
Visibility. 12.1. Contractor shall follow any instructions given by EFI relating to visibility for the tasks and output under this Contract, including the use of specific disclaimers. 12.2. EFI will as needed provide the Contractor with logos, texts and emblems to be used for visibility. The Contractor may not use any other logos, texts and emblems without EFI’s written approval. 12.3. Contractor may not use the name European Forest Institute, the abbreviation EFI, or the emblem of EFI (the oak leaf with pine needles) without EFI’s written approval.
Visibility. The conspicuity marking shall be considered visible, if at least 80 per cent of the illuminating surface of the marking is visible when viewed by an observer positioned at any point within the observation planes defined below: for rear conspicuity markings (see Annex 11, Figure 1) the observation plane is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle situated 25 m from the extreme end of the vehicle and bounded by: in height, by two horizontal planes 1 m and 3.0 m respectively above the ground, in width, by two vertical planes which form an angle of 15° outwards from the vehicle's median longitudinal plane and which pass through the intersection of the vertical planes parallel to the vehicle's median longitudinal plane delimiting the vehicle's overall width, and the plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle that delimits the end of the vehicle. for side conspicuity markings (see Annex 11, figure 2) the observation plane is parallel to the longitudinal median plane of the vehicles situated 25 m from the extreme outer edge of the vehicle and bounded by: in height, by two horizontal planes 1 m and 3.0 m respectively above the ground, in width, by two vertical planes which form an angle of 15° outwards from a plane perpendicular to the vehicle's longitudinal axis and which pass through the intersection of the vertical planes perpendicular to the vehicle's longitudinal axis delimiting the vehicle's overall length and the extreme outer edge of the vehicle.
Visibility. 8.1. Any document or publication made by the Contractor under this Contract shall include the following disclaimer: “This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union”. 8.2. Information given to the press, all related publicity material, official notices, reports and publications shall acknowledge that the tasks were carried out and the documents produced “with funding by the European Union” and shall display in an appropriate way the European logo (twelve yellow stars on a blue background). 8.3. The Contractor shall furthermore take all other appropriate measures to publicize the fact that the tasks have been commissioned by the European Forest Institute’s EU XXXX Facility, which is funded by the European Union, the Governments of France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Spain and by EFI. 8.4. When the Contractor requires visibility material for a certain task under this Contract, EFI will provide the Contractor with logos, texts and emblems to be used for this purpose. The Contractor may not use any other logos, texts and emblems unless agreed in writing by EFI. 8.5. The Contractor has to obtain EFI‘s prior approval regarding specific publicity material where logos, texts and emblems thus provided by EFI are to be used.
Visibility. 1. Unless the Council of Europe requests or agrees otherwise, the Grantee shall take all necessary measures to publicise the fact that the Action has received funding from the Council of Europe. Information given to the press and to the beneficiaries of the Action, all related publicity material, official notices, reports and publications, shall acknowledge that the Action was carried out "with funding from the Council of Europe" and shall display in an appropriate way the Council of Europe logo. 2. In cases where equipment or major items have been purchased using funds provided by the Council of Europe, the Grantee shall indicate this clearly on that equipment and those major items (including display of the Council of Europe’s logo), provided that such actions do not jeopardise the safety and security of the Grantee’s staff. 3. The acknowledgement and Council of Europe logo shall be clearly visible in a manner that will not create any confusion regarding the identification of the Action as an activity of the Grantee and the ownership of the equipment and items by the Grantee. 4. All publications by the Grantee pertaining to the Action that have received funding from the Council of Europe, in whatever form and whatever medium, including the Internet, shall carry the following or a similar disclaimer: “This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the Council of Europe.”. 5. All layouts of any communication items prepared by the Grantee are subject to approval with the Contact point within the Council of Europe. 6. The Grantee accepts that the Council of Europe may publish in any form and medium, including on its websites, the name and address of the Grantee, the purpose and amount of the funding and, if relevant, the percentage of co-financing.
VisibilityThe contracting beneficiary shall mention the Belgian State as donor or joint donor of this action in general communication related to the action subsidised.
Visibility. 1Where possible and in accordance with UNHCR’s rules, policies and practice, and unless the Donor disagrees or requests otherwise, UNHCR shall take appropriate measures to accord the Donor public visibility to acknowledge the fact that the Project was implemented with the financial support of the Donor. To ensure UNHCR maintains a balanced approach to donor visibility, any measures will be undertaken with consideration to other donors, including donors of unearmarked and softly earmarked contributions.
Visibility. 19.1. Without prejudice to any confidentiality obligation, the Donor is free to publicize its support under this Arrangement through its usual information and communication channels. The Donor also acknowledges that use of the IOM name, abbreviation and emblem is strictly reserved for the official purposes of IOM and protected from unauthorized use by Article 6ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, revised in Stockholm in 1967 (828 UNTS 305 (1972)). 19.2. Unless the Donor requests otherwise, IOM shall take appropriate measures to accord the Donor and its contribution the maximum visibility possible, both locally and internationally, in order to acknowledge the fact that the Project was implemented with the financial support of the Donor.
Visibility. The conspicuity marking shall be considered visible, if at least 70 per cent of the illuminating surface of the installed marking is visible when viewed by an observer positioned at any point within the observation planes defined below:"
VisibilityThe Sponsor will receive visibility on Team Rynkeby's bike wear, website, service cars, etc., as agreed below: The name(s) of the cycling team(s) to be sponsored: The parties agree that the Sponsor will receive visibility as follows: ☐ The Sponsor's logo on the above Team's cycling apparel (applies only to platinum and gold sponsorships – logo to be submitted in .ai or .eps format to Team Rynkeby no later than 11/01/2024). ☐ The Sponsor's logo on Team Rynkeby's website (to be submitted in .jpg or .png format immediately after signing the Agreement) ☐ Link on Team Rynkeby's website to the Sponsor's own website ☐ The Sponsor's logo on the Team's service apparel ☐ The Sponsor's logo on the Team's service cars (the Sponsor must supply the stickers – which can easily be peeled off the cars again.) ☐ Other visibility agreed: Logo files should be emailed to the Team at: