Common use of Instructions and Transactions Clause in Contracts

Instructions and Transactions. You and Your Firm are responsible for all instructions, messages, oral communication, telex, facsimile or other communications (including bids and offers) made through the System associated with Your identity and/or the Security Procedures assigned to You (“Instructions”), and such Instructions shall be binding on You and Your Firm. You transmit Instructions to Citibank at your own risk, and agree that Citibank will not be required to acknowledge receipt of any Instruction prior to processing such Instruction. You will not have a binding Transaction with Citibank until a confirmation of acceptance of that Transaction, including executed exchange rate, is transmitted by Citibank to You. You understand and agree that Citibank will accept and work orders on a best efforts basis. Citibank, in its sole discretion, may refuse to act on any Instruction, and may from time to time restrict trading in certain financial instruments. Citibank may reject, cancel or rescind any Transaction, or amend or vary the terms of any Transaction, in each case executed through the System including but not limited to circumstances in which 1) the Transaction was executed based on erroneous rates or prices, during a period of market volatility and/or constrained liquidity, in contravention or violation of any law or regulation or in circumstances illegal or improper and/or 2) the Confirmation was generated due to System error. Any such rejection, cancellation, rescission, amendment or variation as set out in this section 6 will be communicated to You as soon as reasonably practicable and where the terms of such Transaction have been amended or varied, the confirmation reflecting such amendment or variation shall supersede previous confirmations and constitute the prevailing record of the binding Transaction. Notifications of transactions by SMS or push notification shall not constitute a confirmation. You agree, represent and warrant on a continuing basis that:

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Electronic Access and User Agreement, Electronic Access and User Agreement, Electronic Access and User Agreement

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Instructions and Transactions. You and Your Firm are responsible for all instructions, messages, oral communication, telex, facsimile or other communications (including bids and offers) made through the System associated with Your identity and/or the Security Procedures assigned to You (“Instructions”), and such Instructions shall be binding on You and Your Firm. You transmit Instructions to Citibank at your own risk, and agree that Citibank will not be required to acknowledge receipt of any Instruction prior to processing such Instruction. You will not have a binding Transaction with Citibank until a confirmation of acceptance of that Transaction, including executed exchange rate, is transmitted by Citibank to You. You understand and agree that Citibank will accept and work orders on a best efforts basis. Citibank, in its sole discretion, may refuse to act on any Instruction, and may from time to time restrict trading in certain financial instruments. Citibank may reject, cancel or rescind any Transaction, or amend or vary the terms of any Transaction, in each case executed through the System including but not limited to circumstances in which (1) the Transaction was executed based on erroneous rates or prices, during a period of market volatility and/or constrained liquidity, in contravention or violation of any law or regulation or in circumstances illegal or improper and/or (2) the Confirmation was generated due to System error. Any such rejection, cancellation, rescission, amendment or variation as set out in this section 6 will be communicated to You as soon as reasonably practicable and where the terms of such Transaction have been amended or varied, the confirmation reflecting such amendment or variation shall supersede previous confirmations and constitute the prevailing record of the binding Transaction. Notifications of transactions by SMS or push notification shall not constitute a confirmation. You agree, represent and warrant warrant, as applicable, on a continuing basis that:

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Electronic Access and User Agreement, Electronic Access and User Agreement, Electronic Access and User Agreement

Instructions and Transactions. You and Your Firm are responsible for all instructions, messages, oral communicationcommunications, telex, facsimile facsimilie or other communications (including bids and offers) made through the System associated with Your identity and/or the Security Procedures assigned to You (“Instructions”), and such Instructions shall be binding on You and Your Firm. You transmit Instructions to Citibank at your Your own risk, and agree that Citibank will not be required to acknowledge receipt of any Instruction prior to processing such Instruction. You will not have a binding Transaction with Citibank until a confirmation of acceptance of that Transaction, including executed exchange rate, is transmitted by Citibank to You. You understand and agree that Citibank will accept and work orders on a best efforts basis. Citibank, in its sole discretion, may refuse to act on any Instruction, and may from time to time restrict trading in certain financial instruments. Citibank may reject, cancel or rescind any Transaction, or amend or vary the terms of any Transaction, Transaction in each case executed through the System including but not limited to circumstances in which 1) the Transaction was executed based on erroneous rates or prices, during a period of market volatility and/or constrained liquidity, in contravention or violation of any law or regulation or in circumstances illegal or improper and/or 2) the Confirmation was generated due to System error. Any such rejection, cancellation, rescission, amendment or variation as set out in this section 6 will be communicated to You as soon as reasonably practicable and where the terms of such Transaction have been amended or varied, the confirmation reflecting such amendment or variation shall supersede previous confirmations and constitute the prevailing record of the binding Transaction. Notifications of transactions by SMS or push notification shall not constitute a confirmation. You agree, represent and warrant on a continuing basis that:6.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Access and User Agreement, Access and User Agreement

Instructions and Transactions. You and Your Firm are responsible for all instructions, messages, oral communication, telex, facsimile or other communications (including bids and offers) made through the System associated with Your identity and/or the Security Procedures assigned to You (“Instructions”), and such Instructions shall be binding on You and Your Firm. You transmit Instructions to Citibank at your own risk, and agree 6. Talimatlar ve İşlemler. Kimliğinize ve/veya Size atanan Güvenlik Prosedürlerine bağlı olarak Sistem üzerinden gerçekleştirilen tüm talimat, mesaj, sözlü iletişim, teleks, faks veya diğer iletişim işlemlerinden (alım-satım teklifleri dahil) (“Talimatlar”) Siz ve Firmanız sorumludur ve bu Talimatlar, Siz ve Firmanız için bağlayıcı olacaktır. Talimatları, riski size ait olmak üzere Citibank’a ileteceksiniz ve Citibank’ın herhangi bir Talimatı işleme koymadan that Citibank will not be required to acknowledge receipt of any Instruction prior to processing such Instruction. You will not have a binding Transaction with Citibank until a confirmation of acceptance of that Transaction, including executed exchange rate, is transmitted by Citibank to You. You understand and agree that Citibank will accept and work orders on a best efforts basis. Citibank, in its sole discretion, may refuse to act on any Instruction, and may from time to time restrict trading in certain financial instruments. Citibank may reject, cancel or rescind any Transaction, or amend or vary the terms of any Transaction, in each case executed through the System including but not limited to circumstances in which (1) the Transaction was executed based on erroneous rates or prices, during a period of market volatility and/or constrained liquidity, in contravention or violation of any law or regulation or in circumstances illegal or improper and/or (2) the Confirmation was generated due to System error. Any such rejection, cancellation, rescission, amendment or variation as set out in this section 6 will be communicated to You as soon as reasonably practicable and where the terms of such Transaction have been amended or varied, the confirmation reflecting such amendment or variation shall supersede previous confirmations and constitute the prevailing record of the binding Transaction. Notifications of transactions by SMS or push notification shall not constitute a confirmation. You agree, represent and warrant warrant, as applicable, on a continuing basis that:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Electronic Access and User Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Instructions and Transactions. You and Your Firm are responsible for all instructions, messages, oral communication, telex, facsimile or other communications (including bids and offers) made through the System associated with Your 6. Інструкції та Транзакції. Ви та Ваша фірма несете відповідальність за всі інструкції, повідомлення, усну комунікацію, телеграмні, факсимільні й інші повідомлення (включно з заявами й офертами), зроблені в Системі, identity and/or the Security Procedures assigned to You (“Instructions”), and such Instructions shall be binding on You and Your Firm. You transmit Instructions to Citibank at your own risk, and agree that Citibank will not be required to acknowledge receipt of any Instruction prior to processing such Instruction. You will not have a binding Transaction with Citibank until a confirmation of acceptance of that Transaction, including executed exchange rate, is transmitted by Citibank to You. You understand and agree that Citibank will accept and work orders on a best efforts basis. Citibank, in its sole discretion, may refuse to act on any Instruction, and may from time to time restrict trading in certain financial instruments. Citibank may reject, cancel or rescind any Transaction, or amend or vary the terms of any Transaction, in each case executed through the System including but not limited to circumstances in which (1) the Transaction was executed based on erroneous rates or prices, during a period of market volatility and/or constrained liquidity, in contravention or violation of any law or regulation or in circumstances illegal or improper and/or (2) the Confirmation was generated due to System error. Any such rejection, cancellation, rescission, amendment or variation as set out in this section 6 will be communicated to You as soon as reasonably practicable and where the terms of such Transaction have been amended or varied, the confirmation reflecting such amendment or variation shall supersede previous confirmations and constitute the prevailing record of the binding Transaction. Notifications of transactions by SMS or push notification shall not constitute a confirmation. You agree, represent and warrant warrant, as applicable, on a continuing basis that: пов’язані з Вашою особою та (або) Процедурами з безпеки, призначеними Вам (далі — «Інструкції»), і такі Інструкції є обов’язковими для Вас і Вашої фірми. Ви передаєте Інструкції до Citibank на власний ризик і погоджуєтеся, що Citibank не буде зобов’язаний підтверджувати отримання будь- яких Інструкцій перед обробкою таких Інструкцій. Транзакція, направлена в Citibank, не має обов’язкової сили, допоки Citibank не передасть Вам підтвердження про прийняття такої Транзакції, в тому числі, курс обміну валюти. Ви розумієте та погоджуєтеся з тим, що Citibank прийматиме та виконуватиме інструкції, докладаючи максимальних зусиль. Citibank на власний розсуд може відмовитися від будь-яких Інструкцій і час від часу обмежувати торгівлю певними фінансовими інструментами. Citibank може відхиляти, скасовувати або анулювати будь- яку Транзакцію, або змінювати умови будь-якої Транзакції, в кожному випадку виконуваної в Системі, в тому числі, але не обмежуючись, в обставинах, коли: (1) Транзакція була виконана на підставі помилкових курсів або цін, протягом періоду ринкових коливань та (або) обмеженої ліквідності, всупереч або через порушення будь- якого закону чи нормативного акту, або в обставинах незаконного чи неналежного виконання; (2) Підтвердження було створено через помилку в Системі. Будь-яке таке відхилення, скасування, анулювання або змінення, викладені в цьому Розділі 6, будуть повідомлені Вам якнайшвидше, й якщо умови такої Транзакції були виправлені або змінені, підтвердження, що відображає таку зміну, заміняє попередні підтвердження й являє собою переважну реєстрацію обов’язкової Транзакції. Повідомлення про транзакції за допомогою СМС або push-сповіщень не є підтвердженням. Ви погоджуєтеся, запевняєте та гарантуєте (залежно від обставин), що:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Electronic Access and User Agreement

Instructions and Transactions. You and Your Firm are responsible for all instructions, messages, oral communication, telex, facsimile or other communications (including bids and offers) made through the System associated with Your identity and/or the Security Procedures assigned to You (“Instructions”), and such Instructions shall be binding on You and Your Firm. You transmit Instructions to Citibank at your own risk, and agree that Citibank will not be required to 6. Instrucciones y Transacciones. Usted y Su Firma serán responsables de todas las instrucciones, mensajes, comunicaciones orales, por télex, fax u otras comunicaciones (incluidas licitaciones y ofertas) realizadas a través del Sistema asociadas con Su identidad y/o los Procedimientos de Seguridad asignados a Usted (“Instrucciones”), y dichas Instrucciones serán vinculantes para Usted y Su Firma. Usted transmitirá Instrucciones a Citibank a su propio acknowledge receipt of any Instruction prior to processing such Instruction. You will not have a binding Transaction with Citibank until a confirmation of acceptance of that Transaction, including executed exchange rate, is transmitted by Citibank to You. You understand and agree that Citibank will accept and work orders on a best efforts basis. Citibank, in its sole discretion, may refuse to act on any Instruction, and may from time to time restrict trading in certain financial instruments. Citibank may reject, cancel or rescind any Transaction, or amend or vary the terms of any Transaction, in each case executed through the System including but not limited to circumstances in which (1) the Transaction was executed based on erroneous rates or prices, during a period of market volatility and/or constrained liquidity, in contravention or violation of any law or regulation or in circumstances illegal or improper and/or (2) the Confirmation was generated due to System error. Any such rejection, cancellation, rescission, amendment or variation as set out in this section 6 will be communicated to You as soon as reasonably practicable and where the terms of such Transaction have been amended or varied, the confirmation reflecting such amendment or variation shall supersede previous confirmations and constitute the prevailing record of the binding Transaction. Notifications of transactions by SMS or push notification shall not constitute a confirmation. You agree, represent and warrant warrant, as applicable, on a continuing basis that: riesgo y acepta que Citibank no tendrá que acusar recibo de ninguna Instrucción antes de procesar dicha Instrucción. Usted no realizará una Transacción vinculante con Citibank hasta que Citibank le transmita a Usted una confirmación de aceptación de dicha Transacción, incluida la xxxx xx xxxxxx aplicada. Usted comprende y acepta que Citibank aceptará y trabajará en los pedidos de la mejor manera posible. Citibank, a su entera discreción, podrá negarse a actuar bajo cualquier Instrucción, y podrá, ocasionalmente, restringir la negociación de ciertos instrumentos financieros. Citibank podrá rechazar, cancelar o rescindir cualquier Transacción, o enmendar o modificar los términos de cualquier Transacción, en cada caso ejecutados a través del Sistema, lo que incluye, entre otros, circunstancias en las que (1) la Transacción se haya ejecutado en función de tasas o precios erróneos, durante un período de volatilidad del xxxxxxx y/o liquidez restringida, en contravención o violación de cualquier ley o regulación, o en circunstancias ilegales o inapropiadas, y/o (2) la Confirmación se haya generado debido a un error del Sistema. Cualquier rechazo, cancelación, rescisión, enmienda o variación tal como se establece en esta sección 6 se le comunicará a Usted tan pronto como sea razonablemente posible y, en el caso de que los términos de dicha Transacción hayan sido enmendados o modificados, la confirmación que refleje dicha enmienda o modificación sustituirá las confirmaciones anteriores y constituirá el registro prevaleciente de la Transacción vinculante. Las notificaciones de transacciones por SMS o notificación push no constituirán una confirmación. Usted acepta, declara y garantiza, según corresponda, de manera continua que:

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Electronic Access and User Agreement

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