Promotions and Transfers Sample Clauses
Promotions and Transfers. A. An Employee who is transferred or promoted from one bargaining unit whose contract contains this provision, to another bargaining unit whose contract also contains this provision shall be placed on provisional status for six (6) months. During the six (6) months provisional period, the Employee if unable to perform the work may be returned by the Employer to such Employee's previous position, if available, or to such Employee's previous classification, if a suitable vacancy exists. If the Employee's previous position is not available, and if there is no suitable vacancy in the previous classification, the Employee shall have the opportunity to exercise the lay off provision in the Contract.
X. Xxxxxxxxx and arbitration procedures are available to provisional Employees; however, a provisional Employee's removal from the new classification during the provisional period for inability to perform the work and immediate or pending return to the previous position or classification under Section A. of this Article shall not be subject to grievance or arbitration. An Employee who is discharged for just cause during the provisional period may grieve the discharge.
C. A transfer or promotion between bargaining units whose contracts contain this provision shall not interrupt University service.
D. A provisional Employee who is returned or elects to return within one (1) year to such Employee's previous classification shall return with the same status as such Employee had when the transfer was initiated. The Employee shall be returned to the same step or relative position on the salary schedule as before the promotion or transfer. Such Employee shall be credited with the service (seniority) the Employee accumulated in the position to which she/he was transferred or promoted.
E. Employees transferred or promoted shall receive the benefits of the new position while they are in that position. If an Employee who has earned vacation is transferred or promoted to a classification which does not have vacation, the Employee shall either use the vacation prior to the transfer or promotion or shall be paid for any accrued vacation.
F. Employees who request a transfer which results in a voluntary downgrade will be placed in the same step or relative position in the new salary grade as they held in the higher grade.
Promotions and Transfers. (1) In promotions to jobs within the scope of the Bargaining Unit, the applicant who possesses the required qualifications and has applied for the job shall be selected. In the event that two or more persons possess the required qualifications, the person with the greatest seniority shall be selected, subject to the right of the Union to grieve any decision which in the opinion of the Union is considered to be unjust.
(2) In cases of applications for a vacant position having the same rate of pay or less than the employee is presently receiving, the application will be considered, providing the senior applicant possesses the required qualifications for the posted position.
(a) In the event that the applicant is accepted for the position, he will remain in the position for a minimum period of one (1) year and will be precluded from applying for any position carrying the same rate of pay or less during the period stipulated herein.
(b) It is understood that this procedure does not preclude the employee from applying for a position which carries a higher rate of pay.
(3) When vacancies occur, or new positions are created in any job classification under the C.U.P.E. Local 368 Collective Agreement or the C.U.P.E. Local 545 Collective Agreement, promotion bulletins thereof outlining the position, salary or wages, shall be posted on the bulletin boards in the yard lunchrooms for a period of five (5) consecutive working days. The successful applicant shall be selected and the name posted not later than five (5) working days after the closing date of posting, provided, however, that temporary appointments of senior qualified available employees may be made to fill said vacancies. Posting for a vacant position, temporarily filled, shall be made within three (3) working days.
(4) All employees who are promoted to another position shall be subject to consecutive appraisal reports, a copy of which shall be given to the employee, at the expiration of thirty (30), sixty (60) and eighty-five (85) day periods, which periods shall be calculated from the date of assumption of the new position. If at the end of ninety (90) days such employee is declared satisfactory by the Department Head, he shall then hold permanent seniority in the job classification. In the event that the employee fails to qualify for the position, he will return to his former position with no loss of seniority and a written explanation will be submitted to the Union.
(a) During the first thirty (30) days,...
Promotions and Transfers. It is the policy of the University to encourage job advancement and promote from within. It is the responsibility of each employee seeking promotion or transfer to provide the Employer with complete information regarding the employee’s skills and qualifications relative to the position sought. The Employer will make the application process, necessary submittals and the essential skills of the vacant position clear to prospective applicants. All employees will be informed of the processes and steps necessary for advancement. This may be done as part of the annual performance evaluation.
Promotions and Transfers. In the case of employees applying for transfers to a different shift within the same classification, the most senior applicant shall be entitled to any available opening. Within thirty (30) working days of any promotion or transfer under this section, the employee may be returned to their former position if they are unable to demonstrate the ability to perform the work or otherwise adequately meet the requirements of the new job or shift. The Employer shall provide notice to the Union at the time any job opening within the bargaining unit becomes available, in accordance with the terms of Article III, Section 4, and shall also notify the Union of any promotion or transfer of employees within the bargaining unit.
Promotions and Transfers. Transfer or promotion to an open or newly created Bargaining Unit position shall be based on ability and qualifications relating to the job description. Those not in the Bargaining Unit will only be considered if there is not a qualified Unit member interested in the position. The Township Civil Service System shall be used to process the applications under this contract provision. However, if less than three applicants, the qualified applicant(s) shall be submitted to the Department Head. Qualifications shall be determined by the Employer, however, among applicants of equal qualification, the applicant with the greater Bargaining Unit seniority shall be given preference. The Employer shall be given ninety (90) calendar days to determine if the employee promoted or transferred can adequately perform the job requirement. The parties can mutually agree to extend the ninety (90) calendar day trial period. If an employee wishes to return to the prior position, he/she may do so within thirty (30) calendar days. In the event an applicant cannot adequately perform in the new position, then he/she shall be returned to their prior position and the Employer shall have the option of calling for the next best qualified employee of those previously certified. Bargaining Unit positions which are open shall be posted in all buildings in which Unit members work. Such posting shall be for a minimum of seven (7) days before written testing and interviewing. When a position is upgraded to a position within the bargaining unit this shall not be considered an open or newly created position. The incumbent shall be reclassified to the upgraded position and will not have to take the Civil Service test for the upgraded position. When a bargaining unit employee is selected to fill a vacant position through a transfer, the Township will complete the process of filling that position within thirty
Promotions and Transfers. (1) On promotions from promotions from a lower rate classification to a higher rated classification, the employee’s wages shall be raised to the next nearest rate in the progression for the classification to which he/she is transferred. The rate of entry into the new classifi- cation becomes the point from which time in the new progression is computed.
(2) On transfers from one (1) classification in a one-step progres- sion to another classification in a one-step progression, the employ- ee shall be raised to the top progression for that classification.
Promotions and Transfers. All vacancies in job classes covered by this Agreement shall be posted in all departments for a period of not less than seven (7) calendar days.
Promotions and Transfers. Section 1 The City reserves and shall have the right to make promotions and transfers primarily on the basis of ability, performance of duty and competitive examinations, but shall be governed by seniority where equal ability, performance of duty, and merit have been demonstrated.
Section 2 All supervisory employees shall be given a reasonable opportunity to learn a new or different job.
Section 3 All vacancies in supervisory employee positions shall be posted for five (5) days in all departments or divisions covered by this Agreement and qualified supervisory employees shall be given the opportunity to apply for these jobs.
Section 4 On competitive examination for promotions or transfers, supervisory employees shall be granted two (2) additional points for each five (5) years of completed service with the City.
Section 5 Any member of the bargaining unit who assumes the duty of their supervisor for more than three (3) consecutive days shall receive an additional 5% increase in their base wage rate for the extended period during which they assume the duty of their supervisor.
Promotions and Transfers. (a) When an opening occurs in a higher paid classification, a notice of the opening shall be posted in the boilerhouse and shall remain posted for ten (10) calendar days.
(b) Applications for openings posted under section 14.01 (a) shall be submitted by the applicant to the company at a location designated by the company from time to time for such purpose.
(c) Selection from applications under section 14.01 (b) shall be made from applicants seeking promotion to higher paid classifications and is to be based primarily upon merit and ability, but when all other things are equal, except in effecting promotions to supervisory positions, preference will be given to employees in any lower paid classification having the greatest seniority, if any, in the classification to which the promotion is to be made, such seniority being calculated as provided in section 13.04. In the event that no employee in a lower paid classification has such seniority, then subject as aforesaid, preference will be given to employees in the next lower paid classification(s) having the greatest seniority calculated as provided under section 13.04.
(a) In the event of demotion, a supervisor who was, at the time he/she was promoted to a supervisory position, employed in the bargaining unit, may, at any time, consistent with his/her accumulated seniority, be transferred to the classification in which he/she was employed at the time of his/her promotion and upon such transfer he/she shall be placed upon the seniority list in accordance with his/her accumulated seniority.
(b) In event of demotion, a supervisor who has never been employed in the bargaining unit may, at any time, consistent with his/her accumulated seniority, be transferred to the stationary engineer classification and upon such transfer he/she shall be placed upon the seniority list in accordance with his/her accumulated seniority.
(c) For the purposes of this section 14.02, accumulated seniority means the seniority to which an employee would be entitled under the provisions of this agreement, calculated:
(i) in the case of an employee transferred under section 14.02 (a), as if all his/her service with the company had been in the bargaining unit, and
(ii) in the case of an employee transferred under section 14.02 (b), as if all his/her service with the company while supervising employees in the bargaining unit had been in the bargaining unit.
14.03 The provisions of section 14.02 (b) above shall not be applicable in the event ...
Promotions and Transfers. (a) All Agency promotional opportunities and vacancies intended to be filled shall be announced through the open job announcements. Such information shall be posted on designated bulletin boards in District Offices and through an all Agency email.
(b) Employees shall apply through the open job announcements. Employees who meet the minimum and any special qualifications for the position, will be interviewed and considered.
(c) The Agency will notify an employee in writing at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance of any non-volitional transfer involving a change in the employee’s official workstation of twenty-five (25) miles or more.