Issuance of Privately Placed Debt. Prior to the issuance of any privately placed Debt, the District shall obtain the certification of an External Financial Advisor substantially as follows: We are [I am] an External Financial Advisor within the meaning of the District’s Service Plan. We [I] certify that (1) the net effective interest rate (calculated as defined in Section 32-1-103(12), C.R.S.) to be borne by [insert the designation of the Debt] does not exceed a reasonable current [tax-exempt] [taxable] interest rate, using criteria deemed appropriate by us [me] and based upon our [my] analysis of comparable high yield securities; and (2) the structure of [insert designation of the Debt], including maturities and early redemption provisions, is reasonable considering the financial circumstances of the District.
Issuance of Privately Placed Debt. Prior to the issuance of any privately placed Debt, the District shall obtain the certification of a Municipal Advisor substantially as follows: We are [I am] a Municipal Advisor within the meaning of the District’s Governing Document. We [I] certify that (1) the net effective interest rate to be borne by [insert the designation of the Debt] does not exceed a reasonable current [tax-exempt] [taxable] interest rate, using criteria deemed appropriate by us [me] and based upon our [my] analysis of comparable high yield securities; and (2) the structure of [insert designation of the Debt], including maturities and early redemption provisions, is reasonable considering the financial circumstances of the District.