LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior. 24 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 (OMB) Circulars A-21, A-122, and A-87; Title 48 CFR Section 31.2; and all 1 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 hereafter amended. 5 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its officers and/or principals are not 7 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs and/or 8 activities. 9 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 the State’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Services Agreement, Service Agreement, Service Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 18 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 19 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 20 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 21 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 22 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 23 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 24 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 25 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 26 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 27 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 28 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 1 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 2 (OMB) Circulars A-21X-00, A-122X-000, and A-87xxx X-00; Title 48 CFR Xxxxx 00 XXX Section 31.2; and all 1 3 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 4 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 5 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 6 hereafter amended.
5 7 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 8 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its officers and/or principals are not 7 9 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs and/or 8 10 activities.
9 11 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 12 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 13 the State’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 14 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 15 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Service Agreement, Services Agreement, Service Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 21 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 22 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 23 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 24 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 25 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 26 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 27 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 28 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 1 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 2 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 3 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 4 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 5 (OMB) Circulars A-21, A-122, and A-87; Title 48 CFR Section 31.2; and all 1 6 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 7 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 8 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 9 hereafter amended.
5 10 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 11 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its officers and/or principals are not 7 12 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs and/or 8 13 activities.
9 14 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 15 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 16 the State’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 17 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 18 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Agreement for the Provision of Services, Services Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 (OMB) Circulars A-21X-00, A-122X-000, and A-87xxx X-00; Title 48 CFR Xxxxx 00 XXX Section 31.2; and all 1 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 hereafter amended.
5 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its officers and/or principals are not 7 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs and/or 8 activities.
9 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 the State’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Services Agreement, Service Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 18 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 19 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 20 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 21 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 22 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 23 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 24 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 25 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 26 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 27 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 28 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 1 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 2 (OMB) Circulars A-21, A-122, and A-87; Title 48 CFR Section 31.2; and all 1 3 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 4 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 5 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 6 hereafter amended.
5 7 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 8 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its officers and/or principals are not 7 9 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs and/or 8 10 activities.
9 11 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 12 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 13 the State’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 14 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 15 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Services Agreement, Services Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 21 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and 22 permits 17 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County 23 of 18 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the 24 services 19 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses 25 and permits 20 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR 26 warrants 21 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such 27 laws and 22 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with 28 laws 23 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 1 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 2 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 3 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 4 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 5 (OMB) Circulars A-21X-00, A-122X-000, and A-87xxx X-00; Title 48 CFR Xxxxx 00 XXX Section 31.2; and all 1 6 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 7 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 8 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 9 hereafter amended.
5 10 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 11 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its said Agency’s officers and/or principals principles 12 are not 7 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs 13 and/or 8 activities.
9 14 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 15 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 16 the State’s 's Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 17 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 18 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Services Agreement, Services Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 20 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 21 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 22 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 23 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 24 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 25 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 26 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 27 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 28 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 1 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 2 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 3 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 4 (OMB) Circulars A-21X-00, A-122X-000, and A-87xxx X-00; Title 48 CFR Xxxxx 00 XXX Section 31.2; and all 1 5 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 6 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 7 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 8 hereafter amended.
5 9 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 10 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its officers and/or principals are not 7 11 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs and/or 8 12 activities.
9 13 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 14 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 15 the State’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 16 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 17 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Service Agreement, Service Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 17 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 18 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 19 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 20 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 21 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 22 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 23 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 24 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 25 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 26 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 27 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 28 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 1 (OMB) Circulars A-21, A-122, and A-87; Title 48 CFR Section 31.2; and all 1 2 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 3 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 4 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 5 hereafter amended.
5 6 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 7 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its officers and/or principals are not 7 8 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs and/or 8 9 activities.
9 10 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 11 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 12 the State’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 13 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 14 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Services Agreement, Services Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 21 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 22 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 23 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 24 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 25 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 26 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 27 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 28 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 1 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 2 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 3 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 4 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 5 (OMB) Circulars A-21X-00, A-122X-000, and A-87xxx X-00; Title 48 CFR Xxxxx 00 XXX Section 31.2; and all 1 6 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 7 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 8 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 9 hereafter amended.
5 10 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 11 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its said Agency’s officers and/or principals principles 12 are not 7 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs 13 and/or 8 activities.
9 14 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 15 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 16 the State’s 's Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 17 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 18 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Services Agreement, Services Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 17 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 18 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 19 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 20 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 21 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 22 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 23 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 24 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 25 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 26 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 27 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 28 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 1 (OMB) Circulars A-21X-00, A-122X-000, and A-87xxx X-00; Title 48 CFR Xxxxx 00 XXX Section 31.2; and all 1 2 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 3 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 4 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 5 hereafter amended.
5 6 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 7 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its officers and/or principals are not 7 8 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs and/or 8 9 activities.
9 10 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 11 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 12 the State’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 13 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 14 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Services Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 20 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 21 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 22 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 23 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 24 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 25 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 26 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 27 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 28 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 1 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 2 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 3 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 4 (OMB) Circulars A-21, A-122, and A-87; Title 48 CFR Section 31.2; and all 1 5 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 6 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 7 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 8 hereafter amended.
5 9 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 10 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its officers and/or principals are not 7 11 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs and/or 8 12 activities.
9 13 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 14 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 15 the State’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 16 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 17 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Service Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 14 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 15 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 16 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 17 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 18 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 19 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 20 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 21 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 22 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 23 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 24 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 25 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 26 (OMB) Circulars A-21, A-122, and A-87; Title 48 CFR Section 31.2; and all 1 27 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 28 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 1 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 2 hereafter amended.
5 3 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 4 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its officers and/or principals are not 7 5 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs and/or 8 6 activities.
9 7 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 8 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 9 the State’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 10 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 11 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Tutoring Services Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 21 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 22 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 23 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 24 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 25 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 26 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 27 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 28 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 1 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 2 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 3 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 4 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 5 (OMB) Circulars A-21X-00, A-122X-000, and A-87xxx X-00; Title 48 CFR Xxxxx 00 XXX Section 31.2; and all 1 6 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 7 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 8 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 9 hereafter amended.
5 10 5.2.1 For federally Federally funded Agreements in the amount of 11 $25,000 6 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its said Agency’s officers and/or principals 12 principles are not 7 debarred or suspended from federal Federal financial 13 assistance programs and/or 8 activities.
9 14 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 15 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 16 the State’s 's Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 17 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 18 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Services Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 13 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it he/she has all necessary licenses and 14 permits 17 required by the laws of the United States, State of CaliforniaCalifornia 15 (hereinafter referred to as “State”), County of 18 Orange Orange, and all other 16 appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 described in this 17 Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 in effect for the 18 duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 that its he/she and 19 his/her employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 20 licensure requirements requirements, including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 21 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 22 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, comply with 23 all applicable 26 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code 24 (WIC); Title 45 of 27 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 (OMB) Circulars A-21implementing 25 regulations under 2 CFR Part 200, A-122Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost 26 Principles, and A-87Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; Title 48 CFR Section 31.2; and all 1 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of 28 California, 2 County of Orange, and County of Orange Social Services Agency Agency, and 1 all administrative regulations, 3 rules rules, and policies adopted thereunder thereunder, as 2 each and all may now exist or be 4 hereafter amended.
5 5.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its officers and/or principals are not 7 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs and/or 8 activities.
9 5.3 . 3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 Social Services 4 (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 the State’s Child 5 Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 shall comply, to 6 the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 reporting and 7 evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Counseling Services Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 5.1 10 6.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 11 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 12 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 13 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 14 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 15 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 16 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 17 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 5.2 18 6.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 19 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 20 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 21 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 (OMB) Circulars A-21implementing regulations under 2 CFR 22 part 200, A-122Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and A-87Audit 23 Requirements for Federal Awards; Title 48 CFR Section 31.2; and all 1 applicable 24 laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 County of 25 Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 rules and 26 policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 hereafter 27 amended.
5 5.2.1 1 6.2.1 For Federally funded Agreements in the amount of $25,000 6 2 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its officers and/or principals are not 7 3 debarred or suspended from Federal financial assistance programs and/or 8 4 activities.
9 5.3 5 6.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 Social Services (CDSS) CDSS on the implementation, 6 monitoring, and evaluation of 11 the State’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention 7 and Intervention Program, and 12 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of 8 COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 reporting and evaluation requirements 9 established by CDSS.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Group Home Services Agreement
LICENSES AND STANDARDS. 16 21 5.1 CONTRACTOR warrants that it has all necessary licenses and permits 17 22 required by the laws of the United States, State of California, County of 18 23 Orange and all other appropriate governmental agencies to perform the services 19 24 described in this Agreement, and agrees to maintain these licenses and permits 20 25 in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Further, CONTRACTOR warrants 21 26 that its employees shall conduct themselves in compliance with such laws and 22 27 licensure requirements including, without limitation, compliance with laws 23 28 applicable to sexual harassment and ethical behavior.
24 1 5.2 In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall comply, 25 2 unless waived in whole or in part by ADMINISTRATOR, with all applicable 26 3 provisions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC); Title 45 of 27 4 the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); Federal Office of Management and Budget 28 5 (OMB) Circulars A-21X-00, A-122X-000, and A-87xxx X-00; Title 48 CFR Xxxxx 00 XXX Section 31.2; and all 1 6 applicable laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, 2 7 County of Orange Social Services Agency and all administrative regulations, 3 8 rules and policies adopted thereunder as each and all may now exist or be 4 9 hereafter amended.
5 10 5.2.1 For Federally federallyFederally funded Agreements in the amount of 11 $25,000 6 or more, CONTRACTOR certifies that its said Agency’s officers and/or principals 12 principles are not 7 debarred or suspended from Federal federalFederal financial 13 assistance programs and/or 8 activities.
9 14 5.3 CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the California Department of 10 15 Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of 11 16 the State’s 's Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Intervention Program, and 12 17 shall comply, to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, with any and all 13 18 reporting and evaluation requirements established by CDSS.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Services Agreement