Limitation of Liability, Indemnity and Ratification 法律責任範圍. 彌償保證和追認規定 a. The Broker makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the Electronic Trading Service or the information or materials contained or referred to in the Electronic Trading System or otherwise provided via the Electronic Trading Service. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Broker hereby expressly excludes and disclaims any conditions, representation, warranty or responsibility of any kind relating to the Electronic Trading Service and/or such information and materials, whether express or implied, by statute or otherwise, including without limitation any condition, representation, warranty or responsibility regarding the title, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or standard of quality of the Electronic Trading Service and/or such information and materials, that they will be accurate or free of errors or omissions, that they will not infringe any third party rights, that they will be available and un interrupted at any particular time, free of computer viruses, trojan horses, worms, software bombs or similar items or processes arising from the Client’s use of the Electronic Trading Service, that they will adhere to any particular performance standards or that any Instruction to or information requested via the Electronic Trading Service will be acted upon, delivered to or received by the Client at any particular time or at all. 經紀並不就電子交易服務或電子交易系統所載或提述的或以其他方式透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊作出任何性質的明 示、默示或法定的陳述或保證。在法律允許的最大範圍內, 經紀特此明示地排除及卸棄有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的 任何性質的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任 (不論是明示或默示的, 根據法規或其他規定的) , 包括 (但不限於) 有關下列各項的任 何條 件、陳述、保證或責任: 有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的所有權、就某特定用途的適用性、可商售性或品質標準; 其 將是準 確或沒有錯誤或遺漏; 其將不會侵犯任何第三方權利; 其可在任何特定時間不受干擾地提供使用; 其不會因客戶使用電子 交易服 務而產生任何電腦病毒、特洛依木馬程式 (Trojan horses)、蠕蟲程式、軟件炸彈或類似項目或進程;其符合任何特定的性 能標準; 或者透過電子交易服務發出的任何指示或要求的資料將於任何特定時候得到遵照辦理、交付予客戶或由客戶收到。 b. The information and materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service are provided for information only and should not be used as a basis for making business decisions. Any advice or information provided via the Electronic Trading Service should not be relied upon without consulting primary sources of information and obtaining specific professional advice, and is not, and should not be construed as advice. The Broker accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from action taken, or not taken, in reliance on information or materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service. In particular, no warranty is given that economic reporting information, materials or data is accurate, reliable or up to date. 透過電子交易服務提供的資料及資訊僅供參考之用, 不應用作為商業決定的根據。在未諮詢資料的主要來源並取得具體的專業 意見的情況下 (及不是並不應該視為建議) , 不應倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的任何意見或資料。如果因倚賴透過電子交易服務 提供的資料或資訊採取或不採取行動而直接或間接引致任何損失或損害, 經紀概不承擔任何法律責任。尤其是, 經紀並不保證財經報導資料、資訊或數據是準確、可靠或最新的。 c. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Broker shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly (including special, incidental or consequential loss or damage) from the Client’s use of the Electronic Trading Service including any loss, damage or expense arising from, but not limited to, any defect, error, fault, mistake or inaccuracy with information provided via the Electronic Trading Service, or due to any unavailability of the Electronic Trading Service or any contents therein where such loss or damage is caused by the Client’s negligence; by the Client’s failure to comply with this Agreement; or by any reason or circumstance beyond the Broker’s Control. 在法律允許的最大範圍內, 對於客戶使用電子交易服務而直接或間接引致的任何損失或損害 (包括特殊、附帶或相應而產生的損 失或損害) , 包括 (但不限於) 因透過電子交易服務提供的資料的任何缺陷、錯誤、故障、過失或不準確性, 或者因電子交易服務 或其任何內容未能提供使用而引致的任何損失、損害或開支, 而該等損失或損害是由於客戶的疏忽、客戶不遵守本合約或經紀 不能合理控制的任何原因或情況造成的, 經紀概不承擔法律責任。 d. The Broker does not guarantee that any communications from or via the Electronic Trading Service and/or via other means will be sent to the Client or received by the Broker nor does the Broker warrant the privacy and/or security of such communications during transmission. 經紀不保證來自或透過電子交易服務及/或透過其他方法發出的任何通訊將會送達給客戶或由經紀收到, 亦不就該等通訊在傳送 期間的私隱及/或安全任何保證。 e. The Client acknowledges that there are risks inherent in using the Electronic Trading Service but agrees that the benefits to it of the Electronic Trading Service justify these risks and the Client waives any claim the Client might otherwise have against the Broker because of: 客戶確認, 使用電子交易服務存在固有風險, 但客戶同意, 相對於其電子交易服務利益而言, 承擔這些風險是值得的, 而且客戶 放棄客戶因下述情況而可能對經紀提出的任何申索: anyfailureofsystemsorequipment(whetherornotprovidedbythe Broker) includingtelecommunications servicesand facilities or any computer virus or similar problems; 任何系統或設備 (包括電訊服務及設施) 的任何故障, 不論該等系統或設備是否由經紀提供, 或任何電腦病毒或類似問題; the Broker’s acceptance of any unauthorized Instructions which appear (or which the Broker reasonably believes) to be from the Client; 經紀接受任何看似 (或經紀有理由相信) 是由客戶發出的指示, 儘管該等指示是未經授權的; delaysintheimplementationofInstructionstotheextentthatsuchwasoutsidetheBroker’scontrol; 延誤執行指示, 但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; delays in delivery or availability of, or failure to deliver or make available, or any interruption or unauthorized access of, any part of the Electronic Trading Service to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; 延誤交付或提供或者未交付或提供電子交易服務的任何部份, 或者任何干擾或未經授權進入電子交易服務的任何部份,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; delays in dispatch or delivery of, or failure to dispatch or deliver, or unauthorized interception, corruption or loss of, any notice or information provided or requested via the Electronic Trading Service or any inaccuracy, error or omission in or from any such notice or in or from any information contained in any such notice to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; 延誤發出或交付或者未發出或交付透過電子交易服務規定或要求的任何通知或資料, 或者未經授權而截取、毀壞或遺失任何該等通知或資料, 或者任何上述通知或該等通知所載的任何資料的任何不準確性、錯誤或遺漏, 但僅以因經紀不能控 制的範圍為限; the Client’s failure to use the Electronic Trading Service in accordance with this Agreement or any relevant agreement between the Broker and the Client; 客戶沒有按本合約或客戶與經紀訂立的任何有關協議使用電子交易服務; the Client’s reliance, use or otherwise acting upon any information or materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service. 客戶依據或使用透過電子交易服務提供的任何資料或資訊, 或者以其他方式按照該等資料或資訊行事。 f. The Broker shall not be liable for any loss incurred by the Client, directly or indirectly, with respect to the Account or trading in Securities as a result of: 因以下使客戶就帳戶或證券交易直接或間接招致的任何損失, 經紀概不負責: any Instruction given by the Client whether or not it was given following any recommendation, advice or opinion given by the Broker or by any of its directors, employees or agents; or 不論是否跟隨任何由經紀或其董事、僱員或代理人提供的任何建議或意見下, 客戶所發出的交易指示; 或 any conditionor circumstanceswhicharebeyond thereasonablecontroloranticipationof the Broker, including but not limited to government restriction, suspension of trading, wars or strikes; or 任何情況或環境已超出經紀可合理地控制及預期下, 包括但不限於政府限制、暫停交易、戰爭或罷工; 或 the Broker exercisingany or all of its rights conferred bytheterms of the Agreement. 經紀行使協議條款賦予的任何或所有權利。 g. The Client agrees that the Broker shall not be liable for any loss or liability which the Client may incur (including losses and liability resulting from transactions in Securities executed by any brokers and dealers) unless due to fraud, gross negligenceor willful default on the part of the Broker or dealer whichis an Affiliate of the Broker. 客戶同意, 經紀無須對任何客戶可能涉及的任何損失或責任 (包括因任何經紀或交易商執行證券交易導致的損失和責任) 負上 責任, 除非由於經紀或經紀的聯屬公司欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致。 h. The Client shall indemnify the Broker from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgment, suits, costs, legal expenses and other expenses or disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever (other than those resulting from fraud, gross negligence or willful default on the part of the Broker) which may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Broker (or any of its directors, officers, delegates, agents, employees, associates, correspondents or representatives) in performing its services under this Agreement or resulting from the default or breach by the Client of any provision of, or any of the Client’s obligations under, this Agreement, save where the same were caused by the Broker or the relevant person’s own fraud, gross negligence or willful default. 客戶須就經紀根據此等條款履行其服務時或客戶此等條款的任何條文或客戶根據此等條款的任何責任而導致施加於、涉及或向 經紀(或其任何董事、高級人員、獲授權人、代理、僱員、代名人、通信人或代表) 提出的任何及一切債務、責任、損失、損害、 罰款、起訴、裁定、訴訟、費用、法律開支及其他開支或任何類別或性質的開銷 (因經紀欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致者除 外) 向經紀作出彌償, 惟因經紀或有關人士本身的欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責除外。 i. The Client shall indemnify the Broker against any claim which may be made against the Broker by a purchaser or any other person by reason of any defect in the title of the Client to the Securities. 客戶須進一步就買方或任何其他人士由於客戶對證券所有權任何不妥而對經紀作出之任何申索而對經紀作出彌償。
Appears in 1 contract
Limitation of Liability, Indemnity and Ratification 法律責任範圍. 彌償保證和追認規定彌償保證及追認規定
a. 15.1 The Broker makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the Electronic Trading Service or the information or materials contained or referred to in the Electronic Trading System or otherwise provided via the Electronic Trading Service. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Broker hereby expressly excludes and disclaims any conditions, representation, warranty or responsibility of any kind relating to the Electronic Trading Service and/or such information and materials, whether express or implied, by statute or otherwise, including without limitation any condition, representation, warranty or responsibility regarding the title,fitnessforaparticularpurpose, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or standard of quality of the Electronic Trading Service and/or such information merchantabilityor standardofqualityoftheElectronicTradingService,and/orsuchinformation and materials, that they will be accurate or free of errors or omissions, that they will not infringe any third party rights, that they will be available and un interrupted uninterrupted at any particular time, free of computer viruses, trojan Trojan horses, worms, software bombs or similar items or processes arising from the fromthe Client’s use of the Electronic Trading Service, that they will adhere to any adheretoany particular performance standards standards, or that any Instruction to or information requested via the Electronic Trading Service will be acted anyinstructiontoorinformationrequested viatheElectronicTradingServicewill beacted upon, delivered to or received by the Client deliveredorreceived bytheClient at any particular time or at all. 經紀並不就電子交易服務或電子交易系統所載或提述的或以其他方式透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊作出任何性質的明 示、默示或法定的陳述或保證。在法律允許的最大範圍內經紀並不就電子交易服務或電子交易系統所載或提述的或以其他方式透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊作出任何性質的明示、默示或法定的陳述或保證。在法律允許的最大範圍內, 經紀特此明示地排除及卸棄有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的 任何性質的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任 或上述資料及資訊的任何性質的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任 (不論是明示或默示的, 根據法規或其他規定的) , 包括 (但不限於) 有關下列各項的任 何條 件、陳述、保證或責任有關下列各 項的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任: 有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的所有權、就某特定用途的適用性、可商售性或品質標準或上述資料及資訊的所有權、就某特定用途的適用性、可商售性或品 質標準; 其 將是準 確或沒有錯誤或遺漏其將是準確或沒有錯誤或遺漏; 其將不會侵犯任何第三方權利; 其可在任何特定時間不受干擾地提供使用; 其不會因客戶使用電子 交易服 務而產生任何電腦病毒、特洛依木馬程式 其不會因 客戶使用電子交易服務而產生任何電腦病毒、特洛依木馬程式 (Trojan horses)、蠕蟲程式、軟件炸彈或類似項目或進程;其符合任何特定的性 能標準horses)、蠕蟲程式、軟件炸彈或類似項目或進程; 或者透過電子交易服務發出的任何指示或要求的資料將於任何特定時候得到遵照辦理、交付予客戶或由客戶收到其符 合任 何特定的性能標準; 或者透過電子交易服務發出的任何指示或要求的資料將於任何時候得到遵照辦理、交付予客戶或由客戶收到。
b. The information and materials provided via the 15.2 TheinformationandmaterialsprovidedviatheElectronicTradingServiceareprovidedforinformationonlyandshouldnotbeusedas abasis formakingbusiness decisions. Anyinformation providedviathe Electronic Trading Service are provided for information only and should not Serviceshouldnot be used as a basis for making business decisions. Any advice or information provided via the Electronic Trading Service should not be relied upon without relieduponwithout consulting primary sources of information and obtaining specific professional advice, advice and is not, and should not be construed as advice. The Broker accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from action taken, or not taken, in reliance on information or materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service. In particular, no warranty is given that economic reporting information, materials or data is accurate, reliable or up to date,materialsordata isaccurate,reliableor uptodate. 透過電子交易服務提供的資料及資訊僅供參考之用, 不應用作為商業決定的根據。在未諮詢資料的主要來源並取得具體的專業 意見的情況下 (及不是並不應該視為建議) 不應用作為商業決定的根據。在未諮詢資料的主要來源並取得具體的專業意見的情況下, 不應倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的任何意見或資料。如果因倚賴透過電子交易服務 提供的資料或資訊採取或不採取行動而直接或間接引致任何損失或損害不應倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的任何意見或資料。如果因倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊採取或不採取行動而直接或間接引致任何損失或損害, 經紀概不承擔任何法律責任。尤其是, 經紀並不保證財經報導資料、資訊或數據是準確、可靠或最新的。
c. 15.3 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Broker shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly (including special, incidental or consequential loss or damage) from the fromthe Client’s use of the Electronic theElectronic Trading Service including Serviceincluding any loss, damage or expense arising from, but not limited tobutnotlimitedto, any defect, error, fault, fault mistake or inaccuracy with information provided via the withinformation providedviathe Electronic Trading Service, or due to any unavailability of the Electronic Trading Service Service, or any contents therein where such loss or damage is caused by the Client’s negligence; by the ClienttheClient’s failure to comply with this tocomplywiththis Agreement; or by any reason anyreason or circumstance beyond the circumstancebeyondthe Broker’s Controlcontrol. 在法律允許的最大範圍內, 對於客戶使用電子交易服務而直接或間接引致的任何損失或損害 (包括特殊、附帶或相應而產生的損 失或損害) 包括特殊、附帶或相應而產生的損失或損害), 包括 (但不限於) 因透過電子交易服務提供的資料的任何缺陷、錯誤、故障、過失或不準確性, 或者因電子交易服務 或其任何內容未能提供使用而引致的任何損失、損害或開支或者因電子交易服務或其他任何內容未能提供使用而引致的任何損失、損害或開支, 而該等損失或損害是由於客戶的疏忽、客戶不遵守本合約或經紀 不能合理控制的任何原因或情況造成的而該等損失或損害是由於客戶的疏忽、客戶不遵守本合約或經紀不能合理控制的任何原因或情況造成的, 經紀概不承擔法律責任。
d. 15.4 The Broker does not guarantee that any communications Communications from or via the Electronic Trading Service and/or via other means will be sent to the Client or received by the Broker nor does the Broker warrant the privacy and/or security of such communications Communications during transmission. 經紀不保證來自或透過電子交易服務及經紀不保證來自透過電子交易服務及/或透過其他方法發出的任何通訊將會送達給客戶或由經紀收到或透過其他方法發出的任何通訊將會送達客戶或由經紀收到, 亦不就該等通訊在傳送 期間的私隱及亦不就該等通訊在傳送期間的私隱及/或安全任何保證或安全作任何保證。
e. 15.5 The Client acknowledges that there are risks inherent in using the Electronic Trading Service but agrees that the benefits to it of the Electronic Trading Service justify these risks and the Client waives any claim the Client might otherwise have against the Broker because of: 客戶確認, 使用電子交易服務存在固有風險使用電子交易服務存在固有風險是值得的, 但客戶同意, 相對於其電子交易服務利益而言, 承擔這些風險是值得的, 而且客戶 放棄客戶因下述情況而可能對經紀提出的任何申索: anyfailureofsystemsorequipment(whetherornotprovidedbythe 而且客戶放棄客戶因下述情況而可能對經紀提出的任何申索:
a. any failure of systems or equipment (whether or not provide by the Broker) includingtelecommunications servicesand including telecommunications services and facilities or any computer virus or similar problems; 任何系統或設備 (包括電訊服務及設施) 的任何故障, 不論該等系統或設備是否由經紀提供, 或任何電腦病毒或類似問題; ;
b. the Broker’s acceptance of any unauthorized Instructions instructions which appear (or which the Broker reasonably believes) to be from the Client; 經紀接受任何看似 (或經紀有理由相信) 是由客戶發出的指示, 儘管該等指示是未經授權的; ;
c. delaysintheimplementationofInstructionstotheextentthatsuchwasoutsidetheBroker’scontrol; 延誤執行指示, 但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; delays in delivery or ;
d. delaysindeliveryor availability of, or failure to deliver or make available, or any interruption or unauthorized access of, any part ,orfailuretodeliverormakeavailable,oranyinterruptionorunauthorizedaccessof,anypart of the Electronic Trading Service to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; 延誤交付或提供或者未交付或提供電子交易服務的任何部份, 或者任何干擾或未經授權進入電子交易服務的任何部份,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; ;
e. delays in dispatch or delivery ofdeliveryof, or failure to dispatch todispatch or deliver, or unauthorized interception, corruption or loss of, any notice or information provided or requested via the Electronic viatheElectronic Trading Service or Serviceor any inaccuracy, error or omission in or inor from any such notice or in or from any information contained in any such notice to the extent noticetotheextent that such was outside the outsidethe Broker’s control; 延誤發出或交付或者未發出或交付透過電子交易服務規定或要求的任何通知或資料, 或者未經授權而截取、毀壞或遺失任何該等通知或資料, 或者任何上述通知或該等通知所載的任何資料的任何不準確性、錯誤或遺漏, 但僅以因經紀不能控 制的範圍為限; the Client’s failure to use the Electronic Trading Service in accordance with this Agreement or any relevant agreement between the Broker and the Client但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限;
f. theClient’sfailuretousetheElectronicTradingServiceinaccordancewiththisAgreementor anyrelevantagreementbetween theBrokerandtheClient; 客戶沒有按本合約或客戶與經紀訂立的任何有關協議使用電子交易服務; ;
g. the Client’s reliance, use or otherwise acting upon any information or materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service. 客戶依據或使用透過電子交易服務提供的任何資料或資訊, 或者以其他方式按照該等資料或資訊行事。
f. 15.6 The Broker shall not be liable for any loss incurred by the Client, directly or indirectly, with respect to the Account or trading in Securities as a result aresult of: 因以下使客戶就帳戶或證券交易直接或間接招致的任何損失, 經紀概不負責: :
a. any Instruction given by the Client whether or not it was given following any recommendation, advice or opinion given by the Broker or by any of its directors, employees or agents; or 不論是否跟隨任何由經紀或其董事、僱員或代理人提供的任何建議或意見下, 客戶所發出的交易指示客戶發出之指示; 或 或
b. any conditionor circumstanceswhicharebeyond thereasonablecontroloranticipationof condition or circumstances which are beyond the reasonable control or anticipation of the Broker, including but not limited to any government restriction, suspension of trading, wars or strikes; or 任何情況或環境已超出經紀可合理地控制及預期下任何情況或環境已超出經紀可合理地控制或預期下, 包括但不限於政府限制、暫停交易、戰爭或罷工包括並不止於政府的限制、暫停交易、戰爭或罷工; 或 the Broker exercisingany or all 或
c. theBrokerexercisingany orall of its rights conferred bytheterms of the Agreementitsrightsconferred by theterms oftheAgreement. 經紀行使協議條款賦予的任何或所有權利經紀行使由本協議條款賦予的任何或所有權利。
g. The Client agrees that 15.7 Inthe absence of bad faith or willful default by the Broker, the Broker shall not under any circumstances whatsoever be liable for any loss to the Clientinrespectofanyloss, damage,injurysustainedorliabilityincurredbytheClientbyreasonof anyact,advice,statement(express or liability which the Client may incur (including losses and liability resulting from transactions in Securities executed by any brokers and dealers) unless due to fraudimplied), gross negligenceor willful default on the part or omission of the Broker or dealer whichis an Affiliate of the Brokerits employees, agents or representatives, whether such loss, damage, injury or liability iscausedbybreachorotherwisebytheBrokeroritsdirectors,employees,agentsorrepresentativesorhowsoevercaused. 客戶同意在經紀沒有不真誠或故意違約的情況下, 經紀無須對任何客戶可能涉及的任何損失或責任 (包括因任何經紀或交易商執行證券交易導致的損失和責任) 負上 責任對於客戶因經紀或其僱員、代理人或代表的任何行為、意見、陳述(明示或默示的)、違約或遺漏所招致的任何虧損、損害、傷害或法律責任, 除非由於經紀或經紀的聯屬公司欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致不論該等虧損、損害、傷害或法律責任是由於經紀或其董事、僱員、代理人或代表違約或其它任何原因引致, 經紀概不負責。
h. 15.8 The Client shall agrees to indemnify the Broker from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgment, suits, costs, legal expenses and other expenses or disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever (other than those resulting from fraud, gross negligence or willful default on the part of the Broker) which may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Broker (or any of its ’s directors, officers, delegates, agents, employees, associatesagents and representatives against, correspondents or representatives) in performing its services under this Agreement or resulting from and hold the default or breach Brokerandthemharmless from, allexpenses, liabilities, claimsanddemandsarisingoutof orinconnectionwithanybreachordefault by the Client of any provision of, or any of the Client’s its obligations under, under this Agreement, save where the same were caused including any reasonable costs (e.g. legal costs and collection agency fees) incurred by the Broker in recovering any debts due to the Broker or in connection with the relevant personAccount. 就經紀及其董事、僱員、代理人或代表因客戶獨犯或違反本合約的義務而產生或與之有關的所有開支、債務、索償及索求, 包括經紀追討帳戶有關的或欠付經紀的債務而引致的合理費用 (例如法律及收帳代表費用) , 客戶同意向經紀及其董事、僱員、代理人或代表作出彌償。 客戶作出如下陳述及保證:
a. wherethe Client or any one of themisabodycorporate: 如客戶或其中任何人士為法人團體:
(i) that it is a corporation duly organized and validly exists under the laws of the country of its incorporation and in every othercountrywhereitiscarryingonbusiness; 該法人團體是妥為組織的, 並於其成立的國家的法律下及在所有其它其正在經營業務的國家內有效地存在;
(ii) that the entry of this Agreement has been validly authorized by the appropriate corporate action of the Client and the terms and conditions of this Agreement constitute valid and binding obligations on the Client in accordance with the terms in this Agreement; 本合約的簽訂已被客戶適當的法團行動有效地授權, 及本合約的條款及細則按照本合約載有的條款對客戶構成有效及具約束力的義務;
(iii) thatthecertifiedtruecopies oftheClient’s own fraudcertificate of incorporation or registration, gross negligence charter, statute ormemorandum and articles, or willful default. 客戶須就經紀根據此等條款履行其服務時或客戶此等條款的任何條文或客戶根據此等條款的任何責任而導致施加於、涉及或向 經紀(或其任何董事、高級人員、獲授權人、代理、僱員、代名人、通信人或代表other instruments constituting or defining its constitution and the board resolutions of the Client delivered tothe Broker, are trueand accurate andstill in force; and 客戶交付予經紀, 客戶的公司註冊證書或登記的證書、章程、法規或公司組織章程大綱及細則或其它構成或闡明其組成的文件及董事局決議的核證副本均為真實、準確及有效的; 及
(iv) 提出的任何及一切債務、責任、損失、損害、 罰款、起訴、裁定、訴訟、費用、法律開支及其他開支或任何類別或性質的開銷 thatno steps have beentaken or are beingtakento appoint areceiver and/or manager or liquidator overthe Assetsof, or towindup, the Client; 過去或現在無人採取或正在採取任何步驟, 就客戶的資產委任破產管理人及/或財產接收管理人或清盤人, 或將客戶清盤;
b. where the Client or any one of them is an individual (因經紀欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致者除 外in respect of such individual), that the Client is legally capable of validly enteringintoandperformingthis Agreementandthat he or she has attained the age of 18 years and is of sound mindandlegal competence and is not bankrupt; 如客戶或其中任何人士為個人 (關於該個人) 向經紀作出彌償: 客戶在法律上能夠有效地訂立及履行本合約, 惟因經紀或有關人士本身的欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責除外而他或她已年滿 18 歲, 精神健全及符合法律資格及並非破產人;
c. wheretherearetwoormorepersonsincludedintheexpression“theClient”: 如「客戶」一詞包括兩個或以上人士:
(i) theliability of eachsuchpersonshall bejointand several; 每名該等人士的法律責任將為共同及各別的;
(ii) any one of them shall have full authority to give any Instructions with respect to the Account or any Client Contract including but not limited to Instructions with respect to buying or selling, or withdrawals of excess funds; to receive demands, notices, confirmations, reports, statements and othercommunications of any kind, it beingunderstood and agreed that such demands, notices, confirmations, reports, statements and other communications if addressed to the Client shall bebinding on each personnotwithstandingthatthe Instructions havenotbeen sent to or received by every one of them; and generally to deal with the Broker in connection with this Agreement as fully and completely as if the otherjointaccountholderorholdershadnointerestinthisAgreement; 其中任何一人都有完全權限就帳戶或任何客戶合約發出任何指示, 包括 (但不限於) 買入或出售或提取過剩的資金的指示; 收取付款要求、通知書、確認書、報告、帳戶單據及其它任何種類的通訊; 客戶明白及同意如該等付款要求、通知書、確認書、報告、帳戶單據及其它通訊註明由客戶收件, 儘管該等文件並未送交或未被每名人士收取,亦應對所有人士具約束力。其中任何一人亦可就本合約全面及完整地和經紀交易, 猶如其它帳戶持有人或持有人 等於本合約並無權益一樣。
i. The Client shall indemnify (iii) the Broker against shall beundernoduty or obligation toinquireintothepurpose or propriety of any claim which may Instruction given and shall be made against under no obligation to see theapplication of any funds deliveredbythe Client inrespect ofthe Account; and 經紀並無責任或義務對任何已發出指示的目的或就其是否適當作出查究, 及並無義務查看由客戶就帳戶交付的任何資金的運用; 及
(iv) notwithstandinganyother arrangement whichmayhavebeen madebetweenthem, therule of survivorship shallapply to the Broker joint Account and upon the death of any one of them, the monies, securities and other property whatsoever for thetimebeing standing tothecredit of the joint Account, and anythingheld by a purchaser the Brokerwhether by way of security or for sale, custody or collection or any other person purpose whatsoever shall be heldtothe order of the survivor(s) of them; 儘管他們之間可能有任何其它安排, 生存者取得權規則應適用於此共同帳戶, 當其中任何一人去世, 則當時列於 共同帳戶貸方的款項、證券及其它財物及經紀以抵押形式或因出售、保管或收集或任何其它目的而持有的任何事 物,應按其中尚存者的指令持有;
d. wherethe Client is apartnership, andbusiness is carriedoutunderafirm’sname,this Agreement shall continueto bevalidand bindingfor allpurposesnotwithstanding any change inthepartnershiporconstitution ofthefirm bytheintroduction of a new partner, or by reason the death, insanity, bankruptcy or a retirement of any defect partner for the time being carrying on the business of or constituting the firm; 如客戶為合夥商行並以某商號的名義經營業務: 儘管合夥商行或商號的組成因新合夥人的引進或任何當時正在經營該商號業務或組成該商號的合夥人的去世、精神錯亂或破產或退休, 或其他原因而有任何變動, 本合約將繼續就所有目的而言有效並具約束力;
e. asregardsallClients 就所有客戶:
(i) theinformation givenby theClient, oronthe Client’s behalf,totheBroker inconnection withtheopening of theAccount withthe Broker is full and complete and the Broker shall beentitledtorely on such information untilthe Brokerreceives writtennoticefromtheClientofanychangesthereto; 客戶或代客戶就與經紀開立帳戶而給予經紀的資料, 乃全面及完整, 而經紀有權依賴上述資料, 直至經紀收訖客戶書面通知更改有關資料;
(ii) theClienthas theauthorityandcapacitytoenterintoandexecute this Agreement andany Client Contractandthat,save as disclosed in writing to the Broker, no one except the Client has an interest in the title of Account; 客戶有權限及能力訂立及執行本合約及任何客戶合約, 及除向經紀書面披露外, 並無客戶以外第三者在帳戶內有任何權益;
(iii) save as disclosed in writing by the Client to the SecuritiesBroker, the Client is trading on its own account and does not do so as nominee or trustee for any other person and there exists no arrangements whereby any person other than the Client has or will have any beneficial interest inthis Agreement, or anyContract or Client Contractmadepursuant tothis Agreement; and 除客戶向經紀書面披露外, 客戶是為自身作交易, 並非以他人的代名人或受託人身份而作出該交易。亦無任何安排存在, 致使客戶以外人士擁有或將會擁有本合約或根據本合約所訂立的任何合約或客戶合約的任何實益權益; 及
(iv) save as disclosed in writing by the Client tothe Broker, the Account is not an Omnibus Account(as such is defined by the HKFE Rules). 客戶須進一步就買方或任何其他人士由於客戶對證券所有權任何不妥而對經紀作出之任何申索而對經紀作出彌償除客戶向經紀書面披露外, 帳戶並非一個綜合戶口 (定義見期交所規則)。
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Securities Trading Account Agreement
Limitation of Liability, Indemnity and Ratification 法律責任範圍. 彌償保證和追認規定
a. 12.1 The Broker makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express express, implied or implied, statutory regarding the Electronic Trading Service or the information or materials contained or referred to in the Electronic Trading System or otherwise provided via the Electronic Trading Service. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Broker hereby expressly excludes and disclaims any conditionscondition, representation, warranty or responsibility of any kind relating to the Electronic Trading Service and/or such information and materials, whether express or implied, by statute or otherwise, including without limitation any such condition, representation, warranty or responsibility regarding the title, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or standard of quality of the Electronic Trading Service and/or such information and materials, that they will be accurate or free of errors or omissions, that they will not infringe any third party rights, that they will be available and un interrupted uninterrupted at any particular time, free of computer viruses, trojan horses, worms, software bombs or similar items or processes arising from the Client’s use of the Electronic Trading Service, that they will adhere to any particular performance standards or that any Instruction instruction to or information requested via the Electronic Trading Service will be acted upon, delivered to or received by the Client at in any particular time or at all. 經紀並不就電子交易服務或電子交易系統所載或提述的或以其他方式透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊作出任何性質的明 示、默示或法定的陳述或保證。在法律允許的最大範圍內, 經紀特此明示地排除及卸棄有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的 任何性質的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任 (不論是明示或默示的, 根據法規或其他規定的) , 經紀並不就電子交易服務所載或提述的或以其他方式透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊作出任何性質的明示、默示或法定的陳述或保證。在法律允許的最大範圍內,經紀特此明示地排除及卸棄有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的任何性質的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任(不論是明示或默示的,根據法規或其他規定的), 包括 (但不限於) 有關下列各項的任 何條 件、陳述、保證或責任: 有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的所有權、就某特定用途的適用性、可商售性或品質標準; 其 將是準 確或沒有錯誤或遺漏; 其將不會侵犯任何第三方權利; 其可在任何特定時間不受干擾地提供使用; 其不會因客戶使用電子 交易服 務而產生任何電腦病毒、特洛依木馬程式 (Trojan horses)、蠕蟲程式、軟件炸彈或類似項目或進程;其符合任何特定的性 能標準; 或者透過電子交易服務發出的任何指示或要求的資料將於任何特定時候得到遵照辦理、交付予客戶或由客戶收到(但不限於)有關下列各項的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任:有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的所有權、就某特定用途的適用性、可商售性或品質標準;其將是準確或沒有錯誤或遺漏;其將不會侵犯任何第三方權利; 其可在任何特定時間不受干擾地提供使用;其符合任何特定的性能標準;或者透過電子交易服務發出的任何指示 或要求的資料將於任何時候得到遵照辦理、交付予客戶或由客戶收到。
b. 12.2 The information and materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service are is provided for information only and should not be used as a basis for making business decisions. Any advice or information provided via the Electronic Trading Service should not be relied upon without consulting primary sources of information and obtaining specific professional advice, and is not, and should not be construed as advice. The Broker accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from action taken, or not taken, in reliance on information or materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service. In particular, no warranty is given that economic reporting information, materials or data is accurate, reliable or up to date. 透過電子交易服務提供的資料及資訊僅供參考之用, 不應用作為商業決定的根據。在未諮詢資料的主要來源並取得具體的專業 意見的情況下 (及不是並不應該視為建議) , 不應倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的任何意見或資料。如果因倚賴透過電子交易服務 提供的資料或資訊採取或不採取行動而直接或間接引致任何損失或損害, 經紀概不承擔任何法律責任。尤其是, 經紀並不保證財經報導資料、資訊或數據是準確、可靠或最新的透過電子交易服務提供的資料及資訊僅供參考之用,不應用作為商業決定的根據。在未諮詢資料的主要來源並取得具體的專業意見的情況下,不應倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的任何資料。如果因倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊採取或不採取行動而直接或間接引致任何損失或損害,經紀概不承擔任何法律責任。尤其是,經紀並不保證財經報導資料、資訊或數據是準確、可靠或最新的。
c. 12.3 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Broker shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly (including special, incidental or consequential loss or damage) from the Client’s use of the Electronic Trading Service including any loss, damage or expense arising from, but not limited to, any defect, error, fault, mistake or inaccuracy with information provided via the Electronic Trading Service, or due to any unavailability of the Electronic Trading Service or any contents therein where such loss or damage is caused by the Client’s negligence; by the Client’s failure to comply with this Agreement; or by any reason or circumstance beyond the Broker’s Controlcontrol. 在法律允許的最大範圍內, 對於客戶使用電子交易服務而直接或間接引致的任何損失或損害 (包括特殊、附帶或相應而產生的損 失或損害) , 包括 (但不限於) 因透過電子交易服務提供的資料的任何缺陷、錯誤、故障、過失或不準確性, 或者因電子交易服務 或其任何內容未能提供使用而引致的任何損失、損害或開支, 而該等損失或損害是由於客戶的疏忽、客戶不遵守本合約或經紀 不能合理控制的任何原因或情況造成的, 經紀概不承擔法律責任在法律允許的最大範圍內,對於客戶使用電子交易服務而直接或間接引致的任何損失或損害(包括特殊、附帶或相應而產生的損失或損害,包括(但不限於)因透過電子交易服務提供的資料的任何缺陷、錯誤、故障、過失或不準確性,或者因電子交易服務或其任何內容未能提供使用而引致的任何損失、損害或開支,而該等損失或損害是由於客戶的疏忽、客戶不遵守本合約或經紀不能合理控制的任何原因或情況造成的,經紀概不承擔法律責任。
d. 12.4 The Broker does not guarantee that any communications from or via the Electronic Trading Service and/or via other means will be sent to the Client or received by the Broker nor does the Broker warrant the privacy and/or security of such communications during transmission. 經紀不保證來自或透過電子交易服務及/或透過其他方法發出的任何通訊將會送達給客戶或由經紀收到, 亦不就該等通訊在傳送 期間的私隱及/或安全任何保證經紀不保證來自或透過電子交易服務及/或透過其他方法發出的任何通訊將會送達給客戶或由經紀收到,亦不就該等通訊在傳送期間的私隱及/或安全作任何保證。
e. 12.5 The Client acknowledges that there are risks inherent in using the Electronic Trading Service but agrees that the benefits to it of the Electronic Trading Service justify these risks and the Client waives any claim the Client might otherwise have against the Broker because of: 客戶確認, 使用電子交易服務存在固有風險, 但客戶同意, 相對於其電子交易服務利益而言, 承擔這些風險是值得的, 而且客戶 放棄客戶因下述情況而可能對經紀提出的任何申索: anyfailureofsystemsorequipment(whetherornotprovidedbythe 客戶確認,使用電子交易服務存在固有風險,但客戶同意,相對於其利益而言,承擔這些風險是值得的,而且客戶放棄客戶因下述情況而可能對經紀提出的任何申索:
(a) any failure of systems or equipment (whether or not provided by the Broker) includingtelecommunications servicesand including telecommunication services and facilities or any computer virus or similar problems; 任何系統或設備 任何系統或設備(包括電訊服務及設施)的任何故障,不論該等系統或設備是否由經紀提供,或任何電腦病毒或類似問題;
(包括電訊服務及設施b) 的任何故障, 不論該等系統或設備是否由經紀提供, 或任何電腦病毒或類似問題; the Broker’s acceptance of any unauthorized Instructions unauthorised instructions which appear (or which the Broker reasonably believes) to be from the Client; 經紀接受任何看似 經紀接受任何看似(或經紀有理由相信)是由客戶發出的指示,儘管該等指示是未經授權的;
(或經紀有理由相信c) 是由客戶發出的指示, 儘管該等指示是未經授權的delays in the implementation of Instructions to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; delaysintheimplementationofInstructionstotheextentthatsuchwasoutsidetheBroker’scontrol; 延誤執行指示, 但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; 延誤執行指示,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; delays in delivery or availability of, or failure to deliver or make available, or any interruption or unauthorized unauthorised access of, any part of the Electronic Trading Service to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; 延誤交付或提供或者未交付或提供電子交易服務的任何部份, 或者任何干擾或未經授權進入電子交易服務的任何部份,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; 延誤交付或提供或者未交付或提供電子交易服務的任何部份,或者任何干擾或未經授權進入電子交易服務的任何部份,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限;
(d) delays in dispatch or delivery of, or failure to dispatch or deliver, or unauthorized unauthorised interception, corruption or loss of, any notice or information provided or requested via the Electronic Trading Service or any inaccuracy, error or omission in or from any such notice or in or from any information contained in any such notice to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; 延誤發出或交付或者未發出或交付透過電子交易服務規定或要求的任何通知或資料, 或者未經授權而截取、毀壞或遺失任何該等通知或資料, 或者任何上述通知或該等通知所載的任何資料的任何不準確性、錯誤或遺漏, 但僅以因經紀不能控 制的範圍為限; 延誤發出或交付或者未發出或交付透過電子交易服務規定或要求的任何通知或資料,或者未經授權而截取、毀壞或遺失任何該等通知或資料,或者任何上述通知或該等通知所載的任何資料的任何不準確性、錯誤或遺漏,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限;
(e) the Client’s failure to use the Electronic Trading Service in accordance with this Agreement or any relevant agreement between the Broker and the Client; 客戶沒有按本合約或客戶與經紀訂立的任何有關協議使用電子交易服務; 客戶未能按本合約或客戶與經紀訂立的任何有關協議使用電子交易服務;
(f) the Client’s reliance, use or otherwise acting upon any information or materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service. 客戶依據或使用透過電子交易服務提供的任何資料或資訊, 或者以其他方式按照該等資料或資訊行事客戶依據或使用透過電子交易服務提供的任何資料或資訊,或者以其他方式按照該等資料或資訊行事。
f. 12.6 The Broker shall not be liable for any loss incurred by the Client, directly or indirectly, with respect to the Account or trading in Securities as a result of: 因以下使客戶就帳戶或證券交易直接或間接招致的任何損失, 經紀概不負責: any Instruction given by the Client whether or not it was given following any recommendation, advice or opinion given by the Broker or by any of its directors, employees or agents; or 不論是否跟隨任何由經紀或其董事、僱員或代理人提供的任何建議或意見下, 客戶所發出的交易指示; 或 any conditionor circumstanceswhicharebeyond thereasonablecontroloranticipationof the Broker, including but not limited due to government restriction, suspension of trading, wars wars, strikes or strikes; or 任何情況或環境已超出經紀可合理地控制及預期下, 包括但不限於政府限制、暫停交易、戰爭或罷工; 或 any other event beyond the Broker exercisingany or all of its rights conferred bytheterms of the Agreement. 經紀行使協議條款賦予的任何或所有權利。
g. The Client agrees that the Broker shall not be liable for any loss or liability which the Client may incur (including losses and liability resulting from transactions in Securities executed by any brokers and dealers) unless due to fraud, gross negligenceor willful default on the part of the Broker or dealer whichis an Affiliate control of the Broker. 客戶同意, 經紀無須對任何客戶可能涉及的任何損失或責任 (包括因任何經紀或交易商執行證券交易導致的損失和責任) 負上 責任, 除非由於經紀或經紀的聯屬公司欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致對於由於政府限制、暫停交易、戰爭、罷工或經紀控制範圍以外的任何其他事件而使客戶就帳戶或證券交易直接或間接招致的任何損失,經紀概不負責。
h. The Client shall indemnify the Broker from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgment, suits, costs, legal expenses and other expenses or disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever (other than those resulting from fraud, gross negligence or willful default on the part of the Broker) which may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Broker (or any of its directors, officers, delegates, agents, employees, associates, correspondents or representatives) in performing its services under this Agreement or resulting from the default or breach by the Client of any provision of, or any of the Client’s obligations under, this Agreement, save where the same were caused by the Broker or the relevant person’s own fraud, gross negligence or willful default. 客戶須就經紀根據此等條款履行其服務時或客戶此等條款的任何條文或客戶根據此等條款的任何責任而導致施加於、涉及或向 經紀(或其任何董事、高級人員、獲授權人、代理、僱員、代名人、通信人或代表) 提出的任何及一切債務、責任、損失、損害、 罰款、起訴、裁定、訴訟、費用、法律開支及其他開支或任何類別或性質的開銷 (因經紀欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致者除 外) 向經紀作出彌償, 惟因經紀或有關人士本身的欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責除外。
i. The Client shall indemnify the Broker against any claim which may be made against the Broker by a purchaser or any other person by reason of any defect in the title of the Client to the Securities. 客戶須進一步就買方或任何其他人士由於客戶對證券所有權任何不妥而對經紀作出之任何申索而對經紀作出彌償。
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Securities Trading Agreement
Limitation of Liability, Indemnity and Ratification 法律責任範圍. 彌償保證和追認規定
a. 12.1 The Broker makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express express, implied or implied, statutory regarding the Electronic Trading Service or the information or materials contained or referred to in the Electronic Trading System or otherwise provided via the Electronic Trading Service. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Broker hereby expressly excludes and disclaims any conditionscondition, representation, warranty or responsibility of any kind relating to the Electronic Trading Service and/or such information and materials, whether express or implied, by statute or otherwise, including without limitation any such condition, representation, warranty or responsibility regarding the title, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or standard of quality of the Electronic Trading Service and/or such information and materials, that they will be accurate or free of errors or omissions, that they will not infringe any third party rights, that they will be available and un interrupted uninterrupted at any particular time, free of computer viruses, trojan horses, worms, software bombs or similar items or processes arising from the Client’s use of the Electronic Trading Service, that they will adhere to any particular performance standards or that any Instruction instruction to or information requested via the Electronic Trading Service will be acted upon, delivered to or received by the Client at in any particular time or at all. 經紀並不就電子交易服務或電子交易系統所載或提述的或以其他方式透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊作出任何性質的明 示、默示或法定的陳述或保證。在法律允許的最大範圍內, 經紀特此明示地排除及卸棄有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的 任何性質的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任 (不論是明示或默示的, 根據法規或其他規定的) , 包括 (但不限於) 有關下列各項的任 何條 件、陳述、保證或責任: 有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的所有權、就某特定用途的適用性、可商售性或品質標準; 其 將是準 確或沒有錯誤或遺漏; 其將不會侵犯任何第三方權利; 其可在任何特定時間不受干擾地提供使用; 其不會因客戶使用電子 交易服 務而產生任何電腦病毒、特洛依木馬程式 (Trojan horses)、蠕蟲程式、軟件炸彈或類似項目或進程;其符合任何特定的性 能標準; 或者透過電子交易服務發出的任何指示或要求的資料將於任何特定時候得到遵照辦理、交付予客戶或由客戶收到經紀並不就電子交易服務所載或提述的或以其他方式透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊作出任何性質的明示、默示或法定的陳述或保證。在法律允許的最大範圍內,經紀特此明示地排除及卸棄有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的任何性質的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任 (不論是明示或默示的,根據法規或其他規定的),包括(但不限於)有關下列各項的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任:有關電子交易服務及 /或上述資料及資訊的所有權、就某特定用途的適用性、可商售性或品質標準;其將是準確或沒有錯誤或遺漏;其將不會侵犯任何第三方權利;其可在任何特定時間不受干擾地提供使用;其符合任何特定的性能標準;或者透過電子交易服務發出的任何指示或要求的資料將於任何時候得到遵照辦理、交付予客戶或由客戶收到。
b. 12.2 The information and materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service are is provided for information only and should not be used as a basis for making business decisions. Any advice or information provided via the Electronic Trading Service should not be relied upon without consulting primary sources of information and obtaining specific professional advice, and is not, and should not be construed as advice. The Broker accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from action taken, or not taken, in reliance on information or materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service. In particular, no warranty is given that economic reporting information, materials or data is accurate, reliable or up to date. 透過電子交易服務提供的資料及資訊僅供參考之用, 不應用作為商業決定的根據。在未諮詢資料的主要來源並取得具體的專業 意見的情況下 (及不是並不應該視為建議) , 不應倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的任何意見或資料。如果因倚賴透過電子交易服務 提供的資料或資訊採取或不採取行動而直接或間接引致任何損失或損害, 經紀概不承擔任何法律責任。尤其是, 經紀並不保證財經報導資料、資訊或數據是準確、可靠或最新的透過電子交易服務提供的資料及資訊僅供參考之用,不應用作為商業決定的根據。在未諮詢資料的主要來源並取得具體的專業意見的情況下 ,不應倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的任何意見或資料。如果因倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊採取或不採取行動而直接或間接引致任何損失或損害,經紀概不承擔任何法律責任。尤其是,經紀並不保證財經報導資料、資訊或數據是準確、可靠或最新的。
c. 12.3 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Broker shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly (including special, incidental or consequential loss or damage) from the Client’s use of the Electronic Trading Service including any loss, damage or expense arising from, but not limited to, any defect, error, fault, mistake or inaccuracy with information provided via the Electronic Trading Service, or due to any unavailability of the Electronic Trading Service or any contents therein where such loss or damage is caused by the Client’s negligence; by the Client’s failure to comply with this Agreement; or by any reason or circumstance beyond the Broker’s Controlcontrol. 在法律允許的最大範圍內, 對於客戶使用電子交易服務而直接或間接引致的任何損失或損害 (包括特殊、附帶或相應而產生的損 失或損害) , 包括 (但不限於) 因透過電子交易服務提供的資料的任何缺陷、錯誤、故障、過失或不準確性, 或者因電子交易服務 或其任何內容未能提供使用而引致的任何損失、損害或開支, 而該等損失或損害是由於客戶的疏忽、客戶不遵守本合約或經紀 不能合理控制的任何原因或情況造成的, 經紀概不承擔法律責任在法律允許的最大範圍內,對於客戶使用電子交易服務而直接或間接引致的任何損失或損害(包括特殊、附帶或相應而產生的損失或損害) ,包括(但不限於)因透過電子交易服務提供的資料的任何缺陷、錯誤、故障、過失或不準確性,或者因電子交易服務或其任何內容未能提供使用而引致的任何損失、損害或開支,而該等損失或損害是由於客戶的疏忽、客戶不遵守本合約或經紀不能合理控制的任何原因或情況造成的,經紀概不承擔法律責任。
d. 12.4 The Broker does not guarantee that any communications from or via the Electronic Trading Service and/or via other means will be sent to the Client or received by the Broker nor does the Broker warrant the privacy and/or security of such communications during transmission. 經紀不保證來自或透過電子交易服務及/或透過其他方法發出的任何通訊將會送達給客戶或由經紀收到, 亦不就該等通訊在傳送 期間的私隱及/或安全任何保證經紀不保證來自或透過電子交易服務及/或透過其他方法發出的任何通訊將會送達給客戶或由經紀收到,亦不就該等通訊在傳送期間的私隱及/或安全作任何保證。
e. 12.5 The Client acknowledges that there are risks inherent in using the Electronic Trading Service but agrees that the benefits to it of the Electronic Trading Service justify these risks and the Client waives any claim the Client might otherwise have against the Broker because of: 客戶確認, 使用電子交易服務存在固有風險, 但客戶同意, 相對於其電子交易服務利益而言, 承擔這些風險是值得的, 而且客戶 放棄客戶因下述情況而可能對經紀提出的任何申索: anyfailureofsystemsorequipment(whetherornotprovidedbythe 客戶確認,使用電子交易服務存在固有風險,但客戶同意,相對於其利益而言,承擔這些風險是值得的,而且客戶放棄客戶因下述情況而可能對經紀提出的任何申索:
(a) any failure of systems or equipment (whether or not provided by the Broker) includingtelecommunications servicesand including telecommunications services and facilities or any computer virus or similar problems; 任何系統或設備 任何系統或設備(包括電訊服務及設施)的任何故障,不論該等系統或設備是否由經紀提供,或任何電腦病毒或類似問題;
(包括電訊服務及設施b) 的任何故障, 不論該等系統或設備是否由經紀提供, 或任何電腦病毒或類似問題; the Broker’s acceptance of any unauthorized Instructions instructions which appear (or which the Broker reasonably believes) to be from the Client; 經紀接受任何看似 經紀接受任何看似(或經紀有理由相信)是由客戶發出的指示,儘管該等指示是未經授權的;
(或經紀有理由相信c) 是由客戶發出的指示, 儘管該等指示是未經授權的delays in the implementation of Instructions to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; delaysintheimplementationofInstructionstotheextentthatsuchwasoutsidetheBroker’scontrol; 延誤執行指示, 但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; 延誤執行指示,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限;
(d) delays in delivery or availability of, or failure to deliver or make available, or any interruption or unauthorized access of, any part of the Electronic Trading Service to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; 延誤交付或提供或者未交付或提供電子交易服務的任何部份, 或者任何干擾或未經授權進入電子交易服務的任何部份,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; 延誤交付或提供或者未交付或提供電子交易服務的任何部份,或者任何干擾或未經授權進入電子交易服務的任何部份,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限;
(e) delays in dispatch despatch or delivery of, or failure to dispatch despatch or deliver, or unauthorized interception, corruption or loss of, any notice or information provided or requested via the Electronic Trading Service or any inaccuracy, error or omission in or from any such notice or in or from any information contained in any such notice to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; 延誤發出或交付或者未發出或交付透過電子交易服務規定或要求的任何通知或資料, 或者未經授權而截取、毀壞或遺失任何該等通知或資料, 或者任何上述通知或該等通知所載的任何資料的任何不準確性、錯誤或遺漏, 但僅以因經紀不能控 制的範圍為限; 延誤發出或交付或者未發出或交付透過電子交易服務規定或要求的任何通知或資料,或者未經授權而截取、毀壞或遺失任何該等通知或資料,或者任何上述通知或該等通知所載的任何資料的任何不準確性、錯誤或遺漏,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限;
(f) the Client’s failure to use the Electronic Trading Service in accordance with this Agreement or any relevant agreement between the Broker and the Client; 客戶沒有按本合約或客戶與經紀訂立的任何有關協議使用電子交易服務; 客戶未能按本合約或客戶與經紀訂立的任何有關協議使用電子交易服務;
(g) the Client’s reliance, use or otherwise acting upon any information or materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service. 客戶依據或使用透過電子交易服務提供的任何資料或資訊, 或者以其他方式按照該等資料或資訊行事客戶依據或使用透過電子交易服務提供的任何資料或資訊,或者以其他方式按照該等資料或資訊行事。
f. 12.6 The Broker shall not be liable for any loss incurred by the Client, directly or indirectly, with respect to the Account or trading in Securities as a result of: 因以下使客戶就帳戶或證券交易直接或間接招致的任何損失, 經紀概不負責: any Instruction given by the Client whether or not it was given following any recommendation, advice or opinion given by the Broker or by any of its directors, employees or agents; or 不論是否跟隨任何由經紀或其董事、僱員或代理人提供的任何建議或意見下, 客戶所發出的交易指示; 或 any conditionor circumstanceswhicharebeyond thereasonablecontroloranticipationof the Broker, including but not limited due to government restriction, suspension of trading, wars wars, strikes or strikes; or 任何情況或環境已超出經紀可合理地控制及預期下, 包括但不限於政府限制、暫停交易、戰爭或罷工; 或 any other event beyond the Broker exercisingany or all of its rights conferred bytheterms of the Agreement. 經紀行使協議條款賦予的任何或所有權利。
g. The Client agrees that the Broker shall not be liable for any loss or liability which the Client may incur (including losses and liability resulting from transactions in Securities executed by any brokers and dealers) unless due to fraud, gross negligenceor willful default on the part of the Broker or dealer whichis an Affiliate control of the Broker. 客戶同意, 經紀無須對任何客戶可能涉及的任何損失或責任 (包括因任何經紀或交易商執行證券交易導致的損失和責任) 負上 責任, 除非由於經紀或經紀的聯屬公司欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致對於由於政府限制、暫停交易、戰爭、罷工或經紀控制範圍以外的任何其他事件而使客戶就帳戶或證券交易直接或間接招致的任何損失,經紀概不負責。
h. The Client shall indemnify the Broker from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgment, suits, costs, legal expenses and other expenses or disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever (other than those resulting from fraud, gross negligence or willful default on the part of the Broker) which may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Broker (or any of its directors, officers, delegates, agents, employees, associates, correspondents or representatives) in performing its services under this Agreement or resulting from the default or breach by the Client of any provision of, or any of the Client’s obligations under, this Agreement, save where the same were caused by the Broker or the relevant person’s own fraud, gross negligence or willful default. 客戶須就經紀根據此等條款履行其服務時或客戶此等條款的任何條文或客戶根據此等條款的任何責任而導致施加於、涉及或向 經紀(或其任何董事、高級人員、獲授權人、代理、僱員、代名人、通信人或代表) 提出的任何及一切債務、責任、損失、損害、 罰款、起訴、裁定、訴訟、費用、法律開支及其他開支或任何類別或性質的開銷 (因經紀欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致者除 外) 向經紀作出彌償, 惟因經紀或有關人士本身的欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責除外。
i. The Client shall indemnify the Broker against any claim which may be made against the Broker by a purchaser or any other person by reason of any defect in the title of the Client to the Securities. 客戶須進一步就買方或任何其他人士由於客戶對證券所有權任何不妥而對經紀作出之任何申索而對經紀作出彌償。
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Securities Trading Agreement
Limitation of Liability, Indemnity and Ratification 法律責任範圍. 彌償保證和追認規定
a. 12.1 The Broker makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express express, implied or implied, statutory regarding the Electronic Trading Service or the information or materials contained or referred to in the Electronic Trading System or otherwise provided via the Electronic Trading Service. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Broker hereby expressly excludes and disclaims any conditionscondition, representation, warranty or responsibility of any kind relating to the Electronic Trading Service and/or such information and materials, whether express or implied, by statute or otherwise, including without limitation any such condition, representation, warranty or responsibility regarding the title, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or standard of quality of the Electronic Trading Service and/or such information and materials, that they will be accurate or free of errors or omissions, that they will not infringe any third party rights, that they will be available and un interrupted uninterrupted at any particular time, free of computer viruses, trojan horses, worms, software bombs or similar items or processes arising from the Client’s use of the Electronic Trading Service, that they will adhere to any particular performance standards or that any Instruction instruction to or information requested via the Electronic Trading Service will be acted upon, delivered to or received by the Client at in any particular time or at all. 經紀並不就電子交易服務或電子交易系統所載或提述的或以其他方式透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊作出任何性質的明 示、默示或法定的陳述或保證。在法律允許的最大範圍內, 經紀特此明示地排除及卸棄有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的 任何性質的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任 (不論是明示或默示的, 根據法規或其他規定的) , 包括 (但不限於) 有關下列各項的任 何條 件、陳述、保證或責任: 有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的所有權、就某特定用途的適用性、可商售性或品質標準; 其 將是準 確或沒有錯誤或遺漏; 其將不會侵犯任何第三方權利; 其可在任何特定時間不受干擾地提供使用; 其不會因客戶使用電子 交易服 務而產生任何電腦病毒、特洛依木馬程式 (Trojan horses)、蠕蟲程式、軟件炸彈或類似項目或進程;其符合任何特定的性 能標準; 或者透過電子交易服務發出的任何指示或要求的資料將於任何特定時候得到遵照辦理、交付予客戶或由客戶收到經紀並不就電子交易服務所載或提述的或以其他方式透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊作出任何性質的明示、默示或法定的陳述或保證。在法律允許的最大範圍內,經紀特此明示地排除及卸棄有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的任何性質的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任(不論是明示或默示的,根據法規或其他規定的),包括(但不限於)有關下列各項的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任:有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的所有權、就某特定用途的適用性、可商售性或品質標準;其將是準確或沒有錯誤或遺漏;其將不會侵犯任何第三方權利;其可在任何特定時間不受干擾地提供使用;其符合任何特定的性能標準;或者透過電子交易服務發出的任何指示或要求的資料將於任何時候得到遵照辦理、交付予客戶或由客戶收到。
b. 12.2 The information and materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service are is provided for information only and should not be used as a basis for making business decisions. Any advice or information provided via the Electronic Trading Service should not be relied upon without consulting primary sources of information and obtaining specific professional advice, and is not, and should not be construed as advice. The Broker accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from action taken, or not taken, in reliance on information or materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service. In particular, no warranty is given that economic reporting information, materials or data is accurate, reliable or up to date. 透過電子交易服務提供的資料及資訊僅供參考之用, 不應用作為商業決定的根據。在未諮詢資料的主要來源並取得具體的專業 意見的情況下 (及不是並不應該視為建議) , 不應倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的任何意見或資料。如果因倚賴透過電子交易服務 提供的資料或資訊採取或不採取行動而直接或間接引致任何損失或損害, 經紀概不承擔任何法律責任。尤其是, 經紀並不保證財經報導資料、資訊或數據是準確、可靠或最新的透過電子交易服務提供的資料及資訊僅供參考之用,不應用作為商業決定的根據。在未諮詢資料的主要來源並取得具體的專業意見的情況下,不應倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的任何資料。如果因倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊採取或不採取行動而直接或間接引致任何損失或損害,經紀概不承擔任何法律責任。尤其是,經紀並不保證財經報導資料、資訊或數據是準確、可靠或最新的。
c. 12.3 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Broker shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly (including special, incidental or consequential loss or damage) from the Client’s use of the Electronic Trading Service including any loss, damage or expense arising from, but not limited to, any defect, error, fault, mistake or inaccuracy with information provided via the Electronic Trading Service, or due to any unavailability of the Electronic Trading Service or any contents therein where such loss or damage is caused by the Client’s negligence; by the Client’s failure to comply with this Agreement; or by any reason or circumstance beyond the Broker’s Controlcontrol. 在法律允許的最大範圍內, 對於客戶使用電子交易服務而直接或間接引致的任何損失或損害 (包括特殊、附帶或相應而產生的損 失或損害) , 包括 (但不限於) 因透過電子交易服務提供的資料的任何缺陷、錯誤、故障、過失或不準確性, 或者因電子交易服務 或其任何內容未能提供使用而引致的任何損失、損害或開支, 而該等損失或損害是由於客戶的疏忽、客戶不遵守本合約或經紀 不能合理控制的任何原因或情況造成的, 經紀概不承擔法律責任在法律允許的最大範圍內,對於客戶使用電子交易服務而直接或間接引致的任何損失或損害(包括特殊、附帶或相應而產生的損失或損害),包括(但不限於)因透過電子交易服務提供的資料的任何缺陷、錯誤、故障、過失或不準確性,或者因電子交易服務或其任何內容未能提供使用而引致的任何損失、損害或開支,而該等損失或損害是由於客戶的疏忽、客戶不遵守本合約或經紀不能合理控制的任何原因或情況造成的,經紀概不承擔法律責任。
d. 12.4 The Broker does not guarantee that any communications from or via the Electronic Trading Service and/or via other means will be sent to the Client or received by the Broker nor does the Broker warrant the privacy and/or security of such communications during transmission. 經紀不保證來自或透過電子交易服務及/或透過其他方法發出的任何通訊將會送達給客戶或由經紀收到, 亦不就該等通訊在傳送 期間的私隱及/或安全任何保證經紀不保證來自或透過電子交易服務及/或透過其他方法發出的任何通訊將會送達給客戶或由經紀收到,亦不就該等通訊在傳送期間的私隱及/或安全作任何保證。
e. 12.5 The Client acknowledges that there are risks inherent in using the Electronic Trading Service but agrees that the benefits to it of the Electronic Trading Service justify these risks and the Client waives any claim the Client might otherwise have against the Broker because of: 客戶確認, 使用電子交易服務存在固有風險, 但客戶同意, 相對於其電子交易服務利益而言, 承擔這些風險是值得的, 而且客戶 放棄客戶因下述情況而可能對經紀提出的任何申索: anyfailureofsystemsorequipment(whetherornotprovidedbythe 客戶確認,使用電子交易服務存在固有風險,但客戶同意,相對於其利益而言,承擔這些風險是值得的,而且客戶放棄客戶因下述情況而可能對經紀提出的任何申索:
(a) any failure of systems or equipment (whether or not provided by the Broker) includingtelecommunications servicesand including telecommunication services and facilities or any computer virus or similar problems; 任何系統或設備 任何系統或設備(包括電訊服務及設施)的任何故障,不論該等系統或設備是否由經紀提供,或任何電腦病毒或類似問題;
(包括電訊服務及設施b) 的任何故障, 不論該等系統或設備是否由經紀提供, 或任何電腦病毒或類似問題; the Broker’s acceptance of any unauthorized Instructions instructions which appear (or which the Broker reasonably believes) to be from the Client; 經紀接受任何看似 經紀接受任何看似(或經紀有理由相信)是由客戶發出的指示,儘管該等指示是未經授權的;
(或經紀有理由相信c) 是由客戶發出的指示, 儘管該等指示是未經授權的delays in the implementation of Instructions to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; delaysintheimplementationofInstructionstotheextentthatsuchwasoutsidetheBroker’scontrol; 延誤執行指示, 但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; 延誤執行指示,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限;
(d) delays in delivery or availability of, or failure to deliver or make available, or any interruption or unauthorized access of, any part of the Electronic Trading Service to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; 延誤交付或提供或者未交付或提供電子交易服務的任何部份, 或者任何干擾或未經授權進入電子交易服務的任何部份,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; 延誤交付或提供或者未交付或提供電子交易服務的任何部份,或者任何干擾或未經授權進入電子交易服務的任何部份,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限;
(e) delays in dispatch or delivery of, or failure to dispatch or deliver, or unauthorized interception, corruption or loss of, any notice or information provided or requested via the Electronic Trading Service or any inaccuracy, error or omission in or from any such notice or in or from any information contained in any such notice to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; 延誤發出或交付或者未發出或交付透過電子交易服務規定或要求的任何通知或資料, 或者未經授權而截取、毀壞或遺失任何該等通知或資料, 或者任何上述通知或該等通知所載的任何資料的任何不準確性、錯誤或遺漏, 但僅以因經紀不能控 制的範圍為限; 延誤發出或交付或者未發出或交付透過電子交易服務規定或要求的任何通知或資料,或者未經授權而截取、毀壞或遺失任何該等通知或資料,或者任何上述通知或該等通知所載的任何資料的任何不準確性、錯誤或遺漏,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限;
(f) the Client’s failure to use the Electronic Trading Service in accordance with this Agreement or any relevant agreement between the Broker and the Client; 客戶沒有按本合約或客戶與經紀訂立的任何有關協議使用電子交易服務; 客戶未能按本合約或客戶與經紀訂立的任何有關協議使用電子交易服務;
(g) the Client’s reliance, use or otherwise acting upon any information or materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service. 客戶依據或使用透過電子交易服務提供的任何資料或資訊, 或者以其他方式按照該等資料或資訊行事客戶依據或使用透過電子交易服務提供的任何資料或資訊,或者以其他方式按照該等資料或資訊行事。
f. 12.6 The Broker shall not be liable for any loss incurred by the Client, directly or indirectly, with respect to the Account or trading in Securities as a result of: 因以下使客戶就帳戶或證券交易直接或間接招致的任何損失, 經紀概不負責: any Instruction given by the Client whether or not it was given following any recommendation, advice or opinion given by the Broker or by any of its directors, employees or agents; or 不論是否跟隨任何由經紀或其董事、僱員或代理人提供的任何建議或意見下, 客戶所發出的交易指示; 或 any conditionor circumstanceswhicharebeyond thereasonablecontroloranticipationof the Broker, including but not limited due to government restriction, suspension of trading, wars wars, strikes or strikes; or 任何情況或環境已超出經紀可合理地控制及預期下, 包括但不限於政府限制、暫停交易、戰爭或罷工; 或 any other event beyond the Broker exercisingany or all of its rights conferred bytheterms of the Agreement. 經紀行使協議條款賦予的任何或所有權利。
g. The Client agrees that the Broker shall not be liable for any loss or liability which the Client may incur (including losses and liability resulting from transactions in Securities executed by any brokers and dealers) unless due to fraud, gross negligenceor willful default on the part of the Broker or dealer whichis an Affiliate control of the Broker. 客戶同意, 經紀無須對任何客戶可能涉及的任何損失或責任 (包括因任何經紀或交易商執行證券交易導致的損失和責任) 負上 責任, 除非由於經紀或經紀的聯屬公司欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致對於由於政府限制、暫停交易、戰爭、罷工或經紀控制範圍以外的任何其他事件而使客戶就帳戶或證券交易直接或間接招致的任何損失,經紀概不負責。
h. The Client shall indemnify the Broker from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgment, suits, costs, legal expenses and other expenses or disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever (other than those resulting from fraud, gross negligence or willful default on the part of the Broker) which may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Broker (or any of its directors, officers, delegates, agents, employees, associates, correspondents or representatives) in performing its services under this Agreement or resulting from the default or breach by the Client of any provision of, or any of the Client’s obligations under, this Agreement, save where the same were caused by the Broker or the relevant person’s own fraud, gross negligence or willful default. 客戶須就經紀根據此等條款履行其服務時或客戶此等條款的任何條文或客戶根據此等條款的任何責任而導致施加於、涉及或向 經紀(或其任何董事、高級人員、獲授權人、代理、僱員、代名人、通信人或代表) 提出的任何及一切債務、責任、損失、損害、 罰款、起訴、裁定、訴訟、費用、法律開支及其他開支或任何類別或性質的開銷 (因經紀欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致者除 外) 向經紀作出彌償, 惟因經紀或有關人士本身的欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責除外。
i. The Client shall indemnify the Broker against any claim which may be made against the Broker by a purchaser or any other person by reason of any defect in the title of the Client to the Securities. 客戶須進一步就買方或任何其他人士由於客戶對證券所有權任何不妥而對經紀作出之任何申索而對經紀作出彌償。
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Securities Trading Agreement
Limitation of Liability, Indemnity and Ratification 法律責任範圍. 彌償保證和追認規定
a. The Broker makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the Electronic Trading Service or the information or materials contained or referred to in the Electronic Trading System or otherwise provided via the Electronic Trading Service. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Broker hereby expressly excludes and disclaims any conditions, representation, warranty or responsibility of any kind relating to the Electronic Trading Service and/or such information and materials, whether express or implied, by statute or otherwise, including without limitation any condition, representation, warranty or responsibility regarding the title, fitness for a particular aparticular purpose, merchantability or standard of quality of the Electronic Trading Service and/or such information and materials, that they will thattheywill be accurate or free of errors or omissions, that they will not infringe any third party theywillnotinfringeanythirdparty rights, that they will be thattheywillbe available and un interrupted anduninterrupted at any particular time, free of computer virusescomputerviruses, trojan horses, worms, software bombs or similar items or itemsor processes arising from the fromthe Client’s use of the Electronic Trading Service, that they will adhere to any particular theywilladheretoanyparticular performance standards or that any Instruction to or information requested via the viathe Electronic Trading Service will be acted Servicewillbeacted upon, delivered to deliveredto or received by the Client at any particular anyparticular time or at all. 經紀並不就電子交易服務或電子交易系統所載或提述的或以其他方式透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊作出任何性質的明 示、默示或法定的陳述或保證。在法律允許的最大範圍內, 經紀特此明示地排除及卸棄有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的 任何性質的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任 或上述資料及資訊的任何性質的任何條件、陳述、保證或責任 (不論是明示或默示的, 根據法規或其他規定的) , 包括 (但不限於) 有關下列各項的任 何條 件、陳述、保證或責任何條件、陳述、保證或責任: 有關電子交易服務及/或上述資料及資訊的所有權、就某特定用途的適用性、可商售性或品質標準; 其 將是準 確或沒有錯誤或遺漏將是準確或沒有錯誤或遺漏; 其將不會侵犯任何第三方權利; 其可在任何特定時間不受干擾地提供使用; 其不會因客戶使用電子 交易服 務而產生任何電腦病毒、特洛依木馬程式 交易服務而產生任何電腦病毒、特洛依木馬程式 (Trojan horses)、蠕蟲程式、軟件炸彈或類似項目或進程;其符合任何特定的性 能標準horses)、蠕蟲程式、軟件炸彈或類似項目或進程; 或者透過電子交易服務發出的任何指示或要求的資料將於任何特定時候得到遵照辦理、交付予客戶或由客戶收到其符合任何特定的性 能標準;或者透過電子交易服務發出的任何指示或要求的資料將於任何特定時候得到遵照辦理、交付予客戶或由客戶收到。
b. The information Theinformation and materials provided via the materialsprovidedviathe Electronic Trading Service are provided for information only and providedforinformation onlyand should not be used notbeused as a basis for making business abasis formakingbusiness decisions. Any advice or information provided via the providedviathe Electronic Trading Service should not be relied upon without consulting Serviceshould notbereliedupon withoutconsulting primary sources of information and obtaining specific professional advice, and is not, and should not be construed as advice. The Broker accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from action taken, or not taken, in reliance on information or materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service. In particular, no warranty is given that economic reporting information, materials or data is accurate, reliable or up to datereportinginformation,materialsordataisaccurate,reliableor uptodate. 透過電子交易服務提供的資料及資訊僅供參考之用, 不應用作為商業決定的根據。在未諮詢資料的主要來源並取得具體的專業 意見的情況下 不應用作為商業決定的根據。在未諮詢資料的主要來源並取得具體的專業意見的情況下 (及不是並不應該視為建議) , 不應倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的任何意見或資料。如果因倚賴透過電子交易服務 提供的資料或資訊採取或不採取行動而直接或間接引致任何損失或損害不應倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的任何意見或資料。如果因倚賴透過電子交易服務提供的資料或資訊採取或不採取行動而直接或間接引致任何損失或損害, 經紀概不承擔任何法律責任。尤其是, 經紀並不保證財經報導資料、資訊或數據是準確、可靠或最新的。
c. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Broker shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly (including special, incidental or consequential loss or damage) from the fromthe Client’s use of the Electronic Trading Service including any loss, damage or expense arising from, but not limited tolimitedto, any defect, error, fault, mistake or inaccuracy with information provided via the providedviathe Electronic Trading Service, or due to any unavailability of the Electronic Trading Service or any contents therein where such loss or damage is caused by the Client’s negligence; by the Client’s failure to comply with this Agreement; or by any reason or circumstance beyond the Broker’s Control. 在法律允許的最大範圍內, 對於客戶使用電子交易服務而直接或間接引致的任何損失或損害 (包括特殊、附帶或相應而產生的損 失或損害包括特殊、附帶或相應而產生的損失或損害) , 包括 (但不限於) 因透過電子交易服務提供的資料的任何缺陷、錯誤、故障、過失或不準確性, 或者因電子交易服務 或其任何內容未能提供使用而引致的任何損失、損害或開支或者因電子交易服務或其任何內容未能提供使用而引致的任何損失、損害或開支, 而該等損失或損害是由於客戶的疏忽、客戶不遵守本合約或經紀 不能合理控制的任何原因或情況造成的而該等損失或損害是由於客戶的疏忽、客戶不遵守本合約或經紀不能合理控制的任何原因或情況造成的, 經紀概不承擔法律責任。
d. The Broker does not guarantee Brokerdoesnotguarantee that any communications from communicationsfrom or via the viathe Electronic Trading Service and/or via other means viaothermeans will be sent to the Client or received by the Broker nor does the Broker warrant Brokerwarrant the privacy and/or security of such communications securityof suchcommunications during transmission. 經紀不保證來自或透過電子交易服務及/或透過其他方法發出的任何通訊將會送達給客戶或由經紀收到, 亦不就該等通訊在傳送 期間的私隱及亦不就該等通訊在傳送期間的私隱及/或安全任何保證。
e. The Client acknowledges that there are risks inherent in using the Electronic Trading Service but agrees that the benefits to it of the Electronic Trading Service justify these risks and the Client waives any claim the Client might otherwise have against the Broker because of: 客戶確認, 使用電子交易服務存在固有風險, 但客戶同意, 相對於其電子交易服務利益而言, 承擔這些風險是值得的, 而且客戶 放棄客戶因下述情況而可能對經紀提出的任何申索而且客戶放棄客戶因下述情況而可能對經紀提出的任何申索: anyfailureofsystemsorequipment(whetherornotprovidedbythe any failure of systems or equipment (whether or not provided by the Broker) includingtelecommunications servicesand including telecommunications services and facilities or any computer virus or similar problems; 任何系統或設備 (包括電訊服務及設施) 的任何故障, 不論該等系統或設備是否由經紀提供, 或任何電腦病毒或類似問題; the Broker’s acceptance of any unauthorized Instructions which appear (or which the Broker reasonably believes) to be from the Client; 經紀接受任何看似 (或經紀有理由相信) 是由客戶發出的指示, 儘管該等指示是未經授權的; delaysintheimplementationofInstructionstotheextentthatsuchwasoutsidetheBroker’scontrol; 延誤執行指示, 但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; delays in delivery or availability of, or failure to deliver or make available, or any interruption or unauthorized access of, any part of the Electronic Trading Service to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; 延誤交付或提供或者未交付或提供電子交易服務的任何部份, 或者任何干擾或未經授權進入電子交易服務的任何部份,但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; delays in dispatch or delivery ofdeliveryof, or failure to dispatch failuretodispatch or deliver, or unauthorized interceptionunauthorizedinterception, corruption or loss of, any notice anynotice or information provided or requested via the Electronic Trading Service or any inaccuracy, error or omission in or from any such notice or in or from any information contained in any such notice to the extent that such was outside the Broker’s control; 延誤發出或交付或者未發出或交付透過電子交易服務規定或要求的任何通知或資料, 或者未經授權而截取、毀壞或遺失任何該等通知或資料, 或者任何上述通知或該等通知所載的任何資料的任何不準確性、錯誤或遺漏, 但僅以因經紀不能控 制的範圍為限但僅以因經紀不能控制的範圍為限; the Client’s failure to use the Electronic Trading Service in accordance with this Agreement or any relevant agreement between the Broker and the ClienttheClient’sfailuretousetheElectronicTradingService inaccordancewiththisAgreementor anyrelevantagreementbetween theBrokerandtheClient; 客戶沒有按本合約或客戶與經紀訂立的任何有關協議使用電子交易服務; the Client’s reliance, use or otherwise acting upon any information or materials provided via the Electronic Trading Service. 客戶依據或使用透過電子交易服務提供的任何資料或資訊, 或者以其他方式按照該等資料或資訊行事。
f. The Broker shall not be liable for any loss incurred by the Client, directly or indirectly, with respect to the Account or trading in Securities as a result ofSecuritiesas aresultof: 因以下使客戶就帳戶或證券交易直接或間接招致的任何損失, 經紀概不負責: any Instruction given by the Client whether Clientwhether or not it was given following any recommendation, advice or opinion given by the Broker or by any of its directors, employees or agents; or 不論是否跟隨任何由經紀或其董事、僱員或代理人提供的任何建議或意見下, 客戶所發出的交易指示; 或 any conditionor circumstanceswhicharebeyond thereasonablecontroloranticipationof condition or circumstances which are beyond the reasonable control or anticipation of the Broker, including but not limited to government restriction, suspension of trading, wars or strikes; or 任何情況或環境已超出經紀可合理地控制及預期下, 包括但不限於政府限制、暫停交易、戰爭或罷工; 或 the Broker exercisingany exercising any or all of its rights conferred bytheterms by the terms of the Agreement. 經紀行使協議條款賦予的任何或所有權利。
g. The Client agrees that the Broker shall not be liable for any loss or liability which the Client may incur (including losses and liability resulting from resultingfrom transactions in Securities executed Securitiesexecuted by any brokers and dealersanddealers) unless due to fraudunlessduetofraud, gross negligenceor willful grossnegligenceorwillful default on the part thepart of the Broker or dealer whichis which is an Affiliate of the Broker. 客戶同意, 經紀無須對任何客戶可能涉及的任何損失或責任 (包括因任何經紀或交易商執行證券交易導致的損失和責任) 負上 責任負上責任, 除非由於經紀或經紀的聯屬公司欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致。
h. The Client shall indemnify the Broker from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgment, suits, costs, legal expenses and other expenses or disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever (other than those resulting from fraud, gross negligence or willful default on the part of the Broker) which may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Broker (or any of its directors, officers, delegates, agents, employees, associates, correspondents or representatives) in performing its services under this Agreement or resulting from the default or breach by the Client of any provision of, or any of the Client’s obligations under, this Agreement, save where the same were caused by the Broker or the relevant person’s own fraud, gross negligence or willful default. 客戶須就經紀根據此等條款履行其服務時或客戶此等條款的任何條文或客戶根據此等條款的任何責任而導致施加於、涉及或向 經紀(或其任何董事、高級人員、獲授權人、代理、僱員、代名人、通信人或代表客戶須就經紀根據此等條款履行其服務時或客戶此等條款的任何條文或客戶根據此等條款的任何責任而導致施加於、涉及或向經紀(或其任何董事、高級人員、獲授權人、代理、僱員、代名人、通信人或代表) 提出的任何及一切債務、責任、損失、損害、 罰款、起訴、裁定、訴訟、費用、法律開支及其他開支或任何類別或性質的開銷 提出的任何及一切債務、責任、損失、損害、罰款、起訴、裁定、訴訟、費用、法律開支及其他開支或任何類別或性質的開銷 (因經紀欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致者除 外因經紀欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責所致者除外) 向經紀作出彌償, 惟因經紀或有關人士本身的欺詐、嚴重疏忽或故意失責除外。
i. The Client shall indemnify the Broker against any claim which may be made against the Broker by a purchaser or any other person by reason of any defect in the title of the Client to the Securities. 客戶須進一步就買方或任何其他人士由於客戶對證券所有權任何不妥而對經紀作出之任何申索而對經紀作出彌償。
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Securities Trading Account Agreement