LINE OF CREDIT LIMITS. You will be notified of each specific Credit Limit for which You are approved. Unless You are in default, any Credit Limits established for You will generally be self-replenishing as You make payments.
LINE OF CREDIT LIMITS. If Your application for a Card is approved, You will be notified of Your specific Credit Limits for Your Account. Unless You are in default, the Credit Limits established for You will generally be self-replenishing as You make payments on Your Account.
LINE OF CREDIT LIMITS. You will be notified of the specific Credit Limit for which You are approved. Unless You are in default, such Credit Limit established for You will generally be self-replenishing as You make payments. You will keep Your unpaid balance within Your Credit Limit set by Us, and You will pay any amount over Your Credit Limit on Our demand whether or not We authorize the advances which caused You to exceed Your Credit Limit. Even if Your unpaid balance is less than Your Credit Limit, You will have no credit available during any time that any aspect of Your Account is in default.
LINE OF CREDIT LIMITS. We will notify You of the Credit Limits given You for Your Account no later than the time of the first advance. We expect that You will make repeated advances on Your Account and unless You are in default, Your Credit Limit will generally be self-replenishing as You make payments on Your Account. VISA Platinum Secured advances are limited to the amount in Your secured sub-share account, and will be self-replenishing as You make payments on Your Account. VISA Platinum Secured Credit Limit increase requests will only be considered after a six- month period has passed since Your Account was established and will only be granted in $100.00 increments.
LINE OF CREDIT LIMITS. We will notify You of the Credit Limits given You for each Feature Category of Your Account. We expect that You will make repeated advances on Your Account and unless You are in default, Your Credit Limit will generally be self- replenishing as You make payments on Your Account. Share Secured Advances are limited to how much equity You have or will have in the shares and/or certificates offered as security. You promise to keep Your unpaid balance within Your Credit Limit, and You will pay any amount over Your Credit Limit on Our demand whether or not We authorized the advance(s) or transaction(s) which caused You to exceed Your Credit Limit. Even if Your unpaid balance is less than Your Credit Limit, You will have no credit available during any time that any aspect of Your Account is in default.