Liquid Damage. If your device is damaged as a result of accidentally coming into contact with any liquid we will repair or replace it.
Liquid Damage. Any damage occured to the Mobile Device during Contract Period, by an involuntary seepage of water or other fluids inside the Mobile Device.
Liquid Damage. Loss of functionality of the Mobile Device as a result of a liquid directly damaging the electronic components of the Mobile Device, caused by unintentional spills. For the avoidance of doubt, damage to your Mobile Device which arose as a result of deliberate acts or omissions to cause the Mobile Device to stop working normally, or to affect its usability or its safety shall not constitute Accidental Damage. We shall (acting reasonably) have sole determination of whether damage done to a Mobile Device is deliberate.
Liquid Damage. School devices that are deemed damaged by any type of liquid will require a full Device replacement. Xxxxx ISD Technology cannot ensure the quality and performance of the internal electronics after a liquid spill. Due to this and for the protection of the student we are required to dispose of liquid damaged Devices.