LOGGING OPERATIONS PLAN. The Forest Officer shall approve a plan for felling, yarding, and landing logs (both Sawlogs and Other Material) in each harvest unit prior to the start of operations in that unit.
I. SKID TRAIL LAYOUT AND YARDING PLAN: The Purchaser must follow these requirements along with those shown under VII.G. SPECIAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS when developing a yarding plan for each unit. The Forest Officer may approve exceptions to these requirements in writing.
1. The Purchaser shall lay out skid trails and have locations approved by the Forest Officer prior to felling trees.
2. All skid trails will be located within the harvest unit boundaries.
3. Any constructed skid trails shall be completed and approved by the Forest Officer prior to felling timber.
4. Skid trails will not be located in draws, and may only cross draws at locations flagged and approved by the Forest Officer.
LOGGING OPERATIONS PLAN. The Forest Officer shall approve a plan for felling, yarding, and landing logs (both Sawlogs and Other Material) in each harvest unit prior to the start of operations in that unit.
LOGGING OPERATIONS PLAN. The Forest Officer shall approve a plan for felling, yarding, and landing logs (both Sawlogs and Other Material) in each harvest unit prior to the start of operations in that unit.
I. NUTRIENT RECYCLING REQUIREMENT: Purchaser is required to leave material in the unit for recycling of forest nutrients. At the same time, logging slash loading shall be kept to a minimum by skidding and piling some slash at the landings.
a. Purchaser is required to leave most logging slash foliage scattered on the forest floor. The Forest Officer may require lopping and scattering of limbs, severing tops before skidding, returning tops to the xxxxx, or other methods to achieve this requirement.
b. Purchaser is required to leave 10-15 tons of material 3 inches in diameter or larger to meet DOWN, WOODY MATERIAL requirements in paragraph IV.C-3. The Forest Officer may require the bucking of cull material in the xxxxx, leaving dead, down sawlogs, or other methods.
c. Purchaser is required to reduce slash loading above the amounts required to meet 3a and 3b above. The Forest Officer may require whole-tree skidding (top and limbs attached, bucking permitted) of some material to meet this requirement.
d. The Forest Officer and Purchaser will agree to amounts of material and the bucking, lopping, and skidding methods to meet these requirements prior to felling and skidding in the unit.
LOGGING OPERATIONS PLAN. The Forest Officer shall approve a plan for felling, yarding, and landing logs (both Sawlogs and Other Material) in each harvest unit prior to the start of operations in that unit. In beetle-impacted lodgepole pine areas, concentrations of healthy conifer regeneration will be protected whenever possible and the logging plan should reflect these efforts.