Management of Distribution Trust Assets; Administration of Initial Distributions Property Sample Clauses

Management of Distribution Trust Assets; Administration of Initial Distributions Property. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Distribution Trust Agreement or any other Directive, and subject to Treasury Regulations governing liquidating trusts and disputed ownership funds and the retained jurisdiction of the Bankruptcy Court as provided for in the Plan, but without prior or further authorization, the Distribution Trustee may, subject to the direction of the Distribution Trust Advisory Board, control and exercise authority over the Distribution Trust Assets and the Initial Distributions Property, over the acquisition, management and disposition thereof and over the management and conduct of the Distribution Trust, in each case, as necessary or advisable to enable the Distribution Trustee to fulfill the intents and purposes of this Distribution Trust Agreement. No person dealing with the Distribution Trust will be obligated to inquire into the authority of the Distribution Trustee in connection with the acquisition, management or disposition of the Distribution Trust Assets and the Initial Distributions Property.
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  • What Forms of Distribution Are Available from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account Distributions may be made as a lump sum of the entire account, or distributions of a portion of the account may be made as requested.

  • Trust Account; Distributions On or before the issuance of the Certificates, Xxxxxx Xxx shall either (i) open with an Eligible Depository one or more trust accounts in the name of the Trustee of the Trust Fund that shall collectively be the “Trust Account”, (ii) in lieu of maintaining any such account or accounts, maintain the Trust Account by means of appropriate entries on its books and records designating all amounts credited thereto in respect of the Lower Tier Regular Classes and all investments of any such amounts as being held by it in its capacity as Trustee for the benefit of the Holders of the Trust Fund Certificates or

  • When Must Distributions from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account Begin? Distribution of a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account must be made (or otherwise will be deemed made) no later than 30 days from the earlier of the beneficiary’s death or attainment of age 30. A distribution from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account may be rolled over to another beneficiary’s Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account according to the requirements of Section (4). Note that the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 waives the distribution age limitation if the beneficiary of the Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account is a “Special Needs” student.

  • How Are Distributions from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account Taxed For Federal Income Tax Purposes? Amounts distributed are generally excludable from gross income if they do not exceed the beneficiary’s “qualified higher education expenses” for the year or are rolled over to another Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account according to the requirements of Section (4). “Qualified higher education expenses” generally include the cost of tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment for enrollment at (i) accredited post-secondary educational institutions offering credit toward a bachelor’s degree, an associate’s degree, a graduate-level or professional degree or another recognized post-secondary credential and (ii) certain vocational schools. In addition, room and board may be covered if the beneficiary is at least a “half-time” student. This amount may be reduced or eliminated by certain scholarships, qualified state tuition programs, HOPE, Lifetime Learning tax credits, proceeds of certain savings bonds, and other amounts paid on the beneficiary’s behalf as well as by any other deductions or credits taken for the same expenses. The definition of “qualified education expenses” includes expenses more frequently and directly related to elementary and secondary school education, including the purchase of computer technology or equipment or Internet access and related services. To the extent payments during the year exceed such amounts, they are partially taxable and partially non-taxable similar to payments received from an annuity. Any taxable portion of a distribution is generally subject to a 10% penalty tax in addition to income tax unless the distribution is (i) due to the death or disability of the beneficiary, (ii) made on account of a scholarship received by the beneficiary, or (iii) is made in a year in which the beneficiary elects the HOPE or Lifetime Learning credit and waives the exclusion from income of the Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account distribution. You may be allowed to take both the HOPE or Lifetime Learning credits while simultaneously taking distributions from Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Accounts. However, you cannot claim a credit for the same educational expenses paid for through Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account distributions. To the extent a distribution is taxable, capital gains treatment does not apply to amounts distributed from the account. Similarly, the special five- and ten-year averaging rules for lump-sum distributions do not apply to distributions from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account. The taxable portion of any distribution is taxed as ordinary income. The IRS does not require withholding on distributions from Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Accounts.

  • COSTS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH COUNTYWIDE COST ALLOCATIONS The indirect overhead and support service costs listed in the Summary Schedule (attached) are formally approved as actual costs for fiscal year 2020-21, and as estimated costs for fiscal year 2022-23 on a “fixed with carry-forward” basis. These costs may be included as part of the county departments’ costs indicated effective July 1, 2022, for further allocation to federal grants and contracts performed by the respective county departments.

  • Accounts Distributions (a) On or prior to the Closing Date, the Indenture Trustee shall establish and maintain or cause to be established and maintained, in the name of the Indenture Trustee for the benefit of the Noteholders, the Transferor and the Insurer, the Distribution Account as provided in Article V of the Sale and Servicing Agreement into which amounts shall be deposited in accordance with the terms of the Sale and Servicing Agreement.

  • How Are Contributions to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account Reported for Federal Tax Purposes? Contributions to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account are reported on IRS Form 5498-ESA.

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  • When Must Distributions from a Traditional IRA Begin You must begin receiving the assets in your account no later than April 1 following the calendar year in which you reach RMD age.

  • How Are Distributions From a Traditional IRA Taxed for Federal Income Tax Purposes Amounts distributed to you are generally includable in your gross income in the taxable year you receive them and are taxable as ordinary income. To the extent, however, that any part of a distribution constitutes a return of your nondeductible contributions, it will not be included in your income. The amount of any distribution excludable from income is the portion that bears the same ratio as your aggregate non-deductible contributions bear to the balance of your Traditional IRA at the end of the year (calculated after adding back distributions during the year). For this purpose, all of your Traditional IRAs are treated as a single Traditional IRA. Furthermore, all distributions from a Traditional IRA during a taxable year are to be treated as one distribution. The aggregate amount of distributions excludable from income for all years cannot exceed the aggregate non-deductible contributions for all calendar years. You must elect the withholding treatment of your distribution, as described in paragraph 22 below. No distribution to you or anyone else from a Traditional IRA can qualify for capital gains treatment under the federal income tax laws. Similarly, you are not entitled to the special five- or ten-year averaging rule for lump-sum distributions that may be available to persons receiving distributions from certain other types of retirement plans. Historically, so-called “excess distributions” to you as well as “excess accumulations” remaining in your account as of your date of death were subject to additional taxes. These additional taxes no longer apply. Any distribution that is properly rolled over will not be includable in your gross income.

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