Money in Your Account May Be Held Until a Transaction is Completed. When you use your Card to pay for goods or services, certain merchants may ask us to authorize or “hold” the transaction in advance and may estimate the final purchase amount. Until such a transaction finally settles, you will not be able to use the money in your account that is “on hold.” We will only charge your account for the correct amount of the final transaction, however, and we will release any remaining amount when the transaction finally settles.
Appears in 7 contracts
Samples: Deposit Account Agreement, Deposit Account Agreement, Deposit Account Agreement
Money in Your Account May Be Held Until a Transaction is Completed. When you use your Card to pay for goods or services, certain merchants may ask us to authorize or “hold” the transaction in advance and may estimate the final purchase amount. Until such a transaction finally settles, you will not be able to use the money in your account that is “on hold.” We will only charge your account for the correct amount of the final transaction, however, and we will release any remaining amount when the transaction finally settles.use
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Cardholder Agreement
Money in Your Account May Be Held Until a Transaction is Completed. When you use your Card to pay for goods or services, certain merchants may ask us to authorize or “hold” the transaction in advance and may estimate the final purchase amount. Until such a transaction finally settles, you will not be able to use the money in your account Account that is “on hold.” We will only charge your account Account for the correct amount of the final transaction, however, and we will release any remaining amount when the transaction finally settles.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Cardholder Agreement
Money in Your Account May Be Held Until a Transaction is Completed. When you use your Card or Account to pay for goods or services, certain merchants may ask us to authorize or “hold” the transaction in advance and may estimate the final purchase amount. Until such a transaction finally settles, you will not be able to use the money in your account that is “on hold.” We will only charge your account for the correct amount of the final transaction, however, and we will release any remaining amount when the transaction finally settles.purchase
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Business Deposit Account Agreement