Money in Your Account May Be Held. Until a Transaction is Completed. When you use your Card or account to pay for goods or services, certain merchants may ask us to authorize or “hold” the transaction in advance and may estimate the final purchase amount. In addition, when you use your Card for an ATM withdrawal or for a teller cash withdrawal, we generally authorize the transaction in advance (including all applicable fees). When we authorize a transaction, we commit to make the requested funds available when the transaction finally settles and will place a hold on your account’s funds for the amount indicated by the merchant, and this transaction will show as “pending” in your transaction history. We also may add an amount for transactions with certain merchants to ensure that sufficient funds will be available to cover the final transaction amount (such as to cover a tip at a restaurant). Transactions with certain merchants that authorize high dollar amounts, such as rental car companies and hotels, and certain cash and international transactions may cause a “hold” on money in your account for up to 90 days. You will not be able to use the money in your account that is “on hold” until the transaction finally settles or the hold is otherwise released. For more information about how we determine the amount of money in your account available for your use or withdrawal, see Section 8 titled “We Use The Available Balance Method”. If the pending transaction is not presented to us for payment, within our established time period after being authorized (typically, three business days but may be up to 90 days for certain types of transactions, as described above), we will release the hold. Note that if a transaction is presented to us for payment from your account after we have released the hold, we must honor the transaction. This may result in a negative balance in your account. For more information about negative balances, see Section 8.c. titled “Negative Balances”. When a transaction finally settles, we will charge your account for the amount of the final transaction, including any applicable fees, and then will release the hold on any remaining amount of money, as applicable.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Deposit Account Agreement, Deposit Account Agreement, Deposit Account Agreement
Money in Your Account May Be Held. Until a Transaction is Completed. When you use your Card or primary deposit account to pay for goods or services, certain merchants may ask us to authorize or “hold” the transaction in advance and may estimate the final purchase amount. In addition, when you use your Card for an ATM withdrawal or for a teller cash withdrawal, we generally authorize the transaction in advance (including all applicable fees). When we authorize a transaction, we commit to make the requested funds available when the transaction finally settles and will place a hold on your primary deposit account’s funds for the amount indicated by the merchant, and this transaction will show as “pending” in your transaction history. We also may add an amount for transactions with certain merchants to ensure that sufficient funds will be available to cover the final transaction amount (such as to cover a tip at a restaurant). Transactions with certain merchants that authorize high dollar amounts, such as rental car companies and hotels, and certain cash and international transactions may cause a “hold” hold on money in your primary deposit account for up to 90 days. You will not be able to use the money in your primary deposit account that is “on hold” hold until the transaction finally settles or the hold is otherwise released. For more information about how we determine the amount of money in your account Account available for your use or and withdrawal, see Section 8 9 titled “We Use The Available Balance Method”. If the a pending transaction is not presented to us for payment, payment within our established time period after being authorized (typically, three business days days, but may be up to 90 days for certain types of transactions, as described above), we will release the hold. Note that if a transaction is presented to us for payment from your primary deposit account after we have released the hold, we must honor the transaction. This , which may result in a negative balance in your primary deposit account. For more information about negative balances, see Section 8.c9.c. titled “Negative Balances”. When a transaction finally settles, we will charge your primary deposit account for the amount of the final transaction, including any applicable fees, and then will release the hold on any remaining amount of on money, as applicable.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Deposit Account Agreement, Deposit Account Agreement
Money in Your Account May Be Held. Until a Transaction is Completed. When you use your Card or account Account to pay for goods or services, certain merchants may ask us to authorize or “hold” the transaction in advance and may estimate the final purchase amount. In addition, when you use your Card for an ATM withdrawal or for a teller cash withdrawal, we generally authorize the transaction in advance (including all applicable fees). When we authorize a transaction, we commit to make the requested funds available when the transaction finally settles and will place a hold on your accountAccount’s funds for the amount indicated by the merchant, and this transaction will show as “pending” in your transaction history. We also may add an amount for transactions with certain merchants to ensure that sufficient funds will be available to cover the final transaction amount (such as to cover a tip at a restaurant). Transactions with certain merchants that authorize high dollar amounts, such as rental car companies and hotels, and certain cash and international transactions may cause a “hold” hold on money in your account Account for up to 90 days. You will not be able to use the money in your account Account that is “on hold” hold until the transaction finally settles or the hold is otherwise released. For more information about how we determine the amount of money in your account Account available for your use or and withdrawal, see Section 8 titled “We Use The Available Balance Method”. If the a pending transaction is not presented to us for payment, payment within our established time period after being authorized (typically, three business days days, but may be up to 90 days for certain types of transactions, as described above), we will release the hold. Note that if a transaction is presented to us for payment from your account Account after we have released the hold, we must honor the transaction. This , which may result in a negative balance in your accountAccount. For more information about negative balances, see Section 8.c10.r. titled “Negative Balances”. When a transaction finally settles, we will charge your account Account for the amount of the final transaction, including any applicable fees, and then will release the hold on any remaining amount of money, as applicable.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Deposit Account Agreement, Deposit Account Agreement