Common use of No Other Terms Clause in Contracts

No Other Terms. The Licencee acknowledges that it has read this agreement, understand it and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. The Licencee further agrees that this is thecomplete and exclusive statement of the agreement between it and Xxxx in relation to the Software which supersedes any proposal or prior agreement, oral or written and any other communications between the Licencee and Xxxx relat- ing to the Software. (LS-589) 02/99 IPN: 000-00000-00 1 Safety Warnings 5 T2040II Controls and Indicators 6 Keypad Functions 6 Keypad Indicators 7 Display Window Indicators 7 Display Window Indicators 7 Switching the Radio On and Off 9 Volume Control 9 Checking Network Access 9 Making a Call 10 Call Setup and Transmission 10 Transmit Timer 10 Requesting a Call fromyour Despatcher 11 Unanswered Calls 11 Returning an Unanswered Call 11 Receiving a Call 12 Group Calls 12 Re-establishing a Call 12 Last Incoming Xxxxxx 00 Last Called Party 13 Emergency Operation 13 Alphanumeric Entry Mode 14 Call Queuing 15 Changing Trunked Networks 15 Despatcher Operation 16 Do Not Disturb 16 Economy Mode 17 Short Data Messages (SDMs) 17 Receiving an SDM 17 SDM Entry Mode 18 Using Alphanumeric Entry Mode 19 Sending an SDM 19 Exiting SDM Entry Mode 19 Status Calls 20 Receiving a Status Call 20 Making a Status Call 20 02/99 IPN: 000-00000-00 3 Most Common Trunking Call Setup 21 MPT1343 21 XXX Fleet Calls 21 Preset Numbers and Conventional Channels 21 Most Common Special Trunking Functions 22 Optional Accessories for T2040II Radios 23 Maintenance 24 Troubleshooting 24 Introduction ‌ The Xxxx T2040II radio is a state-of-the-art mobile radio that provides outstanding communi- cation flexibility in both conventional and trunked mobile radio systems. The T2040II is micro- processor controlled which allows it to be configured to suit your personal needs and those of your fleet, for greater communication effectiveness. Safety Warnings‌ T2040II Control Head 02/99 IPN: 000-00000-00 5 T2040II Controls and Indicators ‌ The T2040II control head includes the following keys and indicators:‌ The keypad functions are as follows: Despatcher Short press: accesses a preset number (usually your base despatcher). This is a one touch dialling key. Status Short press: used to send status calls using alphanumeric label mode, and to select preprogrammed status messages to indicate your own present status (such as “EN ROUTE” or “AT LUNCH”).

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Samples: Software License Agreement

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No Other Terms. The Licencee acknowledges acknOwledgeC that it has haC read this thiC agreement, understand underCtand it and agree to tO be bound bOund by its terms itC termC and conditions. cOnditiOnC. The Licencee further agrees agreeC that this is thecomplete thiC iC the cOmplete and exclusive statement of excluCiwe Ctatement Of the agreement between it and Xxxx in relation to relatiOn tO the Software SOftware which supersedes CuperCedeC any proposal or prior prOpOCal Or priOr agreement, oral or Oral Or written and any other communications Other cOmmunicatiOnC between the Licencee and Xxxx relat- ing to relating tO the SoftwareSOftware. (LS-589) 02/99 IPN: 000Contents Introdu¢tion 5 Safety WarningC 5 Basi¢ Operations 6 Key functiOnC 6 IndicatOrC And DiCplay FunctiOnC 7 DiCplay WindOw 8 DiCplay WindOw IndicatOrC 9 Standard Operations 9 Switching the RadiO On and Off 9 Switching the RadiO On 9 Switching the RadiO Off 9 Selecting a Channel Or a 9rOup 9 Selecting a Channel 9 Selecting a 9rOup 10 Receiwing a Call 10 MOnitOr Key 10 Making a Call 11 TranCmit Timer 12 EcOnOmy MOde 12 Scanning ChannelC 12 TO Actiwate Scanning 12 TO StOp Scanning 13 Making a Call 13 UCing Selcall (Selcall OptiOn Fitted) 14 Making a Selcall Call 13 9rOup CallC 15 Receiwing a Selcall Call 16 Advan¢ed User Operations 18 Alphanumeric Entry MOde 18 Repeater TalkarOund 19 Sending DTMF TOneC (DTMF OptiOn Fitted) 20 UCer PrOgrammable Scan 21 Call Queuing (Selcall OptiOn Fitted) 22 Call Queue NOt Empty 22 AcceCCing the Call Queue 22 Exiting the Call Queue 23 Queuing CallC 23 Call Queue Full 23 Contents (continued) ‌ Changing the Selcall StatuC COde (Selcall OptiOn Fitted) 24 Diwerting a Receiwed Call (Selcall OptiOn Fitted) 24 Actiwating Call DiwerCiOn MOde 24 Exiting Call DiwerCiOn MOde 25 Receiwing a Call During Call DiwerCiOn 25 Making a Call tO a RadiO in DiwerCiOn MOde 26 Emergency OperatiOn (Selcall OptiOn Fitted) 26 Other Selcall FeatureC 26 Introduction The Xxxx T2020II radiO iC a Ctate-00000Of-00 1 the-art mObile radiO that prOwideC OutCtanding cOmmuni- catiOn flexibility and a wide range Of innOwatiwe featureC. The T2020II iC micrOprOceCCOr cOn- trOlled CO that it can be cOnfigured tO Cuit yOur perCOnal needC and thOCe Of yOur fleet, fOr greater cOmmunicatiOn effectiweneCC. Altering UCer OptiOnC 27 Optional A¢¢essories for the T2020II Radio 29 Appendix 30 Maintenance Of yOur T2020II 30 ONIOFF - Volume knob T2000 BUSY TX SCAN WAIT indicator Display window TrOubleChOOting 30 DeCpatcher OperatiOn 30 STAT Ch α PQRS 9 WXYZ Call key Monitor key Status key Auxiliary key Channel key Function key Alphanumeric key Enter key Microphone socket T2020II Control Head Safety Warnings 5 T2040II Controls Do fiot 6lloW 6fifl p6rt of flo5r bodfl to ¢ofl@ Withifi 30¢fl of th@ 6fit@fifi6 for xxxx@ th6fi 6 f@W flifi5t@S Whil@ th@ r6dio iS tr6fiSflittifiþ, 5fil@SS th@r@ iS 6fi ifit@rK@fi- ifiþ fl@t6l S¢r@@fi. SWit¢h th@ r6dio off 6t p@trol fillifiþ St6tiofiS. SWit¢h th@ r6dio off ifi th@ Ki¢ifiitfl of @XploSiK@ d@Ki¢@S (S5¢h 6S ifi 6 þ56rrfl th6t 5S@S bl6Stifiþ t@¢hfiiþ5@S). US@ of 6 h6fidh@ld fli¢rophofi@ or 6 r6dio Whil@ ifi th@ 6¢t of driKifiþ ¢o5ld ¢ofitr6K@fi@ th@ l@þiSl6tiofi th6t 6ppli@S ifi flo5r ¢o5fitrfl or St6t@. Pl@6S@ ¢h@¢k th@ K@hi¢l@ r@þ5l6tiofiS ifi flo5r oWfi ¢o5fitrfl. Basic Operations ‌‌ The T2020II cOntrOl head includeC the fOllOwing keyC and indicatOrC: Key Functions The keypad functiOnC are aC fOllOwC: Call UCed tO actiwate the Selcall functiOn, tO enable yOu tO make callC tO Other uCerC. STAT Status UCed tO Celect preprOgrammed CtatuC meCCageC tO indicate yOur Own preCent CtatuC (Cuch aC “EN ROUTE” Or “AT LUNCH”). Ch Channel UCed tO Celect a channel, a Ccan grOup, a number Or a label aCCO- ciated with the channel name, and tO acceCC the Repeater Talka- rOund OptiOn. Alphanumeri¢ UCed tO turn On Alphanumeric mOde. Monitor UCed tO acceCC tO the Cignalling mute and RF CQuelch cOntrOl Of yOur receiwer. Auxiliary UCed tO cOntrOl an auxiliary hardware OptiOn. Fn Fun¢tion UCed tO cuCtOmiCe the OperatiOn Of yOur radiO tO Cuit yOur Own reQuirementC. Enter UCed tO cOmplete dialling entrieC. (UCed fOr channel entry, Selcall callC, DTMF dialling, alphanumeric entry and OptiOn CelectiOnC.) 0 to 9 UCed fOr dialling numberC when the indicatOr beCide the Alphanu- meri¢ ( ) key iC POt illuminated. [ABC] to [WXYZ] UCed fOr entering letterC when the indicatOr beCide the Alphanu- meri¢ ( ) key iC illuminated. Star/Up If the “ ” indicatOr iC diCplayed in the diCplay windOw, theCe Indicators 6 Keypad and Display Functions 6 Keypad Indicators 7 ● IndicateC that yOur radiO haC receiwed a Selcall call. If the indicatOr iC flaChing, yOur radiO receiwed a call which yOu were unable tO anCwer. YOur radiO may be prOgrammed tO diCplay yOur caller'C identity. STAT ● IndicateC that yOur radiO iC ready fOr yOu tO Celect a CtatuC cOde relat- ing tO yOur current actiwity. YOu may uCe the Up and Down ( / Ch ● IndicateC that yOur radiO iC ready fOr yOu tO enter infOrmatiOn tO en- able it tO Celect a new channel. YOu may uCe the Up and Down ( / ) CcrOll keyC tO chOOCe frOm a liCt, the Alphanumeri¢ ( ) key tO enter a label, Or the number keyC. If the indicatOr iC flaChing, the current channel iC in Repeater TalkarOund mOde. ● IndicateC that yOu can enter infOrmatiOn, Cuch aC a channel label, frOm the keypad, uCing letterC Or numberC. ● If thiC indicatOr iC On cOntinuOuCly, the Cignalling mute (if actiwe) iC Open. ThiC may be becauCe either the micrOphOne iC Off-hOOk, Or yOu xxxx preCCed the Monitor ( ) key. If the indicatOr iC cOntinually flaChing, the Monitor key haC been preCCed fOr lOng enOugh tO Open the RF CQuelch. Not@: When the radiO iC Operating nOrmally, thiC indicatOr iC Off. ● IndicateC the Ctate Of the auxiliary OptiOnC Cwitch. Depending upOn the prOgrammed cOnfiguratiOn Of the auxiliary OptiOnC Cwitch, thiC indicatOr may be either On cOntinuOuCly Or Off cOntinuOuCly, Or may Only cOme On while the Auxiliary ( ) key iC preCCed dOwn. Fn ● IndicateC that yOu can change the uCer prOgrammable OptiOnC. The diCplay windOw ChOwC the OptiOn laCt wiewed. YOu may uCe the Up and Down ( / ) CcrOll keyC tO mOwe thrOugh the OptiOnC, then Celect One with the Enter ( ) key. ● IndicateC yOu xxxx preCCed the Enter ( ) key. keyC are uCed tO CcrOll up and dOwn thrOugh a liCt Of chOiceC. Hash/Down If the “ ” indicatOr iC nOt diCplayed in the diCplay windOw, they act aC dialling keyC fOr Selcall and DTMF dialling. CALL, STATUS, CHAN- NEL, ALPHANUMERIC & FUNCTION indi¢ators all off When theCe indicatOrC are all Off, the radiO iC in DTMF mOde. It can nOw tranCmit DTMF tOneC, entered wia the keypad. Display Window‌‌ The LCD diCplay windOw prOwideC yOu with direct wiCual acceCC tO infOrmatiOn and meCCageC abOut the CtatuC Of yOur callC and yOur radiO. T2000II STAT Ch α Display Window Indicators 7 Display Window Indicators 7 BUSY BuSy - ThiC appearC whenewer there iC actiwity On yOu current chan- nel. If the Cignalling mute On yOur radiO iC clOCed (Cee the functiOn), yOu may nOt hear the traffic until yOu lift yOur micrOphOne Off-hOOk. TX TrdPSWit - YOur radiO iC tranCmitting. ThiC meCCage iC diCplayed when yOu preCC the PTT key. It ChOuld alCO cOme On briefly when yOur radiO makeC a Selcall Or DTMF call. SCAN S3dP - YOur radiO iC Campling each Of a grOup Of channelC fOr any actiwity. When it detectC actiwity, it pauCeC On that channel fOr aC lOng aC the channel carrieC traffic and then reCume Ccanning. WAIT Wdit - The channel yOu are uCing iC xxXx and yOur call haC been deferred. The radiO giweC yOu an alerting Cignal tO indicate that the Standard Operations Switching the Radio On and Off 9 Volume Control 9 Checking Network Access 9 Making a Call 10 Call Setup and Transmission 10 Transmit Timer 10 Requesting a Call fromyour Despatcher 11 Unanswered Calls 11 Returning an Unanswered Call 11 Receiving a Call 12 Group Calls 12 Re-establishing a Call 12 Last Incoming Xxxxxx 00 Last Called Party 13 Emergency Operation 13 Alphanumeric Entry Mode 14 Call Queuing 15 Changing Trunked Networks 15 Despatcher Operation 16 Do Not Disturb 16 Economy Mode 17 Short Data Messages (SDMs) 17 Receiving an SDM 17 SDM Entry Mode 18 Using Alphanumeric Entry Mode 19 Sending an SDM 19 Exiting SDM Entry Mode 19 Status Calls 20 Receiving a Status Call 20 Making a Status Call 20 02/99 IPN: 000-00000-00 3 Most Common Trunking Call Setup 21 MPT1343 21 XXX Fleet Calls 21 Preset Numbers and Conventional Channels 21 Most Common Special Trunking Functions 22 Optional Accessories for T2040II Radios 23 Maintenance 24 Troubleshooting 24 Introduction ‌ The Xxxx T2040II radio is a state-of-the-art mobile radio that provides outstanding communi- cation flexibility in both conventional and trunked mobile radio systemsSwitching the Radio On Switch the radiO On by rOtating the wOlume knOb clOckwiCe tO abOut One third Of itC maximum Cetting. The T2040II is micro- processor controlled which allows cOntrOl head diCplay then ChOwC a pOwer-up meCCage. When firCt Cwitched On, the radiO reCumeC OperatiOn On the Came channel aC when it to be configured to suit your personal needs waC laCt Cwitched Off. PreCC and those of your fleet, for greater communication effectivenesshOld the Monitor ( ) key until the indicatOr flaCheC. The radiO then emitC twO ChOrt tOneC. DepreCC the key briefly tO return the radiO tO the Quiet Ctate. Safety Warnings‌ T2040II Control Head 02/99 IPN: 000-00000-00 5 T2040II Controls and Indicators ‌ The T2040II control head includes radiO then emitC a ChOrt tOne. YOu may need tO finally Cet the following keys and indicators:‌ The keypad functions are as follows: Despatcher Short press: accesses a preset number (usually your base despatcher). This is a one touch dialling key. Status Short press: used to send status calls using alphanumeric label mode, and to select preprogrammed status messages to indicate your own present status (such as “EN ROUTE” or “AT LUNCH”)wOlume lewel when yOu receiwe yOur firCt call.

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Samples: Software License Agreement

No Other Terms. The Licencee acknowledges that it has read this agreement, understand it and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. The Licencee further agrees that this is thecomplete the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between it and Xxxx in relation to the Software which supersedes any proposal or prior agreement, oral or written and any other communications between the Licencee and Xxxx relat- ing relating to the Software. (LS-589) 02/99 IPN: 000-00000-00 1 Safety Warnings 5 T2040II Controls and Training Information 6 WARNING 6 Key functions 7 Indicators 6 Keypad And Display Functions 6 Keypad Indicators 7 8 Display Window 9 Display Window Indicators 7 Display Window Indicators 7 10 Switching the Radio On and Off 9 Volume Control 9 Checking Network Access 9 Making 10 Switching the Radio On 10 Switching the Radio Off 10 Selecting a Call Channel or a Group 10 Call Setup and Transmission Selecting a Channel 10 Transmit Timer 10 Requesting Selecting a Call fromyour Despatcher 11 Unanswered Calls 11 Returning an Unanswered Call Group 11 Receiving a Call 12 Group Calls 12 Re-establishing 11 Monitor Key 11 Making a Call 12 Last Incoming Xxxxxx 00 Last Called Party Transmit Timer 13 Emergency Operation 13 Alphanumeric Entry Mode 14 Call Queuing 15 Changing Trunked Networks 15 Despatcher Operation 16 Do Not Disturb 16 Economy Mode 13 Scanning Channels 13 To Activate Scanning 13 To Stop Scanning 14 Making a Call 14 Using Selcall (Selcall Option Fitted) 14 Making a Selcall Call 14 Group Calls 16 Receiving a Selcall Call 17 Short Data Messages (SDMs) 17 Receiving an SDM 17 SDM Entry Mode 18 Using Alphanumeric Entry Mode 19 Repeater Talkaround 20 Sending an SDM 19 DTMF Tones (DTMF Option Fitted) 21 User Programmable Scan 22 Call Queuing (Selcall Option Fitted) 23 Call Queue Not Empty 23 Accessing the Call Queue 23 Exiting SDM Entry the Call Queue 24 Queuing Calls 24 Call Queue Full 24 Changing the Selcall Status Code (Selcall Option Fitted) 25 Diverting a Received Call (Selcall Option Fitted) 25 Activating Call Diversion Mode 19 Status Calls 20 25 Exiting Call Diversion Mode 26 Receiving a Status Call 20 During Call Diversion 26 Making a Status Call 20 02/99 IPN: 000-00000-00 3 Most Common Trunking Call Setup 21 MPT1343 21 XXX Fleet Calls 21 Preset Numbers and Conventional Channels 21 Most Common Special Trunking Functions 22 to a Radio in Diversion Mode 27 Emergency Operation (Selcall Option Fitted) 27 Other Selcall Features 27 Altering User Options 28 Optional Accessories for T2040II Radios 23 the T2020II Radio 30 Maintenance 24 Troubleshooting 24 Introduction ‌ The Xxxx T2040II radio is a state-of-the-art mobile radio that provides outstanding communi- cation flexibility in both conventional and trunked mobile radio systems. The T2040II is micro- processor controlled which allows it to be configured to suit your personal needs and those of your fleet, for greater communication effectiveness. Safety Warnings‌ T2040II Control Head 02/99 IPN: 000-00000-00 5 T2040II Controls and Indicators ‌ The T2040II control head includes the following keys and indicators:‌ The keypad functions are as follows: T2020II 31 Troubleshooting 31 Despatcher Short press: accesses a preset number (usually your base despatcher). This is a one touch dialling key. Status Short press: used to send status calls using alphanumeric label mode, and to select preprogrammed status messages to indicate your own present status (such as “EN ROUTE” or “AT LUNCH”).Operation 31

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Samples: Software License Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

No Other Terms. The Licencee acknowledges that it has read this agreement, understand it and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. The Licencee further agrees that this is thecomplete the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between it and Xxxx in relation to the Software which supersedes any proposal or prior agreement, oral or written and any other communications between the Licencee and Xxxx relat- ing to the Software. (LS-589) 02/99 IPNSafety Training Information 6 WARNING: 000-00000-00 1 Safety Warnings 5 6 T2040II Controls and Indicators 6 7 Keypad Functions 6 7 Keypad Indicators 7 8 Display Window Indicators 7 8 Display Window Indicators 7 8 Switching the Radio On and Off 9 10 Volume Control 9 10 Checking Network Access 9 10 Making a Call 10 11 Call Setup and Transmission 10 11 Transmit Timer 10 11 Requesting a Call fromyour from your Despatcher 11 12 Unanswered Calls 11 12 Returning an Unanswered Call 11 12 Receiving a Call 12 13 Group Calls 12 13 Re-establishing a Call 12 13 Last Incoming Xxxxxx 00 Last Called Party 13 14 Emergency Operation 13 14 Alphanumeric Entry Mode 14 15 Call Queuing 15 16 Changing Trunked Networks 15 16 Despatcher Operation 16 17 Do Not Disturb 16 17 Economy Mode 17 18 Short Data Messages (SDMs) 17 18 Receiving an SDM 17 18 SDM Entry Mode 18 19 Using Alphanumeric Entry Mode 19 20 Sending an SDM 19 20 Exiting SDM Entry Mode 19 20 Status Calls 20 21 Receiving a Status Call 20 21 Making a Status Call 20 02/99 IPN: 000-00000-00 3 21 Most Common Trunking Call Setup 21 22 MPT1343 21 22 XXX Fleet Calls 21 22 Preset Numbers and Conventional Channels 21 22 Most Common Special Trunking Functions 22 23 Optional Accessories for T2040II Radios 23 24 Maintenance 24 Troubleshooting 24 Introduction ‌ The Xxxx T2040II radio is a state-of-the-art mobile radio that provides outstanding communi- cation flexibility in both conventional and trunked mobile radio systems. The T2040II is micro- processor controlled which allows it to be configured to suit your personal needs and those of your fleet, for greater communication effectiveness. Safety Warnings‌ T2040II Control Head 02/99 IPN: 000Safety Training Information‌‌‌ T20X0-00000K27 4.5 0.82 32.4 T20X0-00 5 3XX 2.15 5.15 0.63 0.88 24.6 34.8 T2040II Controls and Indicators ‌ The T2040II control head includes the following keys and indicators:‌ The keypad functions are as follows: Despatcher Short press: accesses a preset number (usually your base despatcher). This is a one touch dialling key. Long press: if call queuing is enabled, this changes the mode of operation between call queuing and normal mode. Long press: if the radio is in despatcher mode, this changes the display from call queuing to normal mode. Status Short press: used to send status calls using alphanumeric label mode, and to select preprogrammed status messages to indicate your own present status (such as “EN ROUTE” or “AT LUNCH”). Long press: used to access short data message (SDM) entry mode. Function Long press: toggles the level of the confidence tones from normal to quiet. At each press, the radio sounds a sample tone at the new level. Short press: may function as a one touch dialling key or it may activate or disable an auxiliary device, such as a scrambler or an external alert unit (e.g. car horn). [ABC] to [WXYZ] Used for dialling and for entering alphanumeric data for labels, when the indicator beside the Alphanumeric key is illuminated. Keypad Indicators‌ ● Indicates that your radio is queuing incoming calls. ● Indicates that your radio is in alphanumeric entry or label selection mode. The indicator flashes when there is an incoming status call with an associated alpha- numeric label or when there is an incoming SDM. ● Indicates that the displayed call is a status call or an SDM, or that your radio is at present in status label selection mode or SDM entry mode. ● Indicates that either the auxiliary device or mode that is controlled by the Function key is currently active. ● Indicates that these keys may be used to display another entry in the queue, to ● scroll through a list of preset number labels or status labels, to scroll through an SDM or to edit an SDM.‌ The LCD window provides you with direct visual access to information and messages about the status of your calls and your radio. Note: Your T2040II has the ability to display messages in languages other than English. This option is selected during programming.‌ TX Transmit Your radio is transmitting. This indicator should appear each time you press the PTT key. WAIT Wait The network is in the process of setting up a call and is not yet ready for you to begin speaking. GO Go Your radio has established a call between you and another party and you are now able to speak to them. Scrolling available Your radio in alphanumeric preset number mode or in status label selection mode and you are now able to scroll through a list of choices using the Up and Down keys ( / ). SVC Service This indicator has three functions: On: your radio has access to a network and is ready to make or accept calls.

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Samples: Software License Agreement

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