OBJECTS AND COMMITMENTS 7. 1 The objects of this Agreement are: 7.1.1 to maintain wages parity and increases in accordance with this Agreement for weekly paid employees bound by this Agreement and employed in positions classified at the same level; 7.1.2 to remove impediments to the mobility of employees amongst the agencies; 7.1.3 to acknowledge the extension of operation of the (State) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from date of approval by the Commission until 30 December 2007;
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  • Contracts and Commitments (a) Schedule 2.16 attached hereto contains a true, complete and correct list and description of the following contracts and agreements, whether written or oral (collectively, the "Contracts"):

  • Objectives and Commitments 7.1 The Objectives of the Parties to this Agreement are:

  • Additional Commitments The Parties may negotiate commitments with respect to measures affecting trade in services not subject to scheduling under Article 106 (National Treatment) or Article 107 (Market Access), including those regarding qualifications, standards or licensing matters. Such commitments shall be inscribed in a Party's Schedule.

  • Review of Commitments The Parties shall enter into successive rounds of negotiations, beginning not later than three years from the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and periodically thereafter as determined by the FTA Joint Committee, with a view to further improving specific commitments under this Chapter so as to progressively liberalise trade in services among the Parties.

  • MUTUAL COMMITMENTS ‌ 18 The parties to this Contract are mutually committed to the development of an efficient, cost 19 effective, integrated, person-centered, age specific recovery and resilience model approach to 20 the delivery of quality community behavioral health services. To that end, the parties are 21 mutually committed to maximizing the availability of resources to provide needed behavioral 22 health services in the Service Area, maximizing the portion of those resources used for the 23 provision of direct services and minimizing duplication of effort.

  • Specific Commitments Investments in respect of a particular undertaking of one of the Contracting Parties with respect to nationals and companies of the other Contracting Party shall be governed, without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement, the terms of that commitment to the extent that it is more favourable provisions than those laid down in this Agreement.

  • Statement of Commitment The Institutions promote teaching, scholarship and research and the free and critical discussion of ideas. Unions and employers are committed to providing a working and learning environment that allows for full and free participation of all members of the institutional community. Harassment undermines these objectives and violates the fundamental rights, personal dignity and integrity of individuals or groups of individuals. Harassment is a serious offence that may be cause for disciplinary sanctions including, where appropriate, dismissal or expulsion. The Institutions have a responsibility under the BC's Human Rights Code to prevent harassment and to provide procedures to handle complaints, to resolve problems and to remedy situations where harassment occurs. The employer will offer educational and training programs designed to prevent harassment and to support the administration of the institutional policies and to ensure that all members of the institutional community are aware of their responsibility with respect to the policy. The Unions and Employers agree that attendance is required and will take place during compensated work time.

  • Service Commitment Newly hired nurses and currently employed nurses who voluntarily choose to relocate and receive a relocation allowance may be required to serve for a minimum of two years at their base before they will be considered for transfer to another base. This commitment will not apply when the employer and nurse mutually agree to waive it and when relocation occurs as a result of layoff/rehire.

  • EXTENSION OF USE COMMITMENT The Contractor agrees to honor all orders from State Agencies, political subdivisions and others authorized by law (see Section 25 Extension of Use) which are in compliance with the pricing, terms, and conditions set forth in the Contract. Any unilateral limitations/restrictions imposed by the Contractor on eligible Authorized Users will be grounds for cancellation of the Contract.

  • STAFF COMMITMENT 23. If this Settlement Agreement is accepted by the Hearing Panel, Staff will not initiate any proceeding under the By-laws of the MFDA against the Respondent in respect of the facts set out in Part IV and the contraventions described in Part V of this Settlement Agreement, subject to the provisions of Part IX below. Nothing in this Settlement Agreement precludes Staff from investigating or initiating proceedings in respect of any facts and contraventions that are not set out in Parts IV and V of this Settlement Agreement or in respect of conduct that occurred outside the specified date ranges of the facts and contraventions set out in Parts IV and V, whether known or unknown at the time of settlement. Furthermore, nothing in this Settlement Agreement shall relieve the Respondent from fulfilling any continuing regulatory obligations.

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