Others Using Your Account. If you allow anyone else to use your Account, you will be liable for all credit extended to such persons. You promise to pay for all purchases and cash advances made by anyone you authorize to use your Account, whether or not you notify us that he or she will be using it. CREDIT LIMIT: You promise the payments made for your account resulting from use of the card will, at no time, cause the outstanding balance in your account to exceed your credit limit as disclosed to you at the time you received your card or as adjusted from time to time at the discretion of the Credit Union. If you exceed your credit limit, we can still charge you for all purchases
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Credit Agreement, Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement
Others Using Your Account. If you allow anyone else to use your Account, you will be liable for all credit extended to such persons. You promise to pay for all purchases and cash advances made by anyone you authorize to use your Account, whether or not you notify us that he or she will be using it. CREDIT LIMIT: You promise the payments made for your account resulting from use of the card will, at no time, cause the outstanding balance in your account to exceed your credit limit as disclosed to you at the time you received your card or as adjusted from time to time at the discretion of the Credit Union. If you exceed your credit limit, we can still charge you for all purchasesall
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement