Ownership and Use (A) Unless CITY states otherwise in writing, each document— including, but not limited to, each report, draft, record, drawing, or specification (collectively, “work product”)— that CONSULTANT prepares, reproduces, or causes its preparation or reproduction for this Agreement is CITY’s exclusive property. (B) CONSULTANT acknowledges that its use of the work product is limited to the purposes contemplated by the Scope of Work. CONSULTANT makes no representation of the work product’s application to, or suitability for use in, circumstances not contemplated by the Scope of Work.
Ownership and Title Motorola, its licensors, and its suppliers retain all of their proprietary rights in any form in and to the Software and Documentation, including, but not limited to, all rights in patents, patent applications, inventions, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, and other proprietary rights in or relating to the Software and Documentation (including any corrections, bug fixes, enhancements, updates, modifications, adaptations, translations, de-compilations, disassemblies, emulations to or derivative works from the Software or Documentation, whether made by Motorola or another party, or any improvements that result from Motorola’s processes or, provision of information services). No rights are granted to Licensee under this Agreement by implication, estoppel or otherwise, except for those rights which are expressly granted to Licensee in this Agreement. All intellectual property developed, originated, or prepared by Motorola in connection with providing the Software, Designated Products, Documentation or related services, remains vested exclusively in Motorola, and Licensee will not have any shared development or other intellectual property rights.
Ownership and Intellectual Property (a) The GLO shall own, and Provider hereby irrevocably assigns to the GLO, all ownership rights, title, and interest in and to all Intellectual Property acquired or developed by Provider pursuant to this Contract, including, without limitation, all Intellectual Property in and to reports, drafts of reports, data, drawings, computer programs and codes, and/or any other information or materials acquired or developed by Provider under this Contract. The GLO may obtain and hold in its name any and all patents, copyrights, trademarks, service marks, registrations, or such other protections, including extensions and renewals thereof, as may be appropriate to the subject matter. (b) Provider must give the GLO and the State of Texas, as well as any person designated by the GLO or the State of Texas, all assistance and execute documents required to perfect the rights granted to the GLO herein, without any charge or expense beyond the stated amount payable to Provider for the services authorized under this Contract.
Ownership and Proprietary Rights Title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights to Software or to the Software and all patents, copyright, design rights, trade secrets and other proprietary rights in or related to the Software are and remain the exclusive property of Licensor and its suppliers. Licensee acknowledges such rights and will not take any action that jeopardizes such rights or acquire any rights except the limited use rights specified in this Agreement. The Software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and international treaty provisions. The Licensee further acknowledges that in the course of its use of the Software, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, that it may suggest modifications or improvements to the Software (“Modification(s)”). The Licensee expressly acknowledges the Licensor shall have the right to use these modifications and hereby grants the Licensor a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual worldwide license to use or incorporate said Modification(s), in whole or in part, into the future development of any technology, including the Software. The Licensee expressly acknowledges that the Licensor is not obligated to provide the licensee with any form of compensation with respect to the use of the Modification(s).
Ownership and Reuse of Documents All documents, data, reports, research, graphic presentation materials, etc., developed by Contractor as a part of its work under this Agreement, shall become the property of County upon completion of this Agreement, or in the event of termination or cancellation thereof, at the time of payment under Section 3 for work performed. Contractor shall promptly furnish all such data and material to County on request.
OWNERSHIP AND RISK 8.1 Miele remains the owner of the product/s until the price is paid in full to Miele and the product/s have been delivered to the customer. 8.2 The customer must not sell or otherwise deal with the product/s until the price is paid in full to Miele. If the customer purports to do so, the customer will be deemed to hold the proceeds of sale or other realisation (or the amount equal to the outstanding) on trust for Miele. 8.3 Notwithstanding clauses 8.1 and 8 .2, the risk of loss of or damage to the product/s passes to the customer upon delivery. After delivery, the customer is responsible for storing the product/s prior to any installation and is liable for any loss or damage which occurs during such storage.
Ownership and Risk of Loss You will own the Device and bear all risk of loss of, theft of, casualty to or damage to the Device, from the time it is shipped to you until the time (if any) when it is returned to us in accordance with this Agreement.
OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS 1.3.1 All drawings, specifications, estimates, and all other documents, including shop drawings and calculations, prepared at any time in connection with the Project, shall, upon payment for services in connection therewith, become the sole property of the State.
Title to Improvements Any improvements, developments, adaptations and/or modifications to the Foreground Intellectual Property, and any and all new inventions or discoveries, based on or resulting from the use of Transnet’s Background Intellectual Property and/or Confidential Information shall be exclusively owned by Transnet. The Supplier/Service Provider shall disclose promptly to Transnet all such improvements, developments, adaptations and/or modifications, inventions or discoveries. The Supplier/Service Provider hereby undertakes to sign all documents and do all things as may be necessary to effect, record and perfect the assignment of such improvements, developments, adaptations and/or modifications, inventions or discoveries to Transnet and the Supplier/Service Provider shall reasonably assist Transnet in attaining, maintaining or documenting ownership and/or protection of the improved Foreground Intellectual Property.
Ownership and Liens Borrower has title to, or valid leasehold interests in, all of its properties and assets, real and personal, including the properties and assets and leasehold interest reflected in the financial statements referred to in Section 5.4, and none of the properties and assets owned by Borrower, and none of its leasehold interests, are subject to any lien, except the Permitted Liens.