Paid-Up Exclusive License Sample Clauses

Paid-Up Exclusive License. UGARF shall draft, and the Parties shall execute, one or more paid-up, exclusive licenses to UGARF Intellectual Property and UGARF’s interest in Joint Intellectual Property under materially the same terms contained in the template license agreement attached at Appendix D (each, a “License Agreement”). After the Parties have executed a License Agreement to specific UGARF Intellectual Property and/or Joint Intellectual Property, then that License Agreement shall control with respect to the intellectual property identified therein. Unless and until both Parties have executed a License Agreement to specific UGARF Intellectual Property and/or Joint Intellectual Property, then the following provisions at Sections 8.1-8.5 shall control with respect to such UGARF Intellectual Property and/or Joint Intellectual Property.
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Related to Paid-Up Exclusive License

  • Non-Exclusive License Sponsor grants Institution and Principal Investigator a royalty free non-exclusive license, with no right to sublicense, to use Trial Data for internal research or educational purposes. c.

  • API License If you are purchasing an application programming interface ("API") license, other than a Learn API as defined below, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to access each API set forth in the Order Form. The API(s) are provided in the form of a web service that enables a "connection" into our servers. We will provide you with the information necessary to enable your secure use of the API(s). You may not use or install the API(s) for any other purpose without our written consent, and may not copy, rent, adapt, disassemble, lease, assign, sublicense, reverse engineer, modify or decompile, the API(s) or any part thereof. We reserve the right to limit the number and/or frequency of API requests or take other actions necessary to protect the integrity of our services.

  • Volume or Maintenance License If you obtained the Apple Software under a volume or maintenance license program with Apple, the terms of your volume or maintenance license will determine the number of copies of the Apple Software you are permitted to download, install, use and run on Apple-branded computers you own or control. Except as agreed to in writing by Apple, all other terms and conditions of this License shall apply to your use of the Apple Software obtained under a volume or maintenance license.

  • Non-Exclusive Agreement The services of the Adviser to the Fund under this Agreement are not to be deemed exclusive, and the Adviser shall be free to render similar services or other services to others so long as its services hereunder are not impaired thereby.

  • Non-Exclusivity The services of the Adviser to the Manager, the Allocated Portion and the Trust are not to be deemed to be exclusive, and the Adviser shall be free to render investment advisory or other services to others and to engage in other activities. It is understood and agreed that the directors, officers, and employees of the Adviser are not prohibited from engaging in any other business activity or from rendering services to any other person, or from serving as partners, officers, directors, trustees, or employees of any other firm or corporation.

  • Non-Exclusivity of Rights Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent or limit the Executive's continuing or future participation in any plan, program, policy or practice provided by the Company or any of its affiliated companies and for which the Executive may qualify, nor, subject to Section 12(f), shall anything herein limit or otherwise affect such rights as the Executive may have under any contract or agreement with the Company or any of its affiliated companies. Amounts which are vested benefits or which the Executive is otherwise entitled to receive under any plan, policy, practice or program of or any contract or agreement with the Company or any of its affiliated companies at or subsequent to the Date of Termination shall be payable in accordance with such plan, policy, practice or program or contract or agreement except as explicitly modified by this Agreement.

  • Xxxxx of License Georgia Institute of Technology shall grant the Student a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable and revocable license to use and occupy an assigned space in a Georgia Institute of Technology facility in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract (the “License”). The parties to this Contract do not intend that an estate, a tenancy or any other interest in property should pass from Georgia Institute of Technology to Student. Instead, it is the intention of the parties that the relationship between Georgia Institute of Technology and Student be that of licensor and licensee and the sole right of Student to use the assigned space as a living unit shall be based upon the License granted in this Contract.

  • Non-Exclusive Arrangement Nothing contained in these Terms shall be construed as conferring or granting an exclusive right or obligation upon either party to purchase or sell products or services under these terms. 21. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or inability to perform its obligations under these terms or otherwise if such delay or inability arises from any act of God, fire, natural disaster, act of government, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of such party which could not be avoided by the exercise of due care. 22. NOTICES Whenever notice is to be given by any party to the other party under these terms, such notice shall be made by any one of the following methods; personally; by overnight courier service from which proof of delivery can be obtained; via next day business delivery, delivery charges prepaid; or by registered or certified mail, return-receipt requested. Notices shall be deemed received (a) if personally delivered or via overnight courier, upon derecho exclusivo u obligación en ninguna de las partes para comprar o vender productos o servicios bajo estos términos. 21. FUERZA MAYOR Ninguna de las partes será responsable por la otra por ningún retraso o incapacidad para cumplir sus obligaciones bajo estos términos o, por otra parte, si dicho retraso o incapacidad surge por actos de Dios, fuego, desastre natural, actos del gobierno, o cualquier otra causa más allá del control razonable que dicha parte que no pudo xxxxx sido evitado mediante el ejercicio del debido cuidado. 22. NOTIFICACIONES Cuando deba realizarse una notificación de una de las partes a la otra parte bajo estos términos, dicha notificación xxxxxx ser realizada por alguno de los siguientes métodos; personalmente; por mensajería rápida mediante la cual se pueda obtener pruebas de la entrega; por envío el siguiente día hábil, pre- pagando los gastos de envío; o por correo registrado o certificado, solicitando el acuso de recibo. Las notificaciones se entenderán recibidas (a) si enviadas personalmente o vía mensajería rápida, al día de envío a la dirección de la persona que debe recibir dicha notificación si la misma es entregada antes de las 5:00 p.m., de lo contrario durante el siguiente día hábil luego del envío a la parte a quien se dirige la notificación; (b) si enviado por correo, dos (2) xxxx hábiles luego de depositadas en el correo regular. Cualquier parte puede cambiar su dirección y otra información de notificación avisando a la otra parte por escrito de dicho cambio conforme a lo dispuesto en esta sección. Mientras tanto, todas las notificaciones serán enviadas a las direcciones definidas en la OC. 23. INSPECCIONES Alorica tendrá derecho en cualquier momento, y por el periodo de un (1) año luego de la terminación, a inspeccionar y obtener, bajo su propia cuenta, copias de todas las licencias escritas, permisos, aprobaciones o cualquier otro documento emitido por cualquier entidad gubernamental o agencia al Proveedor o sus

  • Unported License Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at xxxx://xxxx-xxxxxxx.xx. See Slide 2 for license exclusions. 43

  • License Terms This license is for one full Semester. It cannot be cancelled or terminated except under the conditions cited in this license.

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