Paper Warehouse Receipts. A. Content (1) Every paper warehouse receipt, whether negotiable or non-negotiable, issued for grain stored in a USWA warehouse, in addition to complying with the requirements of Section 11 of the Act, must embody within its written or printed terms, (each of the following): (a) the name of the Warehouse Operator and the designation, if any, of the warehouse facility; (b) the location of the warehouse in which the grain is stored; (c) the Warehouse Operator’s license number; (d) the CCC storage agreement code number, if applicable; (e) the issuance date of the warehouse receipt; (f) the consecutive number of the warehouse receipt; (g) the name of the depositor; (h) a statement as to whether the grain received is to be delivered to the holder, to a specified person or their order; (i) prepaid warehouse charges, if applicable; (j) a description of the grain received, including the quantity, kind, class, grade and the standard or description in accordance with which such classification has been made; (i) The grade stated in a warehouse receipt must be the weighted average of the numeric grades as determined by the inspector and as indicated on the applicable inspection certificate(s); however, if an appeal of the grade determination has been requested and obtained, the grade stated on such warehouse receipt shall be the final appeal grade; and (ii) Except in the case of identity-preserved or conjoint-storage grain, if, at the request of the depositor, the Warehouse Operator issues a warehouse receipt omitting the statement of grade, such warehouse receipt shall have clearly and conspicuously stamped or written on the face thereof, or included as part of the paper warehouse receipt, the following statement: “Not graded at the request of the depositor.” (k) dockage, foreign material or pick, if applicable; (l) a statement that the warehouse receipt is issued subject to the USWA, the regulations, and this Agreement and its rules; (m) a statement of the amount of advances, if made, and of liabilities incurred regarding warehouse storage, handling and other charges claimed by the Warehouse Operator; however, if the precise amount of such advances made or of such liabilities incurred is unknown to the Warehouse Operator (or to the agent who issues it) at the time the warehouse receipt is issued, it is sufficient to include a statement that advances have been made or liabilities incurred, as well as their purpose; (n) if issued showing the Warehouse Operator as owner, either solely or jointly in common with others, the fact of such ownership; (o) such other terms and conditions within the limitations of the USWA and this Agreement, as may be required by the Secretary of Agriculture or DACO; (p) a statement of the Warehouse Operator’s business organization type (i.e. private propriety, incorporated, partnership, LLC, etc.) and the name of the State whose laws govern that organization (i.e. “a Texas corporation”); (q) in the event the relationship existing between the Warehouse Operator and any depositor is not that of a strictly disinterested custodianship, a statement setting forth the actual relationship; (r) a statement, conspicuously placed, that the grain is insured by the Warehouse Operator against loss or damage by sprinkler malfunction, fire, lightning, windstorm, cyclone, tornado, inherent explosion or other special peril risks; (s) net weight of the grain; (t) if the grain represented by the warehouse receipt is identity-preserved or conjoint-stored product, the words “identity preserved” or “conjoint storage” and the specific bin(s) or warehouse location of such grain; (u) the words “Negotiable” or “Non-Negotiable,” as appropriate to the nature of the warehouse receipt, clearly and conspicuously printed or stamped thereon. Every negotiable warehouse receipt issued must, in addition to conforming to the requirements of this subparagraph, embody within its written or printed terms, a form of endorsement that may be used by the depositor or authorized agent, for showing the current ownership of the grain and applicable charges, mortgages or other encumbrances on the grain represented by the warehouse receipt; (v) the signature of the Warehouse Operator, which may be made by the authorized agent; and (w) other information as may be required by XXXX. (2) If the Warehouse Operator issues a warehouse receipt under the USWA omitting any information not required to be stated, for which a blank space is provided in the form of the warehouse receipt, a line shall be drawn through such space to show that such omission has been made purposely or “ILB” entered in the blank data field to indicate it has been “intentionally left blank”; and (3) A warehouse receipt may contain additional information, provided it does not contradict, conceal or interfere with any required information or terms.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Licensing Agreement
Paper Warehouse Receipts. A. Content
(1) Every paper warehouse receipt, whether negotiable or non-negotiable, issued for grain stored in a USWA warehouse, in addition to complying with the requirements of Section 11 of the ActUSWA and 7 CFR Part 735, Subpart D, must embody within its written or printed terms, terms (each of the following):
(a) the name of the Warehouse Operator and the designation, if any, of the warehouse facility;
(b) the location of the warehouse in which the grain is stored;
(c) the Warehouse Operator’s license number;
(d) the CCC storage agreement code number, if applicable;
(e) the issuance date of the warehouse receipt;
(f) the consecutive number of the warehouse receipt;
(g) the name of the depositordepositor or lawful owner;
(h) a statement as to whether the grain received is to be delivered to the holder, to a specified person person, or their order;
(i) prepaid warehouse charges, if applicable;
(j) a description of the grain received, including the quantity, kind, class, grade grade, and the standard or description in accordance with which such classification has been made;made (each of these apply):
(i) The grade stated in a warehouse receipt must be the weighted average of the numeric grades as determined by the inspector and as indicated on the applicable inspection certificate(s)) or as determined by an FGIS official service provider; however, if an appeal of the grade determination has been requested and obtained, the grade stated on such warehouse receipt shall be the final appeal grade; and
(ii) Except in the case of identity-preserved or conjoint-storage grain, if, at the request of the depositor, the Warehouse Operator issues a warehouse receipt omitting the statement of grade, such warehouse receipt shall have clearly and conspicuously stamped or written on the face thereof, or included as part of the paper warehouse receipt, the following statement: “Not graded at the request of the depositor.”
(k) dockage, dockage and foreign material or pickmaterial, if applicable;
(l) a statement that the warehouse receipt is issued subject to the USWA, the regulations, and this Agreement and its rules;
(m) a statement of the amount of advances, if made, and of liabilities incurred regarding warehouse storage, handling handling, and other charges claimed by the Warehouse Operator; however, if the precise amount of such advances made or of such liabilities incurred is unknown to the Warehouse Operator (or to the agent who issues it) at the time the warehouse receipt is issued, it is sufficient to include a statement that advances have been made or liabilities incurred, as well as their purpose;
(n) if issued showing the Warehouse Operator as owner, either solely or jointly in common with others, the fact of such ownership;
(o) such other terms and conditions within the limitations of the USWA and this Agreement, as may be required by the Secretary of Agriculture or DACOAMS;
(p) a statement of the Warehouse Operator’s business organization type (i.e. private proprietye.g. sole proprietorship, incorporatedcorporation, partnership, LLC, liability company) and the name of the State whose laws govern that organization (i.e. e.g. “a Texas corporation.”);
(q) in the event the relationship existing between the Warehouse Operator and any depositor is not that of a strictly disinterested custodianship, a statement setting forth the actual relationship;
(r) a statement, conspicuously placed, that the grain is insured by the Warehouse Operator against loss or damage by sprinkler malfunction, fire, lightning, windstorm, cyclone, tornado, inherent explosion or other special peril risks;
(s) net weight of the grain;
(t) if the grain represented by the warehouse receipt is identity-preserved or conjoint-stored product, the words “identity identity-preserved” or “conjoint storage” and the specific bin(s) or warehouse location of such grain;
(u) the words “Negotiable” or “Non-Negotiable,” as appropriate to the nature of the warehouse receipt, clearly and conspicuously printed or stamped thereon. Every negotiable warehouse receipt issued must, in addition to conforming to the requirements of this subparagraphsubpart, embody within its written or printed terms, a form of endorsement that may be used by the depositor or authorized agent, for showing the current ownership of the grain and applicable charges, mortgages or other encumbrances on the grain represented by the warehouse receipt;
(v) the signature of the Warehouse Operator, which may be made by the authorized agent; and
(w) other information as may be required by XXXXAMS.
(2) If the Warehouse Operator issues a warehouse receipt under the USWA omitting any information not required to be stated, for which a blank space is provided in the form of the warehouse receipt, a line shall be drawn through such space to show that such omission has been made purposely or “ILB” entered in the blank data field to indicate it has been “intentionally left blank.”; and
(3) A warehouse receipt may contain additional information, provided it does not contradict, conceal mislead, conceal, or interfere with any required information or printed or written terms.
(4) Warehouse receipts must not be altered or defaced, except as authorized by AMS.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Licensing Agreement
Paper Warehouse Receipts. A. Content
(1) Every paper warehouse receipt, whether negotiable or non-negotiable, issued for grain stored in a USWA warehouse, in addition to complying with the requirements of Section 11 of the ActUSWA and 7 CFR Part 735, Subpart D, must embody within its written or printed terms, terms (each of the following):
(a) the name of the Warehouse Operator and the designation, if any, of the warehouse facility;
(b) the location of the warehouse in which the grain is stored;
(c) the Warehouse Operator’s license number;
(d) the CCC storage agreement code number, if applicable;
(e) the issuance date of the warehouse receipt;
(f) the consecutive number of the warehouse receipt;
(g) the name of the depositordepositor or lawful owner;
(h) a statement as to whether the grain received is to be delivered to the holder, to a specified person person, or their order;
(i) prepaid warehouse charges, if applicable;
(j) a description of the grain received, including the quantity, kind, class, grade grade, and the standard or description in accordance with which such classification has been made;made (each of these apply):
(i) The grade stated in a warehouse receipt must be the weighted average of the numeric grades as determined by the inspector and as indicated on the applicable inspection certificate(s)) or as determined by an FGIS official service provider; however, if an appeal of the grade determination has been requested and obtained, the grade stated on such warehouse receipt shall be the final appeal grade; and
(ii) Except in the case of identity-preserved or conjoint-storage grain, if, at the request of the depositor, the Warehouse Operator issues a warehouse receipt omitting the statement of grade, such warehouse receipt shall have clearly and conspicuously stamped clearlyand conspicuouslystamped or written on the face thereof, or included as part of the paper warehouse receipt, the following statement: “Not graded at the request of the depositor.”
(k) dockage, dockage and foreign material or pickmaterial, if applicable;
(l) a statement that the warehouse receipt is issued subject to the USWA, the regulations, and this Agreement and its rules;
(m) a statement of the amount of advances, if made, and of liabilities incurred regarding warehouse storage, handling handling, and other charges claimed by the Warehouse Operator; however, if the precise amount of such advances made or of such liabilities incurred is unknown to the Warehouse Operator (or to the agent who issues it) at the time the warehouse receipt is issued, it is sufficient to include a statement that advances have been made or liabilities incurred, as well as their purpose;
(n) if issued showing the Warehouse Operator as owner, either solely or jointly in common with others, the fact of such ownership;
(o) such other terms and conditions within the limitations of the USWA and this Agreement, as may be required by the Secretary of Agriculture or DACOAMS;
(p) a statement of the Warehouse Operator’s business organization type (i.e. private proprietye.g. sole proprietorship, incorporatedcorporation, partnership, LLC, etc.limitedliabilitycompany) and the name andthename of the State whose laws Statewhoselaws govern that organization (i.e. e.g. “a Texas corporation.”);
(q) in the event the relationship existing between the Warehouse Operator and any depositor is not that of a strictly disinterested custodianship, a statement setting forth the actual relationshipactualrelationship;
(r) a statement, conspicuously placed, that the grain is insured by the Warehouse Operator against loss or damage by sprinkler malfunction, fire, lightning, windstorm, cyclone, tornado, inherent explosion or other special peril risks;
(s) net weight of the grain;
(t) if the grain represented by the warehouse receipt is identity-preserved or conjoint-stored product, the words “identity identity-preserved” or “conjoint storage” and the specific bin(s) or warehouse location of such grain;
(u) the words “Negotiable” or “Non-Negotiable,” as appropriate to the nature of the warehouse receipt, clearly and conspicuously clearlyandconspicuously printed or stamped thereon. Every negotiable Everynegotiable warehouse receipt issued must, in addition to conforming to the requirements therequirements of this subparagraphsubpart, embody within its written or printed terms, a form of endorsement that may be used by the depositor or authorized agent, for showing the current ownership of the grain and applicable charges, mortgages or other encumbrances on the grain represented by the warehouse receiptthegrainrepresented bythewarehousereceipt;
(v) the signature of the Warehouse Operator, which may be made by the authorized agent; and
(w) other information as may be required by XXXXAMS.
(2) If the Warehouse Operator issues a warehouse receipt under the USWA omitting any information not required to be stated, for which a blank space is provided in the form of the warehouse receipt, a line shall be drawn through such space to show that such omission has been made purposely or “ILB” entered in the blank data field to indicate it has been “intentionally left blank.”; and
(3) A warehouse receipt may contain additional information, provided it does not contradict, conceal mislead, conceal, or interfere with any required information or printed or written terms.
(4) Warehouse receipts must not be altered or defaced, except as authorized by AMS.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Licensing Agreement
Paper Warehouse Receipts. A. Content
(1) Every paper warehouse receipt, whether negotiable or non-negotiable, issued for grain dry beans stored in a USWA warehouse, in addition to complying with the requirements of Section 11 of the ActUSWA and 7 CFR 735, Subpart D, must embody within its written or printed terms, terms (each of the following):
(a) the name of the Warehouse Operator and the designation, if any, of the warehouse facility;
(b) the location of the warehouse in which the grain is dry beans are stored;
(c) the Warehouse Operator’s license number;
(d) the CCC storage agreement code number, if applicable;
(e) the issuance date of the warehouse receipt;
(f) the consecutive number of the warehouse receipt;
(g) the name of the depositordepositor or lawful owner;
(h) a statement as to whether the grain dry beans received is are to be delivered to the holder, to a specified person person, or their order;
(i) prepaid warehouse charges, if applicable;
(j) a description of the grain dry beans received, including the quantity, kind, class, grade grade, and the standard or description in accordance with which such classification has been made;made (each of these apply):
(i) The grade stated in a warehouse receipt must be the weighted average of the numeric grades as determined by the inspector and as indicated on the applicable inspection certificate(s)) or as determined by an FGIS official service provider; however, if an appeal of the grade determination has been requested and obtained, the grade stated on such warehouse receipt shall be the final appeal grade; and
(ii) Except in the case of identity-preserved or conjoint-storage graindry beans, if, at the request of the depositor, the Warehouse Operator issues a warehouse receipt omitting the statement of grade, such warehouse receipt shall have clearly and conspicuously stamped or written on the face thereof, or included as part of the paper warehouse receipt, the following statement: “Not graded at the request of the depositor.”
(k) dockage, Percentage of dockage and foreign material or pickmaterial, if applicable;
(l) a statement that the warehouse receipt is issued subject to the USWA, the regulations, and this Agreement and its rules;
(m) a statement of the amount of advances, if made, and of liabilities incurred regarding warehouse storage, handling handling, and other charges claimed by the Warehouse Operator; however, if the precise amount of such advances made or of such liabilities incurred is unknown to the Warehouse Operator (or to the agent who issues it) at the time the warehouse receipt is issued, it is sufficient to include a statement that advances have been made or liabilities incurred, as well as their purpose;
(n) if issued showing the Warehouse Operator as is owner, either solely or jointly in common with others, the fact of such ownership;
(o) such other terms and conditions within the limitations of the USWA and this Agreement, as may be required by the Secretary of Agriculture or DACO;
(p) a statement of the Warehouse Operator’s business organization type (i.e. private proprietye.g. sole proprietorship, incorporatedcorporation, partnership, LLC, liability company) and the name of the State whose laws govern that organization (i.e. e.g. “a Texas corporation”);
(q) in the event the relationship existing between the Warehouse Operator and any depositor is not that of a strictly disinterested custodianship, a statement setting forth the actual relationship;
(r) a statement, conspicuously placed, that the grain is dry beans are insured by the Warehouse Operator against loss or damage by sprinkler malfunction, fire, lightning, windstorm, cyclone, tornado, inherent explosion or other special peril risks;
(s) net weight of the graindry beans;
(t) if the grain dry beans represented by the warehouse receipt is are identity-preserved or conjoint-stored productpreserved, the words “identity identity- preserved” or “conjoint storage” and the specific bin(s) or warehouse location of such graindry beans;
(u) the words “Negotiable” or “Non-Negotiable,” as appropriate to the nature of the warehouse receipt, clearly and conspicuously printed or stamped thereon. Every negotiable warehouse receipt issued must, in addition to conforming to the requirements of this subparagraphsubpart, embody within its written or printed terms, a form of endorsement that may be used by the depositor or authorized agent, for showing the current ownership of the grain dry beans and applicable charges, mortgages or other encumbrances on the grain dry beans represented by the warehouse receipt;
(v) the signature of the Warehouse Operator, which may be made by the authorized agent; and
(w) other information as may be required by XXXX.
(2) If if the Warehouse Operator issues a warehouse receipt under the USWA omitting any information not required to be stated, for which a blank space is provided in the form of the warehouse receipt, a line shall be drawn through such space to show that such omission has been made purposely or “ILB” entered in the blank data field to indicate it has been “intentionally left blank.”; and
(3) A a warehouse receipt may contain additional information, provided it does not contradict, conceal mislead, conceal, or interfere with any required information or printed or written terms.
(4) warehouse receipts must not be altered or defaced, except as authorized by XXXX.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Licensing Agreement
Paper Warehouse Receipts. A. Content
(1) Every paper warehouse receipt, whether negotiable or non-negotiable, issued for grain stored in a USWA warehouse, in addition to complying with the requirements of Section 11 of the ActUSWA and 7 CFR Part 735, Subpart D, must embody within its written or printed terms, terms (each of the following):
(a) the name of the Warehouse Operator and the designation, if any, of the warehouse facility;
(b) the location of the warehouse in which the grain is stored;
(c) the Warehouse Operator’s license number;
(d) the CCC storage agreement code number, if applicable;
(e) the issuance date of the warehouse receipt;
(f) the consecutive number of the warehouse receipt;
(g) the name of the depositordepositor or lawful owner;
(h) a statement as to whether the grain received is to be delivered to the holder, to a specified person person, or their order;
(i) prepaid warehouse charges, if applicable;
(j) a description of the grain received, including the quantity, kind, class, grade grade, and the standard or description in accordance with which such classification has been made;made (each of these apply):
(i) The grade stated in a warehouse receipt must be the weighted average of the numeric grades as determined by the inspector and as indicated on the applicable inspection certificate(s)) or as determined by an FGIS official service provider; however, if an appeal of the grade determination has been requested and obtained, the grade stated on such warehouse receipt shall be the final appeal grade; and
(ii) Except in the case of identity-preserved or conjoint-storage grain, if, at the request of the depositor, the Warehouse Operator issues a warehouse receipt omitting the statement of grade, such warehouse receipt shall have clearly and conspicuously stamped or written on the face thereof, or included as part of the paper warehouse receipt, the following statement: “Not graded at the request of the depositor.”
(k) dockage, dockage and foreign material or pickmaterial, if applicable;
(l) a statement that the warehouse receipt is issued subject to the USWA, the regulations, and this Agreement and its rules;
(m) a statement of the amount of advances, if made, and of liabilities incurred regarding warehouse storage, handling handling, and other charges claimed by the Warehouse Operator; however, if the precise amount of such advances made or of such liabilities incurred is unknown to the Warehouse Operator (or to the agent who issues it) at the time the warehouse receipt is issued, it is sufficient to include a statement that advances have been made or liabilities incurred, as well as their purpose;
(n) if issued showing the Warehouse Operator as owner, either solely or jointly in common with others, the fact of such ownership;
(o) such other terms and conditions within the limitations of the USWA and this Agreement, as may be required by the Secretary of Agriculture or DACOAMS;
(p) a statement of the Warehouse Operator’s business organization type (i.e. private proprietye.g. sole proprietorship, incorporatedcorporation, partnership, LLC, liability company) and the name of the State whose laws govern that organization (i.e. e.g. “a Texas corporation.”);
(q) in the event the relationship existing between the Warehouse Operator and any depositor is not that of a strictly disinterested custodianship, a statement setting forth the actual relationship;
(r) a statement, conspicuously placed, that the grain is insured by the Warehouse Operator against loss or damage by sprinkler malfunction, fire, lightning, windstorm, cyclone, tornado, inherent explosion or other special peril risks;
(s) net weight of the grain;
(t) if the grain represented by the warehouse receipt is identity-preserved or conjoint-stored product, the words “identity identity-preserved” or “conjoint storage” and the specific bin(s) or warehouse location of such grain;
(u) the words “Negotiable” or “Non-Negotiable,” as appropriate to the nature of the warehouse receipt, clearly and conspicuously printed or stamped thereon. Every negotiable warehouse receipt issued must, in addition to conforming to the requirements of this subparagraphsubpart, embody within its written or printed terms, a form of endorsement that may be used by the depositor or authorized agent, for showing the current ownership of the grain and applicable charges, mortgages or other encumbrances on the grain represented by the grainrepresented bythe warehouse receipt;
(v) the signature of the Warehouse Operator, which may be made by the authorized agent; and
(w) other information as may be required by XXXXAMS.
(2) If the Warehouse Operator issues a warehouse receipt under the USWA omitting any information not required to be stated, for which a blank space is provided in the form of the warehouse receipt, a line shall be drawn through such space to show that such omission has been made purposely or “ILB” entered in the blank data field to indicate it has been “intentionally left blank.”; and
(3) A warehouse receipt may contain additional information, provided it does not contradict, conceal mislead, conceal, or interfere with any required information or printed or written terms.
(4) Warehouse receipts must not be altered or defaced, except as authorized by AMS.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Licensing Agreement
Paper Warehouse Receipts. A. Content
(1) Content Every paper warehouse receipt, whether negotiable or non-negotiable, issued for grain dry beans stored in a USWA warehouse, in addition to complying with the requirements of Section 11 of the ActUSWA and 7 CFR 735, Subpart D, must embody within its written or printed terms, terms (each of the following):
(a) the name of the Warehouse Operator and the designation, if any, of the warehouse facility;
(b) the location of the warehouse in which the grain is dry beans are stored;
(c) the Warehouse Operator’s license number;
(d) the CCC storage agreement code number, if applicable;
(e) the issuance date of the warehouse receipt;
(f) the consecutive number of the warehouse receipt;
(g) the name of the depositordepositor or lawful owner;
(h) a statement as to whether the grain dry beans received is are to be delivered to the holder, to a specified person person, or their order;
(i) prepaid warehouse charges, if applicable;
(j) a description of the grain dry beans received, including the quantity, kind, class, grade grade, and the standard or description in accordance with which such classification has been made;made (each of these apply):
(i) The grade stated in a warehouse receipt must be the weighted average of the numeric grades as determined by the inspector and as indicated on the applicable inspection certificate(s)) or as determined by an FGIS official service provider; however, if an appeal of the grade determination has been requested and obtained, the grade stated on such warehouse receipt shall be the final appeal grade; and
(ii) and Except in the case of identity-preserved or conjoint-storage graindry beans, if, at the request of the depositor, the Warehouse Operator issues a warehouse receipt omitting the statement of grade, such warehouse receipt shall have clearly and conspicuously stamped or written on the face thereof, or included as part of the paper warehouse receipt, the following statement: “Not graded at the request of the depositor.”
(k) dockage, ” Percentage of dockage and foreign material or pickmaterial, if applicable;
(l) ; a statement that the warehouse receipt is issued subject to the USWA, the regulations, and this Agreement and its rules;
(m) a statement of the amount of advances, if made, and of liabilities incurred regarding warehouse storage, handling and other charges claimed by the Warehouse Operator; however, if the precise amount of such advances made or of such liabilities incurred is unknown to the Warehouse Operator (or to the agent who issues it) at the time the warehouse receipt is issued, it is sufficient to include a statement that advances have been made or liabilities incurred, as well as their purpose;
(n) if issued showing the Warehouse Operator as owner, either solely or jointly in common with others, the fact of such ownership;
(o) such other terms and conditions within the limitations of the USWA and this Agreement, as may be required by the Secretary of Agriculture or DACO;
(p) a statement of the Warehouse Operator’s business organization type (i.e. private propriety, incorporated, partnership, LLC, etc.) and the name of the State whose laws govern that organization (i.e. “a Texas corporation”);
(q) in the event the relationship existing between the Warehouse Operator and any depositor is not that of a strictly disinterested custodianship, a statement setting forth the actual relationship;
(r) a statement, conspicuously placed, that the grain is insured by the Warehouse Operator against loss or damage by sprinkler malfunction, fire, lightning, windstorm, cyclone, tornado, inherent explosion or other special peril risks;
(s) net weight of the grain;
(t) if the grain represented by the warehouse receipt is identity-preserved or conjoint-stored product, the words “identity preserved” or “conjoint storage” and the specific bin(s) or warehouse location of such grain;
(u) the words “Negotiable” or “Non-Negotiable,” as appropriate to the nature of the warehouse receipt, clearly and conspicuously printed or stamped thereon. Every negotiable warehouse receipt issued must, in addition to conforming to the requirements of this subparagraph, embody within its written or printed terms, a form of endorsement that may be used by the depositor or authorized agent, for showing the current ownership of the grain and applicable charges, mortgages or other encumbrances on the grain represented by the warehouse receipt;
(v) the signature of the Warehouse Operator, which may be made by the authorized agent; and
(w) other information as may be required by XXXX.
(2) If the Warehouse Operator issues a warehouse receipt under the USWA omitting any information not required to be stated, for which a blank space is provided in the form of the warehouse receipt, a line shall be drawn through such space to show that such omission has been made purposely or “ILB” entered in the blank data field to indicate it has been “intentionally left blank”; and
(3) A warehouse receipt may contain additional information, provided it does not contradict, conceal or interfere with any required information or terms.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Licensing Agreement