Pharmacovigilance Activities; Product Recalls Sample Clauses

Pharmacovigilance Activities; Product Recalls. Wyeth shall continue to perform its pharmacovigilance activities pursuant to the existing Wyeth/Progenics Pre-Approval Pharmacovigilance Agreement and Post-Approval Pharmacovigilance Agreement in (a) the United States during the US Sale Period and (b) each country where Wyeth is Commercializing the SC Product so long as Wyeth holds the Regulatory Approval for the SC Product in such country in accordance with this Termination Agreement. If Wyeth is required or voluntarily decides to initiate a Recall with respect to any Product, Wyeth shall promptly notify Progenics of such requirement or decision. In the event of any Recall, in the United States during the US Sale Period and/or any country where Wyeth holds the Regulatory Approval for the SC Product in accordance with this Termination Agreement, Wyeth shall be solely responsible for (x) all contact with applicable Regulatory Authorities and (y) implementing, directing and administering any Recall of any Product required or recommended by any Regulatory Authority, court or other governmental authority of competent jurisdiction, or determined by Wyeth, in consultation with Progenics, to be necessary or advisable. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Termination Agreement, to facilitate the transition of Development and Commercialization activities provided for herein, the Quality Agreements between the Parties entered into pursuant to the Progenics-Wyeth Agreement shall remain in effect until completion of the US Sale Period in the United States and the International Sale Period or Extended International Sale Period (as applicable) in other countries (on a country-by-country basis).
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Pharmacovigilance Activities; Product Recalls. Wyeth shall continue to perform its pharmacovigilance activities pursuant to the existing Wyeth/Progenics Pre-Approval Pharmacovigilance Agreement and Post-Approval Pharmacovigilance Agreement (the “Pharmacovigilance Agreements”) until the later of (i) the time that Wyeth is no longer Commercializing any Product under this Termination Agreement, (ii) the date on which Wyeth no longer owns any Regulatory Marketing Approval for any Product, which ownership ceases either as a result of the completion of the transfer of such Regulatory Marketing Approvals to Progenics or any Affiliate of Progenics or Ex-US Regional Partner, which Affiliate or Ex-US Regional Partner is a Qualified Company, and/or such Regulatory Marketing Approvals have been delisted. Beginning on [*], Progenics shall pay to Wyeth [*]. Such payments shall be made by Progenics to Wyeth on a [*] basis within [*] after the end of each such [*]. Once all Regulatory Approvals for the Products have been transferred to Progenics, its Affiliate or Ex-US Regional Partner or delisted, Wyeth shall transfer the safety database to Progenics and Progenics shall be solely responsible, at its own expense, for all pharmacovigilance activities relating to the Products. If Wyeth is required or voluntarily decides to initiate a Recall with respect to any Product, Wyeth shall promptly notify Progenics of such requirement or decision. In the event of any Recall, in the United States during the US Sale Period and/or any country where Wyeth holds the Regulatory Approval for the SC Product in accordance with this Termination Agreement, Wyeth shall be solely responsible for (x) all contact with applicable Regulatory Authorities and (y) implementing, directing and administering any Recall of any Product required or recommended by any Regulatory Authority, court or other governmental authority of competent jurisdiction, or determined by Wyeth, in consultation with Progenics, to be necessary or advisable. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Termination Agreement, to facilitate the transition of Development and Commercialization activities provided for herein, the Quality Agreements between the Parties entered into pursuant to the Progenics-Wyeth Agreement shall remain in effect until completion of the Extended US Sale Period or Optional US Sale Period in the United States and the International Sale Period or Extended International Sale Period or Optional International Sale Period (as applicable) in other countries ...

Related to Pharmacovigilance Activities; Product Recalls

  • Pharmacovigilance No later than [***] prior to (a) [***] or (b) [***], the Parties will negotiate in good faith and finalize the actions that the Parties will employ with respect to the Licensed Products to protect patients and promote their well-being in a written pharmacovigilance agreement (the “Pharmacovigilance Agreement”). These responsibilities will include mutually acceptable guidelines and procedures for the receipt, investigation, recordation, communication, and exchange (as between the Parties) of Adverse Event reports and any other information concerning the safety of any Licensed Product, including recall and withdrawal responsibilities, processes, and procedures. Such guidelines and procedures will be in accordance with, and enable the Parties to fulfill, local and national regulatory reporting obligations under applicable Law. Furthermore, such agreed procedure will be consistent with relevant ICH guidelines, except where such guidelines may conflict with existing local regulatory reporting safety reporting requirements, in which case local reporting requirement will prevail. Lian will be responsible for reporting quality complaints, Adverse Events, and safety data related to the Licensed Products in the Field to applicable Regulatory Authorities in the Territory, as well as responding to safety issues and to all requests of Regulatory Authorities relating to Licensed Products in the Field in the Territory. Lyra will be responsible for reporting quality complaints, Adverse Events, and safety data related to Licensed Product to applicable Regulatory Authorities outside the Territory, as well as responding to safety issues and to all requests of Regulatory Authorities relating to Licensed Product outside the Territory. The Pharmacovigilance Agreement will also provide for a worldwide safety database to be maintained by Lyra at its sole cost and expense, which worldwide safety database will be accessible by Lian and its Affiliates, Sublicensees, and contractors to the full extent necessary for Lian to exercise its rights under this Agreement, comply with its obligations under this Agreement, and comply with all applicable Law. Each Party will comply with its respective obligations under such Pharmacovigilance Agreement and will cause its Affiliates and Sublicensees and contractors to comply with such obligations.

  • Commercialization Reports After the First Commercial Sale of a Licensed Product anywhere in the Territory, LICENSEE shall submit to Cornell semi-annual reports on or before each February 28 and August 31 of each year. Each report shall cover LICENSEE’s (and each Affiliate’s and Sublicensee’s) most recently completed calendar half-year and shall show:

  • Commercialization Plans As soon as practicable after formation of the JCC (following Acucela’s exercise of an Opt-In Right under Section 3.1), the JCC shall prepare and approve the initial Commercialization Plan for Commercialization of the Licensed Product for the Initial Indication in the Initial Formulation (and, if applicable, any New Formulation or Other Indication Product) in the Territory. The Parties shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to ensure that such initial Commercialization Plan for Commercialization of the Licensed Product for the Initial Indication in the Initial Formulation is consistent with the general Commercialization Plan outline set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein (the “General Commercialization Plan Outline”). The JCC shall prepare and approve a separate Commercialization Plan for Commercialization of Licensed Product for the Initial Indication in the Initial Formulation in the Territory and for Commercialization of each Other Indication Product and New Formulation (if any) in the Territory, and shall update and amend each Commercialization Plan not less than annually or more frequently as needed to take into account changed circumstances or completion, commencement or cessation of Commercialization activities not contemplated by the then-current Commercialization Plan. Amendments and revisions to the Commercialization Plan shall be reviewed and discussed, in advance, by the JCC, and Otsuka agrees to consider proposals and suggestions made by Acucela regarding amendments and revisions to the Commercialization Plan. Any amendment or revision to the Commercialization Plan that provides for an increase or decrease in the number of FTEs for any Phase 3b Clinical Trials or Post-Approval Studies as compared to the previous version of the Commercialization Plan, or that provides for addition or discontinuation of tasks or activities as compared to the previous version of the Commercialization Plan, or that moves forward the timetable for activities reflected in the Commercialization Plan, shall provide for a reasonable ramp-up or wind-down period, as applicable, to accommodate a smooth and orderly transition of Commercialization activities to the amended or revised Commercialization Plan. Each Commercialization Plan shall identify the goals of Commercialization contemplated thereunder and shall address Commercialization (including Co-Promotion) activities related to the Licensed Product (including, if applicable, any Other Indication Product), including:

  • Commercialization Activities Within North America, the Parties will use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to Commercialize Licensed Products in the Field. In addition, within North America and subject to Section 2.7.6, the Parties will use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to conduct the Commercialization activities assigned to them pursuant to the Commercialization Plan/Budget, including the performance of detailing in accordance therewith. In conducting the Commercialization activities, the Parties will comply with all Applicable Laws, applicable industry professional standards and compliance policies of Celgene which have been previously furnished to Acceleron, as the same may be updated from time to time and provided to Acceleron. Neither Party shall make any claims or statements with respect to the Licensed Products that are not strictly consistent with the product labeling and the sales and marketing materials approved for use pursuant to the Commercialization Plan/Budget.

  • Commercialization Intrexon shall have the right to develop and Commercialize the Reverted Products itself or with one or more Third Parties, and shall have the right, without obligation to Fibrocell, to take any such actions in connection with such activities as Intrexon (or its designee), at its discretion, deems appropriate.

  • Pharmacovigilance Agreement Within [***] after the Effective Date, BMS and the Company (under the guidance of their respective Pharmacovigilance Departments, or equivalent thereof) shall define and finalize the responsibilities the Parties shall employ to protect patients and promote their well-being in connection with the use of the Licensed Compound(s) until such time that all pharmacovigilance responsibilities have transferred from BMS to Company. These responsibilities shall include mutually acceptable guidelines and procedures for the receipt, investigation, recordation, communication, and exchange (as between the Parties) of adverse event reports, pregnancy reports, and any other information concerning the safety of any Licensed Compound(s). Such guidelines and procedures shall be in accordance with, and enable the Parties and their Affiliates to fulfill, local and international regulatory reporting obligations to government authorities. Furthermore, such agreed procedures shall be consistent with relevant International Council for Harmonization (ICH) guidelines, except where said guidelines may conflict with existing local regulatory safety reporting requirements, in which case local reporting requirements shall prevail. Until such guidelines and procedures are set forth in a written agreement between the Parties (hereafter referred to as the “Pharmacovigilance Agreement”), the Party responsible for pharmacovigilance prior to execution of this Agreement shall have sole Pharmacovigilance responsibility for the Licensed Compound(s) subject to all applicable regulations and guidelines. In the event that this Agreement is terminated, the Parties agree to implement the necessary procedures and practices to ensure that any outstanding pharmacovigilance reporting obligations are fulfilled. Certain information marked as [***] has been excluded from this exhibit because it is both (i) not material and (ii) would be competitively harmful if publicly disclosed.

  • Tests and Preclinical and Clinical Trials The preclinical studies and clinical trials conducted by or, to the Company’s knowledge, on behalf of the Company, that are described in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, as applicable, and are intended to be submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (the “FDA”) or other comparable government entities, were and, if still ongoing, are being conducted in all material respects in accordance with experimental protocols, procedures and controls pursuant to accepted professional scientific standards and all Authorizations and Applicable Laws, including, without limitation, current Good Clinical Practices and Good Laboratory Practices and any applicable rules and regulations of the jurisdiction in which such trials and studies are being conducted; the descriptions of the results of such studies and trials contained in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus are, to the Company’s knowledge, accurate and complete in all material respects and fairly present the data derived from such studies and trials; except to the extent disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, the Company is not aware of any studies or trials, the results of which the Company believes reasonably call into question the study or trial results described or referred to in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus when viewed in the context in which such results are described and the clinical stage of development; and, except to the extent disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package or the Prospectus, the Company has not received any written notices or written correspondence from the FDA or any governmental entity requiring the termination or suspension of any preclinical studies or clinical trials conducted by or on behalf of the Company, other than ordinary course communications with respect to modifications in connection with the design and implementation of such trials, copies of which communications have been made available to you.

  • Clinical Studies The animal and other preclinical studies and clinical trials conducted by the Company or on behalf of the Company were, and, if still pending are, to the Company’s knowledge, being conducted in all material respects in compliance with all Applicable Laws and in accordance with experimental protocols, procedures and controls generally used by qualified experts in the preclinical study and clinical trials of new drugs and biologics as applied to comparable products to those being developed by the Company; the descriptions of the results of such preclinical studies and clinical trials contained in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus are accurate and complete in all material respects, and, except as set forth in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, the Company has no knowledge of any other clinical trials or preclinical studies, the results of which reasonably call into question the clinical trial or preclinical study results described or referred to in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus when viewed in the context in which such results are described; and the Company has not received any written notices or correspondence from the FDA, the EMA, or any other domestic or foreign governmental agency requiring the termination, suspension or modification of any preclinical studies or clinical trials conducted by or on behalf of the Company that are described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus or the results of which are referred to in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus.

  • Regulatory Milestones Celgene shall make the following approval milestone payments to Jounce that are set forth below upon the first achievement by or on behalf of Celgene, its Affiliates or Sublicensees of the regulatory milestone events (“Regulatory Milestone Events”) set forth below with respect to the first Co-Co Product that achieves such event. For clarity, each milestone set forth below shall be due and payable one time only (regardless of the number of Co-Co Products to achieve any such Regulatory Milestone Event). CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL PORTIONS OF THIS EXHIBIT WERE OMITTED AND REPLACED WITH “[***]”. A COMPLETE VERSION OF THIS EXHIBIT HAS BEEN FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECRETARY OF THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION REQUESTING CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT PURSUANT TO RULE 406 PROMULGATED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED. Regulatory Milestone Event (For the first Co-Co Product that achieves such event) Milestone Payments (in $ millions) [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] For each of Paragraphs (1) - (3) of this Exhibit C-1, the Parties understand and agree that in no event will more than one (1) milestone payment be paid with respect to any specific event triggering a payment under this Jounce Lead Co-Co Agreement.

  • Clinical Trials The studies, tests and preclinical and clinical trials conducted by or on behalf of, or sponsored by, the Company, or in which the Company has participated, that are described in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or the Prospectus, or the results of which are referred to in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or the Prospectus, were and, if still pending, are being conducted in all material respects in accordance with protocols, procedures and controls pursuant to, where applicable, accepted professional and scientific standards for products or product candidates comparable to those being developed by the Company and all applicable statutes, rules and regulations of the FDA, the EMEA, Health Canada and other comparable drug and medical device (including diagnostic product) regulatory agencies outside of the United States to which they are subject; the descriptions of the results of such studies, tests and trials contained in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or the Prospectus do not contain any misstatement of a material fact or omit a material fact necessary to make such statements not misleading; the Company has no knowledge of any studies, tests or trials not described in the Disclosure Package and the Prospectus the results of which reasonably call into question in any material respect the results of the studies, tests and trials described in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or Prospectus; and the Company has not received any notices or other correspondence from the FDA, EMEA, Health Canada or any other foreign, state or local governmental body exercising comparable authority or any Institutional Review Board or comparable authority requiring or threatening the termination, suspension or material modification of any studies, tests or preclinical or clinical trials conducted by or on behalf of, or sponsored by, the Company or in which the Company has participated, and, to the Company’s knowledge, there are no reasonable grounds for the same. Except as disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, there has not been any violation of law or regulation by the Company in its respective product development efforts, submissions or reports to any regulatory authority that could reasonably be expected to require investigation, corrective action or enforcement action.

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