Automatic Reinsurance For automatic reinsurance, the Reinsurer's liability will commence at the same time as the Ceding Company's liability, including liability under any conditional receipt or temporary insurance provision.
Payment of Reinsurance Premiums For automatic and facultative reinsurance, following the close of each calendar month, the Ceding Company will send the Reinsurer a statement and a listing of new business, changes and terminations. If a net reinsurance premium balance is payable to the Reinsurer, the Ceding Company will forward this balance within (60) sixty days after the close of each month. If a net reinsurance premium balance is payable to the Ceding Company, the balance due will be subtracted from the reinsurance premium payable by Ceding Company for the current month. The Reinsurer shall pay any remaining balance due the Ceding Company sixty days after the Ceding Company submits the statement.
FACULTATIVE REINSURANCE 3.1 The Ceding Company may submit any application on a plan or rider identified in Exhibit B − Plans Covered and Binding Limits, to the Reinsurer (or any other reinsurer) for its consideration on a facultative basis. The Ceding Company will apply for reinsurance on a facultative basis by sending to the Reinsurer an Application for Facultative Reinsurance, providing information similar to the example outlined in Exhibit F – Application for Facultative Reinsurance. Accompanying this application will be copies of all underwriting evidence that is available for risk assessment including, but not limited to, copies of the application for insurance, medical examiners' reports, attending physicians' statements, inspection reports, and any other information bearing on the insurability of the risk. The Ceding Company also will notify the Reinsurer of any outstanding underwriting requirements at the time of the facultative submission. Any subsequent information received by the Ceding Company that is pertinent to the risk assessment will be immediately transmitted to the Reinsurer. After consideration of the application for facultative reinsurance and related information, the Reinsurer will promptly inform the Ceding Company of its underwriting decision. The Reinsurer's offer will expire at the end of one hundred twenty (120) days, unless otherwise specified by the Reinsurer in its offer. If the Ceding Company accepts the Reinsurer's offer, then the Ceding Company will note its acceptance in its underwriting file and include the policy on the next billing statement issued to the Reinsurer following policy activation. Reinsurer agrees the reinsurance offer will be deemed accepted by Ceding Company at the point in time Ceding Company makes such notation in its underwriting file in accordance with the Ceding Company's standard facultative placement procedures. Changes in plan, contract number, policyowner, or amount of coverage may be made subsequently by the Ceding Company without obtaining another offer from the Reinsurer provided such changes are within the amount approved by the Reinsurer and do not change the underlying risk. Coverage for any Automatic Increasing Benefit Rider shall be provided in accordance with this Agreement notwithstanding any notations on the offer that say "no benefits", "benefits excluded", or words of similar import. The relevant terms and conditions of the Agreement will apply to those facultative offers made by the Reinsurer which are accepted by the Ceding Company. Nothing herein prevents the Ceding Company from retaining the risk on a policy that was facultatively shopped or placing the policy with a different facultative reinsurer.
Reinsurance The Contractor shall purchase reinsurance from a commercial reinsurer and shall establish reinsurance agreements meeting the requirements listed below. The Contractor shall submit new policies, renewals or amendments to OMPP for review and approval at least one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days before becoming effective. Agreements and Coverage The attachment point shall be equal to or less than $200,000 and shall apply to all services, unless otherwise approved by OMPP. The Contractor electing to establish commercial reinsurance agreements with an attachment point greater than $200,000 must provide a justification in its proposal or submit justification to OMPP in writing at least one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days prior to the policy renewal date or date of the proposed change. The Contractor must receive approval from OMPP before changing the attachment point. The Contractor’s co-insurance responsibilities above the attachment point shall be no greater than twenty percent (20%). Reinsurance agreements shall transfer risk from the Contractor to the reinsurer. The reinsurer's payment to the Contractor shall depend on and vary directly with the amount and timing of claims settled under the reinsured contract. Contractual features that delay timely reimbursement are not acceptable. The Contractor shall maintain a plan acceptable to the IDOI commissioner for continuation of benefits in the event of receivership. The Contractor must finance the greater of $1,000,000 or total projected costs as calculated by the form set forth in 760 IAC 1-70-8. The Contractor shall obtain continuation of coverage insurance (insolvency insurance) to continue plan benefits for members until the end of the period for which premiums have been paid. This coverage shall extend to members in acute care hospitals or nursing facility settings when the Contractor’s insolvency occurs during the member’s inpatient stay. The Contractor shall continue to reimburse for its member’s care under those circumstances (i.e., inpatient stays) until the member is discharged from the acute care setting or nursing facility. Requirements for Reinsurance Companies The Contractor shall submit documentation that the reinsurer follows the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' (NAIC) Reinsurance Accounting Standards. The Contractor shall be required to obtain reinsurance from insurance organizations that have Standard and Poor's claims-paying ability ratings of "AA" or higher and a Xxxxx’x bond rating of “A1” or higher, unless otherwise approved by OMPP. Subcontractors Subcontractors’ reinsurance coverage requirements must be clearly defined in the reinsurance agreement. Subcontractors should be encouraged to obtain their own stop-loss coverage with the above-mentioned terms. If subcontractors do not obtain reinsurance on their own, the Contractor is required to forward appropriate recoveries from stop-loss coverage to applicable subcontractors.
HEALTH AND INSURANCE BENEFITS 22.01 All health and insurance benefit premium costs paid by the Employer shall prorate in accordance with the proration formula under Article 22.12 of this Agreement. Same sex spouse is eligible to be a dependent for insured benefits.
REINSURANCE PREMIUM The YRT Reinsurance Premium for each coverage shall equal (i) x (ii) x (iii) / 1,000, where:
Credit for Reinsurance Retrocessionaire shall take all actions reasonably necessary, if any, to permit Retrocedant to obtain full financial statement credit in all applicable U.S. jurisdictions for all liabilities assumed by the Retrocessionaire pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to loss and loss adjustment expense reserves, unearned premium reserves, reserves for incurred but not reported losses, allocated loss adjustment expenses and ceding commissions, and to provide the security required for such purpose, in a form reasonably acceptable to Retrocedant. Any reserves required by the foregoing in no event shall be less than the amounts required under the law of the jurisdiction having regulatory authority with respect to the establishment of reserves relating to the relevant Reinsurance Contracts. For purposes of this Article XIX, such "actions reasonably necessary" may include, without limitation, the furnishing of a letter of credit or the establishment of a custodial or trust account, as permitted under applicable law, to secure the payment of the amounts due the Retrocedant under this Agreement.
Award and Insurance Benefits Borrower shall cooperate with Lender in obtaining for Lender the benefits of any Awards or Insurance Proceeds lawfully or equitably payable in connection with the Property, and Lender shall be reimbursed for any expenses incurred in connection therewith (including attorneys’ fees and disbursements, and the payment by Borrower of the expense of an appraisal on behalf of Lender in case of Casualty or Condemnation affecting the Property or any part thereof) out of such Insurance Proceeds.
Other Reinsurance The Company shall be permitted to carry other reinsurance, recoveries under which shall inure solely to the benefit of the Company and be entirely disregarded in applying all of the provisions of this Contract.
How We Calculate Benefits Under These Rules When this plan is secondary, it may reduce its benefits so that the total benefits paid or provided by all plans are not more than the total allowable expenses. In determining the amount to be paid for any claim, the secondary plan will calculate the benefits it would have paid in the absence of other healthcare coverage and apply that calculated amount to any allowable expense under its plan that is unpaid by the primary plan. The secondary plan may then reduce its payment by the amount so that, when combined with the amount paid by the primary plan, the total benefits paid or provided by all plans for the claim do not exceed the total allowable expense for that claim. In addition, the secondary plan shall credit to its plan deductible any amounts it would have credited to its deductible in the absence of other healthcare coverage.