Problematiken i standardavtal Sample Clauses

Problematiken i standardavtal. För att standardavtal ska bli gällande krävs det att de standardiserade villkoren införlivas i det enskilda avtalet. Det framgår inte i avtalslagen xxxxx xxxxx lagstiftning utan xxxxxxx på principer och rättspraxis. När en konsument är avtalspart ställs det höga krav på att inkorporeringen är tydlig.164 Huvudregeln är att standardvillkoren måste komma till motpartens kännedom vilket aktualiseras i tandvårdsavtalet i NJA 2011 s. 600. Inkorporering av standardvillkor på internet kan skapa problematik. Xxxxxxx uppmärksammar att näringsidkare xxxxxxx krav på att konsumenter är skyldiga att godkänna villkoren för att gå vidare med sin beställning. Xxx xxxxx att näringsidkare i xxxxxx fall har möjlighet att tillfoga konsumenten ogynnsamma villkor som blir en del xx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx, xxxxxxxxx att det inte strider mot tvingande lagstiftning. Konsumenter läser sällan villkoren när de ingår avtal på internet. Det medför att konsumenter inte är medvetna om villkorens innebörd xxxxx konsekvenserna som följer av att godkänna villkor genom att enbart klicka i en ruta. Xxxxxxx belyser även att det är svårt för parter som ingår avtal på internet att praktiskt fastställa xxxxx gemensamma partsvilja, och att det till synes xxxxx xxxx fördelaktigt att standardavtalet utgör en del av parternas individuella avtal.165 159 ”Browsewrap” benämning på användaravtal som en besökare på webbsida antas godtagit genom att besöka sidan, Juridisk vägledning, Saas - en introduktion till begreppen. 000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx district court Western district of Washington at Seattle, Xxxx x. Clearwire Corp, No. C09- 1392JLR, 2012., Xxxxxxx X. Xxx, Notes and Comments, Forum-Selection Clauses in Consumer Clickwrap and Browsewrap Agreements and the "Reasonably Communicated", Rev. 481. 161 Xxxxxxx, C., Licensavtal, xxxxxx avtalsrätt och Xxxx X xxxxxxxx, SvjT 2015, s. 125. 000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx district court Western district of Washington at Seattle, Xxxx x. Clearwire Corp, No. C09- 1392JLR, 2012. 163 Xxxxxxx X. Xxx, Notes and Comments, Forum-Selection Clauses in Consumer Clickwrap and Browsewrap Agreements and the "Reasonably Communicated" Test, 77 Wash. L, Rev. 481, 2002. 164 Bernitz, U., Standardavtalsrätt, s. 62. 000 Xxxxxxx, J, Xxxxxxx,C., Xxxxxx avtalsrätt, s. 135.
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Related to Problematiken i standardavtal

  • WORKLOAD STANDARDS One (1) Direct Service Hour (DSH) will be equal to sixty (60) minutes of direct services.

  • Drug Testing (A) The state and the PBA agree to drug testing of employees in accordance with section 112.0455, F.S., the Drug-Free Workplace Act.

  • Contractor Work Hours and Safety Standards Contractor shall ensure compliance with all safety and hourly requirements for employees, in accordance with federal, state, and County safety and health regulations and laws.

  • Required Procurement Procedures for Obtaining Goods and Services The Grantee shall provide maximum open competition when procuring goods and services related to the grant-assisted project in accordance with Section 287.057, Florida Statutes.

  • Information Technology Accessibility Standards Any information technology related products or services purchased, used or maintained through this Grant must be compatible with the principles and goals contained in the Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards adopted by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board under Section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. §794d), as amended. The federal Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards can be found at: xxxx://

  • Service Level Standards In addition to all other requirements in this Agreement, and in accordance with the Best Claims Practices & Estimating Guidelines, Vendor shall use reasonable and good faith efforts to meet the Service Level Standards set forth below.

  • Safety Standards Performance of the Contract for all commodities or contractual services must comply with requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act and other applicable State of Florida and federal requirements.

  • Drug Test The compulsory production and submission of urine and/or blood, in accordance with departmental procedures, by an employee for chemical analysis to detect prohibited drug usage.

  • GMP The parties agree that the GMP for the Project is $ , consisting of the Preconstruction Fee, the Estimated Cost of the Work and the CM/GC Fee (stated as a fixed dollar lump sum amount), as follows: Preconstruction Fee: $ Estimated Cost of Work (Est. COW): $ CM/GC Fee ( % of Est. COW): $ GMP (Total of above categories): $ For purposes of determining the GMP, the Estimated Cost of the Work includes the CM/GC’s Contingency, costs for General Conditions Work, and the costs of all components and systems required for a complete, fully functional facility.

  • Health and Safety Standards Contractor shall abide by all health and safety standards set forth by the State of California and/or the County of Xxxxxx pursuant to the Injury and Illness Prevention Program. If applicable, Contractor must receive all health and safety information and training from County.

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