Erosion Prevention and Control Purchaser’s Operations shall be conducted reasonably to minimize soil erosion. Equipment shall not be operated when ground conditions are such that excessive damage will result. Purchaser shall adjust the kinds and intensity of erosion control work done to ground and weather condi- tions and the need for controlling runoff. Erosion control work shall be kept current immediately preceding ex- pected seasonal periods of precipitation or runoff.
Workplace Violence Prevention and Crisis Response (applicable to any Party and any subcontractors and sub-grantees whose employees or other service providers deliver social or mental health services directly to individual recipients of such services): Party shall establish a written workplace violence prevention and crisis response policy meeting the requirements of Act 109 (2016), 33 VSA §8201(b), for the benefit of employees delivering direct social or mental health services. Party shall, in preparing its policy, consult with the guidelines promulgated by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Services Workers, as those guidelines may from time to time be amended. Party, through its violence protection and crisis response committee, shall evaluate the efficacy of its policy, and update the policy as appropriate, at least annually. The policy and any written evaluations thereof shall be provided to employees delivering direct social or mental health services. Party will ensure that any subcontractor and sub-grantee who hires employees (or contracts with service providers) who deliver social or mental health services directly to individual recipients of such services, complies with all requirements of this Section.
Prior Disaster Relief Contract Violation Under Sections 2155.006 and 2261.053 of the Texas Government Code (relating to convictions and penalties regarding Hurricane Xxxx, Hurricane Xxxxxxx, and other disasters), the Contractor certifies that the individual or business entity named in this Contract and any related Solicitation Response is not ineligible to receive this Contract and acknowledges that this Contract may be terminated and payment withheld if this certification is inaccurate.
Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements
Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention and Control The hospital in consultation with the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) shall develop, establish and put into effect, musculoskeletal prevention and control measures, procedures, practices and training for the health and safety of employees.
Hearing Aids Any active employee who is insured under any one of the 9 District sponsored medical plans may request reimbursement for the costs of 10 hearing aids. The maximum amount of reimbursement shall not exceed one 11 thousand dollars ($1,000) within any three (3) year period. The cost of 12 hardware, fitting tests, and other tests related to the hearing aids purchased 13 shall be included for reimbursement purposes. 14
Emergency Medical Condition a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) that a prudent layperson, who possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in the following: a) Placing the health of the individual (or, with respect to a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her unborn child) in serious jeopardy; b) Serious impairment to bodily functions; or c) Serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.
What Forms of Distribution Are Available from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account Distributions may be made as a lump sum of the entire account, or distributions of a portion of the account may be made as requested.
Child Rearing Leave Subd. 1 Child rearing leave of absences shall be available to teachers for a period of time, not to exceed twelve (12) calendar months, for the purpose of caring for a newborn infant or pre-school adopted child for which the applicant has the legal responsibility for the care and/or support of said child. Such leave may be taken subsequent to birth of the teacher's child, or in the case of adoption, when the child is physically turned over to the teacher-parent. a. At least two (2) calendar months prior to the estimated delivery date of the child, the employee shall be required to notify the Employer in writing whether or not the employee intends to take child rearing leave. This election may be changed at any time before the teacher is no longer disabled from working due to childbirth or pregnancy related disability or before the fifteenth (15th) day after the birth of the child, whichever is sooner. b. Upon filing an application for adoption of a pre-school child, the employee shall be required to notify the Employer, in writing, of the teacher's intention to take a child rearing leave. Such notice to include the estimated date when such leave shall become effective. Subd. 3 In connection with the election to take child rearing leave, the teacher shall submit a request for such leave in writing. Such request shall include an estimated commencement date and return date. The estimated commencement date shall be the physician's projected date the teacher will no longer be disabled from teaching due to childbirth or pregnancy related disability, or in the case of an adoption, the agency's estimated date when the child will be turned over to the parent. Subd. 4 In making the final determination under Subd. 3 concerning the duration of a child rearing leave of absence, the Employer shall not be required to grant a leave of absence in excess of two (2) semesters. The actual commencement date of child rearing leave shall be the date on which the teacher is no longer disabled due to childbirth and pregnancy related disability as determined by the physician; or, in the case of an adoption, the date when the child is physically turned over to the teacher-parent. The return date shall be twelve (12) calendar months following the actual commencement of the leave except as may be provided in Subd. 7.
Commercial Operation Date 6.4.1 The SPV shall ensure that the Project Commercial Operation Date is achieved on or prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date. The SPV shall provide a written notice to MSEDCL at least 30 (thirty) days in advance intimating MSEDCL of the proposed date on which the Commercial Operation Date of a Unit or the Project is proposed to be achieved. 6.4.2 If the Commercial Operation Date for the Units having a capacity equivalent to at least 75% (seventy five percent) of the Contracted Capacity is achieved before the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, then all Units in respect of which the Commercial Operation Date has been achieved prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date would be eligible for incentives as follows: (a) the Unit(s) injecting energy at 11 kV /22 kV shall be given an incentive of Rs. 0.25/ kWh; and (b) the Unit(s) injecting energy at 33 kV shall be given an incentive of Rs. 0.15/ kWh, for the power sold to MSEDCL for the first 3 (three) years from the Commercial Operation Date. To receive such incentives from MSAPL, which shall be over and above the Tariff, the SPV shall follow the process agreed to by the SPV under the Implementation Agreement. 6.4.3 It is hereby clarified that the aforementioned incentive shall not be available: (i) in respect of any Unit if the Commercial Operation Date for such Unit has not been achieved prior to the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date; and (ii) if the aggregate capacity of the Units for which the Commercial Operation Date has been achieved prior to Scheduled Commercial Operation Date is less than 75% (seventy five percent) of the Contracted Capacity. 6.4.4 In the event that Commercial Operation Date for any of the Units is achieved after the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, the SPV shall be liable to pay Liquidated Damages as per the provisions set out below. 6.4.5 Without prejudice to any other rights of MSEDCL under this PPA, in case one or more Units of the SPV are unable to achieve Commercial Operation Date within a period of 2 (two) months from the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, the capacity of such Units shall be annulled, and the Contracted Capacity shall be reduced to that extent. For Illustration: The Project has a Contracted Capacity of 100 MW and comprises of 10 Units of 10 MW each. If at the end of the aforementioned period of 14 (fourteen) months from the Effective Date, the SPV has achieved Commissioning for only 8 out of 10 Units, then the Contracted Capacity of the Project will stand reduced for the capacity of the 2 Units which have not been Commissioned, i.e. the Contracted Capacity will be 80 (100 (original Contracted Capacity)) – 10 (capacity of each Unit)*2 (number of Units not Commissioned).