Receiving Money in Multiple Currencies. You do not need to maintain a Balance in a particular currency to accept payments sent in that currency. If you already maintain a Balance in the currency in which you receive a payment, we will credit all payments received in that currency to your Balance. Where you (not PayPal) offer a currency conversion at the point of sale, you will inform the buyer of the exchange rate and any charges that will be applied to the payment transaction. PayPal has no liability to any buyer if you fail to inform the buyer of the exchange rate and charges. You acknowledge that if you fail to disclose the exchange rate and charges to the buyer this may constitute a criminal offence by you.
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: User Agreement, User Agreement, User Agreement
Receiving Money in Multiple Currencies. You do not need to maintain a Balance in a particular currency to accept payments sent in that currency. If you already maintain a Balance in the currency in which you receive a payment, we will credit all payments received in that currency to your Balance. .. Where you (not PayPal) offer a currency conversion at the point of sale, you will inform the buyer of the exchange rate and any charges that will be applied to the payment transaction. PayPal has no liability to any buyer if you fail to inform the buyer of the exchange rate and charges. You acknowledge that if you fail to disclose the exchange rate and charges to the buyer this may constitute a criminal offence by you.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: User Agreement