Recording Other Identifying Information. Upon identification of Other Identifying Information, the reviewer will perform three tasks: (i) tag the document to a “OHIP Number”, “Employee Number”, “SIN Number”, “Address”, or “Financial Information” category, as configured on the Independent Reviewer’s document review platform; (ii) type the details of the identifying information in the “Notes” section; and (iii) enter the Other Identifying Information in an Excel spreadsheet created to record such information. If the document contains no Other Identifying Information, it should be marked “Not Relevant”.
Recording Other Identifying Information. Upon identification of Other Identifying Information, the reviewer will perform three tasks: (i) tag the document to a “OHIP Number”, “Employee Number”, “SIN Number”, “Address”, or “Financial Information” category, as configured on the Independent Reviewer’s document review platform; (ii) type the details of the identifying information in the “Notes” section; and (iii) enter the Other Identifying Information in an Excel spreadsheet created to record such information. If the document contains no Other Identifying Information, it should be marked “Not Relevant”. Table of “Other Identifying Information” Other Identifying Information constitutes the five (5) categories of information described below.