RELEASE OF GUARANTY FUND CUSTODIAL ACCOUNT. At the next meeting of the IIE Board of Trustees following the execution of this Agreement, the Board shall adopt a standing resolution (a copy of which will be provided to FMIC promptly following adoption) authorizing the release to FMIC, on the third annual anniversary of the Closing Date, of all amounts remaining in the Syndicate's Guaranty Fund Custodial Account and not already finally determined to be available for insolvencies pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.3(A) hereof. In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction shall determine that any of the amounts released under this Section 4.3(B) should not have been released, FMIC shall indemnify the IIE, IASA or Guaranty Fund (as applicable) in the amount of the lesser of (I) the amount determined to have been improperly released, or (ii) the amounts released pursuant to this Section 4.3(B). In the event of any judicial proceeding seeking such determination, the IIE, IASA or Guaranty Fund (as applicable) promptly shall provide notice thereof to FMIC, and FMIC shall have the duty and right to defend the IIE, IASA and Guaranty Fund (as applicable) or to agree to any settlement thereof in FMIC's sole discretion.
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  • Establishment of Custodial Account; Deposits in Custodial Account The Seller shall segregate and hold all funds collected and received pursuant to each Mortgage Loan separate and apart from any of its own funds and general assets and shall establish and maintain one or more Custodial Accounts (collectively, the “Custodial Account”), titled “PrimeLending, in trust for Redwood Residential Acquisition Corporation as Purchaser of Mortgage Loans and various Mortgagors.” Such Custodial Account shall be an Eligible Account established with a commercial bank, a savings bank or a savings and loan association (which may be a depository affiliate of the Seller) which meets the guidelines set forth by the FHFA, Fxxxxx Mxx or Fxxxxxx Mac as an eligible depository institution for custodial accounts. The Custodial Account shall not be transferred to any other depository institution without the Purchaser’s approval, which shall not unreasonably be withheld. In any case, the Custodial Account shall be insured by the FDIC in a manner which shall provide maximum available insurance thereunder and which may be drawn on by the Seller. The Seller shall deposit in the Custodial Account on a daily basis, and retain therein the following payments and collections received or made by it subsequent to the related Cut-off Date (other than in respect of principal and interest on the Mortgage Loans due on or before the related Cut-off Date):

  • Custodial Accounts and Buydown Fund Accounts The Master Servicer shall cause to be established and maintained by each Servicer under the Master Servicer's supervision the Custodial Account for P&I, Buydown Fund Accounts (if any) and special Custodial Account for Reserves and shall deposit or cause to be deposited therein daily the amounts related to the Mortgage Loans required by the Selling and Servicing Contracts to be so deposited. Proceeds received with respect to individual Mortgage Loans from any title, hazard, or FHA insurance policy, VA guaranty, Primary Insurance Policy or other insurance policy (other than any Special Primary Insurance Policy) covering such Mortgage Loans, if required for the restoration or repair of the related Mortgaged Property, may be deposited either in the Custodial Account for Reserves or the Custodial Account for P&I. Such proceeds (other than proceeds from any Special Primary Insurance Policy), if not required for the restoration or repair of the related Mortgaged Property, shall be deposited in the Custodial Account for P&I, and shall be applied to the balances of the related Mortgage Loans as payments of interest and principal. The Master Servicer is hereby authorized to make withdrawals from and to issue drafts against the Custodial Accounts for P&I and the Custodial Accounts for Reserves for the purposes required or permitted by this Agreement. Each Custodial Account for P&I and each Custodial Account for Reserves shall bear a designation clearly showing the respective interests of the applicable Servicer, as trustee, and of the Master Servicer, in substantially one of the following forms:

  • Establishment of Custodial Accounts; Deposits in Custodial Accounts The Seller shall segregate and hold all funds collected and received pursuant to each Mortgage Loan separate and apart from any of its own funds and general assets and shall establish and maintain one or more Custodial Accounts, in the form of time deposit or demand accounts. The creation of any Custodial Account shall be evidenced by a Custodial Account Letter Agreement in the form of Exhibit 7. The Seller shall deposit in the Custodial Account on a daily basis, and retain therein the following payments and collections received by it subsequent to the Cut-off Date, or received by it prior to the Cut-off Date but allocable to a period subsequent thereto, other than in respect of principal and interest on the Mortgage Loans due on or before the Cut-off Date:

  • Yield Supplement Account On the Closing Date, the Seller will deposit the Yield Supplement Account Deposit to the Yield Supplement Account from the net proceeds of the sale of the Notes. The Yield Supplement Account shall be the property of the Issuer subject to the rights of the Indenture Trustee for the benefit of the Securityholders.

  • Custodial Account Funds in any custodial accounts established by the Servicer and maintained in respect of the REMIC may be invested and, if invested, shall be invested in Eligible Investments selected by the Servicer which shall mature not later than the Business Day immediately preceding the next Remittance Date, and any such Eligible Investment shall not be sold or disposed of prior to its maturity. All such Eligible Investments shall be made in the name of the REMIC or its nominee. All income and gain realized from any such investment shall be, as long as the Servicer is servicing the Mortgage Loans held by the REMIC, for the benefit of the Servicer as additional compensation and shall be subject to its withdrawal or order from time to time. The amount of any losses incurred in respect of any such investments shall be deposited in the relevant account by the Servicer out of its own funds immediately as realized. The foregoing requirements for deposit in such account are exclusive, it being understood and agreed that, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, payments of interest on funds in such account and, as long as the Servicer is servicing the Mortgage Loans held by the REMIC, payments in the nature of prepayment fees, late payment charges, assumption fees or any similar fees customarily associated with the servicing mortgage loans paid by any mortgagor need not be deposited by the Servicer in such account and may be retained by the Servicer as additional servicing compensation. If the Servicer deposits in such account any amount not required to be deposited therein, it may at any time withdraw such amount, any provision herein to the contrary notwithstanding.

  • Additional Obligations of Master Servicer and Special Servicer (a) Within sixty (60) days (or within such longer period as the Special Servicer is (as certified thereby to the Trustee in writing) diligently using reasonable efforts to obtain the Appraisal referred to below) after the earliest of the date on which any Serviced Mortgage Loan (i) becomes a Modified Mortgage Loan following the occurrence of a Servicing Transfer Event, (ii) becomes an REO Mortgage Loan, (iii) with respect to which a receiver or similar official is appointed and continues for sixty (60) days in such capacity in respect of the related Mortgaged Property, (iv) the related Borrower becomes the subject of bankruptcy, insolvency or similar proceedings or, if such proceedings are involuntary, such proceedings remain undismissed for sixty (60) days, (v) any Monthly Payment (other than a Balloon Payment) becomes sixty (60) days or more delinquent, or (vi) the related Borrower fails to make when due any Balloon Payment and the Borrower does not deliver to the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, on or before the Due Date of the Balloon Payment, a written and fully executed (subject only to customary final closing conditions) refinancing commitment from an acceptable lender and reasonably satisfactory in form and substance to the Master Servicer (and the Master Servicer shall promptly forward such commitment to the Special Servicer) which provides that such refinancing will occur within 120 days after the date on which the Balloon Payment will become due (provided that if either such refinancing does not occur during that time or the Master Servicer is required during that time to make any P&I Advance in respect of the Mortgage Loan, an Appraisal Trigger Event will occur immediately) (each such event, an “Appraisal Trigger Event” and each such Serviced Mortgage Loan and any related REO Mortgage Loan that is the subject of an Appraisal Trigger Event, until it ceases to be such in accordance with the following paragraph, a “Required Appraisal Loan”), the Special Servicer shall obtain an Appraisal of the related Mortgaged Property, unless an Appraisal thereof had previously been received (or, if applicable, conducted) within the prior nine (9) months and the Special Servicer has no knowledge of changed circumstances that in the Special Servicer’s reasonable judgment would materially affect the value of the Mortgaged Property. If such Appraisal is obtained from a Qualified Appraiser, the cost thereof shall be covered by, and be reimbursable as, a Servicing Advance, such Advance to be made at the direction of the Special Servicer when the Appraisal is received by the Special Servicer. Promptly following the receipt of, and based upon, such Appraisal and receipt of information requested by the Special Servicer from the Master Servicer pursuant to the last paragraph of this Section 3.19(a), the Special Servicer, in consultation with (i) the Subordinate Class Representative (during any Subordinate Control Period and other than with respect to any Excluded Loan) or (ii) one or more of the Subordinate Class Representative (other than with respect to any Excluded Loan) and the Trust Advisor, under the procedures set forth in Sections 3.28(d) and 3.28(e) (during any Collective Consultation Period or Senior Consultation Period), shall determine and report to the Certificate Administrator, the Trustee and the Master Servicer the then-applicable Appraisal Reduction Amount, if any, with respect to the subject Required Appraisal Loan. For purposes of this Section 3.19(a), an Appraisal may, in the case of any Serviced Mortgage Loan with an aggregate outstanding principal balance of less than 241 $2,000,000 only, consist solely of an internal valuation performed by the Special Servicer. In connection with a Mortgaged Property related to any Serviced Loan Combination, the Special Servicer shall also determine and report to the Trustee, the Master Servicer, the Subordinate Class Representative (other than with respect to any Serviced Loan Combination that is an Excluded Loan), any related Serviced Companion Loan Holder(s) and the related Other Master Servicer the Appraisal Reduction Amount, if any, with respect to the entire such Serviced Loan Combination (calculated, for purposes of this sentence, as if it were a single Mortgage Loan and, in the case of a Serviced A/B Loan Combination, taking into account the subordinate nature of the related Subordinate Companion Loan).

  • Permitted Withdrawals from the Servicer Custodial Account and Certificate Account (a) The Servicer may from time to time make withdrawals from the Servicer Custodial Account, for the following purposes:

  • Withdrawals From the Custodial Account The Servicer shall, from time to time, withdraw funds from the Custodial Account for the following purposes:

  • Collection of Certain Mortgage Loan Payments; Deposits to Custodial Account (a) The Master Servicer shall make reasonable efforts to collect all payments called for under the terms and provisions of the Mortgage Loans, and shall, to the extent such procedures shall be consistent with this Agreement and the terms and provisions of any related Primary Insurance Policy, follow such collection procedures as it would employ in its good faith business judgment and which are normal and usual in its general mortgage servicing activities. Consistent with the foregoing, the Master Servicer may in its discretion (i) waive any late payment charge or any prepayment charge or penalty interest in connection with the prepayment of a Mortgage Loan and (ii) extend the Due Date for payments due on a Mortgage Loan in accordance with the Program Guide; provided, however, that the Master Servicer shall first determine that any such waiver or extension will not impair the coverage of any related Primary Insurance Policy or materially adversely affect the lien of the related Mortgage. Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary, the Master Servicer shall not enforce any prepayment charge to the extent that such enforcement would violate any applicable law. In the event of any such arrangement, the Master Servicer shall make timely advances on the related Mortgage Loan during the scheduled period in accordance with the amortization schedule of such Mortgage Loan without modification thereof by reason of such arrangements unless otherwise agreed to by the Holders of the Classes of Certificates affected thereby; provided, however, that no such extension shall be made if any such advance would be a Nonrecoverable Advance. Consistent with the terms of this Agreement, the Master Servicer may also waive, modify or vary any term of any Mortgage Loan or consent to the postponement of strict compliance with any such term or in any manner grant indulgence to any Mortgagor if in the Master Servicer's determination such waiver, modification, postponement or indulgence is not materially adverse to the interests of the Certificateholders (taking into account any estimated Realized Loss that might result absent such action); provided, however, that the Master Servicer may not modify materially or permit any Subservicer to modify any Mortgage Loan, including without limitation any modification that would change the Mortgage Rate, forgive the payment of any principal or interest (unless in connection with the liquidation of the related Mortgage Loan or except in connection with prepayments to the extent that such reamortization is not inconsistent with the terms of the Mortgage Loan), capitalize any amounts owing on the Mortgage Loan by adding such amount to the outstanding principal balance of the Mortgage Loan, or extend the final maturity date of such Mortgage Loan, unless such Mortgage Loan is in default or, in the judgment of the Master Servicer, such default is reasonably foreseeable; provided, further, that (1) no such modification shall reduce the interest rate on a Mortgage Loan below one-half of the Mortgage Rate as in effect on the Cut-off Date, but not less than the sum of the rates at which the Servicing Fee and the Subservicing Fee with respect to such Mortgage Loan accrues plus the rate at which the premium paid to the Certificate Insurer, if any, accrues, (2) the final maturity date for any Mortgage Loan shall not be extended beyond the Maturity Date, (3) the Stated Principal Balance of all Reportable Modified Mortgage Loans subject to Servicing Modifications (measured at the time of the Servicing Modification and after giving effect to any Servicing Modification) can be no more than five percent of the aggregate principal balance of the Mortgage Loans as of the Cut-off Date, unless such limit is increased from time to time with the consent of the Rating Agencies and the Certificate Insurer, if any. In addition, any amounts owing on a Mortgage Loan added to the outstanding principal balance of such Mortgage Loan must be fully amortized over the remaining term of such Mortgage Loan, and such amounts may be added to the outstanding principal balance of a Mortgage Loan only once during the life of such Mortgage Loan. Also, the addition of such amounts described in the preceding sentence shall be implemented in accordance with the Program Guide and may be implemented only by Subservicers that have been approved by the Master Servicer for such purpose. In connection with any Curtailment of a Mortgage Loan, the Master Servicer, to the extent not inconsistent with the terms of the Mortgage Note and local law and practice, may permit the Mortgage Loan to be reamortized such that the Monthly Payment is recalculated as an amount that will fully amortize the remaining Stated Principal Balance thereof by the original Maturity Date based on the original Mortgage Rate; provided, that such re-amortization shall not be permitted if it would constitute a reissuance of the Mortgage Loan for federal income tax purposes, except if such reissuance is described in Treasury Regulation Section 1.860G-2(b)(3).

  • Custodial Accounts The Master Servicer shall cause to be established and maintained by each Servicer under the Master Servicer's supervision the Custodial Account for P&I, Buydown Fund Accounts (if any) and special Custodial Account for Reserves and shall deposit or cause to be deposited therein daily the amounts related to the Mortgage Loans required by the Selling and Servicing Contracts to be so deposited. Proceeds received with respect to individual Mortgage Loans from any title, hazard, or FHA insurance policy, VA guaranty, Primary Insurance Policy or other insurance policy (other than any Special Primary Insurance Policy) covering such Mortgage Loans shall be deposited first in the Custodial Account for Reserves if required for the restoration or repair of the related Mortgaged Property. Otherwise, Insurance Proceeds (other than proceeds from any Special Primary Insurance Policy) shall be deposited in the Custodial Account for P&I, and shall be applied to the balances of the related Mortgage Loans as payments of interest and principal. The Master Servicer is hereby authorized to make withdrawals from and to issue drafts against the Custodial Accounts for P&I and the Custodial Accounts for Reserves for the purposes required or permitted by this Agreement. Each Custodial Account for P&I and each Custodial Account for Reserves shall bear a designation clearly showing the respective interests of the applicable Servicer, as trustee, and of the Master Servicer, in substantially one of the following forms:

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