Common use of Rent Clause in Contracts

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Lease, Lease, Lease

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Rent. TenantBeginning on the Commencement Date, in return Tenant covenants and agrees to pay, without abatement, deduction or offset except as otherwise specifically provided herein, to Landlord, “Base Rent” for the use of the Premises, and in consideration on or before the first (1st) day of the covenants first (1st) full calendar month of the Term hereof and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset on or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on before the first (1st) day of each and every successive calendar month thereafter during the full Term of this Lease and any renewal thereof, subject to the adjustments as provided hereinafter along with any applicable tax as defined herein, at the then current rate. If the Commencement Date occurs on a day other than the first (1st) day of a calendar month, the first Base Rent payment shall be in advancethe amount of the Base Rent for one (1) full calendar month plus the prorated Base Rent for the calendar month in which the Commencement Date falls, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall such payment to be due on ,20 the Commencement Date. The Prepaid Rent described above shall be paid at applied by Landlord to the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made Rent payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent first full month that Rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rentdue. If Tenant fails to pay any regular monthly installment of Base Rent or Landlord’s Operating Costs or any other monthly amounts by the 2nd seventh (7th) day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge which such installment is due (provided that Landlord will be applied required to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event give Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance written notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums any such monthly payments two (2) times in any twelve (12) month period prior to such late fees being charged), or if Tenant fails to pay any other sum of money within thirty (30) days after written notice by Landlord to Tenant, or if any check delivered for the payment of Rent is returned for insufficient funds, there will be added to the unpaid amount a late charge based on the monthly prorata percentage of the Default Rate and applied to the amount due from to compensate Landlord for the extra administrative expenses incurred. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary above, Landlord agrees that it will not impose the aforesaid late charges unless Tenant has failed to pay any installment of Rent on the due date thereof (and such failure shall not have been cured on or before the last day of any grace period, if any) two (2) times in any twelve (12) month period. The Base Rent payable by Tenant to Landlord.Landlord shall be in accordance with the following schedule:

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Lease (Interval Leisure Group, Inc.), Lease (Interval Leisure Group, Inc.), Lease (Interval Leisure Group, Inc.)

Rent. TenantSublessee shall pay to the order of Sublessor, as rent for the Equipment, a semiannual Rental Payment equal to the amount payable by Sublessor under the Lease, on the dates and in the amounts as set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto (such payment due dates are referred to herein as "Sublease Payment Dates"). Sublessor hereby directs Sublessee to make all Payments otherwise payable by Sublessor to Lessor under the Lease directly to Lessor, or to the assignee of Lessor, if any, at the address set forth in the records maintained pursuant to Section 19 of the Lease. Rental Payments due to Lessor from Sublessee shall be due and payable on each Sublease Payment Date, which date shall be fifteen (15) days prior to the corresponding Master Lease Payment Date, in return immediately available funds at the address specified by Lessor. Sublessee's periodic obligation for Rental Payments as set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto may be amended from time to time as provided in the use of Lease. In addition, to the Premisesextent permitted by law, Sublessee shall pay when due to Sublessor or to Lessor, as the case may be, such other amounts from time to time as are due and in consideration of owing by Sublessor or Sublessee under the covenants Lease or this Sublease, including, without limitation, those amounts payable under Sections 8 and agreements contained 9 hereof and any late charges due and owing under the Lease or this Sublease (the "Additional Payments"). The term "Payments", as used herein, shall refer to Rental Payments and Additional Payments. Sublessee's obligations to make Payments may become accelerated under certain circumstances described herein and under other circumstances described in the Lease. SUBLESSEE'S OBLIGATIONS TO MAKE PAYMENTS WILL BE ABSOLUTE AND UNCONDITIONAL IN ALL EVENTS AND WILL NOT BE SUBJECT TO ANY SET-OFF, DEFENSE, COUNTERCLAIM, ABATEMENT OR RECOUPMENT FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. Sublessee hereby covenants to make all Payments hereunder during the entire Lease Term. The officials of Sublessee responsible for preparing and presenting to Sublessee's governing body Sublessee's budget request for each fiscal year shall include in each such budget request for each fiscal year during the Lease Term the Payments to become due in such fiscal year, thereby securing the appropriation of moneys for such fiscal year sufficient to pay the Payments coming due therein. Upon adoption of Sublessee's temporary budget and final budget, Sublessee shall immediately notify Lessor and Sublessor if such budgets do not contain sufficient appropriation to Landlord without pay the Payments coming due in the fiscal year covered by such budgets. Sublessee hereby agrees that, notwithstanding the possibility that either of such budgets may not contain an appropriation for such amount of Payments, Sublessee's obligations to make Payments hereunder when due are absolute and unconditional. Sublessee further demand the sum covenants that, if such appropriation is not in any such budget, Sublessee will immediately take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that timely payment of DOLLARSall Payments will be made when due hereunder, and Sublessee will notify Lessor and Sublessor of same[, which measures include, without offset limitation, the levy of ad valorem taxes upon all the taxable property within Sublessee, without limitation as to rate or deduction. Rent amount [include for municipal Sublessees only]].[ Payments shall be paid as follows: The first installment subject to the annual appropriation of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on funds sufficient to meet the required Payments [include for school district Sublessees only]]. On or before the first day of each monthfiscal year of Sublessee during the Lease Term, Sublessee will provide Lessor with an Appropriation Certificate for this Sublease in advance, the form attached hereto as Exhibit G. Sublessee reasonably believes that legally available funds in equal monthly installments an amount sufficient to make all Payments during the Lease Term of DOLLARSthis Sublease and the Lease can be obtained. The last installment of DOLLARS shall Sublessee currently intends to do all things lawfully within its power to obtain and maintain funds from which the Payments may be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000made. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant Sublessee hereby acknowledges that its obligations to make payments under all the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordvarious circumstances described above.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Sublease Purchase Agreement, Sublease Purchase Agreement, Sublease Purchase Agreement

Rent. Tenant, in return The parties shall Prorate all Rent actually received by Seller for the use of month in which Closing occurs. At Closing, to the Premisesextent actually received by Seller prior to Closing, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Seller shall pay to Landlord without further demand Buyer any and all prepaid Rent relating or pertaining to the sum Property. If Seller receives payment for Rent after Closing, Seller shall immediately pay to Buyer the portion of DOLLARSsuch payment which relates to the period on and after the Closing Date, without offset and any portion of such payment which relates to the period prior to Closing which was credited to Seller at Closing. Annual Rent increases pursuant to the Leases are to be paid through the day preceding the Closing Date; provided, however, that if this transaction Closes, Buyer will receive a Rent credit at Closing equal to the annual Rent increases beginning November 1, 2016 through the day preceding the Closing Date, which the parties shall Prorate for the month in which Closing occurs. Any Capital Expenditures Obligation (as defined in the Leases) of Seller, as landlord, pursuant to the Leases with respect to an annual $350 per unit allowance toward payment or deduction. Rent reimbursement of Capital Expenditures (as defined in the Leases) made by Tenant shall be paid by Seller through December 31, 2016, with any unused portion on any Property for the year 2016 to be applied as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS a credit to the Consideration allocated for that Property at Closing. If this transaction Closes, percentage rent under the Leases for the year 2016 (if any) shall accrue through October 31, 2016 and shall be due paid to Seller at Closing; provided that Buyer shall provide to Seller all information and documents necessary to calculate any such percentage rent no later than December 15, 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall 2016, with such calculation to be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, an amount mutually agreed upon by Seller and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses Buyer prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordClosing.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Agreement for Sale and Purchase (Investors Real Estate Trust), Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Property (Investors Real Estate Trust), General Assignment and Assumption Agreement (Investors Real Estate Trust)

Rent. TenantXxxxxx agrees to pay Landlord a rent of $0 per month, payable in return for the use of the Premisesadvance, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset on or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on before the first day of each every month during said term for a total rent of $ TBD . The rent is payable to: CHARLESTON RENTAL PROPERTIES or as Tenant may be advised from time to time in writing. Rent is considered late on the 6th day of the month. NOTICE TO TENANT: IF TENANT DOES NOT PAY RENT WITHIN FIVE DAYS OF THE DUE DATE, LANDLORD CAN START TO HAVE TENANT EVICTED AND MAY TERMINATE THE RENTAL AGREEMENT, AS THIS CONSTITUTES WRITTEN NOTICE IN CONSPICUOUS LANGUAGE IN THIS WRITTEN AGREEMENT OF LANDLORD'S INTENTION TO TERMINATE AND PROCEED WITH EVICTION. TENANT WILL RECEIVE NO OTHER WRITTEN NOTICE AS LONG AS TENANT REMAINS IN THIS RENTAL UNIT. Xxxxxx further agrees to pay a late fee of 10% of the monthly rent if rent is not received by the 5th day of the month, in advance, in equal monthly installments and an additional fee of DOLLARS$100 on the 11th day of the month. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of LATE FEES WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY POSTED ON THE 6TH DAY OF THE MONTH REGARDLESS OF WHAT DAY OF THE WEEK THAT FALLS. OUTSTANDING LATE FEES WILL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME THE MOST AGED RECEIVABLE AND THEREFORE BE PAID FIRST BY XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000RECEIVED BY THE TENANT. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSONTHIS COULD LEAVE YOUR RENT PAYMENT SHORT AND CAUSE MORE LATE FEES. Tenant hereby acknowledges that Where the term of this lease is less the Rental Agreement commences on a day other than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office first day of the Houses prior to month or terminates on a day other than the close of the business day on the 2nd last day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If rent unto the 2nd Landlord in the amount of $ per day for each day of the month falls on a Saturdayof commencement or termination of the Rental Agreement, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop payable prior to the opening Tenant taking possession upon commencement of the Rental Agreement, and payable on the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day final month of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In Rental Agreement upon xxxxxxxxxxx.Xx the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by checkthat lease renewal is possible, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord CRP reserves the right at any time during to inspect the Term hereof to specify property and demand charge a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord$45 lease renewal fee.

Appears in 3 contracts


Rent. Tenant, in return Tenant shall pay Landlord the full monthly Rent set forth above during each month of the Lease Term as rental for the use Residence and Landlord and Tenant hereby agree that Rent for each month, including any partial month during the first or final month of the PremisesLease Term, shall be payable in full and without proration with respect to the number of days Tenant is in consideration possession during such month, except as otherwise expressly set forth herein with regard to Landlord's delay in delivery of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand Residence. Tenant acknowledges that the sum full amount of DOLLARS, without offset or deductionRent stated is due even though the Lease Term does not encompass a full 365 days. Rent shall be paid is payable in advance without demand, abatement or set-off, at the office of Landlord or at such other place(s) as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than Landlord may designate, 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on or before the Commencement Date and the first day of each monthcalendar month thereafter during the Lease Term. IF MAILED, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSTHE RENT AND ALL OTHER SUMS DUE UNDER THIS LEASE SHALL BE MAILED IN SUFFICIENT TIME AND WITH ADEQUATE POSTAGE THEREON TO BE ACTUALLY RECEIVED BY LANDLORD NO LATER THAN THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. ANY RENT NOT ACTUALLY RECEIVED BY LANDLORD ON OR BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH SHALL BE DELINQUENT AND IN DEFAULT. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 parties hereby agree if Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day in full by 5:00 p.m. on the 2nd (4th) day of the monthmonth when it is due, Tenant shall shall, in addition to any other remedies of Landlord, pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If of $50.00 on the 2nd (5th) day of the month falls on a Saturdayand an additional $10.00 per day (late fee) thereafter. Personal checks will not be accepted after the tenth (10th) day of each month, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent as Rental payments must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening form of the first business day following the weekend a cashier’s check or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received money order if tendered after the 2nd tenth (10th) day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a handling charge in the amount of THIRTY DOLLARS $30 or 5% ($30.00)whichever is greater) for each dishonored check, plus any additional bank chargesand, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient fundsin addition, or which otherwise fails to clear if applicable, the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the set forth above. Returned checks must be redeemed by cashier’s check’s failure to clear. The returned , certified check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, or money order, or check) for all . All monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first shall be applied first to any non-rent items (outstanding charges (such as as, but not limited to, late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) , damages incurred by or on behalf of Tenant), and then to Rent. At Landlord’s option, Landlord may require all Rent and other sums to be paid in check, certified check, or money order, and by one monthly payment rather than multiple payments by each Cotenant. Landlord shall at all times have the right to refuse payment in the form of “cash” for monies due hereunder for security purposes. The liability for Rent, in addition to all other obligations hereunder, shall be joint and several among each and all of the individuals comprising Tenant. By providing a check for payment, Tenant prior is hereby given notice that Tenant’s signed and completed check may be converted to applying the same to the current monthly rentan electronic fund withdrawal upon receipt by Landlord via U.S. Mail or in designated drop box locations. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue Landlord’s receipt of Tenant’s failure check shall constitute Tenant’s authorization of such electronic fund withdrawal. Landlord has the right to timely pay all sums not accept payment of less than the full amount of Rent, provided, however, the acceptance by Landlord of a check for a lesser amount with an endorsement or statement thereon, or upon any letter accompanying such check that such lesser amount shall constitute payment in full, shall be given no effect and Landlord may accept such payment without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which Landlord may have against Tenant. Any payment, however designated, may be accepted by Landlord and applied against any part of Tenant’s then existing and then due from Tenant to LandlordRent or Landlord may apply such payment against any sum then due or may retain such payment (without interest) as a credit against Tenant’s accruing future obligations.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Rental Agreement and Lease, Rental Agreement and Lease, Rental Agreement and Lease

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, (a) Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand (or to Lender, if directed by Landlord), as minimum annual rent for the sum Leased Premises during the Term, basic rent (“Basic Rent”), payable in advance commencing on the first day of DOLLARSthe first month following the month in which the Commencement Date occurs (unless the Commencement Date is the first day of a month, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid in which case commencing on the Commencement Date) and continuing on the first day of each calendar month thereafter during the Term (the said days being called the “Basic Rent Payment Dates”), and shall pay the same at Landlord’s address set forth below, or at such other place as Landlord from time to time may designate to Tenant in writing, in funds which at the time of such payment shall be legal tender for the payment of public or private debts in the United States of America and, if required by Landlord, by wire transfer in immediately available federal funds to such account in such bank as Landlord shall designate, from time to time. The Basic Rent due and payable during the first Lease Year shall be the Basic Rent set forth on the attached Schedule 6(a). Thereafter, Basic Rent for each subsequent Lease Year shall be an amount equal to One Hundred and One and One-Half Percent (101.5%) of the Basic Rent due and payable during the immediately preceding Lease Year. Upon request by Landlord, Tenant shall establish arrangements whereby payments of the Basic Rent and Additional Rent are transferred by Automated Clearing House Debit from an account established by Tenant at a United States bank or other financial institution to such account as Landlord may designate. If the Commencement Date shall occur on a date other than the first day of a calendar month, then, Basic Rent for the period from and including the Commencement Date through and including the last day of the month in which the Commencement Date occurs shall be paid, in advance, on the date hereof, in equal an amount prorated by (i) dividing the monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be Basic Rent due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at for the office month in which the Commencement Date occurs by the number of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar yeardays in such month, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed (ii) multiplying such sum by the Houses, the rent must be placed numbers of days remaining in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received such month from and after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordCommencement Date.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Lease Agreement (Lehigh Gas Partners LP), Lease Agreement (Lehigh Gas Partners LP)

Rent. TenantA. During each calendar year, in return for or portion thereof, falling within the use of the PremisesLease Term, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand as Additional Base Rental hereunder the sum of DOLLARS(1) Tenant's Pro Rata Share of the amount, without offset or deductionif any, by which Taxes (hereinafter defined) for the applicable calendar year exceed the Tax Base Amount plus (2) Tenant's Pro Rata Share of the amount, if any, by which Expenses for the applicable calendar year exceed the Expense Base Amount. Rent Tenant's Pro Rata Share of increases in Taxes and Tenant's Pro Rata Share of increases in Expenses shall be paid computed separate and independent of each other prior to being added together to determine the "Excess". In the event that Taxes and/or Expenses, as follows: The first installment the case may be, in any calendar year decrease below the amount of DOLLARS the Tax Base Amount or the Expense Base Amount, as applicable, Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Taxes and/or Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Expenses, as the case may be, for such calendar year shall be due no later than deemed to be $0, 20 Commencing ,20 rent it being understood that Tenant shall not be paid on entitled to any credit or offset if Taxes decrease below the Tax Base Amount or if Expenses decrease below the Expense Base Amount. Prior to January 1 of the calendar year immediately following the Base Year, and prior to January 1 of each subsequent calendar year during the Lease Term, or as soon thereafter as practical, Landlord shall make a good faith estimate of the Excess for the applicable calendar year and Tenant's Pro Rata Share thereof. On or before the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full month during such calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as Additional Base Rental, a late charge which monthly installment equal to one-twelfth of Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Landlord's estimate of the Excess. Landlord shall have the right from time to time during any such calendar year to revise the estimate of Basic Costs and the Excess for such year and provide Tenant with a revised statement therefor, and thereafter the amount Tenant shall pay each month shall be treated based upon such revised estimate. If Landlord does not provide Tenant with an estimate of the Basic Costs and the Excess by January 1 of any calendar year, Tenant shall continue to pay a monthly installment based on the previous year's estimate until such time as Landlord provides Tenant with an estimate of Basic Costs and the Excess for the current year. Upon receipt of such current year's estimate, an adjustment shall be made for any month during the current year with respect to which Tenant paid monthly installments of Additional Base Rental based on the previous year's estimate. Tenant shall pay Landlord for any underpayment within thirty (30) days after demand. Any overpayment shall, at Landlord's option, be refunded to Tenant within thirty (30) days or credited against the next installments of Base Rental and Additional Base Rental due for the months immediately following the furnishing of such estimate. Any amounts paid by Tenant based on any estimate shall be subject to adjustment pursuant to the immediately following paragraph when actual Basic Costs are determined for such calendar year. As soon as is practical following the end of each calendar year during the Lease Term, Landlord shall furnish to Tenant a statement of Landlord's actual Basic Costs and the actual Excess for the previous calendar year. If, however, Landlord fails to furnish Tenant a statement of actual Basic Costs for a given calendar year within twelve (12) months after the end of said calendar year and such failure continues for an additional rentsixty (60) days after Landlord's receipt of a written request from Tenant that such statement of actual Basic Costs should be furnished (the "Request for Statement of Basic Costs"), and provided the Request for Statement of Basic Costs contains a statement that Landlord's failure to furnish such statement may prejudice Landlord's right to collect any underpayment of Basic Costs from Tenant as described in Section IV.A. of the Lease, then Landlord shall be deemed to have waived any rights to recover any underpayment of Basic Costs from Tenant applicable to said calendar year (except to the extent such underpayment is attributable to a default by Tenant in its obligation to make estimated payments of Basic Costs). Further, in no event shall the foregoing provision describing the time period during which Landlord is to deliver the statement of actual Basic Costs in any manner limit or otherwise prejudice Landlord's right to modify such statement of actual costs after such time period if new, additional or different information relating to such statement of actual costs is discovered or otherwise determined. If the 2nd day estimated Excess actually paid by Tenant for the prior year is in excess of Tenant's actual Pro Rata Share of the month falls on a SaturdayExcess for such prior year, Sundaythen Landlord shall apply such overpayment against Base Rental and Additional Base Rental due or to become due hereunder, or a holiday observed by provided if the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop Lease Term expires prior to the opening determination of such overpayment, Landlord shall refund such overpayment to Tenant within thirty (30) days after first deducting the first business day following the weekend or holidayamount of any Rent due hereunder. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by checkLikewise, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS to Landlord, within ten ($30.00)10) days after demand, plus any additional bank chargesunderpayment with respect to the prior year, for any check returned whether or not the Lease has terminated prior to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to receipt by Tenant of a statement for such instanceunderpayment, and it being understood that this clause shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from survive the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves expiration of the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordLease.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Office Lease Agreement (Viewlocity Inc), Office Lease Agreement (Viewlocity Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand monthly rent and other charges in the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as followsfollowing amounts: MONTHLY PREMISES RENT $ OTHER MONTHLY CHARGES (SPECIFY) $ $ $ TOTAL RENT $ The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 total amount set forth above is considered rent shall be paid on and is payable in advance by the first 1st day of each monthand every month during said term to Landlord at 0000 Xxxxxxxx Xxx SE, Auburn, Washington 98092 or any such other place that the Landlord may from time to time designate. Any rent unpaid by the due date is termed delinquent. Landlord may, at Landlord’s option, apply funds received from Tenant to balances due in advancethe following order: damage, repairs, unpaid utilities, late payment charges, notice fees, miscellaneous charges such as parking or storage rental, and past due rent, and current rent. At any time during a month to month tenancy, rent may be increased on 30 days written notice. Rent received on or after the day of each month shall result in equal monthly installments assessment against Tenant of DOLLARS. The last installment a $ late payment charge plus $ each additional day thereafter that rent has not been paid in full, all of DOLLARS which shall be due on ,20 Rent shall considered to be additional rent and must be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that time the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the delinquent rent is not paid at paid. Any check which fails to clear the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which bank shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the unpaid rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition subject to any the aforementioned late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The payment charge, plus a $ returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunderfee. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand Should Tenant submit a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, check that is dishonored or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical should Tenant offer payment history; provided howeverto cure any default such as following receipt of a 3 Day Notice to Pay or Vacate, Tenant shall make such payment by cash, cashier’s check or money order. If Tenant gives Landlord a check that is returned for non-payment, all future payments by Tenant shall be made by cash, cashier’s check or money order. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord may issue a 3 Day Notice to Pay or Vacate immediately after the rental due date without waiting until late payment charges begin to accrue. If for reason of non-payment of rent Landlord shall give such specified a statutory 3 Day Notice to Pay or Vacate, or if Landlord shall lawfully issue any other notice permitted pursuant to RCW 59.12 et seq. or RCW 59.18 et seq., Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice agrees to pay in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same addition to the current monthly rent. If delinquent rent and late payment charges provided for above, the payment tendered sum of $ for preparing and giving the notice, which shall be paid by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay deadline for compliance with the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordNotice.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Apartment Rental Agreement, Agreement

Rent. TenantTenant shall pay base rent (referred to herein as “Base Rent” or “Rent”) to Landlord at the place as Landlord may from time to time designate, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained hereincoin or currency which, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum be Sixty (60) Million Japanese Yen per year, payable in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS, without offset or deductionFive (5) Million Japanese Yen. Such Base Rent shall be paid reviewed annually and will be determined by using the Rent formula (“Formula”) set forth in the attached Exhibit B as follows: The first installment made a part hereof. Such new Base Rent amount after annual review of DOLLARS the Variables, will commence on April 1 of each Lease Year and end on March 31 of the following Lease Year. Landlord shall inform Tenant of the annual adjusted Rent amount pursuant to the form of Landlord Notice of Annual Rent Adjustment, which is attached hereto as Exhibit D. All rent payments shall be due no later made in advance on or before the 15th day of each and every month during the Term, without any set-off or deduction whatsoever, except that Tenant shall pay the first full monthly installment at the time of execution of this Lease. If the Term commences other than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less a month or ends other than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd last day of the month, the Rent for such month shall be prorated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to Rent due from the Effective Date until the execution date of this Lease, Landlord shall send applicable monthly invoices reflecting all such Rent due by Tenant and Tenant shall promptly pay a late charge which such Rent pursuant to the terms of this Lease. All of any sums and payments due and owning under this Lease shall be treated as additional rent. If deemed “Rent.” For purposes of this Lease, a lease year shall be the 2nd twelve (12) month period commencing with the first day of the month following the Commencement Date (or, if the Commencement Date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following of a month, commencing on the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, Commencement Date) and ending on the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd last day of the month. To ensure timely paymenttwelfth (12th) full calendar month thereafter, please mail payment by and each succeeding twelve (12) calendar month period (a “Lease Year”), and this Lease shall then terminate, unless extended, on the 20th last day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open twentieth Lease Year (the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00“Expiration Date”), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Lease Agreement (Opnext Inc), Lease Agreement (Opnext Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return for Tenant agrees to pay all Rent to Landlord during the use of Term at the Premises, times and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSmanner provided in this Lease, without offset demand, set-off or deductioncounterclaim. The Base Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid and payable on the first day of each calendar month, commencing on the Commencement Date and continuing thereafter throughout the Term. Tenant hereby agrees to pay the Rent to Landlord at Landlord’s address as provided herein (or such other address as may be designated by Landlord from time to time) monthly in advance. If the date upon which the payment of Base Rent commences, in equal monthly is other than the first day of a calendar month or if this Lease terminates on a day other than the last day of a calendar month, then the installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS the Base Rent for such month or months shall be due prorated on ,20 Rent a daily basis and the installment or installments so prorated shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000in advance. Checks tendered for rent shall If any Base Rent payment required to be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of paid or which becomes due under this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent Lease is not paid at by the office tenth (10th) day following the day on which it is due, a service charge of the Houses prior five percent (5%) of such amounts due shall become due and payable in addition to the close amounts due. Said service charge is for the purpose of reimbursing Landlord for the business extra costs and expenses in connection with the handling and processing of late payments. In addition to such service charge, if any Base Rent payment is not paid by the tenth (10th) day following the day on the 2nd day of the monthwhich it becomes due, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rentto Landlord, in addition to such Base Rent payment and the service charge, interest on such Base Rent payment calculated at the Default Rate from the date such Base Rent payment was due until paid by Tenant. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, any Additional Rent required to be paid or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee which becomes due under this Lease is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by checkdue, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, in addition to such amounts, interest on such amounts at the Default Rate from the date such amounts were due until paid by Tenant. Such service charge and interest shall be cumulative of any other remedies Landlord a charge may have for nonpayment of THIRTY DOLLARS Rent and other sums payable under this Lease. If three ($30.00)3) consecutive monthly Base Rent payments or any ten (10) [in total, plus cumulative from the beginning of the Term] monthly Base Rent payments during the Term (or any additional bank chargesrenewal or extension thereof) are not received by Landlord within ten (10) days of the due date, the Base Rent hereunder shall automatically become due and payable by Tenant in advance in quarterly installments equal to three (3) months’ Base Rent each. Landlord shall notify Tenant of such change in the time for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient fundspayment of Base Rent and, or which otherwise fails to clear thereafter, the issuer’s bank. Said charge first of such quarterly Base Rent payments shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant on the first day of such instance, the next succeeding month and on the first day of every third (3rd) month thereafter. This remedy shall be in addition to cumulative of any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. other remedies of Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form under this Lease for nonpayment of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordRent.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Lease Agreement, Commercial Lease Agreement (CareView Communications Inc)

Rent. TenantTenant shall pay all Base Rent and Additional Rent (defined below) (collectively, “Rent”) to Landlord or Landlord’s agent, without prior notice or demand or any setoff or deduction (except as otherwise provided herein), at the place Landlord may designate from time to time, in return money of the United States of America that, at the time of payment, is legal tender for the use payment of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained all obligations. As used herein, shall “Additional Rent” means all amounts, other than Base Rent, that Tenant is required to pay to Landlord without further demand the sum hereunder. Monthly payments of DOLLARSBase Rent and monthly payments of Additional Rent for Expenses (defined in Section 4.2.2), without offset or deduction. Rent Taxes (defined in Section 4.2.3) and parking (collectively, “Monthly Rent”) shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid in advance on or before the first day of each monthcalendar month during the Term; provided, in advancehowever, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last that the installment of DOLLARS Base Rent for the first full calendar month for which Base Rent is payable hereunder shall be due on ,20 paid upon Tenant’s execution and delivery hereof. Except as otherwise provided herein, all other items of Additional Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000within 30 days after Landlord’s request for payment. Checks tendered Rent for rent any partial calendar month shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSONprorated based on the actual number of days in such month. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term Without limiting Landlord’s other rights or remedies, (a) if any installment of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent Rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the received by Landlord or its designee within five (5) business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received days after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by checkits due date, Tenant shall pay Landlord a late charge equal to 5% of THIRTY DOLLARS the overdue amount ($30.00)provided, plus however, that such late charge shall not apply to any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient fundssuch delinquency unless either (i) such delinquency is not cured within five (5) business days after notice from Landlord, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to (ii) Tenant previously received notice from Landlord of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice delinquency that occurred earlier in the event such election same calendar year); and (b) any Rent that is made not paid within 10 days after its due date shall bear interest, from its due date until paid, at the lesser of 18% per annum or the highest rate permitted by LandlordLaw (defined in Section 5). Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure covenant to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordRent is independent of every other covenant herein.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Office Lease (Apigee Corp), Office Lease (Apigee Corp)

Rent. TenantTenant shall pay base rent (referred to herein as “Base Rent” or “Rent”) to Hitachi and HTS at the place as Hitachi may from time to time designate, in return for the use coin or currency, which shall be Eleven Million Ninety Two Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty (11,092,680) Japanese Yen per year, payable in equal monthly installments of the Premises, 655,714 Japanese Yen to Hitachi and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay 268,676 Japanese Yen to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deductionHTS. Such Base Rent shall be paid reviewed annually and will be determined by using the Rent formula (“Formula”) set forth in the attached Exhibit B as follows: The first installment made a part hereof. Such new Base Rent amount will commence on October 1 of DOLLARS each Lease Year and end on September 31 of the following Lease Year. Landlord shall inform Tenant of the annual adjusted Rent amount pursuant to the form of Landlord Notice of Annual Rent Adjustment, which is attached hereto as Exhibit C. All rent payments shall be due no later made in advance on or before the 15th day of each and every month during the Term, without any set-off or deduction whatsoever, except that Tenant shall pay the first full monthly installment at the time of execution of this Lease. If the Term commences other than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less a month or ends other than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd last day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which the Rent for such month shall be treated as additional rentprorated. If All of any sums and payments due and owning under this Lease shall be deemed “Rent.” For purposes of this Lease, a lease year shall be the 2nd twelve (12) month period commencing with the first day of the month following the Commencement Date (or, if the Commencement Date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following of a month, commencing on the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, Commencement Date) and ending on the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd last day of the month. To ensure timely paymenttwelfth (12th) full calendar month thereafter, please mail payment by and each succeeding twelve (12) calendar month period (a “Lease Year”), and this Lease shall then terminate, unless extended, on the 20th last day of the preceding monthtwentieth Lease Year (the “Expiration Date”). If paying Tenant shall be responsible for the payment of any consumption tax in person office will be open connection with the first business day transactions contemplated by this Agreement and any refund of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day all or any portion of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge consumption tax shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made retained by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Lease Agreement (Opnext Inc), Lease Agreement (Opnext Inc)

Rent. TenantOn the date that Tenant executes this Lease, in return Tenant shall deliver to Landlord the original executed Lease, the Base Rent (which shall be applied against the Rent payable for the use first month Tenant is required to pay Base Rent), and all insurance certificates or, alternatively, the letter required pursuant to Section 12.5 hereof, evidencing the insurance required to be obtained by Tenant under Section 12 of this Lease and under the provisions of Exhibit B hereto. Tenant agrees to pay Landlord, without prior notice or demand, or abatement (except as otherwise set forth in Sections 27 and 41 hereof), offset, deduction or claim, the Base Rent described on Page 1, payable in advance at Landlord's address shown on Page 1 on the Commencement Date and thereafter on the first (1st) day of each month throughout the Term of the PremisesLease. In addition to the Base Rent set forth on Page 1, Tenant shall pay Landlord in advance, on the Commencement Date and thereafter on the first (1st) day of each month throughout the Term of this Lease, as Additional Rent, Tenant's Share of Operating Expenses, Tax Expenses, Common Area Utility Costs, and in consideration Utility Expenses. The term "Rent" whenever used herein refers to the aggregate of all these amounts. If Landlord permits Tenant to occupy the Premises to conduct business operations therein without requiring Tenant to pay rental payments for a period of time, the waiver of the covenants requirement to pay rental payments shall only apply to waiver of the Base Rent and agreements contained herein, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand otherwise perform all other obligations of Tenant required hereunder. The Rent for any fractional part of a calendar month at the sum commencement or termination of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent the Lease term shall be paid as follows: a prorated amount of the Rent for a full calendar month based upon a thirty (30) day month. The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent prorated Rent shall be paid on the Commencement Date and the first day of each monththe calendar month in which the date of termination occurs, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at as the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordcase may be.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Lease Agreement (Cisco Systems Inc), Lease Agreement (Cisco Systems Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, The rent shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deductionbe MonthlyRent per month. Rent shall be paid payable as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be Rent is due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid and payable on the first day 1st of each the month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSadvance and without demand. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent If rental is not paid at by the office of tenth (10th) day after the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day 1st of the month, Tenant shall agrees to pay a LATE CHARGE of LateFee1. Any account fifteen (15 days) or more days delinquent will be assessed an additional $25.00 Pre-Lien Fee. A $25.00 Lien Fee will be assessed at 30 days past due. If Lessor is caused to advertise Tenant's property for lien sale, Tenant will be assessed an advertising charge of $100.00 per advertisement. Tenant agrees to pay a CheckFee charge for each RETURNED CHECK. The late charge which charges and returned check charges shall be treated deemed as additional and for rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge A tenant will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A charged a fee of $10.00 after 2nd25 to cut their lock, if necessary. day Partial payment of rent does not waive or void the month and $ 5.00 per day after legal effect of prior notices given to Tenant unless expressly agreed to in writing by Lessor. Lessor reserves the fourth day of right to refuse payment by cheek. All rental payments shall be made to the monthLessor at the above stated address or at such other place as shall be designated in writing from time to time by Lessor. If late fee Any additional charges shall be payable concurrently with the rent payment or at the time the additional charge is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEPlevied. In the event of a seizure under Paragraph 12 hereof, it is understood and agreed that the liability of Tenant elects for the rents, charges, costs, and expenses provided for in this Rental Agreement shall not be relinquished, diminished or extinguished prior to pay the rent by checkpayment in full or termination of this Agreement, whichever occurs first in time. It is further agreed that Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00)be personally liable for all rents, plus any additional bank charges, costs, expenses to the date of termination of this Agreement, expenses incurred for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient fundsthe sale and/or disposition of the property, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instanceadvertising costs, attorneys' fees, court costs, and shall be in addition any costs of repair and damages to the Space or Facility as provided for below. In the event of a sale or other disposition, it is agreed that the date of any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee such sale or other disposition shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form date of payment (whether such form termination of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordthis Agreement.

Appears in 2 contracts


Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSas minimum monthly rent, without offset ---- deduction, setoff, prior notice, or deduction. demand, the Basic Monthly Rent shall be paid described in Paragraph 2.6, above (subject to adjustment as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than provided in the attached Addendum), 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid in advance, on or before the first day of each calendar month, in advancebeginning on the Rent Commencement Date and thereafter throughout the Term. If the Rent Commencement Date is other than the first day of a calendar month, in equal monthly installments then the Basic Monthly Rent payable by Tenant for the first month of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS the Term following the Rent Commencement Date (which first month shall be payable upon execution of this Lease) shall be prorated on the basis of the actual number of days during the Term occurring during the relevant month. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Landlord is delayed in completion of Landlord's Work due on ,20 to any act or omission by Tenant or its agents, employees, contractors, or representatives, then in addition to the Basic Monthly Rent payable for the first month of the Term following the Rent Commencement Date, Tenant shall additionally pay to Landlord, upon the Rent Commencement Date, additional rent (at the rate of one-thirtieth of the Basic Monthly Rent per day) for the number of days of such delay. All "Rent" (which includes Basic Monthly Rent, and any items designated as "Additional Rent" hereunder) shall be paid to Landlord at the office same address as notices are to be delivered to Landlord pursuant to Paragraph 2.10, above. The Rentable Area of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXthe Premises and the Building is, XXXXXXXXX XXat Landlord's election, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000subject to verification by Landlord's space planner or architect. Checks tendered for rent That verification shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSONin accordance with this Paragraph. Tenant hereby acknowledges Tenant's space planner or architect may consult with Landlord's space planner or architect regarding that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantverification. In the event the rent is not paid at the office Verification of the Houses prior to the close Rentable Area of the business day on the 2nd day Premises shall be done, if at all, within 90 days of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rentLease Commencement Date. If the 2nd day Verification of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening Rentable Area of the first business Building may be accomplished within such 90-day following the weekend period or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during thereafter that there is a change to the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form Building necessitating such verification. If Landlord's space planner or architect determines that the Rentable Area of payment (whether such form of payment the Premises or the Building is different from that stated in this Lease, all Rent that is based on that incorrect amount shall be cashmodified in accordance with that determination. If that determination is made, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord it shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice be confirmed in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received writing by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Copper Mountain Networks Inc, Copper Mountain Networks Inc

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand as the sum of DOLLARSbase rent for the Premises (the “Base Rent”) the amount set forth in Section 1, without offset or deductionsubject to adjustment as hereinafter provided. Nothing contained herein shall be construed at any time so as to reduce the Base Rent payable hereunder below the amount set forth above. Base Rent shall be paid adjusted in accordance with the following provisions (any such adjustment is “Additional Rent”). Prior to January 1 of each year in the Term or as follows: The first installment soon thereafter as reasonably possible, Landlord shall provide Tenant with Landlord’s good faith estimate (which Landlord may re-estimate at any time) of DOLLARS shall Operating Expenses and Taxes for the next calendar year in the Term (each, an “Operating Period”), and commencing on January 1 of each Operating Period, one-twelfth (1/12) of Tenant’s Pro-rata Share of the estimated Operating Expenses and Taxes will be due no later than each month from Tenant as Tenant’s Additional Rent during such Operating Period. If Landlord’s statement is furnished after the start of an Operating Period, 20 Commencing ,20 rent then Tenant shall be paid continue to pay the monthly amount of its Additional Rent due for the prior Operating Period and on the first day next monthly Additional Rent payment date after Tenant receives Landlord’s statement, Tenant shall also pay any excess amounts allocable to the prior months in that Operating Period. As of each monththe Effective Date of this Lease, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall Landlord’s estimate is that the amount that will be due on ,20 as Additional Rent hereunder for the year in which the Commencement Date occurs will be $18.80 per RSF of the Rentable Area of Premises per year. Until further written notice is forwarded from Landlord to Tenant in accordance with the provisions of this Lease, Tenant shall remit 1/12th of this amount to Landlord monthly as Additional Rent, to be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, same time and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. same manner as Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge monthly payments of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordBase Rent.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Lease Agreement (Upland Software, Inc.), Lease Agreement (Upland Software, Inc.)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, The rent shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deductionbe Monthly Rent per month. Rent shall be paid payable as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be Rent is due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid and payable on the first day 1st of each the month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSadvance and without demand. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent If rental is not paid at by the office of tenth (10th) day after the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day 1st of the month, Tenant shall agrees to pay a LATE CHARGE of LateFee1. Any account fifteen (15 days) or more days delinquent will be assessed an additional $25.00 Pre-Lien Fee. A $25.00 Lien Fee will be assessed at 30 days past due. If Lessor is caused to advertise Tenant's property for lien sale, Tenant will be assessed an advertising charge of $100.00 per advertisement. Tenant agrees to pay a Check Fee charge for each RETURNED CHECK. The late charge which charges and returned check charges shall be treated deemed as additional and for rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge A tenant will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A charged a fee of $10.00 after 2nd25 to cut their lock, if necessary. day Partial payment of rent does not waive or void the month and $ 5.00 per day after legal effect of prior notices given to Tenant unless expressly agreed to in writing by Lessor. Lessor reserves the fourth day of right to refuse payment by cheek. All rental payments shall be made to the monthLessor at the above stated address or at such other place as shall be designated in writing from time to time by Lessor. If late fee Any additional charges shall be payable concurrently with the rent payment or at the time the additional charge is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEPlevied. In the event of a seizure under Paragraph 12 hereof, it is understood and agreed that the liability of Tenant elects for the rents, charges, costs, and expenses provided for in this Rental Agreement shall not be relinquished, diminished or extinguished prior to pay the rent by checkpayment in full or termination of this Agreement, whichever occurs first in time. It is further agreed that Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00)be personally liable for all rents, plus any additional bank charges, costs, expenses to the date of termination of this Agreement, expenses incurred for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient fundsthe sale and/or disposition of the property, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instanceadvertising costs, attorneys' fees, court costs, and shall be in addition any costs of repair and damages to the Space or Facility as provided for below. In the event of a sale or other disposition, it is agreed that the date of any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee such sale or other disposition shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form date of payment (whether such form termination of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordthis Agreement.

Appears in 2 contracts


Rent. Tenant, in return 1.01. (a) Tenant hereby agrees to pay to Landlord a basic annual rent (the "Basic Annual Rent") at an annual rate equal to (i) for the use period (the "First Period") commencing on the Rent Commencement Date (as such term is defined in Article 2 hereof) and ending on the day immediately preceding the fifth (5th) anniversary of the Rent Commencement Date, the product of (x) Twenty and 50/100 Dollars ($20.50) multiplied by (y) the number of rentable square feet contained in the Demised Premises, and (ii) for the period commencing on the day after the First Period and ending on the Expiration Date, the product of (x) Twenty-three and 00/100 Dollars ($23.00) multiplied by (y) the number of rentable square feet contained in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deductionDemised Premises. Basic Annual Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid by Tenant in equal monthly installments in advance on the first day of each monthcalendar month during the Term from and after the Rent Commencement Date (as said term is defined in Article 2 hereof), in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXLandlord or such other place as Landlord may designate, XXXXXXXXX XXwithout any set off or deduction whatsoever, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000except such deductions as are specifically referred to herein. Checks tendered for rent The first full month's installment of Basic Annual Rent and the security deposit described in Article 40 hereof shall be made payable paid by Tenant to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that Landlord upon the term execution of this lease is less Lease. Should the Rent Commencement Date fall on any day other than the first day of a full calendar yearmonth, then the Basic Annual Rent for such month shall be prorated on a per diem basis, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects agrees to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, amount thereof for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear such partial month on the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordRent Commencement Date.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Office Lease (Exodus Communications Inc), Office Lease (Exodus Communications Inc)

Rent. TenantTenant agrees to pay to Landlord, or as directed in writing by Landlord, commencing on the Rent Commencement Date, and thereafter monthly, in return advance, on the first (1st) day of each and every calendar month during the Lease Term (except that the first month’s rent shall be due upon execution of this Lease), a sum equal to the Monthly Rent specified in Section 1,2(k) and Exhibit B, plus applicable Florida Sales Tax and any use taxes levied or assessed against all rental payments, at Landlord’s Address as set forth in Section 1.2(b) or at such other place as Landlord may from time to time designate by written notice. Until notice of some other designation is given, Rent and all other charges for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent which provision is herein made shall be paid by remittance payable to Landlord, and all remittances so received as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS aforesaid, or by any subsequently designated recipient, shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent treated as a payment to Landlord. Rent for any partial month shall be paid prorated on a daily basis, and if the Lease Term commences on a day other than the first day of each a calendar month, in advance, in the first payment which Tenant makes to Landlord shall be payable on the Commencement Date and shall be equal to a proportionate part of the monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS Rent for the partial month from the Commencement Date to the last day of the calendar month in which such Commencement Date occurs, plus the installment of Rent for the succeeding calendar month. Other charges payable by Tenant on a monthly basis, if hereinafter provided, likewise shall be due prorated, and the first payment on ,20 account thereof shall be determined in similar fashion; and other provisions of this Lease calling for monthly payments shall be read as incorporating this undertaking by Tenant. Except as herein expressly otherwise provided, the Rent and all additional rent and other charges for which provision is made in this Lease (“Rent”) shall be paid at the office by Tenant to Landlord without setoff, deduction or abatement. Any installment of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will it becomes due shall be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month subject to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a late charge of THIRTY DOLLARS the maximum interest allowed by Law and an administrative overhead charge of Twenty and 00/100 Dollars ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant 20.00) per day overdue until that installment of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordbeen paid.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Lease Agreement (La Rosa Holdings Corp.), Lease Agreement (La Rosa Holdings Corp.)

Rent. TenantAs rent for this Sublease, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Sublessee shall pay to Landlord Sublessor on the following schedule (“Rent”), together with its proportionate share of all other sums, including without further demand limitation utility costs, insurance costs, operating costs, and taxes paid by Sublessor in its capacity as Tenant under the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deductionBase Lease (“Additional Rent”). Rent shall be paid as followsYear 1: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 $13,000 NNN per month Year 2: $14,000 NNN per month Year 3: $15,500 NNN per month Year 4: $17,000 NNN per month Year 5: $18,000 NNN per month Such rent shall be paid payable on the first day of each monthmonth based upon a reasonable estimate provided to Sublessee by Sublessor of the other sums payable by Sublessor for that month under the Base Lease. Within 15 days after the actual amount of other sums due under the Base Lease is known by Sublessor, Sublessor shall notify Sublessee thereof and of Sublessee’s portion thereof. If Sublessee has overpaid rent for the period in advancequestion, in equal monthly such overpayment shall be credited against the next installments of DOLLARSrent due or returned by Sublessor to Sublessee, or if Sublessee has underpaid rent, then Sublessee shall pay the amount of such underpayment to Sublessor within twenty days after the receipt of such notice. The last installment Payment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent and Additional Rent shall be paid made to Sublessor at its address written below or at such other place Sublessor may designate in writing, without any offset or deduction whatsoever. In addition if the office Base Lease requires Tenant to make payments of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXreal estate taxes and/or utilities which are applicable to the Premises directly to the taxing authorities and/or utility companies, XXXXXXXXX XXas the case may be, XXXXXXXSublessee shall make such payments in a timely manner and promptly supply Sublessor with evidence thereof, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent and such shall be made payable deemed to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Sublease (FlexEnergy Green Solutions, Inc.), Sublease (FlexEnergy Green Solutions, Inc.)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, Minimum rent shall be Thirty Seven Thousand Two Hundred Sixteen Dollars and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Sixty-Seven Cents (37,216.67) per month (“Minimum Rent”). Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further previous demand thereof and without any abatement, reduction, setoff or deduction whatsoever, the sum of DOLLARSMinimum Rent (together with any applicable sales tax and local taxes if the same are ever required by law), without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than payable in equal monthly installments, 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid in advance, on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal and every calendar month throughout the Term of this Lease. The Minimum Rent shall commence to accrue on the Commencement Date. The first such monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS Minimum Rent shall be due on ,20 Rent and payable to Landlord no later than the Commencement Date and each subsequent monthly installment shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made due and payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd first day of each and every calendar month following the Commencement Date during the Term hereof. If the Commencement Date is a date other than the first day of the month, Minimum Rent and other charges for the period commencing with and including the Commencement Date through the first day of the following month shall be prorated at the rate of one-thirtieth (1/30) of the monthly Minimum Rent per day. In addition, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall as Additional Rent monthly payments of applicable taxes, assessments and insurance on the Premises. This amount will be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day 1/12 of the month falls xxxx for annual real estate and assessment taxes and 1/12 of the annual xxxx on a Saturdayinsurance. Estimated figures for taxes and insurance monthly rate will be produced within ten (10) days after the signing of this Lease. Each year Landlord will produce any insurance, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior real estate tax and assessment bills to the opening of Tenant to show how the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month estimated taxes and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEPinsurance were computed as Additional Rent. In the event of any overage or underage due to the actual amounts owed and the payments made based on the estimated amounts during any Lease year, Landlord shall reimburse to Tenant elects to pay the rent amount of any overage paid by check, Tenant or Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant amount of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums underage due from Tenant in either case within thirty (30) days of the delivery of the bills to LandlordTenant as herein provided.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: To Lease (Radiation Therapy Services Holdings, Inc.), Lease (Radiation Therapy Services Inc)

Rent. TenantExcept as otherwise expressly set forth in this Lease, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord without further demand at the sum of DOLLARSfirst office specified in Section 1.01 (2), or to such other persons, or at such other places, designated by Landlord, without any prior demand therefor in immediately available funds and without any deduction or offset or deductionwhatsoever, except as otherwise set forth in this Lease, all Rent during the Term as and when due pursuant to this Lease. Monthly Base Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid monthly in advance on the first day of each monthmonth of the Term, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last except that the installment of DOLLARS Monthly Base Rent for any partial month at the beginning of the Term shall be paid prior to the Commencement Date and the installment of Monthly Base Rent due on ,20 for the sixth (6th) month of the Term shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord within thirty (30) days following the Date of this Lease. Monthly Base Rent shall be paid prorated for partial months within the Term. Unpaid Rent shall bear interest at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXDefault Rate from the date due until paid provided, XXXXXXXXX XXhowever, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent that Tenant shall be made payable entitled to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, notice and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the an additional three (3) business day on grace period before the 2nd day imposition of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of Default Interest the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to time in any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure calendar year that Tenant does not timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to monthpay Rent hereunder. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects covenant to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge Rent shall be due independent of every other covenant in this Lease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant’s obligation to pay Rent shall be conditionally abated during the first five (5) full calendar months of the Term (the “Rent Abatement Period”) in an amount not to exceed $958,013.75. Such abatement shall apply to Rent only and shall not apply to any other sums payable immediately upon notification to Tenant under this Lease. The abatement of such instanceRent described above is expressly conditioned on Tenant’s performance of its obligations under this Lease throughout the Term, and shall be the amount of the abated Rent is based in addition to any late charges resulting from part on the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves amount of Rent due under this Lease for the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rentfull Term. If Tenant Defaults under this Lease and such Default continues beyond the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstandingapplicable notice and cure period, then Tenant shall immediately immediately, on demand, pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord, in addition to all other amounts and damages to which Landlord is entitled, the unamortized amount of Rent which would otherwise have been due and payable during the Rent Abatement Period (based on the straight-line amortization of the abated Rent across the initial Term plus interest at the rate of 8% per annum).

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Workletter Agreement (Accolade, Inc.), Workletter Agreement (Accolade, Inc.)

Rent. TenantOn the date that Tenant executes this Lease, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord the original executed Lease, the Advance Rent (which shall be applied against the Rent payable for the first month(s) Tenant is required to pay Rent), the Security Deposit, and all insurance certificates evidencing the insurance required to be obtained by Tenant under Section 12 and Exhibit B of this Lease. Tenant agrees to pay Landlord the Base Rent, without prior notice or demand, abatement, offset, deduction or claim, in return for advance at Landlord's Address on the use Commencement Date and thereafter on the first (1st) day of each month throughout the balance of the PremisesTerm of the Lease beginning the second (2nd) month of the Term of the Lease (provided, however, that Landlord has actually received the Advance Rent as provided herein). In addition to the Base Rent, Tenant shall pay Landlord in advance on the Commencement Date and thereafter on the first (1st) day of each month throughout the balance of the Term of this Lease, as Additional Rent, Tenant's Share of Operating Expenses, Tax Expenses, Common Area Utility Costs, and in consideration Utility Expenses. The term "Rent" whenever used herein refers to the aggregate of all these amounts. If Landlord permits Tenant to occupy the Premises without requiring Tenant to pay rental payments for a period of time, the waiver of the covenants and agreements contained herein, requirement to pay rental payments shall pay only apply to Landlord without further demand the sum waiver of DOLLARS, without offset the Base Rent. The Rent for any fractional part of a calendar month at the commencement or deductionexpiration or termination of the Lease Term shall be a prorated amount of the Rent for a full calendar month based upon a thirty (30) day month. To the extent not already paid as part of the Advance Rent any prorated Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than on the Commencement Date, 20 Commencing ,20 rent and any prorated Rent for the final calendar month hereof shall be paid on the first day of each month, the calendar month in advance, in equal monthly installments which the date of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, expiration or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordtermination occurs.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Lease Agreement (Abaxis Inc), Lease Agreement (Abaxis Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return Tenant shall pay Landlord the full monthly Rent set forth above during each month of the Lease Term as rental for the use Residence and Landlord and Tenant hereby agree that Rent for each month, including any partial month during the first or final month of the PremisesLease Term, shall be payable in full and without proration with respect to the number of days Tenant is in consideration possession during such month, except as otherwise expressly set forth herein with regard to Landlord's delay in delivery of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand Residence. Tenant acknowledges that the sum full amount of DOLLARS, without offset or deductionRent stated is due even though the Lease Term does not encompass a full 365 days. Rent shall be paid is payable in advance without demand, abatement or set-­‐off, at the office of Landlord or at such other place(s) as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than Landlord may designate, 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on or before the Commencement Date and the first day of each monthcalendar month thereafter during the Lease Term. IF MAILED, THE RENT AND ALL OTHER SUMS DUE UNDER THIS LEASE SHALL BE MAILED IN SUFFICIENT TIME AND WITH ADEQUATE POSTAGE THEREON TO BE ACTUALLY RECEIVED BY LANDLORD NO LATER THAN THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. ANY RENT NOT ACTUALLY RECEIVED BY LANDLORD ON OR BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH SHALL BE DELINQUENT AND IN DEFAULT. IF YOU DO NOT PAY RENT ON TIME This is your notice. If you do not pay your rent within five days of the due date, the Landlord can start to have you evicted. You will get no other notice as long as you live in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSthis rental unit. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 parties hereby agree if Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at in full within five days from the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the monthdate due, Tenant shall shall, in addition to any other remedies of Landlord, pay a late charge which shall of $50.00 on the 5th day after the due date and an additional $10.00 per day (late fee) thereafter. Personal checks will not be treated as additional rent. If accepted after the 2nd tenth (10th) day of the month falls on a Saturdayeach month, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent as Rental payments must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening form of the first business day following the weekend a cashier’s check or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received money order if tendered after the 2nd tenth (10th) day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a handling charge in the amount of THIRTY DOLLARS $30 or 5% ($30.00)whichever is greater) for each dishonored check, plus any additional bank chargesand, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient fundsin addition, or which otherwise fails to clear if applicable, the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the set forth above. Returned checks must be redeemed by cashier’s check’s failure to clear. The returned , certified check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, or money order, or check) for all . All monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first shall be applied first to any non-­‐rent items (outstanding charges (such as as, but not limited to, late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) , damages incurred by or on behalf of Tenant), and then to Rent. At Landlord’s option, Landlord may require all Rent and other sums to be paid in check, certified check, or money order, and by one monthly payment rather than multiple payments by each Cotenant. Landlord shall at all times have the right to refuse payment in the form of “cash” for monies due hereunder for security purposes. The liability for Rent, in addition to all other obligations hereunder, shall be joint and several among each and all of the individuals comprising Tenant. By providing a check for payment, Tenant prior is hereby given notice that Tenant’s signed and completed check may be converted to applying the same to the current monthly rentan electronic fund withdrawal upon receipt by Landlord via U.S. Mail or in designated drop box locations. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue Landlord’s receipt of Tenant’s failure check shall constitute Tenant’s authorization of such electronic fund withdrawal. Landlord has the right to timely pay all sums not accept payment of less than the full amount of Rent, provided, however, the acceptance by Landlord of a check for a lesser amount with an endorsement or statement thereon, or upon any letter accompanying such check that such lesser amount shall constitute payment in full, shall be given no effect and Landlord may accept such payment without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which Landlord may have against Tenant. Any payment, however designated, may be accepted by Landlord and applied against any part of Tenant’s then existing and then due from Tenant to LandlordRent or Landlord may apply such payment against any sum then due or may retain such payment (without interest) as a credit against Tenant’s accruing future obligations.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Rental Agreement and Lease, Rental Agreement and Lease

Rent. TenantIn consideration of this Lease, Tenant promises and agrees to pay Landlord the Base Rent, Additional Expenses (subject to adjustment as provided in return Exhibit E), License Fees (as set forth in Exhibit E), and such other sums as may be provided in this Lease, without deduction or setoff, for the use each month of the PremisesLease Term, and with payment of all sums due in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid monthly installments on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARScalendar month during the Term. The last total monthly amount due Landlord from Tenant hereunder is referred to as “Adjusted Rental”, notwithstanding that such amount may include fees characterized by the parties as License Fees. The first such monthly installment, constituting Tenant’s prepayment of the first calendar month’s Base Rent and License Fees due under the Lease, together with the Security Deposit, shall be payable by Tenant to Landlord as provided in Paragraph 6 of Exhibit D attached hereto. A like monthly installment of DOLLARS shall be due and payable without demand beginning on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office first day of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXthe calendar month which is the second calendar month of the Lease Term and continuing on the first day of each succeeding calendar month during the Term hereof, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable subject to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that credit of Security Deposit balance in the term of this lease is less than a 36th full calendar year, and that month of the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and TenantTerm. In the event that Tenant shall occupy the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses Premises prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd first day of a calendar month, or the Lease shall otherwise commence according to its terms prior to the first day of a calendar month, then on or before such Commencement Date, Tenant shall also pay to Landlord a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of prorated amount for the first business day following partial month’s Adjusted Rental with such prorated amount based on the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day number of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying days in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the such calendar month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day fraction of such month remaining from the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month Commencement Date to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEPend. In the event any installment of the Adjusted Rental, or any portion thereof, is not received by the fifth (5th) day of the calendar month when due, then (without in any way implying Landlord’s consent to such late payment) Tenant, agrees to pay, in addition to said installment of the Adjusted Rental, a late payment charge equal to five percent (5%) of the installment of the Adjusted Rental, or portion thereof, which is overdue, it being understood that said late payment charge shall be for the purpose of reimbursing Landlord for the additional costs and expenses which Landlord presently expects to incur in connection with the handling and processing of late installment payments of the Adjusted Rental which become owing by Tenant elects to Landlord hereunder. In addition, if Tenant fails to pay any installment of Adjusted Rental, or any portion thereof, within thirty (30) days after the rent by checkdue date thereof, or fails to pay any other sum (other than Adjusted Rental) which may be due Landlord hereunder within thirty (30) days of date of invoice therefore, then, in either such event, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of interest on such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting overdue amounts from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves due date thereof until paid at an annual rate (the right at any time during “Past Due Rate”) which equals the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form lesser of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or checki) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two fifteen percent (215%) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15ii) days advance notice in the event such election is made highest rate then permitted by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordlaw.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Lease Agreement, Office Building Lease Agreement (Rackspace Inc)

Rent. TenantCommencing on the Effective Date, if this is a subsequent PayPoint Agreement between Franchisee and Franchisor, or the Commencement Date, as defined below, if this is the initial PayPoint Agreement between Franchisee and Franchisor or, where applicable, the first day of the thirteenth month following the Commencement Date, Franchisee shall pay to Franchisor, for participation in return the PayPoint Network, transaction fees in the amount set forth on Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein, made a part hereof and attached hereto. Such fees shall be due and payable to Franchisor on or before the tenth day of the month following the month in which such fees were incurred during the term of this Addendum. Provided, however, that if Franchisee installs and ICR device at the Facility prior to the Commencement Date and operates it thereafter, Franchisee shall pay no fees for participation in the PayPoint Network for the first twelve months following the Commencement Date and 50% of the applicable fees for the balance of the term of this Agreement. The term "Commencement Date" shall mean the date on which the first "live" Transaction, that is, a Transaction involving a Cardholder at the Facility, is provided to Franchisee through the PayPoint Network. Commencing on the Effective Date, if this is a subsequent PayPoint Agreement between Franchisee and Franchisor or, if this is the initial PayPoint Agreement between Franchisee and Franchisor, on the Commencement Date, and thereafter on or before the first day of each month during the term of this Addendum, Franchisee shall also pay Franchisor telephone line charges set forth on Exhibit A. It is understood that if Franchisee's product agreements) with Franchisor expires within the first twelve months following the Commencement Date and Franchisee and Franchisor execute a new Addendum to Contract Dealer Gasoline Agreement (PayPoint Network Non-Lessee ARCO Retailer) and Franchisee has installed and is operating an ICR Device and is therefore eligible for the waiver of transaction fees as set forth above, Franchisee shall pay no transaction fees for participation in the PayPoint Network for the number of months remaining of the original twelve month waiver period following the original Commencement Date referred to in this Addendum. If Franchisor terminates this Addendum at any time during the term of this Addendum for cause or because Franchisee has been designated a Special Retailer as described in Paragraph 14, or if Franchisee elects to terminate this Addendum at the end of the thirteenth month following the Commencement Date, as provided below for Franchisees on their initial PayPoint agreement, Franchisee shall pay Franchisor as set forth on Exhibit D, attached hereto, incorporated herein and made a part hereof, for disconnection and removal of telephone lines. Franchisee agrees to pay promptly when due and to hold Franchisor harmless from all fees, and sales, use, rental, gross receipts, inventory, excise, income and any other taxes (including interest, penalties, and additions to tax) imposed by any federal, state or local governmental authority upon Franchisee or Franchisor (except those taxes based upon or measured by the net income of Franchisor) in connection with any payments made pursuant to this Addendum. Franchisee agrees to pay promptly when due and to hold Franchisor harmless from all sales or use taxes and other similar taxes (including interest, penalties and additions to tax) imposed upon or with respect to charges or the use of any loaned property. Franchisee shall furnish to Franchisor, promptly upon request, any documentation, which in Franchisor's discretion is required to evidence the Premisespayment of any tax, and in consideration including, but not limited to, official receipts of the covenants appropriate taxing authorities, copies of tax returns and agreements contained hereincanceled checks. If this is the initial PayPoint agreement between Franchisee and Franchisor, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each monththe thirteenth month following the Commencement Date, in advanceFranchisee shall have the option, in equal monthly installments upon giving Franchisor at least 30 days prior written notice, to terminate this Addendum; to downgrade the number of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXPayPoint Electronic Cashiers (Island CardReaders), XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable if applicable; to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior downgrade to the close of Paypoint Cashier only (ARCOmatic terminal), if applicable; or the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior downgrade to the opening PayPoint Authorization Terminal (low end terminal device). Any downgrading of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month equipment is at Franchisee's sole cost and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordexpense.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Contract Dealer Gasoline Agreement (Discovery Investments Inc), Discovery Investments Inc

Rent. TenantConcessionaire shall pay, in return for the use of the Premiseswithout offset, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained hereindeduction, shall pay to Landlord without further demand prior notice, or demand, as "Minimum Annual Rent” the sum of DOLLARS$$ (annual rent guarantee as bid) or (percentage as bid)% of gross annual receipts, without offset or deductionwhichever sum is greater. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid Beginning with Contract Year Six (6) and on the first day of each monthfifth Contract Year thereafter, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 the Minimum Annual Rent shall be paid at adjusted to reflect changes in the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000Consumer Price Index (CPI). Checks tendered for rent Such CPI adjustments shall be made payable in accordance with the procedure set forth in Exhibit G, attached to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term and made a part of this lease is less than a full calendar year, Contract. Concessionaire shall make payment of Minimum Annual Rent and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office other payments to State in lawful money of the Houses prior United States. However, if any payment made by a check, draft, or money order is returned to State due to insufficient funds or otherwise, State shall have the close of right, at any time after the business day on return, upon written notice to Concessionaire, to require Concessionaire to make all subsequent payments in cash or by cashier's or certified check. Beginning with the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd fifteenth (15th) day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by following the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening execution of the first business day following Contract and on or before the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd fifteenth (15th) day of each month thereafter, Concessionaire shall furnish to State a verified statement of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of concession’s gross receipts for the preceding month. If paying Such statement shall be submitted on Form DPR 54, Concessionaire's Monthly Report of Operation, attached hereto as Exhibit B, or in person office will be open a format previously approved by the first business day State, and shall specify the current period and cumulative total of monthgross receipts for the concession through the end of the preceding month for the then current Contract Year. For payments received lateConcessionaire shall also provide such statement for periods of non-operation. Concurrent with such monthly statement, the following charges apply: A Concessionaire shall pay to State the appropriate rental fee based on the gross receipts for the preceding calendar month as prescribed above. Payments to State shall be made to the order of $10.00 after 2ndthe Department of Parks and Recreation and delivered to the District Office identified herein below or at such other location as may from time to time be designated by State. If, at the end of the Contract Year, the total of monthly percentage rental payments made (or due) during that Contract Year is less than the Minimum Annual Rent required for that Contract Year, the difference shall be remitted to State with the last monthly sales statement for the Contract Year. Payments must be received by State on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after as described above. Any late payment shall constitute a breach of contract, giving rise to State's remedies as set forth below. Further, any late payment will be subject to a late penalty consisting of an administrative charge on the fourth day late amount, calculated at the rate of five percent (5%) of the monthamount of the late payment or portion thereof. The parties agree that the late charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs State will incur because of late payment. Acceptance of the late charge by State shall not constitute a waiver of Concessionaire's default for the overdue amount, nor prevent State from exercising the other rights and remedies granted under this Contract. Concessionaire shall pay the late charge as additional rent with the next monthly rent payment. Any amount due to State, if not paid within five (5) days following the due date, will bear interest from the due date until paid at the rate of ten percent (10%) per year. However, interest shall not be payable on late charges incurred by Concessionaire. Payment of interest shall not excuse or cure any default by Concessionaire. Upon written request by the Concessionaire to State demonstrating unusual or extenuating circumstances causing the late payment, the State, in its sole discretion, may waive the late charge. Further, in the event Concessionaire is prevented from carrying on the operations contemplated herein by reason of an Act of Nature or other reasons beyond Concessionaire's control, and when requested in writing in advance by Concessionaire, Minimum Rent may be abated in proportion to the amount by which gross receipts are reduced by the occurrence for such period of reduced or non- operation, as determined in the sole discretion of State. If late fee this Contract is not paid when rent is paidterminated by State because of Concessionaire's default, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, and if Concessionaire becomes liable for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient fundsdeficiency in rent and/or fees by way of damages or otherwise, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right if at any time during the Term hereof Contract term Concessionaire ceases to specify conduct in the Premises the business referred to herein below, then from and demand a particular form after the time of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money orderthe breach causing this termination, or checkfrom and after the time of the cessation of business, all unpaid rent and/or fees prior to the breach causing termination or cessation of business shall become due and payable. The amount due shall be deemed to be the greater of: (a) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient fundsthe Minimum Rent provided herein, or other problematical payment history; provided however(b) an amount based upon the average of the payments that have accrued to State as percentage rent during the twenty-four (24) months preceding the termination or cessation of business, Landlord unless the termination or cessation occurs within three (3) years of the beginning of the Contract term, in which event the previous twelve (12) (or fewer, if applicable) months shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in be used as the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf basis of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordthis average.

Appears in 2 contracts


Rent. TenantAs consideration for this Sublease, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Subtenant shall pay to Landlord Sublandlord commencing November 1, 2005 (the “Rent Commencement Date”) and continuing for the Term hereof, without further demand any offset or deduction, annual rent (“Rent”), in an amount equal to: (a) with respect to the first Rental Year (as defined below), [*]; (b) with respect to each Rental Year thereafter, the sum of DOLLARS(i) the annual Rent rate for the first Rental Year and (ii) the applicable Annual Rent Escalator. The “Annual Rent Escalator” for any given Rental Year is the product of (x) [*] multiplied by the number of Rental Years preceding such Rental Year. By way of example: in Rental Year 2 the Annual Rent shall be the annual Rent rate for Rental Year 1 (i.e., without offset [*]) plus [*]; in Rental Year 3 the Annual Rent shall be the annual Rent rate for Rental Year 1 (i.e., [*]) plus [*]. The term “Rental Year” shall mean a period of twelve (12) consecutive full calendar months during the Term commencing on the Rent Commencement Date or deductionany anniversary thereof; provided, however, that if the Rent Commencement Date is a day other than the first day of a calendar month, the first Rental Year shall include the resulting fractional month and shall extend through the end of the twelfth (12th) full calendar month following the Rent Commencement Date. * CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED. CONFIDENTIAL PORTION HAS BEEN FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. Rent shall be paid as follows: The payable in equal monthly installments in advance on the first installment day of DOLLARS each and every calendar month during the Term, without setoff, deduction, notice or demand; provided, however, that the first Rent payment shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses five business days prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordRent Commencement Date.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Agreement of Sublease, Agreement of Sublease (Equinix Inc)

Rent. TenantDuring the months of June, in return for the use of the PremisesJuly, and in consideration August Concessionaire shall pay, without offset, deduction, prior notice, or demand, as "Minimum Monthly Rent” three thousand dollars ($3,000) [or as bid] or twelve percent (12%) [or as bid] of the covenants and agreements contained hereinGross Receipts, whichever is greater. During all other months, Concessionaire shall pay to Landlord pay, without further demand offset, deduction, prior notice, or demand, as “Minimum Monthly Rent”, the sum of DOLLARStwelve percent (12%) [or as bid] of Gross Receipts. When Concessionaire is required to pay for State lifeguard service under Paragraph 5, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment Use of DOLLARS shall be due no later than Premises, 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent payment shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSONin accordance with this paragraph. Tenant hereby acknowledges that The cost of a State lifeguard is $20/hour. Payment of lifeguard service fees is due by the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office 15th of the Houses prior month following service. Hours of lifeguard service shall be reported by Concessionaire monthly with the Concessionaire’s statement of gross receipts as described more fully below. Payment shall be made in a form separate from the Minimum Monthly Rent payment. All terms and conditions for late fees will apply for late payment of lifeguard service fees as described below. Concessionaire shall make payment of Minimum Monthly Rent and other payments to the close State in lawful money of the business day on United States. However, if any payment made by a check, draft, or money order is returned to State due to insufficient funds or otherwise, State shall have the 2nd day of right, at any time after the monthreturn, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rentupon written notice to Concessionaire, to require Concessionaire to make all subsequent payments in cash or by cashier's or certified check. If Beginning with the 2nd fifteenth (15th) day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to following the opening of the first business day following concession for business, and on or before the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd fifteenth (15th) day of each month thereafter, Concessionaire shall furnish to State a verified statement of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of concession’s gross receipts for the preceding month. If paying Such statement shall be in person office will be open a format provided by State and shall specify the first business day current period and cumulative total of monthgross receipts for the concession through the end of the preceding month for the then current contract year. For payments received lateConcurrent with such monthly statement, the following charges apply: A Concessionaire shall pay to State the appropriate rental fee for the preceding calendar month as prescribed above. Payments to State shall be made to the order of $10.00 after 2ndthe Department of Parks and Recreation and delivered to the District Office identified herein below or at such other location as may from time to time be designated by State. Payments must be received by State on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after as described above. Any late payment shall constitute a breach of contract, giving rise to State's remedies as set forth below. Further, any late payment will be subject to a late penalty consisting of an administrative charge on the fourth day late amount, calculated at the rate of five percent (5%) of the monthamount of the late payment or portion thereof. The parties agree that the late charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs State will incur because of late payment. Acceptance of the late charge by State shall not constitute a waiver of Concessionaire's default for the overdue amount, nor prevent State from exercising the other rights and remedies granted under this contract. Concessionaire shall pay the late charge as additional rent with the next monthly rent payment. ______ [Initials of concessionaire(s)] Any amount due to State, if not paid within five (5) days following the due date, will bear interest from the due date until paid at the rate of ten percent (10%) per year or, if a higher rate is legally permissible, at the highest rate legally permitted. However, interest shall not be payable on late charges incurred by Concessionaire, nor on any amounts on which late charges are paid by Concessionaire, to the extent this interest would cause the total interest to be in excess of that legally permitted. Payment of interest shall not excuse or cure any default by Concessionaire. Upon written request by the Concessionaire to State demonstrating unusual or extenuating circumstances causing the late payment, the State, in its sole discretion, may waive the late charge. Further, in the event Concessionaire is prevented from carrying on the operations contemplated herein by reason of an Act of God or other reasons beyond Concessionaire's control, and when requested in writing in advance by Concessionaire, Minimum Rent may be abated in proportion to the amount by which gross receipts are reduced by the occurrence for such period of reduced or non-operation, as determined in the sole discretion of State. If late fee this contract is not paid when rent is paidterminated by State because of Concessionaire's default, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the and if Concessionaire becomes liable for any deficiency in rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge way of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient fundsdamages or otherwise, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right if at any time during the Term hereof contract term Concessionaire ceases to specify conduct in the Premises the business referred to herein, then from and demand a particular form after the time of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money orderthe breach causing this termination, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient fundsand after the time of the cessation of business, the rent shall be deemed to be the greater of the Minimum Rent provided herein, or an amount based upon the average of the payments that have accrued to State as percentage rent during the twenty-four (24) months preceding the termination or cessation of business, unless the termination or cessation occurs within three (3) years of the beginning of the contract term, in which event the previous twelve (12) (or fewer, if applicable) months shall be used as the basis of this average. USE OF PREMISES The Premises shall be used by the Concessionaire for group surfing instruction. Activities provided shall include daily surfing instruction and other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant beach and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (water sports such as late chargesbody surfing, cleaning service feesbody boarding, returned check charges) incurred and volleyball. The Use of Premises shall be consistent with the State approved “Operation Plan” as proposed by or on behalf Concessionaire and modified by State as is reasonable and necessary to meet the intention of Tenant prior to applying the same to State for this concession operation and the current monthly rentmission of the Department. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue The approved “Operation Plan” is incorporated herein and made part of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.this contract as Exhibit B.

Appears in 2 contracts


Rent. TenantCommencing on July 1st, in return 2007, through the last day of the lease term, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as rental for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSSeven Hundred Dollars & No Cents ($700.00) per month. If the commencement date is not the first day of a calendar month, the prorated rental from commencement date to the first day of next month is $23.33 per day payable on or before the commencement date. In addition, Tenant will have the right to extend this Lease on a month-to- month basis after the term of this lease during which any annual increase in the rental rate will not exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per month. All rent payments are due in advance and without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on demand before the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARScalendar month without a grace period. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the If all rent is not paid at on or before the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd 5th day of the month, Tenant shall agrees to pay a late charge which of $50.00 plus a further late charge of $10.00 per day until all due rent is paid. Tenant further agrees to pay a $50.00 charge for each rent check returned unpaid, and delinquent charges shall accrue as if check had not been given until such check is made good. Notwithstanding any notations on a check all payments by Tenant shall be treated as additional applied first to non-rent items due, if any, and then to rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the any rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee check is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank chargesreturned unpaid, for any check returned to reason, the Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall may require that all subsequent payments due hereunder be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be paid in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or cashier's check) for . Tenant and Landlord agree that all monies due from a rights of Tenant who has had a and all duties and obligations of Landlord in this Lease are conditioned on rent being paid on time. Tenant's right of possession and all of Landlord's obligations are expressly conditioned on prompt payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient fundsof rent, or other problematical and use of the premises by Tenant is conditioned on prompt payment history; provided howeverof rent. After the term of this lease, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen provide to tenant at least thirty (1530) days advance written notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that prior to any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordincrease.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Lease Agreement (Signal Advance Inc), Lease Agreement (Signal Advance Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, (a) Sublessee shall pay to Landlord without further demand Sublessor as Basic Rental as for the sum Subleased Premises during the Term of DOLLARSthis Sublease Agreement the amount set forth below: Period Monthly Rent ------ ------------ Commencement Date to Expiration $6,118.13 In addition to the Basic Rental, without offset or deductionSublessee shall also pay to Sublessor all Additional Rent payable by Sublessor under the Lease including self insurance costs, to the extent allocable to the Subleased Premises. Rent For purposes of calculating such Additional Rent, Sublessee's "proportionate share" shall be paid a fraction, the numerator of which is the space contained in the Subleased Premises (8,540 square feet as follows: of the Commencement Date) and the denominator of which is the entire space contained in the Building (209,088 square feet). The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent respective amounts set forth above shall be paid on or before the first 1st day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments month of DOLLARSthe Term. The last If Sublessee fails or refuses to pay any installment of DOLLARS Basic Rental within five (5) business days after the date such installment is due, or Additional Rent within fifteen (15) business days after Sublessee's receipt of written demand therefor, Sublessor shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable entitled to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay collect a late charge which shall be treated equal to five percent (5%) multiplied by the amount of the late payment to compensate Sublessor for the additional expense involved in handling delinquent payments and not as additional rentinterest. If the 2nd day payment of a late charge required by this Section is found to constitute interest notwithstanding the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening contrary intention of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailedSublessor and Sublessee, the late charge will shall be limited to the maximum amount of interest that lawfully may be collected by Sublessor under applicable law, and if any payment is determined to exceed such lawful amount, the excess shall be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when unpaid rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be then due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant hereunder and/or credited against the next succeeding installment of such instancerent payable hereunder. If all rent payable hereunder has been paid in full, and any excess shall be in addition refunded to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordSublessee.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Industrial Lease Agreement (Adams Laboratories, Inc.), Industrial Lease Agreement (Adams Respiratory Therapeutics, Inc.)

Rent. TenantIn consideration of this lease, Tenant promises and agrees to pay Landlord the Basic Rental defined in return the Basic Lease Information (subject to adjustment as hereinafter provided) without deduction or setoff, for the use each month of the Premisesentire lease term. One such monthly installment together with the security deposit shall be payable by Tenant to Landlord contemporaneously with the execution of this lease, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first a like monthly installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid and payable without demand beginning on the first day of the calendar month following the expiration of the first full calendar month of the lease term and continuing thereafter on or before the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments succeeding calendar month during the term hereof. Rent for any fractional month at the beginning of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS the lease term shall be due prorated based on ,20 Rent shall be paid at one three hundred sixty-fifth (1/365) of the office current annual Basic Rental for each day of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of partial month this lease is less than a full calendar yearin effect, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification on or before the date on which Tenant certifies that it has accepted the premises pursuant to Paragraph 2 hereof. In the event any installment of the Basic Rental, or any other sums which become owing by Tenant to Landlord under the provisions hereof is not received within ten (10) days after the due date thereof (without in any way implying Landlord’s consent to such late payment), Tenant, to the extent permitted by law, agrees to pay, in addition to said installment of the Basic Rental or such instanceother sums owed, a late payment charge equal to ten percent (10%) of the installment of the Basic Rental or such other sums owed, it being understood that said late payment charge shall constitute liquidated damages and shall be for the purpose of reimbursing Landlord for the additional costs and expenses which Landlord presently expects to incur in addition connection with the handling and processing of late installment payments of the Basic Rental and such other sums which become owing by Tenant to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent Landlord hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant expressly covenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice agree that in the event of any such election is made late payment(s) by LandlordTenant, the damages so resulting to Landlord will be difficult to ascertain precisely, and that the foregoing charge constitutes a reasonable and good faith estimate by the parties of the extent of such damages. Tenant acknowledges that Notwithstanding the foregoing, the foregoing late charges shall not apply to any rent received sums which may [illegible] been advanced by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf for [illegible] benefit of Tenant prior to applying the same pursuant to the current monthly rentprovisions of this lease, it being understood that such sums shall bear interest, which Tenant hereby agrees to pay to Landlord, at the maximum rate of interest permitted by law to be charged Tenant for the use or forbearance of such money. If The security deposit (as defined in the payment tendered Basic Lease Information) shall be held by Landlord without liability for interest and as security for the performance by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure covenants and obligations under this lease), it being expressly understood that such deposit shall not be considered an advance payment of rental or a measure of Landlord’s damages in case of default by Tenant. Upon the occurrence of any event of default by Tenant, Landlord may, from time to timely time, without prejudice to any other remedy, use such deposit to the extent necessary to make good any arrearages of rent and any other damage, injury, expense or liability caused to Landlord by such event of default. Following any such application of the security deposit, Tenant shall pay all sums due from to Landlord on demand the amount so applied in order to restore the security deposit to its original amount. If Tenant is not then in default hereunder, any remaining balance of such deposit shall be returned by Landlord to LandlordTenant within a reasonable period of time after the termination of this lease. If Landlord transfers its interest in the premises during the lease term, Landlord may assign the security deposit to the the transferee and thereafter shall have no further liability for the return of such security deposit.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Office Building Lease Agreement, Office Building Lease Agreement (Rackspace Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return for Lessor and Lessee acknowledge and agree that the use lease of the Premises, and SCH Hospital Facility by Lessor to Lessee pursuant to this Facility Lease is an integral part of a larger transaction described in detail in the APA. It is the express understanding of the parties that Lessor is leasing the Premises to Lessee in consideration of the covenants obligation and agreements contained hereinundertakings of Lessee hereunder and under the APA, including, without limitation, the obligation to operate the Business at the SCH Hospital Facility as and to the extent set forth herein and in the APA, and that such obligations and undertakings, together with the rent payable hereunder and the consideration paid by Lessee to Lessor under the APA, collectively represent good and valuable consideration for the lease of the Premises to Lessee. Pursuant to Section 1.6(c) of the APA, Lessor may elect one of three options for the payment by Lessee of the total consideration due to Lessor in connection with the transactions contemplated by the APA, and the election made by the Lessor will affect the rent payable by Lessee hereunder. Therefore, upon the making (or deemed making) of such election by Lessor in accordance with Section 1.6(c) of the APA, Lessor and Lessee shall initial below the rental option corresponding to the option selected (or deemed selected) by Lessor under the APA, and the provision so initialed below shall determine the fixed rent payable under this Facility Lease for the Term (the “Fixed Rent”): Lessor Lessee If Lessor elects the option set forth in Section 1.6(c)(i) of the APA, then Lessee agrees to pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSLessor, without offset on or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on prior to the first day of each calendar month during the Term, Fixed Rent in the amount of $11,666.66/month ($140,000.00/year). If the Term begins on a day other than the first day of a calendar month or ends on a day other than the last day of a calendar month, then the Fixed Rent payable for such partial month shall be prorated based on the number of days in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSsuch month falling within the Term. The last installment of DOLLARS Fixed Rent payable hereunder shall not be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at subject to reset or escalation during the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000Term. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable Lessor Lessee If Lessor elects the option set forth in Section 1.6(c)(ii) or elects (or is deemed to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that elect) the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office option set forth in Section1.6(c)(iii) of the Houses APA, then Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor, on or prior to the close Effective Time, a one-time, prepaid Fixed Rental payment in the amount of the business day on the 2nd day of the month$1.00, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If constitute the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be only Fixed Rent due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant for the duration of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordrenewals thereof.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Asset Purchase Agreement, Facility Lease Agreement

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the Tenant covenants and agreements contained agrees that without demand, notice or set off, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand minimum annual rental (hereinafter the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid "Minimum Rental") and percentage rental ("Percentage Rental") in the amounts as follows: The first installment Minimum Rental in the amount of DOLLARS shall be due no later than [***] per square foot or [***] per annum, 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid payable in equal monthly installments of [***] per month in advance on or before the first day of each monthmonth for Years [***]. Minimum Rent in the amount of [***] per square foot or [***] per annum, in advance, payable in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS[***] per month is due in advance on or before the first day of each month for Years [***]. The last installment of DOLLARS Either party shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at have the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable right to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than request a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office remeasurement of the Houses prior Premises on written notice to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received other party given within thirty (30) days after the 2nd day of Commencement Date and naming the montharchitect or engineer it will have do the remeasurement. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than Upon fifteen (15) days advance notice prior written notice, the other party shall identify its architect or engineer, and the architects or engineers identified by both parties shall jointly measure the leasable square footage contained in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rentPremises. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstandingleasable square footage as so remeasured is less than that set forth in Part 1 hereof, then the leasable square footage as stated herein shall be revised and Minimum Rental shall be reduced accordingly, by an amount not to exceed [***] of the stated square footage and the Percentage Rental Breakpoint (as hereinafter defined) shall be proportionately adjusted. If the leasable square footage as so remeasured is greater than that set forth in Part 1 hereof, then the leasable square footage as stated herein shall be revised and the Minimum Rental shall be increased accordingly, by an amount not to exceed [***] of the stated square footage and the Percentage Rental Breakpoint shall be proportionately adjusted. Leasable square footage shall be measured from the exterior faces of all outside walls and from the center of all party walls. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in no event shall the leasable square footage of the Premises be less than [***] of the square footage as stated in Part 1 hereof. Tenant shall immediately further pay to Landlord Percentage Rental of [***] of annual Sales and Business Transacted (as defined in the differenceGeneral Lease Provisions) in excess of [***] (the "Percentage Rental Breakpoint") per Lease Year (as herein defined) for Years [***], plus any late charge incurred by virtue and [***] of Tenant’s failure annual Sales and Business Transacted in excess of [***] per Lease Year for Years [***]. *** Confidential treatment requested. 5 All rental payments and payments of Additional Charges (as defined in Exhibit B) hereunder shall be sent to: Peabody Place Centre, L.P. Attn: Accounts Receivable Department P. O. Box 0000 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx 00000-0000 or to timely pay all sums due such other addresses as Landlord may direct from Tenant time to Landlordtime.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Retail Lease Agreement (Silicon Entertainment Inc /Ca/), Retail Lease Agreement (Silicon Entertainment Inc /Ca/)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Daily Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment due on all Advances made by Lessor pursuant to any Acceptance Certificate and shall accrue from the earlier of DOLLARS the Advance Date or the Acceptance Date of any item of Equipment at the Daily Rent set forth in the applicable Acceptance Certificate multiplied by the number of days from (and including) the earlier of the Advance Date or the Acceptance Date to (but not including) the Commencement Date and shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid and payable on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSmonth until the Commencement Date. The last installment Basic Rent payable hereunder during the Basic Term is as set forth in the Equipment Schedule. Lessor and Lessee agree that the Basic Rent described in the Equipment Schedule has a corresponding yield relationship to the U.S. Treasury obligation and with the closest equivalent maturity as the applicable Lease Basic Term as reported in The Wall Street Journal on the date of, and quoted in, Lessor's Proposal Letter, and consequently, the Basic Rent, Lease Rate Factor, and Stipulated Loss Values (and Renewal Rent, if applicable) may be adjusted upward by the Lessor on the date of DOLLARS shall preparation of the Equipment Schedule, or alternatively, on the funding date by a Notification of Rent Adjustment amendment prepared thereafter, to reflect a change on such date in the reported yield of the U.S. Treasury obligation, with the equivalent term of the U.S. Treasury obligation quoted in the Proposal Letter (or the closest term to such original U.S. Treasury obligation in the event an identical term issue is not reported, and in the event that two or more comparison Treasury obligations are quoted with identical maturities, then with the "Asked" price which is closest to par) in order to preserve Lessor's anticipated corresponding yield relationship. Except as may otherwise be due on ,20 provided in any Equipment Schedule, Basic Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable begin to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day accrue on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month Commencement Date and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant by Lessee on the first day of such instanceeach period (advance) or the last day (arrears) of each period, and shall be as set forth in the applicable Equipment Schedule. In addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee Basic Rent and Daily Rent, Lessee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cashpay Renewal Rent, money orderif any, due as indicated in this Lease Agreement, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient fundson any Equipment Schedule, or other problematical payment history; any Rider hereto or thereto. All Rent due by Lessee hereunder is an absolute and unconditional obligation of Lessee which may not be abated or offset for any reason whatsoever as provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordSection 10 hereof.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Master Lease Agreement (Convio, Inc.), Convio, Inc.

Rent. TenantFor purposes of this Lease, in return each successive period of twelve (12) months during the Lease Term commencing on the Commencement Date shall be a “Lease Year”. As consideration of and for the use of this Lease and the Premises, and in consideration of commencing on the covenants and agreements contained hereinCommencement Date, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand an initial net annual rental equal to the sum of DOLLARS$24.00 per square foot with respect to 9,049 square feet of Tenant’s Premises located at Suite # 3100 as reflected on Exhibit A (collectively, without offset or deductionthe “Rent”) for the first Lease Year. Rent shall will be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid adjusted on the first day of each monthsuccessive Lease Year thereafter (each such date an “Adjustment Date”) to reflect the increase, if any, in advancethe cost of living from the month and year in which the Commencement Date occurs; provided, however, that Rent for any Lease Year shall not increase by more than 2% over the Rent in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSeffect for the immediately preceding Lease Year. The last installment of DOLLARS In no event shall the annual rent due after the Adjustment Date ever be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease a sum which is less than the annual rent due before the Adjustment Date. The annual rent due as a full calendar yearresult of an increase in the cost of living shall be calculated in accordance with the calculation set forth in this Section 3.01. The basis for computing the cost of living shall be the unadjusted Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers, and that All Items (1982-84 = 100) published by the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor (“Index”). The Index for the ease month and convenience year in which the Commencement Date occurs shall be the “Base Index Number”. The Index for the month immediately preceding the Adjustment Date shall be the “Current Index Number”. The annual Rent for each Lease Year commencing with the second Lease Year shall be the greater of both Landlord and Tenant. In (i) the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses annual Rent then in effect immediately prior to the close Adjustment Date, and (ii) the product obtained from multiplying the amount of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the annual rent must be placed in the designated rent drop effect prior to the opening applicable Adjustment Date by the fraction whose numerator is equal to the Current Index Number and whose denominator is equal to the Base Index Number. Adjusted Annual Rent = Annual Rent Prior to Adjustment Date x Current Index Number Base Index Number If the aforesaid Index is not in existence at the time the determination is to be made, the parties shall use such equivalent price index as is published by a successor government agency in lieu of the first business day following Index; or if no such price index is published, then the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment parties shall use a mutually acceptable equivalent price index as is published by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordgovernmental agency.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Hudsonalpha Lease Agreement (Celsion CORP)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Lessee shall pay rent to Landlord without further demand Lessor (or to an Assignee as "Assignee" is defined in Section 16 of this Agreement) in the sum of DOLLARSamounts and by the dates as set forth in each Schedule ("Rent"). Unless otherwise explicitly provided in a Schedule, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first each monthly installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of Rent payable under each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS Schedule shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the monthin which said payment is to be made. Lessee shall pay all Rent as due when due without demand, invoice or notice. If late fee any payment due under a Schedule (including, but not limited to, Rent) is not paid when rent is paidwithin ten (10) days after the due date thereof, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant Lessee shall pay Landlord to Lessor a late charge on such overdue payment for the period of THIRTY DOLLARS time during which it is overdue at a rate equal to the lesser of ($30.00), a) ten percent (10%) plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, the current prime rate of interest as set forth in the Money Rates section of the Wall Street Journal on the due date or which otherwise fails to clear (b) the issuer’s bankmaximum rate of interest permitted by law. Said charge shall be All Rent and other payments due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and under each Schedule shall be in addition made to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right Lessor at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money orderits address shown above, or check) for all monies due at such other address as Lessor may designate from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for nontime to time. 4. NET LEASE. EACH SCHEDULE SHALL BE A TRIPLE NET LEASE WHEREBY LESSEE SHALL PAY ALL TAXES, MAINTENANCE, INSURANCE AND OTHER COSTS AND EXPENSES AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT. LESSEE'S OBLIGATIONS TO PAY ALL RENT AND OTHER SUMS WHEN DUE AND TO OTHERWISE PERFORM AS REQUIRED UNDER EACH SCHEDULE SHALL BE ABSOLUTE AND UNCONDITIONAL, AND SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO ANY ABATEMENT, REDUCTION, SET-sufficient fundsOFF, or other problematical payment history; provided howeverDEFENSE, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late chargesCOUNTERCLAIM, cleaning service feesINTERRUPTION, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rentDEFERMENT OR RECOUPMENT, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. If any of the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover Equipment is unsatisfactory for any reason, Lessee shall make any claim solely against the total charges outstandingmanufacturer and/or sellers of the Equipment and shall, then Tenant shall immediately nevertheless, pay Lessor or its successors or Assignees (as defined in Section 16) all amounts due and payable under the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordSchedule for said Equipment. 5.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Lease Agreement

Rent. TenantLease section 4(B) is modified to provide that: For the period of time commencing on Expansion Area Commencement Date and ending on the Lease termination date, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Lessee shall pay to Landlord without further demand Lessor (in addition to any and all other Rent due under the Lease) an additional minimum guaranteed base rent for the Expansion Area in the sum of DOLLARStwenty-two thousand four hundred and 00/100 dollars ($22,400.00), without offset or deductionsuch additional base rent payable in minimum monthly installments of one thousand six hundred and 00/100 dollars ($1,600. Rent 00). Lease section 4(D) is modified to provide that: The additional monthly base rent for the Expansion Area shall be paid as follows: The first installment adjusted, if the date for possession of DOLLARS the Expansion Area given pursuant to Lease section 1.(A)3. above occurs on a day other than July 1, 2002. Said Monthly Rent for such partial month (regardless of the actual number of days such month actually has) shall be due no later than and payable/credited at the rate of fifty-two and 45/100 dollars ($52.45) per day, 20 Commencing ,20 rent for each day, after/until possession of Expansion Area is given to Lessee. The Rent due/credited for such partial month shall be paid on calculated from the date of possession of Expansion Area until the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd (1/st/) day of the month falls on immediately following such date of possession, payable in advance, as specified above. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessor shall grant to Lessee a Saturday"rent holiday" from the payment of one thousand six hundred and 00/100 dollars ($1,600.00) of the installment of Monthly Rent due only for the first (1st) full month of possession of Expansion Area (such period being hereinafter referred to as the "Expansion Area Free Rent Period"). During such Expansion Area Free Rent Period, Sundayall installments of Monthly Rent shall be abated as stated above (such rental abatement being hereinafter referred to as the "Expansion Area Free Rent Allowance"); provided, or however, that: i) the Expansion Area Free Rent Period and the granting of the Expansion Area Free Rent Allowance as provided hereunder shall not affect the Expansion Area Commencement Date as determined herein; ii) Lessee shall remain obligated during the Expansion Area Free Rent Period to pay all Additional Rent payable pursuant to this Lease and to perform all of Lessee's obligations under this Lease except as expressly aforesaid; and iii) in the event of any termination of this Lease by Lessor based upon a holiday observed default hereunder by the HousesLessee, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening entire amount of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or Monthly Rent which would have otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be been due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time hereunder during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice Expansion Area Free Rent Period in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf absence of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant Expansion Area Free Rent Allowance shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums become due from Tenant to Landlordand payable.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease Agreement (Inphonic Inc)

Rent. TenantDuring the Initial Term of this Lease, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand at the sum of DOLLARSaddress herein provided, without offset or deductionthe Rent as set out in Section 1.01 (E) above, in equal monthly installments in advance, commencing on the Commencement Date. The Rent provided for hereunder shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid adjust on the first day of each monthRenewal Term (each a "Change Date") to reflect any change in the cost of living during the previous five (5) year Initial Term or Renewal Term just ended, in advanceas applicable, based upon the Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers, U.S. City Average, all Items, base period 1982-84 (hereinafter referred to as the "Index"), published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor. As to the first Renewal Term, the index number for the month of the Commencement Date shall be the "Base Index Number" and as to each subsequent Renewal Term(s) the index number for the first month of the Renewal Term just completed shall be the "Base Index Number", as the case may be. The index number on each Change Date shall be the "Current Index Number" for the Renewal Term which is commencing. The Base Index Number shall be subtracted from the Current Index Number, and the result obtained shall be converted to a percentage of the Base Index Number. The Rent payable during any Renewal Term of this Lease shall then be increased or decreased by such percentage (the "Adjusted Rent"), as applicable, effective as of the first day of the applicable Renewal Period, and the Adjusted Rent for any Renewal Term shall be payable in equal monthly installments installments, in the manner provided for under the terms of DOLLARSthis Lease. The last installment Tenant shall continue payment of DOLLARS the rental rate in effect for the expiring period until notified in writing by Landlord of any change. Landlord shall provide to Tenant written notice of any rental adjustment, including a memorandum showing the calculations used by Landlord in determining the new monthly rental. On the first day of the calendar month immediately succeeding receipt of such notice, Tenant shall commence payment of the new monthly rental specified in the notice, and shall also pay to Landlord, with respect to the month(s) already expired, the difference, if any of the required monthly rentals specified in the notice over the monthly amounts actually paid by Tenant. If publication of the Index shall be due on ,20 Rent discontinued, the most comparable index published by any branch or department of the United States Government shall be paid at substituted, and such adjustments in the office method of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent computation shall be made payable as may be necessary to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSONcarry out the intent of this cost-of-living provision. It is the intention of Landlord and Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term monthly rental shall be adjusted either upward or downward on each Change Date in the event of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that an increase or decrease in the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for Index or an equivalent increase or decrease in the ease and convenience event of both Landlord and Tenantreevaluation or revision of the Index. In the event that the rent Adjusted Rent for any Renewal Term is not less than the Rent payable for the preceding Renewal Term, any credit for excess Rent paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, by Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied as an offset against subsequent installments of Rent to any mail received after come due under the 2nd day terms of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordthis Lease.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease Agreement (Petro Stopping Centers L P)

Rent. Tenant, in return (a) Tenant shall pay as "Base Rent" for the use each of the Premises, and in consideration first two (2) Lease Years during the Initial Term of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand this Lease the sum of DOLLARSSeventy-Two Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($72,000.00), without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, payable in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSSix Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($6,000.00). The last installment Commencing with the third Lease Year and continuing with each Lease Year thereafter through the remainder of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 the Initial Term and each Lease Year other than the first Lease Year of each Renewal Term of the Lease, Base Rent shall be paid adjusted each year upwards but not downwards in accordance with the Consumer Price Index as more specifically set forth below: Base rent shall be adjusted at the office end of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXthe second Lease Year of the Initial Term of this Lease and annually thereafter by a percentage equal to the percentage increase (but not decrease) in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, XXXXXXXXX XXU.S. City Average, XXXXXXXAll Items (1982-84=100) published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor in effect on such date over the base Consumer Price Index in effect on the Commencement Date of this Lease. If during the Term of this Lease the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000United States Department of Labor ceases to maintain said Consumer Price Index, such other index or standard as will most nearly accomplish the aim and purpose of the Consumer Price Index and the use thereof by the parties hereto shall be used in determining the amount of any such adjustment. Checks tendered Said adjustment procedure shall also apply to the second and each successive Lease Year of any Renewal Term. If Tenant exercises its option(s) to extend the Term, Tenant shall pay as Base Rent during the first Lease Year of the Renewal Term(s) a rental based upon the "market rate" for rent shall the Premises. The first and last monthly installments are due and payable on the execution of this Lease and the remaining installments are due and payable in advance on the first day of each and every month during the Term, without offset or deduction, to Landlord at the address set forth in Paragraph 26 or at such other place as Landlord may hereafter designate in writing. Rent checks are to be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, SundayLandlord, or a holiday observed by the Housessuch other person, the rent must be placed firm or corporation as Landlord may designate in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordwriting.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease (MPW Industrial Services Group Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return The total rent that the Tenants agree to pay to the Landlord for the use premises, for the term, is $.00 This total rent is due upon execution of this lease. However, for the convenience of the PremisesTenants, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 this rent shall be paid by the Tenants to the Landlord in installments as outlined in Addendum A – Payment Schedule. Rent is always due on the first day of each monththe month regardless of lease commencement date. Acceptance of partial payments from some Tenants does not relieve such Tenants from their liability for the entire rents or as to shares owned by other joint and several Tenants. On execution of this lease, Tenants agree to pay to the Landlord the first months’ rent installment unless otherwise agreed in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall writing; said payments to be considered a reservation fee due on ,20 Rent shall execution until occupancy when said payments will be paid at the office considered rent due and paid. A late charge of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office 5% of the Houses prior to the close of the business day overdue rent will be assessed on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd fifth calendar day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed if any rent installment is not received by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of Landlord on or before the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd calendar day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day An additional 5% of the preceding month. If paying in person office outstanding balance will be open assessed if the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day rent remains unpaid after the fourth fifteenth (15th) calendar day of the month. If Said late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant charges shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be become due and payable immediately upon notification notice, and if not so paid, may be deducted by the Landlord from the security deposit as added rent. A charge of $50.00 will be made by the Landlord for each check of the Tenants returned for any reason. If Tenants make payment of any rent installment in an amount less than that due, Landlord may accept same, but shall not be bound by any restrictive endorsement, or any statement, or otherwise to the effect that such payment is made in full satisfaction of the amounts then due. Notwithstanding such acceptance by the Landlord, the Landlord may avail himself of any other legal remedies he may have. If Tenant makes any payments hereunder, and then fails to occupy the premises or fails to comply with any other term or requirement of this agreement, Landlord may keep any such payments as partial liquidated damages. Notwithstanding retention of such instancepayments as liquidated damages, the Landlord shall have, in addition, any other rights afforded Landlord under this lease against the Tenant for breach of this lease. In addition, if the first month’s rent installment, the security and damage deposit are required to be paid at the time of execution of this lease and are not paid at such time, or if such payments are to be made pursuant to an agreed upon schedule (Addendum A), and shall be such payments are not made at the time set forth in addition to any late charges resulting from such schedule, then the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof after such time by which such payments should have been made, to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money ordergive Tenant(s), or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient fundsany of the Tenant(s), or other problematical payment history; provided howeverfive days written notice, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant by certified mail, return receipt, that if the deficiencies in these amounts are not paid in full and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by the Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (by the end of such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstandingfive day notice period, then Tenant shall immediately pay the differenceLandlord may rent the demised premises to others and may retain any amounts paid to that date as partial liquidated damages and, plus in addition, may seek to enforce any late charge incurred by virtue of other rights the Landlord may have against the Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord, and may, in addition, terminate the lease.

Appears in 1 contract


Rent. Tenant, Rent in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSand Additional Rent defined as, without offset including but not exclusively, Default charges, clean up charges, dumpster charges, damages to the Leased Space or deduction. Rent Facility, and other unpaid fees or charges, shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, payable monthly to Operator in advance, in equal monthly installments without demand or notice on the Renewal Date of DOLLARS. The last installment each month which is the of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that month during the term of this lease Rental Agreement. The initial prepaid period is less defined as the (“Initial Term”). All extensions and renewals thereafter shall be the (“Term”). If Occupant vacates on a day other than the day before the Renewal Date, Occupant shall not be entitled to a full calendar year, and that refund of a pro rata portion of the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments Rent for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantmonth in which the termination occurs. In The Monthly Rent and/or other fees as noted in Provision 4 may be changed at any time by the event Operator by giving the rent is not paid Occupant, at the office of the Houses address provided below, thirty (30) days written notice prior to the close Renewal Date in which the Rent charge or other charge becomes effective. Any adjustment in the Rent shall not affect the terms of this Rental Agreement and all other terms and conditions remain in full force and effect. Occupant agrees to pay Rent: in person at the business day on Office Address – cash is not accepted; by the 2nd day Facility payment drop box “Drop Slot”, if available at the Facility; via Operator’s automated rental terminal “Kiosk”; by mail to the Office Address listed above; or with a credit/debit card which may be used in the following ways: in person at the Facility’s Office Address; by phone call to the Facility; Operator’s Kiosk; by mobile application Store Here Self Storage phone application “App”; or by advance written authorization, Occupant shall not pay Rent via the Drop Slot, nor mail cash to the Office Address. Occupant shall not place any Change of Address in the monthDrop Slot. Any Rent payment made by the website, Tenant shall pay a late charge which Kiosk, or App, must be in the full amount due at the time of payment. If less than full payment is made over the website, Kiosk, or App, said payment shall be treated as additional rent. If deemed automatically refused and any sums submitted shall be returned to Occupant at Occupant’s last known address, even if Occupant obtains a receipt from the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturdaywebsite, SundayKiosk, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior App. Occupant shall not fail to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holidaypay Rent because Occupant does not receive an invoice. If rent All payments are mailed, the late charge received will be applied first to any mail received after fees and charges due and owing, then to the 2nd day oldest outstanding Rent obligation. Operator shall require payments of Rent to be in the month. To ensure timely paymentform of cash, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying money order or cashier’s check in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus Occupant is in Default or has any additional bank charges, payment due Operator returned for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient reason, including insufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said credit/debit card charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instanceback, or once Occupant is Thirty One (31) or more days late, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for Operator refuses all monies due from a Tenant who checks if Occupant has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned at any time for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen any reason. No payments of any kind can be made within Five (155) days advance notice in the event such election of a lien sale unless said payment is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late chargesdirectly in hand, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If Operator, at the payment tendered Facility, by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstandingcash, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenantcertified or cashier’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordcheckonly.

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Samples: Rental Agreement Arizona

Rent. Tenant, in return All rental charges are assessed to a resident’s Xxxxxx account by the start of the term. The following payment methods are acceptable: Payment to the Business Office for the use of the Premises, and entire term may be made in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the a lump sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than the first week of classes. The Business Office will accept cash, 20 Commencing ,20 personal check, bank transfer (International Students only), Visa or MasterCard. Residents utilizing the Tuition Payment System Installment Plan may incorporate rental payments into their plan. Rental fees will be divided into four payments and are due according to the dates set by TPS. A $25 fee is required to participate in the installment plan. For more information, please make inquiries to Payments may be made online using Visa or MasterCard. CONTRACT CANCELLATION AND REFUNDS Housing accommodations covered by this contract will be canceled if the resident withdraws from Xxxxxx, or if the student’s marital status changes (to affect his or her housing arrangements). All rental charges for contract dates from the start of the term until the end of the period covered by the contract will be the responsibility of the student. If a student must vacate for any reasons listed above or for other reasons, the remainder of the rent shall for the contracted term will be due immediately upon vacating the property and must be paid on prior to departure. Any requests for alternative payment arrangements can only be negotiated in person in the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSseminary business office. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable Permanent residents who choose to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses vacate prior to the close contract end date and thereby cancel this housing contract (or who cancel their housing renewal less than 30 days prior to move-in) must provide written notification of intent to vacate a minimum of 30 days prior to move-out. They will be responsible for all rental charges until the end of the business thirty day period and will forfeit any and all housing deposits on file. If for any reason there is no housing deposit on file, a fine in the 2nd day amount of the monthrequired deposit for the assigned unit will be assessed to the Xxxxxx account. Additional fines for improper check-out will also be levied if necessary. Permanent residents who provide written notification with less than 30 days remaining in the current term will be asked to leave at the end of the current term. In this event, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall the resident will only be treated as additional rentbilled until the end of the term and the housing deposit will still be forfeited. Additional fines for improper check-out will be levied if necessary. Permanent residents who choose to vacate at the completion of the Fall semester must notify the Housing Office through the online renewal form on in writing no later than November 18, 2015. They will be responsible for all charges incurred during the Fall semester, but will be eligible for housing deposit refund. Move-out will be no later than December 18, 2015. Commuter residents who cancel their hosing after the second week of classes will be responsible for the entire semester’s rental fees, but will be eligible for the housing deposit refund. Written notification must be received by the end of the second week of classes. All keys are due promptly to the Housing Office. The Seminary reserves the right to cancel this contract in the event that the resident is non-compliant with the regulations set forth in this contract. In most cases, the resident will receive one warning from the Seminary. If the 2nd day resident continues to be non-compliant with the terms of this contract, the Seminary will cancel the contract and the resident will be evicted without refund of rent or security deposit. In cases in which the resident may cause harm to self or other community members, the warning will be forgone. The Seminary can act solely on the basis of the month falls on concern without proof that the concern is validated. Out of the welfare for the community, any behavior or actions of residents that disrupts any part of the community in a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed way that causes others to be concerned about their safety can be deemed bases for eviction without validation by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordSeminary.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Wesley Theological Seminary

Rent. Tenant, in return for (a) Commencing on the use first day of the Premisesfirst full month following the Commencement Date (“Rent Commencement Date”), and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each monthLease Year thereafter through the first day of the tenth Lease Year, Tenant, in advanceconsideration of the covenants made by Landlord, covenants and agrees to pay to Landlord an initial annual base rent ("Base Rent") for the Premises. of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($100,000.00), in equal monthly installments annual installments, plus applicable sales and use taxes. Tenant will also pay a prorated amount of DOLLARSBase Rent from the Commencement Date to the first day of the first month following the Rent Commencement Date. The last installment Landlord shall receive the Base Rent, free from all taxes, charges, expenses, costs, and deductions of DOLLARS every description. Thereafter, Landlord and Tenant agree that the Base Rent specified above will increase each subsequent Lease Year during the Term at the rate of two percent (2%) per year (“2% Base Rent Increase”), effective on the first (1st) day of each subsequent Lease Year and shall be due on ,20 subject to a ten (10) year Consumer Price Index reset (“CPI Reset”) using the Consumer Price Index as more particularly set forth below, each ten (10) year Lease Year period. Base Rent shall be paid in advance in annual installments on the first (1st) day of each Lease Year to Landlord at the office address set forth above, unless Landlord notifies Tenant of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXa different address in writing, XXXXXXXXX XXwithout demand, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000deduction or offset. Checks tendered for rent All amounts payable by Tenant to Landlord pursuant to the terms of this Lease other than Base Rent shall be made payable referred to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that herein as “Additional Rent” and the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, “Rent" shall mean Base Rent and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordAdditional Rent.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Ground Lease Agreement

Rent. All sums required to be paid by Tenant under this Lease constitute "rent." The term "rent" or "rental", when used in this Lease, includes Base Rent, Real Property Taxes, insurance all other sums payable hereunder by Tenant. Tenant's rent payments shall be made to Landlord at Landlord's address stated in Section 1.L. above or at any other address within the Continental United States that Landlord may specify by written notice to Tenant. Landlord shall provide Tenant written notice of any change of address at least thirty (30) days prior to the due date of any rent payments to be made at any address other than that stated in Section 1.L. above. No payment made by Tenant or received by Landlord in an amount less than the amount then due shall be deemed to be other than a partial payment, nor shall any endorsement or statement on any check or any letter accompanying any check or payment as rent or any other sum payable hereunder be deemed an accord and satisfaction, and Landlord may accept any such check or payment without prejudice to Landlord's right to recover the balance of such amount from Tenant or to pursue any other remedy in return for this Lease or by law provided. Beginning with the use Commencement Date and continuing thereafter until the expiration of the PremisesTerm (as the same may be extended by agreement in writing), and Tenant agrees to pay Landlord the Base Rent in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSadvance, without offset notice or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than demand, 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first (1st) day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at every month during the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term Term of this lease Lease. Time is less than a full calendar yearof the essence in payment of all rent and other amounts due Landlord hereunder, same being required for payment of mortgage debt service and that other mortgage obligations of Landlord on the contract amount has been allocated into premises. If any monthly rent payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at received by Landlord by the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd first (1st) day of the month falls on a Saturdayin which such rent payment was due, SundayTenant shall pay, or a holiday observed by the Housesas additional rent, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening five percent (5%) of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailedsuch amount due, the and such late charge will shall be applied to any mail received after due upon receipt of Landlord's written demand; provided, however, Tenant shall not incur such late charge until the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. fifteenth (15th) day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day until such time as Tenant has been late more than once during any calendar year of the monthTerm. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall also pay to Landlord, upon demand, $500.00 for each check tendered to Landlord a charge in payment of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00)rent or any other payment due Landlord hereunder, plus any additional bank charges, which is returned uncollected to Landlord. All rent shall be prorated for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordpartial month.

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Samples: Suit Lease Agreement (Englobal Corp)

Rent. TenantThroughout the term of this Lease, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the following base rent: Lease Year Annual Base Rent Monthly Rent Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Tenant shall pay base rent to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSnotice or demand, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each monthmonth (time being of the essence) in equal monthly installments, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSwithout any defense, deduction or setoff whatsoever. The last installment of DOLLARS Payments shall be delivered to: Crostone Portland LLC, c/o Redstone, 000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx 000, Xxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000, Attention: Property Management. Upon agreement of the parties, Tenant may pay rent by electronic funds transfer or ACH, and in such event the parties shall provide one another with such information and shall complete such forms as may be necessary to facilitate payment in such fashion. Landlord may assess a late fee equal to the greater of $25 or 10% of the amount due for each payment not received by Landlord by the 7th day of any month. Tenant will be in immediate default if Landlord has not received rent on ,20 Rent or before the 10th day of any month, and any rent not received by such date shall be paid bear interest from the due date to the date of payment at the office rate of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000twelve percent (12%) per annum. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, 35 fee for any every check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, insufficient funds or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instancedishonored, and Landlord shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves thereafter have the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cashby cashier's check, certified check or money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied Xxxxxx agrees to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from of money or charges of whatsoever nature required to be paid under other provisions of this Lease by Tenant to Landlord as additional rent. No payment by Tenant or receipt by Landlord of a lesser amount than any rents required by this Lease shall be deemed to be other than an account of the earliest stipulated rents or sums, nor shall any endorsement or statement on any check or any letter accompanying any check or payment as rent or any sums be deemed an accord and satisfaction, and Landlord may accept such check or payment without prejudice to Landlord's right to recover the balance of such rent or pursue any other remedy provided in this Lease.

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Rent. Tenant, in return for the use The SUBLESSEE shall pay annual rent equal to Lessor's actual cost of operation of the PremisesVan Vleet Building, and in consideration including 98% of actual cost of utilities of the covenants and agreements contained hereinVan Vleet Building, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deductionas shown on Exhibit C hereto. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 initial annual rent shall be paid estimated and divided into twelve (12) equal monthly installments. Such rent shall be payable on the Effective Date and the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that month thereafter during the term of this lease is less than Sublease without demand or offset, except as stated herein. The rental amount will be adjusted every quarter, starting July 1, 2005, in accordance with this Section 2 to reflect a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office equal to LESSOR's actual cost of the Houses prior to the close operation of the business day on the 2nd day Van Vleet Building and 98% of the monthbuilding's utilities, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than accordance with Exhibit C. Within fifteen (15) days advance notice in after June 30, 2005 and each quarter thereafter, SUBLESSOR shall submit to SUBLESSEE a statement of actual costs of operation for such quarter. If the event actual costs exceed the rent paid for such election period, then SUBLESSEE shall remit such difference to SUBLESSOR within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the statement. If the rent paid exceeds the actual costs, then SUBLESSOR shall apply such difference as a credit on the next rental payment. Any remaining rental credits outstanding at the termination of this Sublease shall be forfeited to SUBLESSOR unless LESSOR shall exercise its rights to terminate the Lease and SUBLESSEE shall lose any rights afforded it hereunder prior to the expiration of the Term. Additionally, after the receipt of the statement, SUBLESSOR shall adjust the rental amount to be paid each subsequent month such that the monthly payment is made by Landlordequal to one-twelfth (1/12) of the actual cost of operation on an annualized basis and Exhibit C shall be amended accordingly. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) "Actual cost of operation" shall mean all the costs and expenses paid or incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying LESSOR in owning, maintaining, operating and repairing the same Premises and the building in which the Premises are located, including but not limited to the current monthly rent. If costs of capital improvements to the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstandingbuilding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the differencedepreciation charges, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordcustodial services, if any, utilities, elevator maintenance, pest control services, steam boiler inspection, hot water boiler inspection, chiller maintenance, trash disposal, lighting and other building maintenance and repair costs.

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Samples: Sublease (GTX Inc /De/)

Rent. Tenant, in return for Starting on the use of date that is 30 days after the Premises, Term Commencement Date and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each monthevery month thereafter, Tenant will pay rent in advanceadvance a total annual rental of Twenty-Two Thousand, Two Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($22,200) to be paid in equal monthly installments installments. (“Rent”). Beginning on the first anniversary of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that Commencement Date and continuing throughout the term of this Agreement, including any extensions or additional extensions, the annual rental due herein shall increase by 2% over the annual rental due during the immediately preceding year. Rent for any partial months will be prorated based upon a 30-day month. If upon expiration of the Term the Parties are negotiating a new lease is less than or a full calendar yearlease extension, and that then this Agreement shall continue during such negotiations on a month to month basis at the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for rental in effect as of the ease and convenience date of both Landlord and Tenantthe expiration of the Term. In the event that the rent is Parties are not paid at in the office process of negotiating a new lease or lease extension and Tenant holds over after the expiration or earlier termination of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstandingTerm, then Tenant shall immediately pay rent at the differencethen existing monthly rate or on the existing monthly pro-rata basis if based upon a longer payment term, plus any late charge incurred until the removal of the communications equipment is completed. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Section, Xxxxxx’s obligation to pay Rent is contingent upon Xxxxxx’s receipt of an IRS approved W-9 form setting forth the tax identification number of Landlord or of the person or entity to whom Rent is to be made payable as directed in writing by virtue Landlord. Rent will be sent to Landlord pursuant to Landlord’s electronic enrollment as described below. Landlord xxxxxx agrees to receive payments electronically using Xxxxxx’s designated electronic platform unless an alternative payment method is agreed to in writing by the parties. Xxxxxxxx agrees to enroll for electronic payment no less than thirty (30) days prior to the due date of the first payment. All of Tenant’s failure to payment obligations set forth in this Agreement are conditioned upon Landlord’s timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.enrollment for electronic payment. Landlord may obtain electronic payment enrollment forms by contacting Tenant’s “Landlord Solutions” department at 000-000-0000 or by submitting a ticket for direct deposit via the landlord portal at xxxxx://

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Samples: Site Agreement

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Sublessee shall pay to Landlord without further demand Sublessor rent for the Subleased ---- Premises equal to all rent payable by Sublessor under the Prime Lease (excluding rent payable pursuant to Rider No. 2 of the Prime Lease) multiplied by a fraction with the numerator being the number of rentable square feet in the Subleased Premises and the denominator being the total number of rentable square feet of the Premises under the Prime Lease (excluding space leased pursuant to Rider No. 2 of the Prime Lease) ("Sublessee's Share"). Sublessee's Share of base rent payable to Sublessor shall be the monthly sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid $31,291.30 payable in advance on the first day of each month, commencing with the first payment on _____________, 1999 and continuing on the first day of each calendar month thereafter until September 1, 1999, on which date such monthly sum shall be increased to $32,982.72 and such sum shall be payable to Sublessor on the first day of each calendar month thereafter without demand so long as this Sublease remains in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSeffect. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be rent due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that any fractional month during the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, Sublease shall be prorated based on the number of days in such month. Sublessee shall pay as additional rent Sublessee's Share of operating expenses and that any other payment of rent or other payments required to be made by Sublessor under the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office terms of the Houses prior Prime Lease. Additionally, Sublessee agrees to pay to Sublessor an amount equal to Sublessee's Share of Sublessor's total expenses for security services incurred with respect to the close of Premises under the business day Prime Lease. The initial monthly payment for security services shall be $2,841.59. Such sum shall be payable on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening due date of the first business day following monthly installment of rent payable to Sublessor under this Sublease and security expenses for fractional months shall be prorated. Upon any change in the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailedcost of security services, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day Sublessor shall notify Sublessee of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month such change and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant Sublessee shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant Sublessee's Share of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting revised amount from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form date of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice change in the event cost of such election is made services and Sublessee shall pay to Sublessor the revised monthly amount for security services. All sums payable by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied Sublessee to any outstanding charges (such Sublessor pursuant to this Paragraph 3 are hereinafter referred to as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly "rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord."

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Samples: Sublease Agreement (Lifepoint Hospitals Inc)

Rent. Tenant6.1 From and after the Lease Effective Date, in return for Tenant shall pay base rent during each Lease Year to Landlord as follows: For each Lease Year or portion thereof occurring during the use of the PremisesLease Term, and in consideration of the Tenant covenants and agreements contained herein, shall agrees to pay to Landlord without further demand as and for rent for the sum of DOLLARSPremises, without offset or deduction, and without previous demand therefor except as otherwise expressly set forth herein, a rental in an annual amount equal to the Annual Rental Rate (such annual amount, hereinafter referred to as "Annual Rent"). All Annual Rent shall be paid payable by Tenant by immediately available electronic fund transfer (EFT) via the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network using such instructions as follows: The first installment the Landlord shall provide by written notice to Tenant no less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date that such payment is due (provided, however, that, for the initial payment of DOLLARS Annual Rent due hereunder, Landlord shall be due no later than provide payment instructions by written notice to Tenant within ten (10) calendar days of the Lease Effective Date or such other date as is mutually agreed by the Parties), 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid in advance commencing on the Lease Effective Date and on the first (1st) day of each and every calendar month thereafter during the Lease Term, in an amount equal to one-twelfth (1/12) of the Annual Rent; provided that if (i) the Lease Effective Date shall be other than the first (1st) day of a calendar month, in advance, in equal the first (1st) monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Annual Rent shall be paid the monthly installment prorated by the fraction reached by dividing the number of days remaining from and including the Lease Effective Date to the last day of the calendar month in which the Lease Effective Date occurs by the actual number of days in such month, and (ii) the last date of the Lease Term shall be other than the last day of a calendar month, the last monthly installment of Annual Rent shall be prorated by the fraction reached by dividing the number of days elapsed from and including the first (1st) day of such calendar month to the last day of the Lease Term by the actual number of days in such month, and shall be payable at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid first above set forth or at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge such other place or in such other manner in which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified have given Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance written notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to least thirty

Appears in 1 contract


Rent. Tenant, in return The amount of Base Rent for the use term of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent this Lease shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be in accordance with the attached Exhibit "D", Paragraph A. Monthly installments are due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each calendar month. If the commencement date of this Lease shall fall on a day other than the first day of a calendar month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS the rent shall be due apportioned on ,20 Rent a per diem basis between the commencement date and the first day of the following calendar month and such apportioned sum shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rentsuch commencement date. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturdaycheck tendered by Lessee is returned for insufficient funds, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient uncollected funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said stopped payment, a $25.00 service charge shall be due added. In order to defray the additional expenses involved in collecting and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instancehandling delinquent payments, and Lessee shall be pay on demand in addition to any rent due hereunder, a late charges resulting from charge equal to the check’s lesser of 10% of the base monthly rent or one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) when any installment of rent is past due more than ten (10) days after the due date thereof. Lessee acknowledges that this charge is made to compensate Lessor for additional costs incurred by Lessor as a result of Lessee's failure to clearpay when due and is not a payment for the extension of the rent due date. Failures of Lessor to insist upon the payment of this late charge, isolated or repeated, shall not be deemed a waiver of Lessor's right to collect any such charge for any future delinquencies. In addition, one and one half percent (1-1/2%) per month on the unpaid installment balance will be added for payments received more than twenty (20) days after the due date thereof In no event shall Lessee be charged more than 18% per annum, including all late and other charges. Lessee shall pay as Additional Rent its pro rata share of any Operating Expenses (as hereinafter defined) as shown in Exhibit "D", Paragraph C. Should said Operating Expenses exceed the amount per square foot per annum, shown in Exhibit "D", Paragraph C, Lessor shall deliver to Lessee each year, on or before March 31 (or within a reasonable time thereafter), a Statement setting forth the amount of Operating Expenses paid or incurred by Lessor, directly or indirectly, during the immediately preceding calendar year. The returned check fee Statement shall constitute additional rent hereunderdelineate Lessee's actual pro rata share of the demonstrated Operating Expenses for the preceding calendar year. Landlord reserves Within thirty (30) days after delivery of the right at Statement, Lessee shall pay to Lessor as Additional Rent, Lessee's share of such Operating Expenses not previously paid. Commencing with the rental payment immediately following the receipt of the Statement of Operating Expenses, Lessee shall remit as Additional Rent one-twelfth (1/12) of Lessee's pro rata share of the anticipated Operating Expenses for the following year which exceed those in Exhibit "D" in addition to the scheduled Base Rent. The term Operating Expenses shall be deemed to include, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, the following costs incurred in the normal operating, preventive and corrective maintenance and repair of the office complex and any time during parking lot, garage, landscaping and other common areas used in conjunction therewith, whether paid to employees of Lessor or to independent suppliers or contractors engaged by Lessor: Wages and salaries, taxes imposed in respect to wages and salaries, fringe benefits, worker's compensation and general liability insurance with respect to such salaries and wages, full costs of fees, expenses and charges such as management fees, custodial services, grounds maintenance, security guards, window cleaning, trash removal, elevator preventive and corrective maintenance, air conditioning and heating maintenance, water treatment, inspection and maintenance of pumps, pipes, and plumbing, costs of utilities including electricity and gas consumed in the Term hereof to specify operating and demand a particular form maintenance of payment (whether such form the Project, water and sewer charges, pressure vessels, sprinkler systems, electrical systems, water damage, breakdown or malfunction of payment be cashany machinery and systems, money orderpest control services, or check) for building supplies, insurance premiums, real estate taxes and any special assessments levied against the Project, all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) supplies and taxes incurred in any one or more checks returned for non-sufficient fundsof the foregoing, and all other costs of a general maintenance nature. The Operating Expenses shall not include the cost of any repairs or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord replacements which by sound accounting practices should be capitalized. In this connection the decision of Lessor's accountants shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordfinal.

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Samples: Lease Agreement (Sunpharm Corporation)

Rent. Tenant, in return for 1. For the use initial three (3) calendar years of the PremisesLease term, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand rent in the sum amount of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment Two Hundred Fifty-Five Thousand Dollars ($255,000) per annum payable monthly in advance in the amount of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid $21,250 on the first day of each monthand every month during the term hereof. During the last two calendar years of the Lease term, Tenant shall pay Landlord rent (the “Percentage Rent”) in advancethe amount of three (3%) of the annual gross revenues derived from or arising out of the business conducted by Tenant within or from the Premises (the “Premises Revenues”) (regardless of whether for cash or for credit or where the actual revenues are recorded) for each such calendar year. During the last two calendar years of the Lease term, in equal Tenant shall remit monthly installments estimates on account of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS the Percentage Rent, which estimates shall be paid in advance of the first day of each month. During the fourth calendar year of the term, the monthly estimates shall be in the amount of one-twelfth of the actual Percentage Rent payable for the fourth calendar year of the term, except that Tenant shall continue to pay monthly estimates of $21,250 until the final Percentage Rent due for the fourth calendar year has been finalized. During the last two calendar years of the Lease term, the Tenant shall, within 30 days after the completion of each fiscal quarter, deliver to Landlord a certificate that sets forth the Premises Revenues on ,20 a year-to-date basis and the Percentage Rent due for such quarter. If the actual Percentage Rent due for such quarter is greater than the amount of the estimates paid by Tenant for such quarter, then the certificate shall be accompanied by a payment equal to the shortfall. If the actual Percentage Rent due for such quarter is less than the amount of the estimates paid by Tenant for such quarter, then Tenant shall be entitled to a credit for such overpayment, which credit may be taken by Tenant against the next monthly estimate(s) due hereunder. Each quarterly certificate delivered by Tenant shall be signed by the Tenant’s Vice President-Finance and shall contain undertaking therein that the information contained therein is true, accurate and complete, has been derived from the books and records of Tenant and that Tenant has complied with its obligations under this Paragraph 1. All rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXaddress specified herein above for the Landlord or at such other place as Landlord may designate in writing, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000from time to time. Checks tendered for All rent shall be made payable paid without demand and without counterclaim, deduction or setoff. For the purposes of this Section 1, the term “gross revenues” means the total gross dollar amount of all sales, charges for the rendering of services, or other revenues. The parties intend for the foregoing definition to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSONbe interpreted as broadly as possible. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar yearagrees to maintain financial records, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments which specifically account for gross revenues for the ease and convenience Premises. Tenant further agrees to refrain from taking any actions that would tend to manipulate or decrease the gross revenues for the Premises, including, without limitation, the diversion of both gross revenues with the intent to decrease the amount of rent due hereunder. Landlord and Tenant. In shall have the event right to review the rent is not paid at financial records of Tenant with respect to the office Premises, upon the completion of the Houses prior to the close third year of the business day on Lease term and upon the 2nd day completion of each year of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEPLease term thereafter. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuermaintain such financial records or fails to comply with Landlord’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification request to review such financial records, Landlord may, in its sole discretion, consider Tenant of such instance, and shall to be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify breach of this Lease and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice may take action in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordaccordance with Section 17 hereof.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease (Brown & Brown Inc)

Rent. TenantFor purposes of this Lease, in return each successive period of twelve (12) months during the Lease Term commencing on the Commencement Date shall be a “Lease Year”. As consideration of and for the use of this Lease and the Premises, and in consideration of commencing on the covenants and agreements contained hereinRent Commencement Date, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand an initial net annual rental equal to the sum of DOLLARS$15.00 per square foot with respect to 7807 square feet of Tenant’s Premises located at Suite # 2200, without offset or deductionand $5.00 per square foot with respect to 82 square feet of Tenant’s Premises for storage located in the basement of the Building as reflected on Exhibit A (collectively, the “Rent”). Rent shall will be paid as follows: The adjusted on the first installment day of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid the third Lease Year and on the first day of each monthLease Year thereafter (each such date an “Adjustment Date”) to reflect the increase, if any, in advancethe cost of living from the month and year in which the Commencement Date occurs; provided, however, that Rent for any Lease Year shall not increase by more than 2% over the Rent in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSeffect for the immediately preceding Lease Year. The last installment of DOLLARS In no event shall the annual rent due after the Adjustment Date ever be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease a sum which is less than the annual rent due before the Adjustment Date. The annual rent due as a full calendar yearresult of an increase in the cost of living shall be calculated in accordance with the calculation set forth in this Section 3.01. The basis for computing the cost of living shall be the unadjusted Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers, and that All Items (1982-84 = 100) published by the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor (“Index”). The Index for the ease month and convenience year in which the Commencement Date occurs shall be the “Base Index Number”. The Index for the month immediately preceding the Adjustment Date shall be the “Current Index Number”. The annual Rent for each Lease Year commencing with the third Lease Year shall be the greater of both Landlord and Tenant. In (i) the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses annual Rent then in effect immediately prior to the close Adjustment Date, and (ii) the product obtained from multiplying the amount of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the annual rent must be placed in the designated rent drop effect prior to the opening applicable Adjustment Date by 3 the fraction whose numerator is equal to the Current Index Number and whose denominator is equal to the Base Index Number. Adjusted Annual Rent = Annual Rent Prior to Adjustment Date x Current Index Number Base Index Number If the aforesaid Index is not in existence at the time the determination is to be made, the parties shall use such equivalent price index as is published by a successor government agency in lieu of the first business day following Index; or if no such price index is published, then the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment parties shall use a mutually acceptable equivalent price index as is published by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordgovernmental agency.

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Samples: Lease Agreement (Clarient, Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Subtenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand Sublandlord as rent ("Rent") for the sum Subleased Premises according to the following schedule: FULL SERVICE RENT MONTHLY RENT ----------------- ------------ 11/01/96 - 11/30/96 $1.20/Square Foot/Month ($18,420.00) 12/01/96 - 11/30/97 $1.25/Square Foot/Month ($19,187.50) + 1635.11 12/01/97 - 11/30/98 $1.35/Square Foot/Month ($20,722.50) + 1635.11 The parties hereto agree that the above-referenced Rent paid by Subtenant includes Subtenant's share of DOLLARSall operating expenses including but not limited to the following: real property taxes and assessments, without offset or deductionbuilding insurance ("all risk" fire and property damage coverage), trash removal, all interior and exterior repair and maintenance costs (including janitorial), all utility costs, and any other reasonable costs necessary for the operation and/or maintenance of the Subleased Premises. A schedule of the specific maintenance and janitorial services included as part of the operating expenses hereunder will be provided to Subtenant by Sublandlord upon request. Rent shall be paid payable by Subtenant to Sublandlord in consecutive monthly installments on or before the first day of each calendar month during the Sublease Term (as follows: The hereinafter defined) at the address provided below for Sublandlord. If the Sublease commencement date or the termination date of the Sublease occurs on a date other than the first installment day or the last day, respectively, of DOLLARS a calendar month, then the Rent for such partial month shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent prorated and the prorated Rent shall be paid payable on the Sublease commencement date or on the first day of each monththe calendar month in which the Sublease termination date occurs, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordrespectively.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Cobalt Networks Inc

Rent. Tenant, in return (a) The rent reserved under this Lease for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent Term hereof shall be paid as followsand consist of: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid (i) the Fixed Rent payable in equal monthly installments in advance on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal and every calendar month during the Term (except that Tenant shall pay to Landlord one (1) monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS Fixed Rent on the execution of this Lease, which installment shall be applied to the Monthly Fixed Rent due on ,20 and payable under this Lease); plus (ii) such additional rent (“Additional Rent”) in an amount equal to Tenant’s Proportionate Share of increases in Operating Expenses and Real Estate Taxes (as such terms are defined in Paragraph 3 of this Lease) over the Initial Year Operating Expenses and Initial Year Real Estate Taxes (as such terms are defined in Paragraph 3 of this Lease), as the case may be, as described in Paragraph 3 of this Lease, all charges for services and utilities pursuant to Paragraph 15 hereof, and any other charges or amounts that shall become due and payable hereunder, including, without limitation, the reasonable expenses incurred by Landlord in the enforcement against Tenant or any party taking by or through Tenant of any of the agreements, covenants, and obligations under this Lease and including reasonable legal fees and/or post-judgment collection fees that may accrue in the event suit against Tenant or any party taking by or through Tenant for rent or dispossess proceedings are necessary to obtain the possession of the Demised Premises or to collect the rent, all of which Additional Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000payable as hereinafter provided. Checks tendered for All rent shall be made payable paid to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the its office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rentstated above or such other place Landlord may designate in writing. If the 2nd Commencement Date shall occur on a date other than the first day of a calendar month, or the month falls Expiration Date or other termination date of this Lease shall occur on a Saturday, Sunday, or day other than the last day of a holiday observed by the Housescalendar month, the rent must for the partial month commencing on the Commencement Date or ending on the Expiration Date shall be placed in appropriately pro-rated on the designated rent drop prior to the opening basis of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day pro rata portion of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail calendar month during which such payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will is to be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordmade.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease Agreement (Cellectar Biosciences, Inc.)

Rent. Tenant, in return for Landlord hereby leases to Tenant Suite 150 on the use first floor of the office building located at 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxx Tomball Texas (the “Building”), consisting of 2534 square feet of rentable space (the “Premises”) beginning on the Rental Commencement Date (defined below) for a term of 60 full calendar months (the “Term”). During the Term, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Tenant shall pay rent to Landlord without further demand in (the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid “Base Rent”) as follows: Year 1-5 $13.00sf annually ($2,745.17 per month) The first installment of DOLLARS Rental Commencement Date shall be due no later the date 1 day after Landlord delivers to Tenant the Premises with the alterations shown on Exhibit A substantially completed. If the Rental Commencement Date occurs on a date other than the first day of any month, 20 Commencing ,20 rent then the Rent for such partial month shall be paid prorated. The Term of the Lease will for 60 full calendar months staring on the first day of each the following month, in advance, in equal monthly installments . See Exhibit A for a description of DOLLARSthe alterations and any special provisions. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term Upon execution of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments Lease Tenant shall pay to Landlord $5,490.34 for the ease first month’s rent ($2,745.17) and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantthe Security Deposit ($2,745.17). In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior addition to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the monthBase Rent, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day to Landlord Tenant’s Pro Rata Share of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening cost of maintenance of the first business day following the weekend or holidayBuilding and Common Area. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day The Common Area is defined as that part of the monthBuilding intended for the common use of all tenants, including among other facilities hallways, bathrooms, lobby areas, private streets and alleys, parking lots, landscaping, curbs, loading areas, sidewalks, lighting facilities, and related areas. To ensure timely paymentCommon Area Maintenance Costs include, please mail payment by among other costs, all costs and expenses of maintaining, replacing and repairing the 20th day Building and Common Areas such as lighting, painting, cleaning, policing, inspecting, repairing and replacing, maintaining and repairing the roof, all HVAC units utility mains, lines, grease traps, conduits and other facilities located on, above or under the Common Area, and a reasonable management fee for the management of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEPBuilding. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by checkaddition, Tenant Common Area Maintenance Charges shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.include

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Office Lease

Rent. Tenant, All obligations of Tenant to make payments to Landlord under this Lease shall constitute Rent. Tenant shall pay the Rent at the times and in return the manner hereinafter set forth. Base Rent for the use Leased Premises and Tenant’s Proportionate Share of the PremisesEstimated Operating Cost and Impositions for Space A, Space B, Space C, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent Utility Shaft Space shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS commencing on the Term Commencement Date. Tenant shall be due have no later than obligation to pay Operating Cost or Impositions for the Basement Storage Space, 20 the Penthouse Storage Space, or the Rooftop Satellite Dish Space. Commencing ,20 rent on the Term Commencement Date, Tenant shall be paid pay the Base Rent in twelve (12) equal installments on the first day of each monthcalendar month during each year of the Term including any extension thereof, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last Together with each installment of DOLLARS Base Rent, Tenant shall be due on ,20 pay to Landlord one-twelfth (1/12th) of Tenant’s Proportionate Share of Estimated Operating Cost for the then current year and one-twelfth (1/12th) of Tenant’s Proportionate Share of Estimated Impositions for the then current year. All Gross Rent shall be paid without demand and (except as expressly provided in this Lease) without any reduction, abatement, counterclaim or setoff, at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered address for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day specified on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall Basic Lease Information sheet or at such other address as may be treated as additional rentdesignated by Landlord from time to time. If the 2nd Term commences on a day other than the first day of a calendar month, or if the month falls Term terminates on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by day other than the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd last day of the a calendar month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the then Gross Rent provided for such partial month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant equitably prorated on such date of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, commencement or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordtermination.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Subtenant Improvements Agreement (NewStar Financial, Inc.)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the A. Tenant covenants and agreements contained herein, shall agrees to pay to Landlord without further demand during the sum of DOLLARSLease Term, without offset any setoff or deduction. Rent deduction whatsoever, the full amount of all Base Rental payments, and any adjustments thereof, due in accordance with the rental schedule set forth in Exhibit B-1 hereof (the "Base Rental"), the full amount of all payments of Additional Base Rental due in accordance with Exhibit B-2 hereof and the full amount of all parking charges, if any, due in accordance with this Lease (the "Additional Base Rental") and all such other sums of money as shall become due under this Lease (including, without limitation, any charges for replacement of non-building standard electric lamps and ballasts and any other services, goods or materials furnished by Landlord at Tenant's request), all of which hereinafter may be paid collectively called "Rent." Except as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS otherwise provided herein, the Base Rental and Additional Base Rental for each calendar year or portion thereof during the Lease Term, shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid and payable in advance in equal monthly installments on the first day of each monthcalendar month during the Lease Term and any extensions or renewals hereof, in advanceand Tenant hereby agrees to pay such Base Rental and Additional Base Rental to Landlord without demand, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS provided that no Additional Base Rental shall be due during the 1993 calendar year. If the Lease Term commences on ,20 a day other than the first day of a month or terminates on a day other than the last day of a month, then the installments of Base Rental and Additional Base Rental for such month or months shall be prorated, based on the number of days in such month. All such payments shall be by a good and sufficient check. No payment by Tenant or receipt or acceptance by Landlord of a lesser amount than the correct amount of Rent due under this Lease shall be deemed to be other than a payment on account of the earliest Rent due hereunder, nor shall any endorsement or statement on any check or any letter accompanying any check or payment be deemed an accord and satisfaction, and Landlord may accept such check or payment without prejudice to Landlord's right to recover the balance or pursue any other available remedy. The acceptance by Landlord of any Rent on a date after the due date of such payment shall not be construed to be a waiver of Landlord's right to declare a default for any other late payment. Tenant's covenant to pay Rent shall be paid at the office independent of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of every other covenant set forth in this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordLease.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Office Lease Agreement (Diversified Corporate Resources Inc)

Rent. TenantBeginning on the Commencement Date, but subject to the Abated rent Period described above, Subtenant agrees to pay the Annual Fixed Rent set forth in return for Section 1(L) to the use of Payee specified in Section 1(M), by ACH transfer in accordance with the Premisesinstructions provided in Section 1(O)), and or to such other payee or at such other address as may be designated by notice in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay writing from Sublandlord to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSSubtenant, without offset prior demand therefor and without any deduction or deductionset off whatsoever (except as expressly set forth herein or in the Prime Lease as incorporated herein). Annual Fixed Rent shall be paid in monthly installments (as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid set forth in Section 1(L)) in advance on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments month of DOLLARSthe Term after the Commencement Date. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Annual Fixed Rent shall be paid pro-rated for any partial calendar month at the office beginning and end of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXthe Term, XXXXXXXXX XXAll charges, XXXXXXXcosts and sums required to be paid by Subtenant under this Sublease in addition to Annual Fixed Rent, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable deemed “Additional Rent” and Annual Fixed Rent and Additional Rent shall hereinafter collectively be referred to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSONas “Rent”. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior Subtenant’s covenant to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which Rent shall be treated as additional rentindependent of every other covenant in this Sublease. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior Any amount due from Subtenant to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee Sublandlord under this Sublease that is not paid when rent is paid, fee will due shall bear annual interest from the due date at the lesser of (i) three percent (3%) above the prime rate as reported in The Wall Street Journal on the date closest to the date such payment was required to be taken from deposit two times made hereunder and (ii) the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In highest legal rate permitted under the event Tenant elects to pay laws of the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge Commonwealth of THIRTY DOLLARS Massachusetts ($30.00the “Interest Rate”), plus any additional bank chargessuch interest to accrue from the date due until paid unless otherwise specifically provided herein, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear but the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant payment of such instanceinterest shall not excuse or cure any default by Subtenant under this Sublease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and shall be in addition Sublandlord agrees to any late charges resulting from waive the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form payment of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; interest as provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same immediately preceding sentence with respect to the current monthly rentfirst late payment of Rent during any twelve-month period. If Sublandlord shall also be entitled, on account of a failure by Subtenant to make any payment of Rent when due (except with respect to a first late payment of Rent during any twelve-month period), to charge as Additional Rent a fee equal to five percent (5%) of the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any amount due as compensation for Sublandlord’s administrative costs in investigating and collecting such late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordpayment.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: April 2012 Letter Agreement (Chiasma, Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return All rental charges are assessed to a resident’s Xxxxxx account by the start of the term. The following payment methods are acceptable: Payment to the Business Office for the use of the Premises, and entire term may be made in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the a lump sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than the first week of classes. The Business Office will accept cash, 20 Commencing ,20 personal check, bank transfer (International Students only), Visa or MasterCard. Residents utilizing the Tuition Payment System Installment Plan may incorporate rental payments into their plan. Rental fees will be divided into four payments and are due according to the dates set by TPS. A $25 fee is required to participate in the installment plan. For more information, please make inquiries to Payments may be made online using Visa or MasterCard. CONTRACT CANCELLATION AND REFUNDS Housing accommodations covered by this contract will be canceled if the resident withdraws from Xxxxxx, or if the student’s marital status changes (to affect his or her housing arrangements). All rental charges for contract dates from the start of the term until the end of the period covered by the contract will be the responsibility of the student. If a student must vacate for any reasons listed above or for other reasons, the remainder of the rent shall for the contracted term will be due immediately upon vacating the property and must be paid on prior to departure. Any requests for alternative payment arrangements can only be negotiated in person in the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSseminary business office. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable Permanent residents who choose to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses vacate prior to the close contract end date and thereby cancel this housing contract (or who cancel their housing renewal less than 30 days prior to move-in) must provide written notification of intent to vacate a minimum of 30 days prior to move-out. They will be responsible for all rental charges until the end of the business thirty day period and will forfeit any and all housing deposits on file. If for any reason there is no housing deposit on file, a fine in the 2nd day amount of the monthrequired deposit for the assigned unit will be assessed to the Xxxxxx account. Additional fines for improper check-out will also be levied if necessary. Permanent residents who provide written notification with less than 30 days remaining in the current term will be asked to leave at the end of the current term. In this event, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall the resident will only be treated as additional rentbilled until the end of the term and the housing deposit will still be forfeited. Additional fines for improper check-out will be levied if necessary. Permanent residents who choose to vacate at the completion of the Fall semester must notify the Housing Office through the online renewal form on in writing no later than November 18, 2015. They will be responsible for all charges incurred during the Fall semester, but will be eligible for housing deposit refund. Move-out will be no later than December 18, 2015. The Seminary reserves the right to cancel this contract in the event that the resident is non-compliant with the regulations set forth in this contract. In most cases, the resident will receive one warning from the Seminary. If the 2nd day resident continues to be non-compliant with the terms of this contract, the Seminary will cancel the contract and the resident will be evicted without refund of rent or security deposit. In cases in which the resident may cause harm to self or other community members, the warning will be forgone. The Seminary can act solely on the basis of the month falls on concern without proof that the concern is validated. Out of the welfare for the community, any behavior or actions of residents that disrupts any part of the community in a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed way that causes others to be concerned about their safety can be deemed bases for eviction without validation by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordSeminary.

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Samples: Carroll Housing Contract

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Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in In consideration of this Lease, Tenant promises and agrees to pay Landlord the covenants and agreements contained hereinAdjusted Rental, shall pay to Landlord without further demand which is the sum of DOLLARSthe monthly Basic Rental and monthly Estimated Operating Expenses (subject to adjustment as hereinafter provided in paragraph 3 of Exhibit F) without deduction or setoff, without offset or deductionfor each month of the entire Lease Term. Rent One such monthly installment, together with the Security Deposit, shall be paid as follows: The first payable by Tenant to Landlord contemporaneously with the execution of this Lease, and a like monthly installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid and payable without demand beginning on the first day of the calendar month following the expiration of the first full calendar month of the Lease Term and continuing thereafter on or before the first day of each monthsucceeding calendar month during the Lease Terms hereof. Rent for any fractional month at the beginning of the Lease Term shall be prorated based on one-three hundred sixty-fifth (1/365) of the current annual Adjusted Rental for each day of the partial month this Lease is in effect, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS and shall be due and payable on ,20 Rent shall be paid at or before that date on which Tenant certifies that it has accepted the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable Premises pursuant to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and TenantParagraph 2 hereof. In the event any installment of the rent Adjusted Rental, or any portion thereof, is not paid at received by the office due date thereof, then (without in any way implying Landlord’s consent to such late payment) Tenant, to the extent permitted by law, agrees to pay, in addition to said installment of the Houses prior Adjusted Rental, a late payment charge equal to the close five percent (5%) of the business day on the 2nd day installment of the monthAdjusted Rental, Tenant shall pay a or portion thereof, which is overdue, it being understood that said late payment charge which shall be treated as for the purpose of reimbursing Landlord for the additional rent. If costs and expenses which Landlord presently expects to incur in connection with the 2nd day handling and processing of late installment payments of the month falls on a SaturdayAdjusted Rental which become owing by Tenant to Landlord hereunder. In addition, Sundayif Tenant fails to pay installment of Adjusted Rental, or a holiday observed by the Housesany portion thereof, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received within thirty (30) days after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely paymentdue date thereof, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects or fails to pay any other sum (other than Adjusted Rental) which at any time becomes due to Landlord under any provision of this Lease as and when the rent by checksame becomes due hereunder, then, in either such event, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of interest on such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting overdue amounts from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves due date thereof until paid at an annual rate (the right at any time during “Past Due Rate”) which equals the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form lesser of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or checki) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two eighteen percent (218%) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15ii) days advance notice in the event such election is made highest rate then permitted by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordlaw.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease Agreement (Sigmatel Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return 2.1 The annual base rental (hereinafter called "Annual Base Rental") for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent Premises shall be paid as follows: THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE AND 68/100 DOLLARS ($386,473.68). The first installment of DOLLARS Annual Base Rental shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid payable in equal monthly installments of THIRTY TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIX AND 14/100 DOLLARS ($32,206.14) (hereinafter called "Base Rent") in advance on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSand every calendar month during the Lease Term. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Base Rent shall be paid prorated at the office rate of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX1/30th of the Base Rent per day for any partial month. Beginning July 1, XXXXXXXXX XX1998 and each July 1 thereafter throughout the Lease Term, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent the Annual Base Rental and Base Rent shall be made payable automatically increase by an amount equal to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that three percent (3%) over the term of this lease is less than a full calendar yearpreceding twelve month's Annual Base Rental, and that the contract amount has been allocated into Base Rent. The first monthly Base Rent payment installments (for the ease period beginning June 15, 1997 through July 14, 1997) shall not be required to be paid. or agrees to pay (whether designated Base Rent, additional rent, costs, expenses, damages, losses, or otherwise) (all of which are hereinafter called "Amount Due") as herein provided promptly at the times and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantin the manner herein specified without deduction, setoff, abatement counterclaim, or defense, except as otherwise provided for in this Lease. In the event the rent If any Amount Due is not paid at received by Lessor within five (5) days after written notice following the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day date on the 2nd day of the monthwhich it is due, Tenant Lessee shall pay Lessor a late charge equal to five percent (50%) of the amount of such past due payment, notwithstanding the date on which shall be treated as additional rentsuch payment is actually paid to Lessor. If the 2nd day such Amount Due is not paid, within thirty (30) days of the month falls date on which it was originally due, then, in addition to such late charge, Lessee shall pay Lessor interest on such Amount Due from the date on which it was originally due until the date it is actually paid at a Saturdayrate per annum equal to the lesser of (I) the prime rate of interest announced by Wachovia Bank of Georgia, SundayN.A., or a holiday observed its successors, from in time to time for 90-day unsecured loans to its best commercial customers plus five percent (50%) or (ii) the maximum rate permitted by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holidayapplicable law. If rent payments are mailed, the Any such late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge interest shall be due and payable immediately upon notification at the time of actual payment of the Amount Due. Any Amount Due payable to Tenant of such instance, and Lessor by Lessee shall be paid in addition to any late charges resulting from cash or by check at the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form office of payment (whether such form of payment be cashLessor, money orderc/o Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx/Xxxxxxx, Xxx., Xxxxx 000, 00550 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Duluth, Georgia 30155, or check) for all monies due at such other place or places as Lessor may from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice time to time designate in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordwriting.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Towne Services Inc

Rent. All rent is payable through the Tenant’s Resident Portal Account, or such other place or address designated by Landlord. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, Unit and in consideration of the covenants terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements provisions contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS[Format(Prospect.UserDefinedField("Lease Prep- Total Numeric Amount for Entire Lease"),"Currency"], without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on deduction (the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON“Rent”). Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term Term of this lease is Lease may be less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount Rent has been allocated into installments of [Format(Prospect.UserDefinedField("Lease Prep- Numeric Monthly Rent (0,000.00)"),"Currency")]. Monthly Rent, together with any other payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which Rent due together therewith shall be treated payable in advance without further notice, demand or deduction as additional rent. If the 2nd day follows: The first (1st) installment of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge monthly Rent shall be due on or before the Commencement Date and payable immediately upon notification all payments of monthly Rent due thereafter shall be paid on or before the first (1st) day of each month during the entire Term. Time is of the essence and Rent is past due if not ACTUALLY RECEIVED by Landlord on or before the due date. The first installment of monthly Rent is [Format(Prospect.UserDefinedField("Lease Prep- Numeric First Month's Rent (0,000.00)"),"Currency"]. Tenant's obligation to pay Rent shall be independent of any of Landlord's obligations hereunder. To the extent that Tenant is required or obligated to pay any amounts hereunder to or for the benefit of such instanceLandlord, and which shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure monthly scheduled Rent as provided above, such amounts shall be deemed and considered as additional Rent, and in all respects intended to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify be included and demand a particular form of payment (whether considered as "Rent", as such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice term is defined in the event such election is made by LandlordAct. Tenant acknowledges that Should any rent received by Landlord will first Rent or additional Rent be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late chargesdue, cleaning service feesoutstanding, returned check charges) incurred by unpaid or on behalf accrued at the time of the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, the duty, liability and obligation of Tenant prior to applying pay the same to the current shall survive such expiration or termination. Additional Rent and monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordwill be listed on separate addenda.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Rental Agreement

Rent. TenantTenant covenants and agrees to pay to Landlord, in return as rental for the use Leased Premises, a base rental in the amount of TWENTY THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SIXTY DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($20,360.50) per annum, plus a public factor charge equal to twelve percent (12%) of the Premisesbase rental, and in consideration the total sum of the covenants base rental and agreements contained herein, shall pay the public factor charge to Landlord without further demand be TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED THREE DOLLARS AND SEVENTY-SIX CENTS ($22,803.76) per annum (hereinafter the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid "Base Rent") payable in twelve (12) equal monthly installments in advance on the first day of each monthfull calendar month during the term of this Lease Agreement, in advance, in equal monthly installments the first such payment to include any prorated rental for the period from the date of DOLLARSthe commencement of the Lease Term to the first day of the first full calendar month thereof. The last installment Base Rent and additional rent to be paid under this Section or any other Section of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent this Lease shall be paid by Tenant without any deductions or set-offs whatsoever and without demand. The Tenant shall, on the signing and execution of this Agreement, pay to Landlord, the sum of THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS AND SIXTY-THREE CENTS ($3,800.63) to be applied by the Landlord to the payment of rent for the Leased Premises for the first and last months of the term of this Lease. It is agreed between the respective parties hereto that this payment shall constitute an advance rental, and that the Landlord shall have the unrestricted right to the use of the funds herein provided to be paid. Rent payable under this Section 3 shall be increased annually commencing with the second year and each successive year thereafter during the term of this Lease by an amount equal to four percent (4%) of the amount of rent paid by Tenant during the year preceding each annual increase. All rentals payable by Tenant to Landlord under this Agreement shall be paid to Landlord at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered Landlord herein designated by it for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSONnotices. Tenant hereby acknowledges that will promptly pay all rentals herein prescribed when and as the term of this lease is less than a full calendar yearsame shall become due and payable, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantwithout notice, demand, abatement, deduction or set-off. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a "late charge" not in excess of eight percent (8%) of any installment of rental (or any other charge which shall or payment as may be treated considered additional rental under this Lease) when paid more than five (5) days after the due date thereof, to cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments. In addition to the eight percent (8%), Tenant agrees to pay reasonable attorney fees, court costs or other costs incurred by Landlord as additional a result of the Tenant's delinquent payment of rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, SundayLandlord after ten (10) days written notice to Tenant,shall pay any monies, or a holiday observed by the Housesincur any expenses in correction of violation of covenants herein set forth, the rent must amount so paid or incurred shall, at Landlord's Initials: [ /s/ ] [ /s/ ] Landlord Tenant option, and on written notice to Tenant, be placed considered additional rental payable by Tenant with the first installment of rental thereafter becoming due and payable, and may be collected or enforced as by law provided in the designated rent drop prior respective rentals. All additional costs and monies required to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment paid by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient fundsunder the terms of this Lease, or which otherwise fails are interpreted and understood to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves for purposes of this Lease Agreement under the right at any time during provisions of the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form Real Property Article of payment (whether such form the Annotated Code of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordMaryland.

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Samples: Office Lease Agreement (Bay National Corp)

Rent. Tenant, in return SUBJECT TO THE CONTENTS OF (i) ITEM 1 (g) ABOVE AND (II) THE FINAL THREE PARAGRAPHS OF ITEM 2 ABOVE, covenants and agrees to pay, without demand, recoupment, abatement, deduction or offset, to Landlord Rent and Additional Rent for the use Premises on or before the first (1st) day of the Premisesfirst (1st) full calendar month of the Term hereof and on or before the first (1st) day of each and every successive calendar month thereafter during the full Term of this Lease, subject to the adjustments as provided hereinafter, along with any applicable tax, at the then current rate. Whenever under the terms of this Lease any sum of money is required to be paid by Tenant in addition to the Rent herein reserved, whether or not such sum is herein described as "Additional Rent" or a provision is made for the collection of said sum as "Additional Rent," said sum shall nevertheless, at Landlord's option, if not paid when due, be deemed Additional Rent, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid collectible as follows: The such with the first installment of DOLLARS shall be Rent thereafter falling due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenanthereunder. In the event any installment or increment of Rent or Additional Rent payable under this Lease shall not be paid FOLLOWING DUE NOTICE AND WITHIN THE CURATIVE PERIOD DESCRIBED IN ITEM 20 (A) OF THIS LEASE, THEN, a "late charge" may be charged (as Additional Rent) by Landlord for the rent purpose of defraying the expense and inconvenience incident to handling such overdue payment and for the purpose of compensating Landlord for its attendant inconvenience and loss of cash flow. Said "late charge" shall be the greatest of (a) $200.00, (b) an amount equal to $20.00 multiplied by the number of days after the due date until such payment is not paid at the office received by Landlord, or (c) FIVE PERCENT (5%) of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be past due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordamount.

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Samples: Lease (Liquidmetal Technologies)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, The rent shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deductionbe Monthly Rent (including tax) per month. Rent shall be paid payable as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be Rent is due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid and payable on the first anniversary date of your rental (day 1 of each month), in advanceadvance and without demand. If rental is not paid by the fifth (5th) day after the anniversary date, in equal monthly installments Tenant agrees to pay a LATE CHARGE of DOLLARSLateFee1 with an additional $25.00 Pre-Lien Fee charge after the Fourteenth (14th) day after the anniversary date. Any account Twenty-Nine (29) or more days delinquent will be assessed an additional $25.00 Lien Fee. Tenant agrees to pay a CheckFee charge for each RETURNED CHECK. The last installment of DOLLARS late charges and returned check charges shall be due on ,20 Rent shall deemed as and for rent. A tenant will be charged a fee of to cut their lock, if necessary. Partial payment of rent does not waive or void the legal effect of prior notices given to Tenant unless expressly agreed to in writing by Lessor. Lessor reserves the right to refuse payment by check. At the execution of this lease, Tenant's rent is paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000until PaidThruDate. Checks tendered for rent All rental payments shall be made to the Lessor at the above stated address or at such other place as shall be designated in writing from time to time by Lessor. Any additional charges shall be payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that concurrently with the term of this lease rent payment or at the time the additional charge is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantlevied. In the event of a seizure under Paragraph 12 hereof, it is understood and agreed that the rent liability of Tenant for the rents, charges, costs, and expenses provided for in this Rental Agreement shall not be relinquished, diminished or extinguished prior to payment in full or termination of this Agreement, whichever occurs first in time. It is not paid at further agreed that Tenant shall be personally liable for all rents, charges, costs, expenses to the office date of termination of this Agreement, expenses incurred for the sale and/or disposition of the Houses prior property, advertising costs, attorneys' fees, court costs, and any costs of repair and damages to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated Space or Facility as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEPprovided for below. In the event Tenant elects to pay of a sale or other disposition, it is agreed that the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge date of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, such sale or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee other disposition shall constitute additional rent hereunderthe date of termination of this Agreement. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.Initials:

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Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSLandlord, without notice, demand, deduction or offset or deductionwhatsoever, the Minimum Rent as shown in Article 1(K), payable monthly in advance on the first day of each and every calendar month during the Lease Term from and after the Rent Commencement Date. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment payment of DOLLARS Minimum Rent as set forth in Article 1 hereof, shall be due no later simultaneously with Tenant’s execution of this Lease. In the event that the Rent Commencement Date shall occur on a day other than the first day of the month, 20 Commencing ,20 rent the first rental payment shall be paid adjusted for the fractional monthly period so that all rental payments other than the first shall be due and payable on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal . A late charge of five percent (5%) of the monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS Rent payment shall be due on ,20 added to each and every monthly Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, payment (including Minimum Rent and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent Additional Rent) which is not paid at the office of the Houses received by Landlord on or prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd fifth (5th) day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holidayfor which such payment is due. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums Any amount due from Tenant to Landlord hereunder which is not received by Landlord on or prior to the fifth (5th) day following the date due, including late payment charges, shall bear interest at a rate equal to the lesser of (i) twelve percent (12%) per annum or (ii) the highest rate permitted under applicable law for such obligations, from the due date until paid. The payment of such interest shall not excuse or cure any default by Tenant under this Lease. Landlord’s election not to charge the stated five percent (5%) penalty for any late payment shall not constitute or be a waiver or preclude Landlord from charging such late payment penalty at other times. Landlord shall be entitled to collect from Tenant all expenses incurred by Landlord involving collection of late Rent, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees and court costs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord agrees to waive imposition of the above-described late charge on up to one (1) occasion in any twelve (12) month period, provided Tenant tenders the overdue payment to Landlord within five (5) business days after Tenant’s receipt of written notice from Landlord stating that the payment was not received when due. Landlord may, in its discretion, apply any payments received from Tenant in the following order: first, toward the payment of any interest charges accrued against Tenant’s account; second, toward the payment of any late charges and any legal expenses or additional administrative costs incurred by Landlord to enforce any provision of this Lease; third, toward the payment of Additional Rent, including, without limitation, Taxes, Insurance and/or Operating Expenses (as defined in this Lease); and then, toward the payment of Minimum Rent.

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Samples: Lease Agreement (Learning Tree International Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the A. Tenant covenants and agreements contained herein, shall agrees to pay to Landlord without further demand during the sum of DOLLARSLease Term, without offset any setoff or deductiondeduction whatsoever, the full amount of all Base Rental payments, subject to the Rent Abatement set forth in Exhibit E hereof, and any adjustments thereof, due in accordance with the rental schedule set forth in Exhibit B-1 hereof (the "Base Rental"), the full amount of all payments of Additional Base Rental due in accordance with Exhibit B-2 hereof and the full amount of all parking charges, if any, due in accordance with this Lease (the "Additional Base Rental") end all such other reasonable sums of money as shall become due under this Lease (including, without limitation, any reasonable charges for replacement of electric lamps and ballasts and any other services, goods or materials furnished by Landlord at Tenant's request), all of which hereinafter may be collectively called "Rent". Rent shall be paid Except as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS otherwise provided herein, the Base Rental and Additional Base Rental for each calendar year or portion thereof during the Lease Term, shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid and payable in advance in equal monthly installments on the first day of each calendar month during the Lease Term and any extensions or renewals hereof, and tenant hereby agrees to pay such Base Rental and Additional Base Rental to Landlord without demand, provided that the installment of Base Rental for the first full calendar month of the Lease Term shall be payable upon the execution of this Lease by Tenant. If the Lease term, commences on a day other than the first day of a month or terminates on a day other than the last day of a month, in advance, in equal monthly then the installments of DOLLARSBase Rental and Additional Base Rental for such month or months shall be prorated, based on the number of days in such month. All such payments shall be by a good and sufficient check. No payment by Tenant or receipt or acceptance by Landlord of a lesser amount than the correct amount of Rent due under this Lease shall be deemed to be other than a payment on account of the earliest Rent due hereunder, nor shall any endorsement or statement on any check or any letter accompanying any check or payment be deemed an accord and satisfaction, and Landlord may accept such check or payment without prejudice to Landlord's right to recover the balance or pursue any. other available remedy. The last installment acceptance by Landlord of DOLLARS any Rent on a date after the due date of such payment shall not be due on ,20 construed to be a waiver of Landlord's right to declare a default for any other late payment. Tenant's covenant to pay Rent shall be paid at the office independent of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of every other covenant set form in this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordLease.

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Samples: Office Lease Agreement (Alloy Online Inc)

Rent. Tenant4.1. MONTHLY BASE RENT. For the period commencing on the Commencement Date and continuing until May 31, in return for 2021 (the use of “Free Base Rent Period”), Lessee shall not be obligated to pay Monthly Base Rent to Lessor. Notwithstanding the Premisesforegoing, during the Free Base Rent Period and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained hereineach month thereafter, Lessee shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum Lessor all other sums of DOLLARSany type or kind required to be paid by Lessee hereunder, including, without offset or deductionlimitation, additional rent under Section 4.2 of this Lease. Commencing on June 1, 2021 (the “Measurement Date”), and continuing thereafter until the day prior to the first anniversary of the Measurement Date, Lessee shall pay to Lessor a monthly base rental (“Monthly Base Rent”) in the amount of Twenty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Eighteen and 34/100ths dollars ($29,618.34). On each anniversary of the Measurement Date, the Monthly Base Rent shall be paid as follows: increased in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.3. The first installment of DOLLARS Monthly Base Rent due hereunder shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent payable to Lessor by the first day of each month during the Term (at the address stated herein or to such other persons or at such other places as Lessor may designate in writing and shall be paid in lawful money of the United States of America). Monthly Base Rent for any period during the Term which is for less than one (1) month shall be a pro rata portion of the monthly installment. If the Commencement Date does not fall on the first day of each a calendar month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 such month’s Monthly Base Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, on the Commencement Date. The Monthly Base Rent set forth in this Section 4.1 is a negotiated figure and shall be govern whether or not the actual rentable square footage of the Premises is the same as set forth in addition Section 12 hereof. Lessee shall have no right to withhold, deduct or offset any late charges resulting amount from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves Monthly Base Rent or any other sum due hereunder even if the right at any time during actual rentable square footage of the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no Premises is less than fifteen (15) days advance notice that set forth in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordSection 12.

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Samples: Work Letter Agreement (PLBY Group, Inc.)

Rent. TenantDuring the Term, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall Xxxxxx will pay to Landlord without the Rent and Additional Charges in lawful money of the United States of America and legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, in the manner provided in Section 3.3. The Base Rent during any Lease Year is payable in advance in consecutive monthly installments on the fifth (5th) Business Day of each calendar month during that Lease Year and the Percentage Rent during any Lease Year for all the Facilities other than the Ohio Facilities is payable in advance in consecutive monthly installments on the fifth (5th) Business Day of each calendar month during that Lease Year; provided that during the first three (3) months of each Percentage Rent Reset Year the amount of the Percentage Rent payable monthly in advance shall remain the same as in the then preceding Lease Year, and provided further demand that Tenant shall make a payment to Landlord (or be entitled to set off against its Rent payment due) on the sum fifth (5th) Business Day of DOLLARS, without offset the fourth (4th) calendar month of such Lease Year in the amount necessary to “true-up” any Percentage Rent payments not yet (or deductionoverpayments having been) made for such three (3) month period. The Percentage Rent for the Ohio Facilities is payable in advance on the fifth (5th) Business Day of each calendar month and such advance payment shall be paid as follows: The calculated assuming Net Revenues of the applicable month will equal average monthly Net Revenues for the preceding calendar quarter (and for the first installment calendar quarter of DOLLARS the Lease, assuming monthly Net Revenue will equal $ ), provided that Tenant shall make a payment to Landlord (or be entitled to set off against a Rent payment due) on the fifth (5th) Business Day of the following calendar month in the amount necessary to “true-up” any Percentage Rent payments not yet (or overpayments having been) made for such prior month. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, Rent and Additional Charges shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on prorated as to any partial months at the first day beginning and end of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSthe Term. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due parties will agree on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office an allocation of the Houses prior to Base Rent on a declining basis for federal income tax purposes within the close 115/85 safe harbor of Section 467 of the business day on the 2nd day Code, assuming a projected schedule of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, Base Rent for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordthis purpose.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Lease (Gaming & Leisure Properties, Inc.)

Rent. TenantTenant covenants and agrees to pay without demand, in return recoupment, abatement, deduction or offset, to Landlord Rent (and Additional Rent) for the use Premises on or before the first (1st) day of the Premises, and in consideration first (1st) full calendar month of the covenants Term hereof and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset on or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on before the first (1st) day of each monthand every successive calendar month thereafter during the full Term of this Lease, in advancesubject to the adjustments as provided hereinafter, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid along with any applicable tax, at the office current rate of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, six and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantthree-quarters (6.75%) percent. In the event the rent is not paid at Commencement Date occurs on a day other than the office first (1st) day of a calendar month, the first Rent payment shall be in the amount of the Houses prior Rent for one (1) full calendar month, plus the prorated Rent for the calendar month in which the Term of this Lease commences,’ such payment to be due on the Commencement Date. Whenever under the terms of this Lease any sum of money is required to be paid by Tenant in addition to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the monthRent herein reserved, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated whether or not such sum is herein described as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday“Additional Rent”, or a holiday observed by provision is made for the Housescollection of said sum as “Additional Rent” said sum shall nevertheless, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailedat Landlord’s option, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is if not paid when rent is paiddue, fee will be taken from deposit two times deemed Additional Rent, and shall be collectible as such with the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEPfirst installment of Rent thereafter falling due hereunder. In the event Tenant elects to pay any installment or increment of Rent or Additional Rent payable under this Lease shall not be paid when due, a “late charge” of five percent (5%) of the rent amount overdue may be charged (as Additional Rent) by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails the purpose of defraying the expense and inconvenience incident to clear handling such overdue payment and for the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due purpose of compensating Landlord for its attendant inconvenience and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant loss of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordcash flow.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease Agreement (Cross Country Healthcare Inc)

Rent. TenantXxxxxx agrees to pay Landlord a rent of $ along with the monthly HVAC filter maintenance fee of $ 10.00, (refer to HVAC SYSTEM FILTER PROGRAM under "Tenant Obligations" section 12.) for a total rent amount due of $0 per month, payable in return for the use of the Premisesadvance, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset on or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on before the first day of each every month during said term. The rent is payable to: CHARLESTON RENTAL PROPERTIES or as Tenant may be advised from time to time in writing. Rent is considered late on the 4th day of the month. There will be a $10/per month charge included in the above rent rate for quarterly HVAC filter delivery to the property. It is a tenant obligation to install the new filter upon receipt. NOTICE TO TENANT: IF TENANT DOES NOT PAY RENT WITHIN FIVE DAYS OF THE DUE DATE, LANDLORD CAN START TO HAVE TENANT EVICTED AND MAY TERMINATE THE RENTAL AGREEMENT, AS THIS CONSTITUTES WRITTEN NOTICE IN CONSPICUOUS LANGUAGE IN THIS WRITTEN AGREEMENT OF LANDLORD'S INTENTION TO TERMINATE AND PROCEED WITH EVICTION. TENANT WILL RECEIVE NO OTHER WRITTEN NOTICE AS LONG AS TENANT REMAINS IN THIS RENTAL UNIT. Xxxxxx further agrees to pay a late fee of 10% of the monthly rent if rent is not received by the 3rd day of the month, in advance, in equal monthly installments and an additional fee of DOLLARS$100 on the 8th day of the month. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of LATE FEES WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY POSTED ON THE 4TH DAY OF THE MONTH REGARDLESS OF WHAT DAY OF THE WEEK THAT FALLS. OUTSTANDING LATE FEES WILL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME THE MOST AGED RECEIVABLE AND THEREFORE BE PAID FIRST BY XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000RECEIVED BY THE TENANT. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSONTHIS COULD LEAVE YOUR RENT PAYMENT SHORT AND CAUSE MORE LATE FEES. Tenant hereby acknowledges that Where the term of this lease is less the Rental Agreement commences on a day other than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office first day of the Houses prior to month or terminates on a day other than the close of the business day on the 2nd last day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If rent unto the 2nd Landlord in the amount of $ per day for each day of the month falls on a Saturdayof commencement or termination of the Rental Agreement, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop payable prior to the opening Tenant taking possession upon commencement of the Rental Agreement, and payable on the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day final month of the preceding monthRental Agreement upon termination. If paying in person office CLEANING FEES DUE AT LEASE SIGINING: - NONREFUNDABLE PROFESSIONAL HOUSEKEEPER MOVE-OUT CLEANING FEE OF $ - NONREFUNDABLE PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING FEE OF $ These amounts are based on stardard professional move-out cleanings. If, at LANDLORD'S discrection, additional cleaning treatments or replacement of soiled finishes is required, there will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following additional charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordTENANT.

Appears in 1 contract


Rent. TenantBeginning on the Commencement Date, in return Tenant covenants and agrees to pay, without abatement, deduction or offset except as otherwise specifically provided herein, to Landlord, “Base Rent” for the use of the Premises, and in consideration on or before the first (1st) day of the covenants first (1st) full calendar month of the Term hereof and agreements contained on or before the first (1st) day of each and every successive calendar month thereafter during the full Term of this Lease and any renewal thereof, subject to the adjustments as provided hereinafter along with any applicable tax as defined herein, shall pay at the then current rate. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything else to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARScontrary set forth in this Section 4, without offset or deduction. Base Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment abated for the months of DOLLARS shall be due October 2016, October 2017, October 2018, October 2019, October 2020, October 2021, October 2022, and October 2023 (the “Base Rent Abatement”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord, at its option, exercisable no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses thirty (30) days prior to the close Commencement Date, may elect that the Base Rent Abatement shall instead be for the first eight (8) months of the business day Term, commencing on the 2nd day of the monthCommencement Date (i.e., Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rentfrom October 1, 2016 through May 31, 2017). If Tenant fails to pay any regular monthly installment of Base Rent or any other monthly amounts by the 2nd seventh (7th) day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge which such installment is due (provided that Landlord will be applied required to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event give Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance written notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums any such monthly payments two (2) times in any twelve (12) month period prior to such late fees being charged), or if Tenant fails to pay any other sum of money within thirty (30) days after written notice by Landlord to Tenant, or if any check delivered for the payment of Rent is returned for insufficient funds, there will be added to the unpaid amount a late charge based on the monthly prorata percentage of the Default Rate and applied to the amount due from to compensate Landlord for the extra administrative expenses incurred. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary above, Landlord agrees that it will not impose the aforesaid late charges unless Tenant has failed to pay any installment of Rent on the due date thereof (and such failure shall not have been cured on or before the last day of any grace period, if any) two (2) times in any twelve (12) month period. The Base Rent payable by Tenant to LandlordLandlord for the first (1st) Lease Year shall be $1,020,555.00, plus sales tax, based on a rate of $17.00 per square foot of Rentable Area of the Premises per annum, plus sales tax, with a monthly payment of $85,021.25, plus sales tax. The Base Rent (without regard to the Base Rent Abatement as set forth above) shall be adjusted at the beginning of the second (2nd) Lease Year by multiplying the Base Rent then being paid by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the Consumer Price Index - U.S. City average for urban wage earners and clerical workers all items (1982-84 equals 100) (“CPI”) for the third (3rd) month preceding the month of adjustment, and the denominator of which shall be the CPI for the third (3rd) month preceding the Commencement Date. Thereafter, the Base Rent shall be adjusted at the beginning of each succeeding Lease Year during the Term of this Lease (without regard to the Base Rent Abatement if applicable as set forth above) (and not to include the Renewal Periods, as hereinafter defined, if applicable) by multiplying the Base Rent then being paid by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the CPI for the third (3rd) month preceding the month of adjustment, and the denominator of which shall be the CPI for the fifteenth (15th) month preceding the month of adjustment. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, in no event shall Base Rent in any Lease Year be less than the Base Rent paid for the immediately prior Lease Year. Should the CPI become unavailable, a reasonable substitute prepared by the U.S. Department of Labor or other source, as reasonably acceptable to Landlord and Tenant, shall be used. Base Rent shall continue to be payable in monthly installments as otherwise described above until Landlord notifies Tenant of the new monthly Base Rent installment amount. Landlord shall attempt to so notify Tenant prior to the commencement of each new Lease Year. However, failure of Landlord to timely notify Tenant of the new monthly Base Rent installment amount shall not be deemed a waiver by Landlord of the increased rental; the new monthly amount (or any portion not previously paid) shall be payable, retroactive to the commencement of the new Lease Year, upon notification by Landlord to Tenant of the new monthly Base Rent installment amount; provided, however, that if Landlord fails to so notify Tenant within nine (9) months after the date of adjustment, then the CPI adjustment for that year shall be deemed to be waived. In no event shall Base Rent increases exceed two and seventy-five hundredths (2.75%) percent of the Base Rent paid for the immediately prior Lease Year, on a non-cumulative basis.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease (Interval Leisure Group, Inc.)

Rent. TenantThe amount of rent Tenant agrees to pay is $ , in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deductionper month. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be Prorated this month at $ . Full monthly rent is due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSmonth thereafter. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the If rent is not paid at on or before the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd 5th day of the month, Tenant shall pay a fee of $5.00 per day late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If assessed and due beginning the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd 6th day of the month, and each day thereafter. To ensure timely paymentAdministration Fee is $355.00 non-refundable. Deposit is in the amount of $ and is refundable if unit is left clean and in showable condition. Pet deposits are not refundable. This Lease does not include utilities other than water, please mail payment sewer and garbage. The Landlord hereby reserves the right to raise the rent immediately to cover any increases in actual costs in insurance, tax rates, and/or utilities, upon showing Tenant the increased costs. Tenant may not terminate the Rental Agreement for any rent changes as set forth above. TERM – This rental Agreement is for month-to-month or One-year (circle one) tenancy. If a one-year term, after the anniversary date, the Tenant shall be on a month-to-month basis thereafter unless or until another rental Agreement is entered into. Tenant agrees to notice Landlord with at least 30 days written notice of their intent to leave or move their mobile home from the Park, if notice is not given Tenant is obligated for an additional month’s rent. The Tenant agrees that the only pet(s), Tenant has residing with them is Named , which will be accepted by the 20th day Landlord, subject to the Rules and Regulations’ of this Park and Show Low City Code. Non-Refundable Pet Deposit is $ . THE PARK MANAGER – Xxxxxxx Xxxxx - She (They) is (are) authorized to manage Park/Tenant issues including collection of rents, repairs, maintenance, contractors, utilities, and park services, The Tenant will be notified of any changes of managers/agents at the preceding monthtime such change occurs. CABLE BOX: A cable box will be issued to you. The cost of this box is $100.00. If paying at the end of your tenancy or you have damaged it in person office any way you will be open responsible for the first business day $100.00 and it must be paid within 10 days from being damaged. If a notice of monthtermination of tenancy has been given the $100.00 is due immediately. For payments received lateCable Box Number: MONTHLY RENTAL AGREEMENT – CAMPTOWN OF SHOW LOW, LLC RULES and REGULATIONS – Incorporated into this Rental Agreement are the Camptown of Show Low, LLC Mobile Home Park Rules and Regulations and all amendments’ that may be made thereto. The Rules and Regulations are part of this Rental Agreement and the parties agree to abide by same. The Rules and Regulations may be amended, and all amendments shall be in effect upon a 30 days’ notice after the revised Rules and Regulations are provided to Tenant. The current Rules and Regulations are dated November 2017. The Tenant, by its’ signature below, hereby agrees to and acknowledges receipt of, the following charges apply: A fee copies Camptown of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month Show Low, LLC Mobile Home Park Rules and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paidRegulations, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDITCrime Free Lease Addendum and Arizona Landlord/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made Act by Landlord. Additional copies of these are available from the Park Manager upon request. Once Agreement is fully executed Tenant acknowledges that will receive a copy by certified mail at their leased space. ATTORNEYS FEES – Should either party bring a legal action to enforce any rent received by Landlord will first terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be applied entitled to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rentits attorney’s fees and costs. If any part of this agreement is found to be unenforceable for any reason, the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover remainder of the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay provision and of the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordentire agreement will be severable and remain in effect.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Monthly Rental Agreement

Rent. TenantOn the date that Lessee executes this Lease, in return for Lessee shall deliver to Lessor the use of original executed Lease, the PremisesSecurity Deposit, and in consideration all insurance certificates evidencing the insurance required to be obtained by Lessee under Paragraph 12 of the covenants and agreements contained this Lease. Lessee agrees to pay Lessor, without prior notice or demand, or abatement, offset, deduction or claim, except as otherwise provided herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSBase Rent described on Page 1, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid payable in advance at Lessor's address shown on Page 1 on the first day of each monthmonth throughout the term of the Lease. In addition to the Base Rent set forth on Page 1, Lessee shall pay Lessor in advanceadvance and on the first (1st) day of each month throughout the term of this Lease (including any extensions of such term), as additional rent Lessee's share, as set forth on Page 1, of Operating Expenses, Tax Expenses, Common Area Utility Costs, administrative expenses and Utility Expenses, as specified in equal monthly installments Paragraphs 6.A., 6.B., 6.C. and 7 of DOLLARSthis Lease, respectively. Additionally, Lessee shall pay to Lessor as additional rent hereunder, within thirty (30) days after Lessor's written demand therefore (which demand may be made by delivery of a xxxx or statement to Lessee), any and all out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by Lessor to enforce the provisions of this Lease, including, but not limited to, costs associated with any proposed assignment or subletting of all or any portion of the Premises by Lessee, costs associated with the delivery of notices, delivery and recordation of notice(s) of default, reasonable attorneys' fees, expert fees, court costs and filing fees (collectively, the "Enforcement Expenses"). The last installment term "Rent" whenever used herein refers to the aggregate of DOLLARS the Base Rent, Lessee's share of Operating Expenses, Tax Expenses, Insurance Expenses, Administrative Expenses and Utility Expenses, Enforcement Expenses and all other amounts described herein as "additional rent.". If Lessor permits Lessee to occupy the Premises without requiring Lessee to pay rental payments for a period of time, the waiver of the requirement to pay rental payments shall only apply to waiver of the Base Rent and Lessee shall otherwise perform all other obligations of Lessee hereunder, including, but not limited to paying to Lessor any and all amounts considered additional rent, such as Lessee's share of Operating Expenses, Tax Expenses, Common Area Utility Costs, Utility Expenses, and administrative expenses. If, at any time, Lessee is in default of or otherwise breaches any term, condition or provision of this Lease, any such waiver by Lessor of Lessee's requirement to pay rental payments shall be due on ,20 null and void and Lessee shall immediately pay to Lessor all rental payments waived by Lessor. The Rent for any fractional part of a calendar month at the commencement or termination of the Lease Term shall be a prorated amount of the Rent for a full calendar month based upon the actual days in the month. The prorated Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd Commencement Date and the first day of the monthcalendar month in which the date of termination occurs, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordcase may be.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease Agreement (Burke Industries Inc /Ca/)

Rent. TenantConcessionaire shall pay, in return for the use of the Premiseswithout offset, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained hereindeduction, shall pay to Landlord without further demand prior notice, or demand, as "Minimum Annual Rent” the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as followsGuaranteedRent plus the following percentage(s) of gross receipts: The first installment Minimum Percent Bid of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid Annual Gross Receipts Beginning with Contract Year Six (6) and on the first day of each monthfifth Contract Year thereafter, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 the Minimum Annual Rent shall be paid at adjusted to reflect changes in the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000Consumer Price Index (CPI). Checks tendered for rent Such CPI adjustments shall be made payable in accordance with the procedure set forth in Exhibit G, attached to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term and made a part of this lease is less than a full calendar year, Contract. Concessionaire shall make payment of Minimum Annual Rent and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office other payments to State in lawful money of the Houses prior United States. However, if any payment made by a check, draft, or money order is returned to State due to insufficient funds or otherwise, State shall have the close of right, at any time after the business day on return, upon written notice to Concessionaire, to require Concessionaire to make all subsequent payments in cash or by cashier's or certified check. Beginning with the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd fifteenth (15th) day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by following the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening execution of the first business day following Contract, and on or before the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd fifteenth (15th) day of each month thereafter, Concessionaire shall furnish to State a verified statement of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of concession’s gross receipts for the preceding month. If paying Such statement shall be submitted on Form DPR 54, Concessionaire's Monthly Report of Operation, attached hereto as Exhibit B, or in person office will be open a format previously approved by the first business day State, and shall specify the current period and cumulative total of monthgross receipts for the concession through the end of the preceding month for the then current Contract Year. For payments received lateConcessionaire shall also provide such statement for periods of non-operation. Concurrent with such monthly statement, the following charges apply: A Concessionaire shall pay to State the appropriate rental fee based on the gross receipts for the preceding calendar month as prescribed above. Payments to State shall be made to the order of $10.00 after 2ndthe Department of Parks and Recreation and delivered to the District Office identified in Section 54, Contract Notice, or at such other location as may from time to time be designated by State. If, at the end of the Contract Year, the total of monthly percentage rental payments made (or due) during that Contract Year is less than the Minimum Annual Rent required for that Contract Year, the difference shall be remitted to State with the last monthly sales statement for the Contract Year. Payments must be received by State on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after as described above. Any late payment shall constitute a breach of contract, giving rise to State's remedies as set forth below. Further, any late payment will be subject to a late penalty consisting of an administrative charge on the fourth day late amount, calculated at the rate of five percent (5%) of the monthamount of the late payment or portion thereof. The parties agree that the late charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs State will incur because of late payment. Acceptance of the late charge by State shall not constitute a waiver of Concessionaire's default for the overdue amount, nor prevent State from exercising the other rights and remedies granted under this Contract. Concessionaire shall pay the late charge as additional rent with the next monthly rent payment. Any amount due to State, if not paid within five (5) days following the due date, will bear interest from the due date until paid at the rate of ten percent (10%) per year. However, interest shall not be payable on late charges incurred by Concessionaire. Payment of interest shall not excuse or cure any default by Concessionaire. Upon written request by the Concessionaire to State demonstrating unusual or extenuating circumstances causing the late payment, the State, in its sole discretion, may waive the late charge. Further, in the event Concessionaire is prevented from carrying on the operations contemplated herein by reason of an Act of Nature or other reasons beyond Concessionaire's control, and when requested in writing in advance by Concessionaire, Minimum Rent may be abated in proportion to the amount by which gross receipts are reduced by the occurrence for such period of reduced or non- operation, as determined in the sole discretion of State. If late fee this Contract is not paid when rent is paidterminated by State because of Concessionaire's default, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, and if Concessionaire becomes liable for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient fundsdeficiency in rent and/or fees by way of damages or otherwise, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right if at any time during the Term hereof Contract term Concessionaire ceases to specify conduct in the Premises the business referred to herein below, then from and demand a particular form after the time of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money orderthe breach causing this termination, or checkfrom and after the time of the cessation of business, all unpaid rent and/or fees prior to the breach causing termination or cessation of business shall become due and payable. The amount due shall be deemed to be the greater of: (a) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient fundsthe Minimum Rent provided herein, or other problematical payment history; provided however(b) an amount based upon the average of the payments that have accrued to State as percentage rent during the twenty-four (24) months preceding the termination or cessation of business, Landlord unless the termination or cessation occurs within three (3) years of the beginning of the Contract term, in which event the previous twelve (12) (or fewer, if applicable) months shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in be used as the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf basis of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordthis average.

Appears in 1 contract


Rent. TenantConcessionaire shall pay, in return for the use of the Premiseswithout offset, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained hereindeduction, shall pay to Landlord without further demand prior notice, or demand, as "Minimum Annual Rent” the sum of DOLLARSthirty thousand dollars ($30,000) or fifteen percent (15%) of Annual gross receipts, without offset or deductionwhichever sum is greater. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid Beginning with Contract Year Six (6) and on the first day of each monthevery fifth contract year thereafter, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 the Minimum Annual Rent shall be paid at adjusted to reflect changes in the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000Consumer Price Index (CPI). Checks tendered for rent Such CPI adjustments shall be made payable in accordance with the procedure set forth in Exhibit B, attached to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term and made a part of this lease is less than a full calendar year, contract. Concessionaire shall make payment of Minimum Annual Rent and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office other payments to State in lawful money of the Houses prior United States. However, if any payment made by a check, draft, or money order is returned to State due to insufficient funds or otherwise, State shall have the close of right, at any time after the business day on return, upon written notice to Concessionaire, to require Concessionaire to make all subsequent payments in cash or by cashier's or certified check. Beginning with the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd fifteenth (15th) day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to following the opening of the first business day following concession for business, and on or before the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd fifteenth (15th) day of each month thereafter, Concessionaire shall furnish to State a verified statement of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of concession’s gross receipts for the preceding month. If paying Such statement shall be in person office will be open a format provided by State and shall specify the first business day current period and cumulative total of monthgross receipts for the concession through the end of the preceding month for the then current contract year. For payments received lateConcurrent with such monthly statement, the following charges apply: A Concessionaire shall pay to State the appropriate rental fee for the preceding calendar month as prescribed above. Payments to State shall be made to the order of $10.00 after 2ndthe Department of Parks and Recreation and delivered to the District Office identified herein below or at such other location as may from time to time be designated by State. If, at the end of the contract year, the total of monthly percentage rental payments made (or due) during that contract year is less than the Minimum Annual Rent required for that contract year, the difference shall be remitted to State with the last monthly sales statement for the contract year. Payments must be received by State on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after as described above. Any late payment shall constitute a breach of contract, giving rise to State's remedies as set forth below. Further, any late payment will be subject to a late penalty consisting of an administrative charge on the fourth day late amount, calculated at the rate of five percent (5%) of the monthamount of the late payment or portion thereof. The parties agree that the late charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs State will incur because of late payment. Acceptance of the late charge by State shall not constitute a waiver of Concessionaire's default for the overdue amount, nor prevent State from exercising the other rights and remedies granted under this contract. Concessionaire shall pay the late charge as additional rent with the next monthly rent payment. [Initials of concessionaire(s)] Any amount due to State, if not paid within five (5) days following the due date, will bear interest from the due date until paid at the rate of ten percent (10%) per year or, if a higher rate is legally permissible, at the highest rate legally permitted. However, interest shall not be payable on late charges incurred by Concessionaire, nor on any amounts on which late charges are paid by Concessionaire, to the extent this interest would cause the total interest to be in excess of that legally permitted. Payment of interest shall not excuse or cure any default by Concessionaire. Upon written request by the Concessionaire to State demonstrating unusual or extenuating circumstances causing the late payment, the State, in its sole discretion, may waive the late charge. Further, in the event Concessionaire is prevented from carrying on the operations contemplated herein by reason of an Act of Nature or other reasons beyond Concessionaire's control, and when requested in writing in advance by Concessionaire, Minimum Rent may be abated in proportion to the amount by which gross receipts are reduced by the occurrence for such period of reduced or non- operation, as determined in the sole discretion of State. If late fee this contract is not paid when rent is paidterminated by State because of Concessionaire's default, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, and if Concessionaire becomes liable for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient fundsdeficiency in rent and/or fees by way of damages or otherwise, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right if at any time during the Term hereof contract term Concessionaire ceases to specify conduct in the Premises the business referred to herein below, then from and demand a particular form after the time of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money orderthe breach causing this termination, or checkfrom and after the time of the cessation of business, all unpaid rent and/or fees prior to the breach causing termination or cessation of business shall become due and payable. The amount due shall be deemed to be the greater of: (a) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two the Minimum Rent provided herein, or an amount based upon the average of the payments that have accrued to State as percentage rent during the twenty-four (224) months preceding the termination or cessation of business, unless the termination or cessation occurs within three (3) years of the beginning of the contract term, in which event the previous twelve (12) or more checks returned for non-sufficient fundsfewer, or other problematical payment history; provided howeverif applicable), Landlord months shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in be used as the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf basis of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordthis average.

Appears in 1 contract


Rent. TenantTenant shall pay as monthly rent Eighty-four Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Dollars $84,360, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid advance on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that calendar month during the term of this lease lease. The rent shall be paid to Lessor at the address hereinafter provided for giving notice to Lessor, or at such other place or to such other person as Lessor may designate in writing. Rent for the last partial calendar month of this lease, if any, shall be prorated. The monthly rent shall be adjusted annually on the first day of November of each year beginning with November 1, 1996, to reflect changes in the cost of living. The adjustment shall be made by multiplying the rent in effect immediately preceding the adjustment by a fraction wherein the Index at the adjustment date is less than a full calendar yearthe numerator and the Index one (1) year prior thereto is the denominator. “Index” as used herein is defined as the United States Department of Labor Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, Portland, Oregon - Washington, All Items (1982-84 = 100). If the Index information is not available at the date of any adjustment to be made hereunder, the adjustment shall be made as soon as such information is available, retroactive to the effective date, and that any adjustment in the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for rent shall be paid by Tenant to Lessor forthwith upon the ease and convenience furnishing of both Landlord and such information from Lessor to Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at Index becomes unavailable for any reason, the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which adjustment provided herein shall be treated as based upon the most comparable index then available from the United States Department of Labor. Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein, in no event shall the monthly rent be reduced below the amount of Eighty-four Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Dollars ($84,360). All taxes, insurance costs, utility charges, and any other amounts that Tenant is required by this lease to pay or reimburse to Lessor or third parties shall be additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Real Property Lease (National Rv Holdings Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, A. BASE RENT: TENANT shall pay to Landlord LANDLORD as monthly Rent ("Base Rent"), without further demand deduction, setoff, prior notice, or demand, the sum of DOLLARSPER SCHEDULE A Dollars ($______), without offset per month in advance of the first (1st) day of each month, commencing on the date the term commences, and continuing during the term. Monthly Rent for the first month or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment portion of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent it shall be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSthe term commences. The last installment of DOLLARS Monthly Rent for any partial month shall be due on ,20 prorated at the rate of one-thirtieth (1/30th) of the monthly Rent per day. Monthly Rent shall be adjusted according to the schedule attached hereto as Schedule A. Base Rent and all other sums payable to LANDLORD hereunder shall be herein referred to as Rent. All Rent shall he paid to LANDLORD at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000address to which notices to LANDLORD are given. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant B. LATE CHARGES: LANDLORD hereby acknowledges that late payment by TENANT of Rent will cause LANDLORD to incur costs not contemplated by this Lease, the term exact amount of this lease is less than a full calendar yearwhich will be extremely difficult to ascertain. Such costs include, but are not limited to, processing and accounting charges, and late charges, which may be imposed upon LANDLORD by any Lender. Accordingly, if any Rent shall not be received by LANDLORD on or before the date such amount shall be due, then, without any requirement for notice to TENANT, TENANT shall pay to LANDLORD a late charge equal to six percent (6%) of each such overdue amount. If payment is not made within five (5) days after the payment is due, the amount of the late charge shall increase to ten percent (10%) of such overdue amount. The parties hereby agree that such late charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for costs LANDLORD will incur by reason of such late payment. Acceptance of such late charge by LANDLORD shall in no event constitute a waiver of TENANT'S Default or Breach with respect to such overdue amount, nor prevent the ease exercise of any of the other rights and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantremedies granted hereunder. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay that a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturdaybecomes payable hereunder, Sunday, whether or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank chargescollected, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant three (3) installments of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right Base Rent at any time during the Term hereof term, then notwithstanding any provision of this Lease to specify the contrary, Base Rent shall, at LANDLORD'S option, become due and demand a particular form payable quarterly in advance. 7. COMMON AREAS - OPERATING COSTS: TENANT shall pay to LANDLORD at the times set forth in this paragraph TENANT'S Share (as defined in Paragraph 16) of payment (whether such form LANDLORD's operating costs for the building and outside areas in which the Premises are located; in monthly installments payable with the Base Rent, as established by LANDLORD in accordance with Paragraph 16 hereof. LANDLORD'S operating costs include, without limitation, all costs of payment be cash, money order, any kind paid or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by LANDLORD in operating, cleaning, equipping, protecting, lighting, repairing. replacing and maintaining the areas of the building not leased or on behalf of Tenant prior available for lease to applying the same to the current monthly renttenants, common areas, landscaping, parking areas and walkways. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstandingThe costs shall include, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.without

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease (Eip Microwave Inc)

Rent. TenantLessee agrees to pay to Lessor, in return advance, without demand, at X.X.Xxx 0000, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, 00000, as rent for the use demised premises, the total sum of . Lessor may accept said rent in 12 equal installments of in advance, with the Premisesfirst installment due upon signing this lease, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be subsequent installments due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSbeginning and the final installment being due on . The last installment term of DOLLARS occupancy shall be due on ,20 Rent days, commencing and terminating at . Payment(s) may be made via personal check, money order, wire transfer, or cashier’s check only. Lessee shall pay all bank fees associated with wire transfer. Monies received by Lessor from Lessee shall be paid applied in the following manner: First, to any utility payments due; Second, to any outstanding repair or cleaning bills; Third, to any damage deposit amounts due; Fourth to any late fees or service charges due; Fifth, to any past due rent amounts; Sixth, to current rent installment payments due; Seventh, to any other monies due. All parties to this lease hereby grant prior consent for any Lessee to add one or more parking spaces(s) at any time after the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term initial signing of this lease is less than with additional rent payments and deposits for said parking to be made a full calendar yearpart of this lease upon that Lessee(s) placing his/her initials and date hereon. Recycling, UCSD, rent, and deposit charges shall be adjusted accordingly upon the inclusion of any additional Lessee after initial signing date. It is agreed by the parties hereto that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments time of each and all such payments is the essence of this agreement. To cover Lessor's added costs for late payments, there shall be an increase of 5% assessed on the ease unpaid balance of each installment if not paid on or before the 1st day of the month in which that installment falls due. Furthermore, in addition to the 5% penalty mentioned above, an additional $3.00 per day service charge shall be assessed by Lessor for every day after the 1st day that the installment remains unpaid. Where it is customary for joint Lessees to divide the total installment amongst themselves and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantsubmit multiple individual payments to Lessor, a separate $3.00 per day service charge shall be applied to each individual Lessee whose installment share remains delinquent. In the event that one Lessee, among several, elects to pay one or more installment shares in advance, the rent is not paid at the office 5% penalty and $3.00 per day service charge shall still apply to any other Lessees whose installment shares are delinquent. Installment payments are payable only during business hours of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the monthLessor, Tenant shall pay a late charge which 9am-5pm, M-F, excluding holidays. Mailed payments shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not considered paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenantreceived at Lessor’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEPaddress herein provided. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by checkthat any amount due is not paid in good funds, Tenant Lessee shall pay Landlord Lessor a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be 25.00 NSF fee in addition to any late other assessments or service charges resulting from that may accrue before said amount is paid in good funds. Upon such occasion, Lessor shall have the right to demand all subsequent payments be made with cash, cashiers check’s failure to clear, or money order. The returned check fee shall constitute additional acceptance of rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money orderafter it falls due, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient fundsafter knowledge of any breach hereof by Lessee, or other problematical payment history; provided howeverthe giving of any notice or making of any demand, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied whether according to any outstanding charges (such statutory provision or not, or any other act or waiver shall not be construed as late chargesa waiver of Lessor’s right to act without notice or demand or of any other rights hereby given to Lessor, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf as an election not to proceed under the provisions of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordthis Lease.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement of Lease

Rent. TenantDuring the Term, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall Xxxxxx will pay to Landlord without further demand the sum Rent and Additional Charges in lawful money of DOLLARSthe United States of America and legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, without offset in the manner provided in Section 3.3. The Base Rent during any Lease Year is payable in advance in consecutive monthly installments on the fifth (5th) Business Day of each calendar month during that Lease Year and the Percentage Rent during any Lease Year is payable in advance in consecutive monthly installments on the fifth (5th) Business Day of each calendar month during that Lease Year; provided that during the first three (3) months of each Percentage Rent Reset Year the amount of the Percentage Rent payable monthly in advance shall remain the same as in the then preceding Lease Year, and provided, further, that Tenant shall make a payment to Landlord (or deduction. be entitled to set off against its Rent payment due) on the fifth (5th) Business Day of the fourth (4th) calendar month of such Lease Year in the amount necessary to “true-up” any Percentage Rent payments not yet (or overpayments having been) made for such three (3) month period; provided, further, that Tenant shall be paid as follows: The first installment entitled to set off against a Rent payment due hereunder any rent payments made by Xxxxxx’s Parent or one of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid its Subsidiaries to third-party lessors (and not previously set off) under leases (or subleases) existing on the first day Commencement Date, which leases (or subleases) are related to any Facility subject to this Master Lease or provide access or other similar rights to such Facility, if such lease (or sublease) has not been transferred to Landlord either (i) solely because the requisite consents to transfer have not been obtained or (ii) because the rent payable under such lease is satisfied through the payment of each monthlocal development taxes, fees or other amounts paid by Tenant (provided that, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the montheach case, Tenant shall pay certify to Landlord in writing on a late charge which periodic basis as reasonably requested by Landlord the applicable lease (or sublease) and third-party lessor and include reasonable detail regarding the amounts paid thereunder). Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, Rent and Additional Charges shall be treated prorated as additional rent. If to any partial months at the 2nd day beginning and end of the month falls Term. The parties will agree on an allocation of the Base Rent on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by declining basis for federal income tax purposes within the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening 115/85 safe harbor of Section 467 of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailedCode, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day assuming a projected schedule of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, Base Rent for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordthis purpose.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Lease (PENN Entertainment, Inc.)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Subtenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand Manor Care under the sum Master Lease for the ----- Demised Premises an amount equal to 1/12th of DOLLARSthe Annual Base Rent (as hereinafter defined) in advance, without offset demand, deduction, counterclaim or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than offset, 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid and without relief from valuation and appraisement laws or any other deduction for any reason whatsoever, on or before the first day of each and every calendar month during the terms of this Sublease; provided, however, that if the Commencement Date shall be on a day other than the first day of the calendar month or the expiration date shall be a day other than the last day of the calendar month, in advance, in equal the monthly installments of DOLLARS. The rental installment for such first or last installment of DOLLARS fractional month shall be due prorated on ,20 the basis of the number of days during the month this Sublease was in effect in relation to the total number of days in such month. Annual Base Rent for each Lease Year shall be paid calculated in accordance with the following formula: Annual Base Rent = (Sublessor and Manor Care Occupancy Percentage) x (Operating Expenses-Third Party Rental Income) Capitalized terms shall have the meanings given to them in the Master Lease. At Manor Care's sole discretion, at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable any time and from time to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that time during the term of this lease is less than Sublease upon written notice to Subtenant, Manor Care may elect that instead of using the aforesaid formula to calculate Annual Base Rent, Annual Base Rent shall be the number of square feet of space in the Demised Premises times the "Alternate Rent" as hereinafter defined. The Alternate Rent shall be the annual fair market rental value per square foot for the premises in their "as is" condition for the remaining Lease Term, as reasonably determined by lessor based on quoted rental rates at comparable office buildings in the Silver Spring, Maryland area. Should Manor Care so elect, the parties will enter into an amendment to this Sublease establishing the new Annual Base Rent and providing that Subtenant shall pay its pro rata share (based on the ratio of the number of square feet in the Demised Premises to the number of square feet in the Property) of increases in real estate taxes and operating expenses over a full calendar base year, with the terms "real estate taxes", "operating expenses," and that "base year" being defined consistent with the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for definitions of such terms in leases of space in the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In Complex (as defined in the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior Master Lease) to tenants unrelated to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordManor Care.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Choice Hotels Franchising Inc

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand Landlord, rent for the sum Premises ("Base ---- Rent") in accordance with the following schedule: MONTHLY ANNUAL PERIOD BASE RENT BASE RENT Months 1-2 $46,362.33 See Paragraph 3 Months 3-36 $46,362.33 $556,348.00 Months 37-62 $49,928.67 $599,144.00 All installments of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Base Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than payable in advance, 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first (1st) day of each month, calendar month during the term hereof. Base Rent for any partial month during the term hereof shall be prorated based upon the number of days during each of said months that the Lease term was in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSeffect. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 full first month's Base Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant on the date of such instance, and execution of this Lease by Tenant. All Base Rent shall be paid without notice, demand, deduction or offset, at the office of Landlord or to such other person or at such other place as Landlord may designate in addition writing. Notwithstanding anything to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clearcontrary set forth herein, Tenant may occupy the Premises and payment of Base Rent and Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Operating Expenses shall be abated for a period commencing on the Commencement Date and terminating on the last day of the second month of the Lease Term (the "Abatement Rent Period"). The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right If at any time during the Term hereof Primary Term, an Event of Default occurs, Tenant owes Landlord, in addition to specify all other amounts, Base Rent and demand a particular form Tenant's Pro Rata Share of payment (whether such form of payment be cashOperating Expenses abated pursuant to this paragraph during the Abatement Rent Period. Tenant, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, has no obligation to pay the abated amounts if no Event of Default occurs prior to the expiration of the Primary Term. Tenant shall pay to Landlord as "Additional Rent" all other sums due under this Lease. Late payments shall give such specified Tenant be subject to interest and Guarantor no penalties as set forth in Paragraph 19 hereof. In the event that the Premises are determined by Landlord's architect, using its standard methodology for measuring the Building, to contain less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in 21,539 rentable square feet, the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord Base Rent will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordreduced pro rata.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Commencement Date Agreement (Webb Interactive Services Inc)

Rent. Tenant, in return Lessee covenants to pay to Lessor as a net minimum rent (the “Fixed Rent”) during the Lease Term $357,000.00 per annum for the use principal of the PremisesLease Term which precedes November 31, 2006, and in consideration $364,140.00 per annum from November 31, 2006 until November 31, 2007, and $371,422.80 per annum from November 31, 2007 until November 31, 2008, and $378,851.26 per annum from November 31, 2008 until November 31, 2009, and $386,428.29 per annum from November 31, 2009 through the remainder of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deductionLease Term. The Fixed Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid payable in advance in equal monthly installments on the first day of each calendar month. If the Lease Term does not commence on the first day of a month, the Fixed Rent for the month in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSwhich the Lease Term commences shall be appropriately apportioned. The last first installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Fixed Rent shall be paid simultaneously with the execution of this Lease. Each date on which Fixed Rent is payable hereunder is hereinafter referred to as a “Rent Payment Date”. Lessee also covenants to pay, from time to time as provided in this Lease, as Additional Rent: all other amounts and obligations which Lessee assumes or agrees to pay under this Lease; interest at the rate of ten percent per annum on such of the foregoing amounts and obligations as are payable to Lessor and are not paid within ten days after the due date (or, if a demand therefor is required by the terms of this Lease, within ten days after such demand), from the due date or such demand, as the case may be, until the payment thereof; and interest at the rate of ten percent per annum on all installments of Fixed Rent not paid on the due date, from the due date until paid. If Lessee fails to pay any such Additional Rent, Lessor shall have all the rights, powers and remedies provided for in this Lease or at law or in equity or otherwise in the case of nonpayment of rent. Additional Rent shall specifically include any and all utilities, whether paid directly to the providers or to Landlord, full amount of real estate taxes and any and all expenses incurred in connection with environmental issues relating to the Premises. All Fixed Rent and Additional Rent (collectively hereinafter referred to as “Rent”) shall be paid in such coin or currency (or, subject to collection, by good check payable in such coin or currency) of the United States of America as at the time shall be legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated Lessor as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sundayset forth above, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior at such place and to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied such person as Lessor from time to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordmay designate.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease (Atlantic Express Transportation Corp)

Rent. TenantTenant convenants and agrees to pay without demand, in return recorpment, ---- abatement, deduction or offset, to Landlord Rent (and Additional Rent) for the use Premises on or before the first (1st) day of the Premises, and in consideration first (1st) full calendar month of the covenants Term hereof and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset on or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on before the first (1st) day of each monthand every successive calendar month thereafter during the full Term of this Lease, in advancesubject to the adjustments as provided hereinafter, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid along with any applicable tax, at the office current rate of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, six and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantthree-quarters (6.75%) percent. In the event the rent is not paid at Commencement Date occurs on a day other than the office first (1st) day of a calendar month, the first Rent payment shall be in the amount of the Houses prior Rent for one (1) full calendar month, plus the prorated Rent for the calendar month in which the Term of this Lease commences, such payment to be due on the Commencement Date. Whenever under the terms of this Lease any sum of money is required to be paid by Tenant in addition to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the monthRent herein reserved, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated whether or not such sum is herein described as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday"Additional Rent", or a holiday observed by provision is made for the Housescollection of said sum as "Additional Rent" said sum shall nevertheless, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailedat Landlord's option, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is if not paid when rent is paiddue, fee will be taken from deposit two times deemed Additional Rent, and shall be collectible as such with the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEPfirst installment of Rent thereafter falling due hereunder. In the event Tenant elects to pay any installment or increment of Rent or Additional Rent payable under this Lease shall not be paid when due, a "late charge" of five percent (51/6) of the rent amount overdue may be charged (as Additional Rent) by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails the purpose of defraying the expense and inconvenience incident to clear handling such overdue payment and for the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due purpose of compensating Landlord for its attendant inconvenience and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant loss of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to flow,

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease Agreement (Anything Internet Corp)

Rent. TenantAll rent and other amounts paid by the tenants under the Leases (collectively, in return "Rent"), for the use month of Closing shall be prorated as of the PremisesClosing Date based on the respective number of days of ownership of Seller and Purchaser for such month (with Purchaser being deemed the owner on the Closing Date); provided, however, that (i) neither Purchaser nor Seller shall receive credit at Closing for any Rent that is past due (the "Past Due Rent"), and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent (ii) Seller shall be paid as follows: The first installment entitled to all Basic Rent payable under the RR Sublease for periods prior to July 1, 2013 and shall receive a credit at Closing in the amount of DOLLARS any such Basic Rent that is not yet due and payable. Following the Closing, if Purchaser or Seller receives any payment from any tenant for which Past Due Rent is outstanding, such payment shall be distributed in the following order of priority unless otherwise specifically designated by the tenant paying such Past Due Rent: (a) for the rooftop cell tenants: first, on a prorated basis to Purchaser and Seller for Rent due no later than and payable by such tenant under its Lease accruing in the month in which the Closing Date occurs; next, 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on to Purchaser for Rent due and payable by such tenant under its Lease accruing after the first day month in which the Closing Date occurs; and then, after payment in full of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be all such amounts then due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made and payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSONPurchaser from such tenant, to Seller to the extent of all Past Due Rent owed by such tenant, together with interest and late charges, if applicable; and (b) for Tenant: first, to Seller to the extent of all Past Due Rent owed by Tenant (together with interest and late charges, if applicable) attributable to the period prior to July 1, 2013 for which Seller did not receive a credit at Closing; and then, to Purchaser. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent If any Past Due Rent is not paid at to Seller within (60) days after Closing, Seller shall have the office of right to attempt to effect collection by litigation or otherwise so long as Seller does not take any action to terminate the Houses prior tenant's lease or right to possession and so long as such Past Due Rent collected by Seller is distributed in accordance with this Section 5.2. Purchaser shall cooperate with Seller in its efforts to collect Past Due Rent but shall not be required to take any action against any tenant to terminate the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, tenant's lease or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior right to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clearpossession. The returned check fee provisions of this Section 5.2 shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves survive the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordClosing.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Agreement of Purchase and Sale (American Realty Capital Trust IV, Inc.)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSrent, without offset deduction or deductionset off, for the entire term hereof for said premises at the rate of See Paragraph 25A Dollars ($See Paragrxxx 00X) xxx xxxxx. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS Xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxallment shall be due no later and payable on the commencement date recited above, and a like monthly installment shall be due and payable without demand on or before the same day of each succeeding month during the hereby demised term; provided that if the said commencement date should be a date other than the first day of a calendar month, 20 Commencing ,20 there shall be due and payable on the said commencement date as rent for the balance of the calendar month during which the said commencement date shall fall a sum equal to that proportion of the rent for a full month as herein provided which the number of days from the said commencement date to the end of the calendar month during which the said commencement date shall fall bears to the total number of days in such month, and all succeeding installments of rent shall be paid payable on or before the first day of each monthsucceeding calendar month during the hereby demised term as first above provided. In addition, in advanceTenant agrees to deposit with Landlord on the date hereof the sum of See Paragraph 25E Dollars ($See Paragraph 25E), in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS which sum shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXheld by Landlord, XXXXXXXXX XXwithout obligation for interest, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments as security for the ease performance of Tenant's covenants and convenience of both Landlord obligations under this lease, it being expressly understood and Tenant. In the event the rent agreed that such deposit is not paid at an advance rental deposit or a measure of Landlord's damages in case of Tenant's default. Upon the office occurrence of the Houses prior any event of default by Tenant, Landlord may, from time to time, without prejudice to any other remedy provided herein or provided by law, use such fund to the close extent necessary to make good any arrears of the business day on the 2nd day rent and any other damage, injury, expense or liability caused by such event of the month, default; and Tenant shall pay a late charge which to Landlord on demand the amount so applied in order to restore the security deposit to its original amount. If Tenant is not then in default hereunder, any remaining balance of such deposit shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed returned by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant upon termination of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordthis lease.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease Agreement (Stimsonite Corp)

Rent. TenantTenant covenants and agrees to pay, in return without demand, deduction or ---- offset, to Landlord Rent and Additional Rent for the use Premises as described above in Item 1, Section (g), on or before the first (1st) day of the Premises, and in consideration first (1st) full calendar month of the covenants term hereof and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset on or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on before the first (1st) day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at and every successive calendar month thereafter during the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the full term of this lease is less than a full calendar yearLease, and that subject to the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for adjustments as provided hereinafter, along with any applicable tax, at the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantthen current rate. In the event the rent is not paid at Commencement Date occurs on a day other than the office first (1st) day of a calendar month, the first Rent payment shall be in the amount of the Houses prior Rent for one (1) full calendar month plus the prorated Rent for the calendar month in which the term of this Lease commences, such payment to be due on the Commencement Date. Whenever under the terms of this Lease any sum of money is required to be paid by Tenant in addition to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the monthRent herein reserved, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated whether or not such sum is herein described as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, "Additional Rent" or a holiday observed by provision is made for the Housescollection of said sum as "Additional Rent", the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailedsaid sum shall nevertheless, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely paymentat Landlord's option, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is if not paid when rent is paiddue, fee will be taken from deposit two times deemed Additional Rent, and shall be collectible as such with the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEPfirst installment of Rent thereafter falling due hereunder. In the event Tenant elects to pay any installment or increment of Rent or Additional Rent payable under this Lease shall not be paid when due, a "late charge" of five percent (5%) of the rent amount overdue may be charged (as Additional Rent) by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails the purpose of defraying the expense incident to clear handling such overdue payment and for the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant purpose of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. compensating Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form for its attendant loss of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordcash flow.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease (Virtual Mortgage Network Inc)

Rent. Tenant(a) Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor, in return as a monthly rent for the use of premises, during the Premisesterm hereof, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS$11,968.00, without offset or deductionwhich rent is subject to adjustment as provided herein. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS Such monthly rent shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid and payable in advance each month on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSthe month and shall be payable to Lessor at the address shown below. The last first monthly installment of DOLLARS shall be due upon execution of this lease by Lessee. Should this lease commence on ,20 Rent a day other than the first of the month, the rent for such partial month shall be paid at prorated. (b) On the office first day of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXJanuary following the date hereof and on each and every January 1 thereafter during the term hereof, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for the then current rent shall be increased by the percentage increase, if any, in the CPI's Annual Average or December Index for the immediately preceding year over that which existed for the previous year. If index figures are not available for adjustment purposes when rent payments otherwise become due, said rent payments shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSONat the then current rate and adjusted retroactively when said index figures are available. Tenant hereby acknowledges It is herein understood and agreed that in no event will the rent determined by application of the CPI on any January 1 be less than the monthly rent in effect during the preceding year. As used herein, the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year"CPI" shall mean the All Items Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers or Urban Wages Earners and Clerical Workers, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments as determined by Lessor, for the ease and convenience San Francisco-Oakland-San Xxxx area, 1982-84 - 100, as published by the United States Department of both Landlord and TenantLabor. In the event that said CPI is no longer available, the rent is not paid at Index designated by the office Bureau of Labor Statistics as replacing said CPI, or the Houses prior to most comparable substitute as determined by the close Lessor, shall be used thereafter. (c) At the end of the business day on the 2nd day of the montheach calendar year, Tenant Lessee shall pay a late charge which shall be treated to Lessor, as additional rent. If the 2nd day , Lessee's pro-rata share of the month falls on a Saturdayamount, Sundayif any, or a holiday observed by the Houseswhich operating expenses for said calendar year exceed $4.00 per square foot of rentable area. As used herein, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening term "operating expenses" shall mean all costs of management, operation and maintenance of the first business day following land and building of which the weekend or holiday. If rent payments premises are maileda part, including without limitation, management office rental value, the late charge will be applied to cost of all capital improvements required by any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, governmental authority or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by LandlordLessor to maintain operations, employee wages, benefits and overhead expenses, equipment and tools, insurance, janitorial services, landscaping, maintenance and repairs, materials and supplies, scavenger, security services, utilities and taxes. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord4.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Intermune Pharmaceuticals Inc

Rent. TenantA. During each calendar year, in return for or portion thereof, falling within the use of the PremisesLease Term, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand as Additional Base Rental hereunder Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Basic Costs (as defined below) for the sum applicable calendar year. Prior to the Commencement Date and prior to January 1 of DOLLARSeach calendar year during the Lease Term, without offset or deductionas soon thereafter as practical, Landlord shall make a good faith estimate of Basic Costs for the applicable calendar year and Tenant's Pro Rata Share thereof. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on On or before the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full month during such calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as Additional Base Rental, a late charge which monthly installment equal to one-twelfth of Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Landlord's estimate of Basic Costs. Landlord shall have the right from time to time during any such calendar year to revise the estimate of Basic Costs for such year and provide Tenant with a revised statement therefor, and thereafter the amount Tenant shall pay each month shall be treated based upon such revised estimate. If Landlord does not provide Tenant with an estimate of the Basic Costs by January 1 of any calendar year, Tenant shall continue to pay a monthly installment based on the previous year's estimate until such time as additional rentLandlord provides Tenant with an estimate of Basic Costs for the current year. Upon receipt of such current year's estimate, an adjustment shall be made for any month during the current year with respect to which Tenant paid monthly installments of Additional Base Rental based on the previous year's estimate. Tenant shall pay to Landlord for any underpayment within ten (10) days after demand. Any overpayment shall, at Landlord's option, be refunded to Tenant or credited against the installment of Additional Base Rental due for the months immediately following the furnishing of such estimate. Any amounts paid by Tenant based on any estimate shall be subject to adjustment pursuant to the immediately following paragraph when actual Basic Costs are determined for such calendar year. As soon as is practical following the end of each calendar year during the Lease Term, Landlord shall furnish to Tenant a statement of Landlord's actual Basic Costs for the previous calendar year. If the 2nd day amount of estimated Basic Costs actually paid by Tenant for the month falls on a Saturdayprior year is in excess of Tenant's actual Pro Rata Share of Basic Costs for such prior year, Sundaythen Landlord shall apply such overpayment against Additional Base Rental due or to become due hereunder, or a holiday observed by provided if the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop Lease Term expires prior to the opening determination of such overpayment, Landlord shall refund such overpayment to Tenant after first deducting the first business day following the weekend or holidayamount of any Rent due hereunder. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by checkLikewise, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS to Landlord, within ten ($30.00)10) days after demand, plus any additional bank chargesunderpayment with respect to the prior year, for any check returned whether or not the Lease has terminated prior to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to receipt by Tenant of a statement for such instanceunderpayment, and it being understood that this clause shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from survive the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves expiration of the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to LandlordLease.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Office Lease Agreement (Aht Corp)

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Occupant shall pay to Landlord without further demand Owner the sum of DOLLARS$ per month (hereinafter referred to as the “Rent”) for the term of the lease, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid payable on the first Fifth (5th) day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments month of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar yearwithout written demand or billing statement. Occupant shall pay Owner using Site Link, and that accessed through the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and TenantExecutive Storage at Croassroads’s website. In the event the rent is not paid at the office If occupancy of the Houses prior to Storage Space begins on any other day other than the close of the business day on the 2nd first day of the month, Tenant Owner may require a full month’s rent to be paid in advance and the subsequent month’s rent adjusted as agreed. Owner does not pro-rate partial month’s rent. Under no circumstances shall pay the Occupant be entitled to a late charge refund of the first month’s Rent. In addition, Occupant shall not be entiled to a refund of any pro- rated portion of the Rent for the month in which a termination of this RENTAL AGREEMENT occurs. Owner may change the monthly Rent or other charges, as well as any other term of this RENTAL AGREEMENT, which change or changes, will become effective the month following written notice to Occupant from Owner detailing the change, the written notice shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop given at least 30 days prior to the opening date in which the change will take effect. The notice will be by first-class mail or by e-mail at either the postal or e-mail address stated in this RENTAL AGREEMENT. The new rent shall become effective on the next date rent is due. If Occupant has made advanced rental payments, the new rent will be charged against such payments, effective upon giving notice of the first business day following new rate. Any such adjustment in the weekend monthly rent shall not otherwise affect the terms of this RENTAL AGREEMENT and all other terms of this RENTAL AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect. Is there a lien on any items stored? (If yes, Lien Addendum is required) Yes No Is a vehicle or holidaycraft (ie: automobile, motorcycle, snow mobile, trailer, boat, etc. )that requires state registration or licensing being stored? (If rent payments are mailedyes, Vehicle Addendum is required) Yes No Is Occupant a service member in the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely paymentmilitary? (If yes, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee Military I.D. is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instancerequired, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand Military Addendum is required) Yes No Is Occupant a particular form of payment business? (whether such form of payment be cashIf yes, money order, or checka Business Addendum is required) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.Yes No

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Rental Agreement

Rent. Tenant, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord without further demand Landlord, as rent and as an independent obligation, the sum of DOLLARSand 00/100 Dollars ($ .00) each month during the term of this Lease, payable in advance, without offset demand, and without any setoff or deductiondeduction of any kind, on-line, in person, by mail or at such other address as Landlord may direct from time to time. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment Payment of DOLLARS rent shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on or before the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments . Rent paid after the first day of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS each month shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000deemed delinquent. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event If the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day before 5:00pm on the 2nd third (3rd) day of the month, Tenant shall agrees to pay a an administrative late charge which of One Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($100.00) and then Fifty and 00/100 Dollars ($50.00) per day that rent is delinquent thereafter. This sum shall be treated as additional deemed reasonable liquidated damages for the damages Landlord will incur due to the late payment. Rent is to be paid on line using the Landlord’s portal payment system, which may be accessed at xxxx://xxx.xx/TenantPortal . Tenant further agrees that Tenant’s right to possession and of all of Landlord’s obligations under this Lease are expressly contingent upon the prompt payment of rent and that all moneys received by Landlord shall be applied first to non-rent items and then to rent. If the 2nd day term of the month falls this Lease, or possession under this Lease, commences on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of day other than the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month, rent for that month shall be prorated and paid by Tenant upon commencement of this Lease. To ensure timely Tenant shall make all rental payments in full. Payment or receipt of a rental payment of less than the amount stated in this Lease shall be deemed nothing more than a partial payment on that month’s account. Under no circumstances shall Landlord’s acceptance of a partial payment constitute accord and satisfaction. Acceptance of partial payment will not cause a forfeiture of Landlord’s right to collect the balance due on the account despite any endorsement, stipulation, or other statement on any check. Acceptance of any payment that is less than the full amount owed under this Lease does not waive or diminish Landlord’s right of eviction, or any other contractual or statutory right. Accepting money at any time does not waive Landlord’s right to collect late fees, damages, past or future rent or other sums due. Landlord may take whatever lawful measures necessary to collect monies owed, including monetary judgments and wage garnishments. Payments made by any means other than through Landlord’s portal, must be mailed or delivered in sufficient time that the payment will be in Landlord’s office by no later than 5:00 P.M. on the date due. If Tenant pays by check and any check is not honored when tendered for payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month Tenant agrees to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS Fifty and 00/100 Dollars ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, 50.00) for any each check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient fundsLandlord, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instanceplus all applicable late payment charges, and Tenant, thereafter, shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the make all payments on line or by a certified check, cashier’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, or money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Residential Lease

Rent. TenantDuring the Term, in return Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as rent for the use Premises and the Tangible Assets and the Intangible Assets, the sum of Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars for each calendar month, payable on the first (1st) day of each calendar month ("Base Rent") for the current calendar month. If the Term shall commence on a date other than the first day of a calendar month, or shall end on a day other than the last day of a calendar month, the Base Rent for such first or last fractional month shall be such proportion of the Premisesmonthly Base Rent as the number of days in such fractional month for which rent is payable bears to the total number of days in such calendar month, and in consideration such rent for a fractional month shall be payable on or before the first (1st) day of the covenants and agreements contained hereincalendar month following such fractional month. Absolutely no rent or other charge shall be payable by or due from Tenant for any period prior to the Commencement Date. In addition to the Base Rent, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand 30% of Tenant's "Net Profits" from Tenant's business operations at the sum Premises calculated on a monthly basis ("Percentage Rent"). The determination of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent Net Profits shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS made by Tenant's independent certified public accounting firm and shall be due no binding on Landlord, except for obvious errors. Exhibit B hereto lists certain guidelines to be followed by Tenant's independent certified public accounting firm in determining Net Profits for the purposes of this Lease. Tenant shall provide Landlord with monthly sales and income statements not later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall the 20th day of each calendar month for the immediately preceding calendar month. Percentage Rent will be paid due on the first day of each monththe calendar month after the statement of sales and income has been provided by Tenant to Landlord. Tenant’s accounting firm shall provide a certified statement of the Net Profits to Landlord on an annual basis within 60 days of the close of Tenant’s fiscal year. On November 1, 2010 (or the first anniversary of the Commencement Date if the Commencement Date is later than November 1, 2009), Tenant shall pay to Landlord the sum of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars as additional rent ("Additional Rent," the Base Rent, Percentage Rent and Additional Rent are sometimes referred to collectively herein as "Rents"). If any Rents are not paid within five (5) days after the due date and Landlord notifies Tenant, in advancewriting, in equal monthly installments that such Rents have not been paid when due, then a late fee of DOLLARS. The last installment 5% of DOLLARS the Rents which have not been paid when due shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at added to the office Rents if the Rents are not sent to Landlord via overnight courier within two (2) business days after receipt by Tenant of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantnotice from Landlord. In the event the this Lease is terminated, cancelled, annulled, or voided, then all unearned rent is not and other charges paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, in advance by Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received promptly refunded by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlord.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease (Desert Capital Reit Inc)

Rent. As used in this Lease, the term "Rent" shall include: (i) the Base Rent; (ii) Tenant, in return for the use 's Percentage Share of the Premises, Operating Expenses paid or incurred by Landlord during the calendar year; and in consideration (iii) all other amounts which Tenant is obligated to pay under the terms of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay this Lease. All amounts of money payable by Tenant to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid without prior notice or demand, deduction or offset. This Lease is intended to be a triple net lease, with all costs, expenses and charges (including the Operating Expenses) paid by Tenant, except as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSONexpressly prohibited herein. Tenant hereby acknowledges that late payment by Tenant to Landlord of Rent will cause Landlord to incur costs not contemplated by this Lease, the term exact amount of this lease is less than a full calendar yearwhich will be difficult to ascertain. Such costs include, but are not limited to, processing and accounting charges, and that late charges, which may be imposed on Landlord by the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for terms of any trust deed covering the ease and convenience Premises. Accordingly, if any installment of both Rent or any other sums due from Tenant shall not be received by Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the monthwhen due, Tenant shall pay to Landlord a late charge which shall be treated as additional rentequal to six percent (6%) of such overdue amount. If the 2nd day The parties hereby agree that such late charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the month falls on costs Landlord will incur by reason of late payment by Tenant. Acceptance of such late charge by Landlord shall in no event constitute a Saturdaywaiver of Tenant's default with respect to such overdue amount, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening nor prevent Landlord from exercising any of the first business day following the weekend or holidayother rights and remedies granted hereunder. If rent payments are mailedIn addition, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee amount which is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant due shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting bear interest from the check’s failure date due until the date paid at the rate ("Interest Rate") which is the lesser of the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate (or such other comparable rate reasonably designated by Landlord) plus four percent (4%) per annum or the maximum rate permitted by law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing first two (2) failures to pay an amount payable to Landlord when due under this Lease during any twelve (12) month period, no late charge or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord interest shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen be assessed until five (155) days advance after written notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received has been delivered by Landlord will first to Tenant regarding such delinquent payment. After such second notice, no further notices shall be applied required with respect to any outstanding interest and late charges during the remainder of such twelve (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges12) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordmonth period.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Cafeteria License Agreement (Pc Tel Inc)

Rent. Tenant, Rent in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSand Additional Rent defined as, without offset including but not exclusively, Default charges, clean up charges, dumpster charges, damages to the Leased Space or deduction. Rent Facility, and other unpaid fees or charges, shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, payable monthly to Operator in advance, in equal monthly installments without demand or notice on the Renewal Date of DOLLARS. The last installment each month which is the of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that month during the term of this lease Rental Agreement. The initial prepaid period is less defined as the (“Initial Term”). All extensions and renewals thereafter shall be the (“Term”). If Occupant vacates on a day other than the day before the Renewal Date, Occupant shall not be entitled to a full calendar year, and that refund of a pro rata portion of the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments Rent for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantmonth in which the termination occurs. In The Monthly Rent and/or other fees as noted in Provision 5 may be changed at any time by the event Operator by giving the rent is not paid Occupant, at the office of the Houses address provided below, thirty (30) days written notice prior to the close Renewal Date in which the Rent charge or other charge becomes effective. Any adjustment in the Rent shall not affect the terms of this Rental Agreement and all other terms and conditions remain in full force and effect. Occupant agrees to pay Rent: in person at the business day on Office Address - cash is not accepted, unless Occupant is in Default; by the 2nd day Facility payment drop box “Drop Slot”, if available at the Facility; via Operator’s automated rental terminal “Kiosk”; by mail to the Office Address listed above; or with a credit/debit card which may be used in the following ways: in person at the Facility’s Office Address; by phone call to the Facility; Operator’s Kiosk; by mobile application Store Here Self Storage phone application “App”; or by advance written authorization, Occupant shall not pay Rent via the Drop Slot, nor mail cash to the Office Address. Occupant shall not place any Change of Address in the monthDrop Slot. Any Rent payment made by the website, Tenant shall pay a late charge which Kiosk, or App, must be in the full amount due at the time of payment. If less than full payment is made over the website, Kiosk, or App, said payment shall be treated as additional rent. If deemed automatically refused and any sums submitted shall be returned to Occupant at Occupant’s last known address, even if Occupant obtains a receipt from the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturdaywebsite, SundayKiosk, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior App. Occupant shall not fail to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holidaypay Rent because Occupant does not receive an invoice. If rent All payments are mailed, the late charge received will be applied first to any mail received after fees and charges due and owing, then to the 2nd day oldest outstanding Rent obligation. Operator shall require payments of Rent to be in the month. To ensure timely paymentform of cash, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying money order or cashier’s check in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus Occupant is in Default or has any additional bank charges, payment due Operator returned for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient reason, including insufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said credit/debit card charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instanceback, or once Occupant is Thirty One (31) or more days late, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for Operator refuses all monies due from a Tenant who checks if Occupant has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned at any time for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen any reason. No payments of any kind can be made within Five (155) days advance notice in the event such election of a lien sale unless said payment is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late chargesdirectly in hand, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If Operator, at the payment tendered Facility, by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstandingcash, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenantcertified or cashier’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordcheck only.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Rental Agreement

Rent. Tenant(A) Commencing on the Commencement Date, in return for the use of the Premises, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Subtenant shall pay to Landlord without further demand Sublessor rent (herein called "Fixed Rent") hereunder at the sum rate of DOLLARS$660,000 per annum or $55,000 per month, without offset or deductionfor the period from the Commencement Date through December 19, 2000. Fixed Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment adjusted on December 20, 2000 and on each anniversary of DOLLARS the such date during the remainder of the initial term (each, a "Rent Adjustment Date"), by multiplying the Fixed Rent payable immediately prior to the Rent Adjustment Date in question by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent the Consumer Price Index (as hereinafter defined) in effect on the anniversary of the Rent Adjustment Date for the year in which Fixed Rent is being adjusted and the denominator of which shall be paid the Consumer Price Index in effect on the first day immediately preceding anniversary of each monththe Rent Adjustment, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSwhich escalation shall not exceed three (3) percent per annum. The last installment increases in the Fixed Rent set forth herein shall always be calculated upon, and added to, the prior year's Fixed Annual Rent, and are intended to occur at the same time and be calculated in the same manner as increases in "Fixed Annual Rent" under the Main Lease. "Consumer Price Index" or "CPI-U" shall mean the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers of DOLLARS the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics in effect for New York, Northeastern N.J. (1984=100) and generally published at the time the computation is to be made. If the CPI-U is no longer published, then the price index chosen by Prime Landlord and Sublessor under the Main Lease as a replacement price index shall be due on ,20 used to calculate increases in Fixed Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenanthereunder. In the event that Sublessor renews the rent is not paid at Main Lease, and Subtenant exercises its option to renew this Sublease as provided in Section 1(B) above, the office Fixed Rent hereunder during such renewal term shall be equal to the Subtenant's Share of the Houses prior Fixed Rent under the Main Lease, as the same may change from time to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is made by Landlord. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordapplicable renewal term.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Sublease (Infogrames Inc)

Rent. TenantAll sums (including, in return for the use of the Premisesbut not limited to, Minimum Annual Rent, Operating Expense Increases, Additional Service Charges, late charges, interest and attorney's fees) payable by Subtenant to Sublandlord shall be deemed rent, and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar yearSublandlord without notice (except as expressly provided for herein) or other demand, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenantwithout recoupment, counterclaim, set-off or other deduction (except only as herein expressly provided for) (all such sums being herein sometimes collectively referred to as "Rent"). In the event the rent that any amount of Rent payable by Subtenant is not paid at within three (3) days after the office date such payment is due (which due date, with respect to any non-scheduled payments of Rent shall be the Houses prior fifth (5th) day after Subtenant is invoiced therefor if Subtenant is required to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the monthbe invoiced under this Sublease for such payment and if provision for another payment date is not provided for in this Sublease), Tenant Subtenant shall pay to Sublandlord (upon request) a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day equal to five percent (5%) of the month falls on amount not so paid when due, as liquidated damages for the additional charges incurred by Sublandlord as a Saturdayresult of such late payment. In addition, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening if any portion of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the month. If late fee Rent is not paid when rent within ten (10) days after the same is paiddue, fee will be taken from deposit two times Subtenant shall also pay to Sublandlord interest on such unpaid amount, at the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In rate of five percent (5%) over the Prime Rate in the Money Rate Section of the Wall Street Journal (or a comparable alternative index ------------------- selected by Sublandlord in the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, that for any check returned to Landlord reason the Wall Street Journal ------------------- discontinues publication of the Prime Rate) (such rate being the "Stipulated Rate") from the date such Rent is due until the date such Rent is received by Sublandlord. No payment by Subtenant or receipt by Sublandlord of lesser amounts of Rent than those herein provided for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge shall be due deemed to be other than on account of the earliest unpaid Rent. No endorsement or statement on any check or any letter accompanying any check or payment of Rent shall be deemed an accord and payable immediately upon notification satisfaction, and Sublandlord may accept any such check or other payment without prejudice to Tenant Sublandlord's right to recover the balance of such instance, and shall be Rent or pursue any other remedy provided for in addition to any late charges resulting this Sublease or under applicable law. If Sublandlord receives from the check’s failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing Subtenant two (2) or more returned or "bounced" checks returned for non-sufficient fundsin any twelve (12) month period, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event such election is Sublandlord may require all future Rent payments to be made by Landlordcertified check. Tenant acknowledges that Except as hereinabove expressly provided, Rent for any rent received by Landlord will first partial calendar month and/or calendar year during the Sublease Term shall be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by or prorated on behalf of Tenant prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlorda per diem basis.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Sublease Agreement (Iconixx Corp)

Rent. Tenant, in return The Tenant agrees to pay as rent for the use Premises the total sum of $11.81 at the rate of $1.00 per month, plus the proated amount of $0.81 covering the period of July 1 to July 25,2022 should the term of the Premises, and in consideration lease terminate on any other date other than the last day of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARSmonth, without offset demand, at 000 Xxxxxxx Xxxx, Columbus, Ohio 43214 or deduction0000 Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxx, 00000, or such other address as the Landlord may designate. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS shall be is due no later than , 20 Commencing ,20 rent shall be paid on or before the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARSmonth (the Due Date). The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of RENT UNPAID THREE (3) DAYS AFFER THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000DUE DATE IS DELINQUENT AND WILL AUTHORIZE ALL REMEDIES IN THE LEASE. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the If all rent is not paid at received on or before the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd third day of the month, the Tenant shall agrees to pay an initial late charge of 10% of one month's rent, plus a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If rent payments are mailed, the late charge will be applied to any mail received after the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after the fourth day of the monththree (3) days, if rent remains unpaid. If late fee is not paid when rent is paid, fee Tenant will be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A pay an additional $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. In the event Tenant elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant shall pay Landlord a charge of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00), plus any additional bank charges, for any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient insufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bank. Said charge All funds received shall be due applied to: dishonored check charges; late charges; damage charges; delinquent rent; and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant of such instancecurrent rent, in that order. Rent must be paid online through your secured tenant portal. Cash, cashier's check, money order or personal and bussines checks shall not be in addition to any late charges resulting from accepted without the check’s failure to clearLandlord's prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The returned check fee Tenant agrees further that acceptance and/or refusal by the Landlord of the rent payment after the due date shall in no manner constitute additional rent hereunder. Landlord reserves a waiver of the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (whether such form of payment be cash, money order, or check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice Landlord's rights in the event such election of the Tenant's failure to make rental payments as herein prescribed and agreed, nor shall it be considered as a change in the date upon which the Tenant is made to pay said rent. Failure to demand the rent when due shall not constitute a waiver by the Landlord, and the necessity of demand for the rent by the Landlord when the rent is overdue, is hereby waived. Tenant acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as late charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) incurred by On or on behalf of Tenant prior to applying October 1st, the same Tenant, if he/she desires, is encouraged to request in writing that the current monthly rent. If Landlord consider entering into a new lease with the payment tendered by Tenant fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant to Landlordbecome effective following the Lease Termination Date.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease Agreement

Rent. TenantResident, in return for the use and occupancy of the Premises, Premises and in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, shall pay to the Landlord without further demand the sum of DOLLARS, $ 5,460.00 (total amount due for Term) without offset or deduction. Rent shall be paid as follows: The first installment of DOLLARS rent in the amount of $_455.00 (monthly installment amount) shall be due no later than August 1st, 20 Commencing ,20 2016 and continuing on the first day of each month thereafter through July 31st, 2017, rent shall be paid, in advance, in monthly installments equal to installment due on August 1st , 2016. Rent shall be paid at the rental office on the Property. In the event resident chooses to prepay, the Resident shall remain liable for any shortfall in the event that the prepaid rent shall be less than the actual rent (including additional rent hereunder) due and payable under this Lease with respect to the final period. In the event that the prepaid rent shall exceed the actual rent (including additional rent hereunder) due and payable under this Lease with respect to the final period, any such excess amounts shall be held by Landlord as an additional security deposit and shall be subject to all of the requirements set forth herein relating to security deposits. Rent is due in the rental office on the Property prior to the close of business on the first day of each month, in advance, in equal monthly installments of DOLLARS. The last installment of DOLLARS shall be due on ,20 Rent shall be paid at the office of THE XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX XX, XXXXXXX, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 00000. Checks tendered for rent shall be made payable to THE XXXXXX OF CLEMSON. Tenant hereby acknowledges that the term of this lease is less than a full calendar year, and that the contract amount has been allocated into payment installments for the ease and convenience of both Landlord and Tenant. In the event the rent is not paid at the office of the Houses prior to the close of the business day on the 2nd day of the month, Tenant shall pay a late charge which shall be treated as additional rent. If the 2nd day 1st of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday observed by the Houses, The Pointe at U of I the rent must be placed in the designated rent drop prior to the opening close of the first business day following the weekend or holiday. If In the event the rent payments are mailedis not paid at the rental office on the Property prior to the close of business on the 1st of the month, Resident shall pay a late fee of 5% of the late charge will be applied to any mail received after total monthly rental amount per month beginning on the 2nd day of the month. To ensure timely payment, please mail payment by the 20th day of the preceding month. If paying in person office will be open the first business day of month. For payments received late, the following charges apply: A fee of $10.00 after 2nd. day of the month and $ 5.00 per day after continuing until the fourth day Resident’s account is at $0 (zero) balance which shall be treated as additional rent. Such late charges are assessed as liquidated damages to Landlord for the additional expense of the monthadministering late rent payments, and not as a penalty. If late fee is not paid when Checks tendered for rent is paid, fee will shall be taken from deposit two times the fee accumulative month made payable to month. Tenant’s initials: PAYMENTS TYPES TAKEN: CASH OR CHECK. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD WITH A $30.00 FEE PER. MO./DEP. The Pointe at U of I. In the event Tenant Resident elects to pay the rent by check, Tenant Resident shall pay Landlord a charge fee of THIRTY DOLLARS thirty- five dollars ($30.00), plus 35) for any additional check which otherwise fails to clear issuer’s bank charges, as liquidated damages for charges incurred by Landlord by reason of any check returned to Landlord for non-sufficient funds, or which otherwise fails to clear the issuer’s bankand not as a penalty. Said charge Such returned check fee shall be due and payable immediately upon notification to Tenant Resident of such instance, and shall be in addition to any late charges resulting from the check’s 's failure to clear. The returned check fee shall constitute additional rent hereunder. On the second occurrence of a returned check, payment for the late charges, returned check fees, funds due from the returned check, as well as all subsequent rent and other amounts due hereunder shall be by money order, certified check or cashier’s check, as Landlord reserves shall have the right and option of no longer accepting personal checks from the Resident. In addition, Landlordreserves the right at any time during the Term hereof to specify and demand a particular form of payment (for all monies due, whether such form of payment be cash, by money order, certified check or cashier’s check) for all monies due from a Tenant who has had a payment history encompassing two (2) or more checks returned for non-sufficient funds, or other problematical payment history; provided however, Landlord shall give such specified Tenant Resident and Guarantor no less than fifteen (15) days advance notice in the event of such election is made by Landlord. Tenant Landlord shall at all times have the right to refuse payment in the form of "cash" for monies due hereunder. Resident acknowledges that any rent received by Landlord will first be applied to any outstanding charges (such as including, but not limited to, late charges, utility charges, cleaning service fees, returned check charges) fees, and delinquent rent incurred by or on behalf of Tenant Resident prior to applying the same to the current monthly rent. If the payment tendered by Tenant Resident fails to cover the total charges outstanding, then Tenant Resident shall immediately pay the difference, plus any late charge incurred by virtue of Tenant’s Resident's failure to timely pay all sums due from Tenant Resident to Landlord.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Lease (

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