REPORTING AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS. A. Grantee will submit all documented deliverables identified below to the System Agency by the applicable due date outlined below. The following reports must be submitted to System Agency through Clinical Management For Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) and/or any alternative method required by System Agency. Grantee is required to maintain access to required systems or platforms for the term of this Grant Agreement. B. Grantee shall submit all documents listed in the table displayed in this section by the due date stated. C. Grantee will note that if the due date is on a weekend or holiday, the due date is the following business day. D. Grantee shall submit annual Contract closeout documentation, this is required each fiscal year, due October 15. E. Grantee will submit CMBHS Security Attestation Form biannually, according to dates set by the System Agency and listed in the Submission Requirements Table. F. Granteents will survive the termination or expiration of this Contract. G. Grantee will comply when System Agency requires additional deliverables in accordance with federal and/or state requirements. H. The Submission Requirements Table is below: Requirement Report Name Due Date Submission System Deliverable Name Section V Community Resource Guide Annually, each FY: October 1st CMBHS FY2X_Resource- Guide_Due-Date Section VIII Close Out Documentation Annually, each FY: October 15th CMBHS FY2X_Close-Out Documentation Section IX CMBHS Security Attestation Biannually, each FY: September 15th and March 15th CMBHS FY2X_CMBHS- Attestation_Due-Date Section V Quarterly Report Each FY, Quarterly Q1: December 15th Q2: March 15th Q3: June 15th Q4: September 30th CMBHS FY2X_Quarterly- Report_Due-Date Attachment B Financial Status Report (FSR) Each FY, Quarterly Q1: December 31st CMBHS N/A Q2: March 31st Q3: June 30th Q4: September 30th Attachment B General Ledger Each FY, Quarterly Q1: December 31st Q2: March 31st Q3: June 30th Q4: September 30th CMBHS FY2X_General- Ledger_Due-Date Attachment B FSR to GL Worksheet Each FY, Quarterly Q1: December 31st Q2: March 31st Q3: June 30th Q4: September 30th CMBHS FY2X_FSR-to-GL- Worksheet_Due-Date Attachment A-1 Performance Measures Each FY, Monthly: The 15th day of the month following the month being reported. CMBHS N/A A. Grantee will submit all forms to CMBHS as designated by the System Agency: 1. Client Profile, Open Case, and RSS Pre-Enrollment Form when participant starts to consider long term coaching. The RSS Pre-Enrollment Form may remain in draft status for up to 6 months. 2. RSS Enrollment Form when participant has committed to long term coaching and complete within 14 days of Assessment of Recovery Capital Initial Form placed in closed complete status. 3. RSS Recovery Plan when participant has committed to long term coaching and within 14 days of RSS Enrollment Form being place in closed complete status. Revisions as needed 4. RSS Engagement Status reported monthly from date of RSS Enrollment.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Grant Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

REPORTING AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS. A. Grantee will shall submit all documented deliverables identified below required reports of monitoring activities to the System Agency by the applicable due date outlined below. The following reports must be submitted to System Agency through Clinical Management For Behavioral Health Services (through, CMBHS) and/or any alternative method , another HHSC submission system, or by email to the SUD Mailbox,, by the required by System Agency. due date and report name described in Table 1: Submission Requirements. B. Reports submitted to the SUD Mailbox shall utilize the following naming convention in the email subject line: C. Grantee is required to maintain access to required systems or platforms CMBHS for the term of this Grant Agreementcontract. B. D. Grantee shall submit all documents listed in the table displayed in this section Table 1 by the due date Due Date stated. C. E. Grantee will note that if the due date is on a weekend or holiday, the due date is the isthe following business day. D. F. Grantee shall submit a quarterly match report, which documents Grantee’s compliance to contribute five percent match. The report is due on the 15th of the month, following the closure of the state quarter. G. Grantee shall submit annual Contract closeout documentation, this is required Closeout documentation each fiscal year, year with a final contract closeout due October 15by 45 days after contract end date. E. H. Grantee will shall submit a CMBHS Security Attestation Form biannuallyon or before September 15th and March 15th, according to dates set by the System Agency and listed in the Submission Requirements Tableeach fiscal year. F. Granteents I. Xxxxxxx’s duty to submit documents will survive the termination or expiration of this Contract. G. Grantee will comply when J. System Agency requires additional deliverables will monitor Xxxxxxx’s performance of the requirements in accordance Attachment A and Attachment B, and compliance with federal and/or state requirements. H. The Submission Requirements Table is below: Requirement Report Name Due Date Submission System Deliverable Name the Contract’s terms and conditions. Section V Community Resource Guide Annually, each FY: October 1st CMBHS FY2X_Resource- Guide_Due-Date Section VIII Close Out Documentation Annually, each FY: October 15th CMBHS FY2X_Close-Out Documentation Section IX CMBHS Security Attestation Biannually, each FY: September 15th and March 15th CMBHS FY2X_CMBHS- Attestation_Due-Date Section V IV Quarterly Match Report Each FY, Quarterly Quarterly: Q1: December 15th Q2: March 15th Q3: June 15th Q4: September 30th CMBHS FY2X_Quarterly- Report_Due-Date Attachment B Financial Status Report (FSR) 15th SUD Mailbox: Section IV FY Closeout documents Each FY, Quarterly Q1: December 31st October 15th SUD Mailbox: Section IV Final Closeout documents By 45 days after contract end date. SUD Mailbox: Section V CMBHS N/A Q2: March 31st Q3: June 30th Q4Security Attestation Form and list of authorized users Each FY: September 30th Attachment B General Ledger Each FY15th & March 15th SUD Mailbox: Grantee Shall: A. Designate a Security Administrator and a back-up Security Administrator. The Security Administrator is required to implement and maintain a system for management of user accounts/user roles to ensure that all the CMBHS user accounts are current. B. Establish and maintain a security policy that ensures adequate system security and protection of confidential information. C. Notify the CMBHS Help-desk within 10 business days of any change to the designated Security Administrator or the back-up Security Administrator. D. Ensure that access to CMBHS is restricted to only authorized users. Grantee shall, Quarterly Q1: December 31st Q2: March 31st Q3: June 30th Q4: September 30th within 24 hours, remove access to users who are no longer authorized to have access to secure data. E. In addition to CMBHS FY2X_General- Ledger_Due-Date Attachment B FSR Helpdesk notification, Grantee shall submit a signed CMBHS Security Attestation Form and a list of Grantee’s employees and contracted laborers authorized to GL Worksheet Each FY, Quarterly Q1: December 31st Q2: March 31st Q3: June 30th Q4: September 30th have access to secure data. The CMBHS FY2X_FSR-to-GL- Worksheet_Due-Date Attachment A-1 Performance Measures Each FY, Monthly: The Security Attestation Form shall be submitted electronically on or before the 15th day of September and March 15th, each fiscal year. F. Attend System Agency training on CMBHS documentation. (AUGUST 2023) A. Contract is funded with the month United States Health and Human Services (HHS), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), Substance Use Prevention Treatment Recovery Services (SUPTRS) Block Grant, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 93.959 and System Agency General Revenue. B. Compliance is required with the following the month being reported. CMBHS N/A A. Grantee will submit all forms to CMBHS as designated by the System Agency:provisions of Code of Federal Regulation (CFR): 1. Client ProfileSUPTRS Block Grant: 45 CFR Part 96, Open CaseSubpart C, and RSS Pre-Enrollment Form when participant starts to consider long term coaching. The RSS Pre-Enrollment Form may remain in draft status for up to 6 monthslink: 45 CFR Part 96. 2. RSS Enrollment Form when participant has committed Federal Uniform Grant Guidance for Title 2, Grants and Agreements, Subtitle A. Office of Management and Budget Guidance for Grant and Agreements, Chapter II Office of Management and Budget Guidance, Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, link: xxxxx:// For additional guidance regarding the Federal Uniform Grant Guidance please see also: xxxxx:// C. Compliance is required with Texas Grant Management Standards, located at Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, link: xxxxx:// management/ D. Funding 1. System Agency’s share of total reimbursements is not to long term coaching exceed $375,000.00 for the period of September 01, 2020 through August 31, 2025, as further specified and complete within 14 days allocated by fiscal year (FY) in Article IV, Budget of Assessment of Recovery Capital Initial Form placed in closed complete statusthe Contract Signature Document. 32. RSS Recovery Plan when participant has committed The required Grantee match for the same period is $18,750.00. Grantee is required to long term coaching contribute five (5%) matching of funds. All funding from the SUPTRS Supplemental funding (HR133 and/or COVID-19) do not require the matching of funds and within 14 days of RSS Enrollment Form being place in closed complete status. Revisions as needed 4. RSS Engagement Status reported monthly is excluded from date of RSS Enrollmentthe match calculations.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Co Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders (Copsd) Contract

REPORTING AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS. A. 1. Grantee will shall submit all documented deliverables identified below required reports of monitoring activities to the System Agency HHSC by the applicable due date outlined below. The following reports must be submitted to System Agency HHSC through Clinical Management For Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) and/or any alternative method , an alternate HHSC approved submission system, or email to the SUD Mailbox:, by the required by System Agency. Grantee is required to maintain access to required systems or platforms for the term of this Grant Agreementdue date and report name described in Table 1: Submission Requirements. B. 2. All deliverables emailed to the SUD Mailbox are copied to the assigned contract manager and the subject line utilizes the following naming convention: 3. Grantee shall submit all documents listed in the table displayed in this section Table 1 by the due date stated. C. 4. Grantee will note that if the due date is on a weekend or holiday, the due date is the following business day. D. 5. Grantee shall submit annual Contract closeout documentation, this is required Closeout documentation each fiscal year, year with a final contract closeout due October 1515th of the final contract year. E. 6. Grantee will shall submit a CMBHS Security Attestation Form biannually, according to dates set by the System Agency and listed in the Submission Requirements Tablebi-annually. F. Granteents 7. Grantee s duty to submit documents will survive the termination or expiration of this Contract. G. Grantee will comply when System Agency requires additional deliverables 8. in accordance with federal and/or state requirements. H. The Submission Requirements Table is below: Requirement Report Name Due Date Submission System Deliverable Name Section V Community Resource Guide Annually, each FY: October 1st CMBHS FY2X_Resource- Guide_Due-Date Section VIII Close Out Documentation Annually, each FY: October 15th CMBHS FY2X_Close-Out Documentation Section IX conditions. Attachment A CMBHS Security Attestation Biannually, each Form and List of Authorized Users document Each FY: September 15th and & March 15th CMBHS FY2X_CMBHS- Attestation_Due-Date Section V Quarterly SUD Mailbox: Attachment A Outreach Activities Report Each FY, Quarterly Quarterly: Q1: December 15th 15th; Q2: March 15th 15th, Q3: June 15th 15th, Q4: September 15th. SUD Mailbox: Attachment A Quarterly Regional Collaborative Meeting Invitation List and Sign- in Sheets Each FY, Quarterly: Q1: December 15th; Q2: March 15th, Q3: June 15th, Q4: September 15th. SUD Mailbox: Attachment A TTOR funded Expenditure Report Each FY, Quarterly: Q1: December 15th; Q2: March 15th, Q3: June 15th, Q4: September 15th. SUD Mailbox: Attachment A QM Report Each FY: Q1-Q2: March 30th Q3-Q4: September 30th CMBHS FY2X_Quarterly- Report_Due-Date SUD Mailbox: Attachment B Financial Status Report (FSR) Each FY, Quarterly Quarterly: Q1: December 31st CMBHS N/A 31st; Q2: March 31st 31st, Q3: June 30th 30th, Q4: September 30th October 15th. CMBHS Attachment B General Ledger Xxxxxx (GL) Each FY, Quarterly Quarterly: Q1: December 31st 31st; Q2: March 31st 31st, Q3: June 30th 30th, Q4: September 30th CMBHS FY2X_General- Ledger_Due-Date October 15th SUD Mailbox: Attachment B FSR to GL Worksheet Each FY, Quarterly Quarterly: Q1: December 31st 31st; Q2: March 31st 31st, Q3: June 30th 30th, Q4: September 30th CMBHS FY2X_FSR-to-GL- Worksheet_Due-Date October 15th SUD Mailbox: Attachment A-1 Performance Measures A FY Closeout documents Each FY, Monthly: The October 15th day of the month following the month being reported. CMBHS N/SUD Mailbox: Attachment A A. Final Close-out By 45 days after contract term ends SUD Mailbox: K. CLINICAL MANAGEMENT FOR BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES (CMBHS) SYSTEM MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Grantee will submit all forms to CMBHS as designated by the System AgencyShall: 1. Client Profile, Open Case, Designate a Security Administrator and RSS Prea back-Enrollment Form when participant starts to consider long term coachingup Security Administrator. The RSS Pre-Enrollment Form may remain in draft status Security Administrator is required to implement and maintain a system for up management of user accounts/user roles to 6 monthsensure that all the CMBHS user accounts are current. 2. RSS Enrollment Form when participant has committed to long term coaching Establish and complete within 14 days maintain a security policy that ensures adequate system security and protection of Assessment of Recovery Capital Initial Form placed in closed complete statusconfidential information. 3. RSS Recovery Plan when participant has committed to long term coaching and Notify the CMBHS Help Desk within 14 ten (10) business days of RSS Enrollment Form being place in closed complete status. Revisions as neededany change to the designated Security Administrator or the back-up Security Administrator. 4. RSS Engagement Status reported monthly from date of RSS EnrollmentEnsure that access to CMBHS is restricted to only authorized users. Grantee shall, within 24 hours, remove access to users who are no longer authorized to have access to secure data. 5. In addition to CMBHS Help Desk notification, Grantee shall submit a signed xxx xxxxxxxx and sub- Performing Agencies authorized to have access to secure data. The CMBHS Security Attestation Form shall be submitted on or before September 15th and March 15th, each fiscal year. 6. Attend HHSC training on CMBHS documentation.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Outreach, Screening, Assessment, Referral (Sa/Osr) Services Contract

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

REPORTING AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS. A. Grantee will shall submit all documented deliverables identified below required reports of monitoring activities to the System Agency by the applicable due date outlined below. The following reports must be submitted to System Agency through Clinical Management For Behavioral Health Services (through, CMBHS) and/or any alternative method , another HHSC submission system, or by email to the SUD Mailbox,, by the required by System Agency. due date and report name described in Table 1: Submission Requirements. B. Reports submitted to the SUD Mailbox shall utilize the following naming convention in the email subject line: C. Grantee is required to maintain access to required systems or platforms CMBHS for the term of this Grant Agreementcontract. B. D. Grantee shall submit all documents listed in the table displayed in this section Table 1 by the due date Due Date stated. C. E. Grantee will note that if the due date is on a weekend or holiday, the due date is the isthe following business day. D. F. Grantee shall submit a quarterly match report, which documents Grantee’s compliance to contribute five percent match. The report is due on the 15th of the month, following the closure of the state quarter. G. Grantee shall submit annual Contract closeout documentation, this is required Closeout documentation each fiscal year, year with a final contract closeout due October 15by 45 days after contract end date. E. H. Grantee will shall submit a CMBHS Security Attestation Form biannuallyon or before September 15th and March 15th, according to dates set by the System Agency and listed in the Submission Requirements Tableeach fiscal year. F. Granteents I. Xxxxxxx’s duty to submit documents will survive the termination or expiration of this Contract. G. Grantee will comply when J. System Agency requires additional deliverables will monitor Xxxxxxx’s performance of the requirements in accordance Attachment A and Attachment B, and compliance with federal and/or state requirements. H. The Submission Requirements Table is below: Requirement Report Name Due Date Submission System Deliverable Name the Contract’s terms and conditions. Section V Community Resource Guide Annually, each FY: October 1st CMBHS FY2X_Resource- Guide_Due-Date Section VIII Close Out Documentation Annually, each FY: October 15th CMBHS FY2X_Close-Out Documentation Section IX CMBHS Security Attestation Biannually, each FY: September 15th and March 15th CMBHS FY2X_CMBHS- Attestation_Due-Date Section V IV Quarterly Match Report Each FY, Quarterly Quarterly: Q1: December 15th Q2: March 15th Q3: June 15th Q4: September 30th CMBHS FY2X_Quarterly- Report_Due-Date Attachment B Financial Status Report (FSR) 15th SUD Mailbox: Section IV FY Closeout documents Each FY, Quarterly Q1: December 31st October 15th SUD Mailbox: Section IV Final Closeout documents By 45 days after contract end date. SUD Mailbox: Section V CMBHS N/A Q2: March 31st Q3: June 30th Q4Security Attestation Form and list of authorized users Each FY: September 30th Attachment B General Ledger Each FY15th & March 15th SUD Mailbox: Grantee Shall: A. Designate a Security Administrator and a back-up Security Administrator. The Security Administrator is required to implement and maintain a system for management of user accounts/user roles to ensure that all the CMBHS user accounts are current. B. Establish and maintain a security policy that ensures adequate system security and protection of confidential information. C. Notify the CMBHS Help-desk within 10 business days of any change to the designated Security Administrator or the back-up Security Administrator. D. Ensure that access to CMBHS is restricted to only authorized users. Grantee shall, Quarterly Q1: December 31st Q2: March 31st Q3: June 30th Q4: September 30th within 24 hours, remove access to users who are no longer authorized to have access to secure data. E. In addition to CMBHS FY2X_General- Ledger_Due-Date Attachment B FSR Helpdesk notification, Grantee shall submit a signed CMBHS Security Attestation Form and a list of Grantee’s employees and contracted laborers authorized to GL Worksheet Each FY, Quarterly Q1: December 31st Q2: March 31st Q3: June 30th Q4: September 30th have access to secure data. The CMBHS FY2X_FSR-to-GL- Worksheet_Due-Date Attachment A-1 Performance Measures Each FY, Monthly: The Security Attestation Form shall be submitted electronically on or before the 15th day of September and March 15th, each fiscal year. F. Attend System Agency training on CMBHS documentation. (AUGUST 2023) A. Contract is funded with the month United States Health and Human Services (HHS), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), Substance Use Prevention Treatment Recovery Services (SUPTRS) Block Grant, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 93.959 and System Agency General Revenue. B. Compliance is required with the following the month being reported. CMBHS N/A A. Grantee will submit all forms to CMBHS as designated by the System Agency:provisions of Code of Federal Regulation (CFR): 1. Client ProfileSUPTRS Block Grant: 45 CFR Part 96, Open CaseSubpart C, and RSS Pre-Enrollment Form when participant starts to consider long term coaching. The RSS Pre-Enrollment Form may remain in draft status for up to 6 monthslink: 45 CFR Part 96. 2. RSS Enrollment Form when participant has committed Federal Uniform Grant Guidance for Title 2, Grants and Agreements, Subtitle A. Office of Management and Budget Guidance for Grant and Agreements, Chapter II Office of Management and Budget Guidance, Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, link: xxxxx:// For additional guidance regarding the Federal Uniform Grant Guidance please see also: xxxxx:// C. Compliance is required with Texas Grant Management Standards, located at Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, link: xxxxx:// management/ D. Funding 1. System Agency’s share of total reimbursements is not to long term coaching exceed $318,800.00 for the period of February 01, 2022 through August 31, 2025, as further specified and complete within 14 days allocated by fiscal year (FY) in Article IV, Budget of Assessment of Recovery Capital Initial Form placed in closed complete statusthe Contract Signature Document. 32. RSS Recovery Plan when participant has committed The required Grantee match for the same period is $15,940.00. Grantee is required to long term coaching contribute five (5%) matching of funds. All funding from the SUPTRS Supplemental funding (HR133 and/or COVID-19) do not require the matching of funds and within 14 days of RSS Enrollment Form being place in closed complete status. Revisions as needed 4. RSS Engagement Status reported monthly is excluded from date of RSS Enrollmentthe match calculations.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Co Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders (Copsd) Contract

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