Common use of Reports provided to MMCAP Infuse Clause in Contracts

Reports provided to MMCAP Infuse. ‌ A. Sales Data Report‌ Wholesaler will supply to MMCAP Infuse accurate monthly sales data on or before the 10th day of the second subsequent month (e.g., June’s data will be due July 10th). This report MUST include the following for every transaction between the Wholesaler and the MMCAP Infuse Participating Facility, including those transactions that come through the Wholesaler’s Specialty Products Distribution division: i. The first table details the required fields for the sales data report ii. The second table details the required record layout in fixed record format. MMCAP Infuse -assigned facility ID MMCAP Infuse Facility Name Vendor Distribution Center Code Vendor-assigned Account number for the MMCAP Infuse Facility Invoice Number Invoice Line Number Purchase Order Number Invoice date (mmddccyy) Buyer name or equivalent of buyer ID for person submitting the invoices Vendor's (distributor) SKU item number NDC of purchased product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank, Inc. Label Name Unit Dose Pack Size Unit Case Size Dose Strength Route Unit Price (99999.9999) Quantity ordered (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity)(999999.9999) Quantity shipped (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity) (999999.9999) Extension (unit price multiplied by the quantity shipped) EXTENDED PRICE (99999999.999) Type of transaction (MMCAP Infuse contract purchase, other contract purchase (340B,PHS), not on contract purchase) 1=contract item, 2=other contract, 3=not on contract Xxxx to Address 1 Xxxx to State (2 alpha postal code) Xxxx to Zip (standard 5-4 format, no dash necessary) Ship to Address 1 Ship to City Ship to State (2 alpha postal code) Ship to Zip (standard 5-4 format, no dash necessary) Service Fee (9999.9999) MMCAP Infuse Contract Number (MMSxxxxx) or Generic Source Contract Identifier Admin fee for non-contract items (9999.9999) Credit Indicator (C for credit) MMCAP Infuse Assigned Wholesaler Code (Codes will be assigned to Wholesaler's during implementation period of the contract) Manufacture Name (MFG Name) Class of Trade 340b Purchase Attachment A Scope of Work – Cardinal MMCAP Infuse Contract Number MS1900113 Cardinal ATTACHMENT A 44 MMCAP-assigned facility ID MMCAP_id Alpha Numeric 7 1 1 7 MMCAP Facility Name MMCAP_Name Alpha Numeric 30 1 8 37 Vendor Distribution Center Code DistributionCenter Alpha Numeric 3 1 38 40 Vendor-assigned Account number for the MMCAP Facility VendAccountNo Alpha Numeric 10 1 41 50 Invoice Number InvoiceNumber Alpha Numeric 15 1 51 65 Invoice Line Number InvoiceLineNo Alpha Numeric 4 1 66 69 Purchase Order Number poNumber Alpha Numeric 15 1 70 84 Invoice date (mmddccyy) InvoiceDate numeric mmddccyy 8 1 85 92 Buyer name or equivalent of buyer ID for person submitting the invoices BuyerName Alpha Numeric 20 1 93 112 Vendor's (distributor) SKU item number SKU Alpha Numeric 13 1 113 125 NDC of purchased product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank, Inc. NDC Alpha Numeric 999999999 11 1 126 136 Label Name LabelName Alpha Numeric 40 1 137 176 Unit Dose UD numeric 9 1 1 177 177 Pack Size Pack_Size numeric 99999.999 9 1 178 186 Unit Unit Alpha Numeric 2 1 187 188 Case Size Case_Size numeric 9999 4 1 189 192 Dose D Alpha Numeric 10 1 193 202 Strength STR Alpha Numeric 10 1 203 212 Route RT Alpha Numeric 10 1 213 222 Unit Price (99999.9999) UnitPrice numeric 99999.9999 10 1 223 232 Quantity ordered (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity)(999999.9999) QuantityOrdered numeric 999999.9999 11 1 233 243 Quantiy shipped (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity) (999999.9999) QuantityShipped numeric 999999.9999 11 1 244 254 Extension (unit price multiplied by the quantity shipped) EXTENDED PRICE (99999999.999) ExtendedPrice numeric 99999999.999 13 1 255 267 Type of transaction (MMCAP contract purchase, other contract purchase (340B,PHS), not on contract purchase) 1=contract item, 2=other contract, 3=not on contract SaleType Alpha Numeric 1 1 268 268 Xxxx to Address 1 billtoaddress1 Alpha Numeric 30 1 269 298 Xxxx to City billtocity Alpha Numeric 20 1 299 318 Xxxx to State (2 alpha postal code) billtostate Alpha Numeric 2 1 319 320 Xxxx to Zip (standard 5-4 format, no dash necessary) billtozip Alpha Numeric 9 1 321 329 Ship to Address 1 shiptoaddress1 Alpha Numeric 30 1 330 359 Ship to City shiptocity Alpha Numeric 20 1 360 379 Ship to State (2 alpha postal code) shiptostate Alpha Numeric 2 1 380 381 Ship to Zip (standard 5-4 format, no dash necessary) shiptozip Alpha Numeric 9 1 382 390 Service Fee (9999.9999) ServiceFee numeric 9999.9999 9 1 391 399 MMCAP Contract Number (MMSxxxxx) contractnumber Alpha Numeric 10 1 400 409 Admin fee for not-on-contract items (9999.9999) AdminFee numeric 9999.9999 9 1 410 418 Credit Indicator (C for credit) CreditIndicator Alpha Numeric 1 1 419 419 MMCAP Assigned Wholesaler Code (AmeriSource-Bergen=0401, Cardinal Health=0301, Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx=0000, Xxxxxx=0000, (New codes will be assigned to PPV's during implementation period of the contract) WholeCode Alpha Numeric 4 0 420 423 Manufacture Name (MFG Name) MfgName Alpha Numeric 40 1 424 463 Class of Trade ClassofTrade Alpha Numeric 4 1 464 467 340b Xxxxxxxx 000x Xxxxx Numeric 1 1 468 468 Attachment A Scope of Work – Cardinal MMCAP Infuse Contract Number MS1900113 B. Monthly Payment Report‌ Wholesaler will provide to MMCAP Infuse accurate monthly payment data on or before the 10th day of the second subsequent month (e.g., June’s data will be due July 10th). 1. The first table details the required fields for the monthly payment report 2. The second table details the required record layout in fixed record format. MMCAP Infuse Payment Data Fields MMCAP Infuse-assigned facility ID MMCAP Infuse Facility Name Vendor-assigned Account number for the MMCAP Infuse Facility Invoice Number Invoice Line Number Purchase Order Number Vendor's (distributor) SKU item number NDC of purchased Product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank, Inc. Payment Due Date (mmddccyy) Label Name Packaging as associated with NDC Number Date Payment Credited to Account (mmddccyy) Quantity Purchased-must be expressed in terms of the packaging associated with the NDC (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity) (999999.9999) Dollar Amount of Transaction-to the third decimal. The dollar amount must be the actual acquisition cost, after any discounts and service fees. Credit Indicator (C for credit) ID for person making the payment Cardinal ATTACHMENT A 45 Attachment A Scope of Work – Cardinal MMCAP Infuse Contract Number MS1900113 Record Layout for the Monthly Payment File - Fixed Length Fields Long Name (from original MMCAP Infuse Contract) Field Name Data Type Format (note decimals are to be included) Size Nulls Begin Column End Column MMCAP Infuse -assigned facility ID MMCAP_id Alpha Numeric 7 1 1 7 MMCAP Infuse Facility Name MMCAP_Name Alpha Numeric 30 1 8 37 Vendor-assigned Account number for the MMCAP Infuse Facility VendAccountNo Alpha Numeric 10 1 38 47 Invoice Number InvoiceNumber Alpha Numeric 15 1 48 62 Invoice Line Number InvoiceLineNo Alpha Numeric 4 1 63 66 Purchase Order Number poNumber Alpha Numeric 15 1 67 81 Vendor's (distributor) SKU item number SKU Alpha Numeric 13 1 82 94 NDC of purchased Product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank, Inc. NDC numeric 99999999999 11 1 95 105 Payment Due Date (mmddccyy) DueDate numeric mmddccyy 8 1 106 113 Label Name LabelName Alpha Numeric 40 1 114 153 Packaging as associated with NDC Number Packaging Alpha Numeric 16 1 154 169 Date Payment Credited to Account (mmddccyy) PaymentCDate numeric mmddccyy 8 1 170 177 Quantity Purchased-must be expressed in terms of the packaging associated with the NDC (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity) (999999.9999) QuantityOrdered (Shipped) numeric 999999.9999 11 1 178 188 Dollar Amount of Transaction-to the third decimal. The dollar amount must be the actual acquisition cost, after any discounts and service fees. TranDollar numeric 99999999.999 13 1 189 201 Credit Indicator (C for credit) CreditIndicator Alpha Numeric 1 1 202 202 ID for person making the payment BuyerName Alpha Numeric 20 1 203 222 C. Kill/Fill Report‌ Wholesaler will provide to MMCAP Infuse accurate kill/fill data on or before the 10th day of the second subsequent month (e.g., June’s data will be due July 10th). This data must be provided in an Excel format and be submitted electronically to xx.xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx.xx. The following table details the required fields for the Kill/Fill data report: MMCAP Infuse ID Customer Name PPV Customer DC Number Customer Distribution Center PPV Customer Number Address City State NDC of Product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank Invoice Number Invoice Date Short Reason Code Short Reason Description Product Trade Name Product Generic Name Pack Qty Pack Size Order Quantity Shipped Quantity Killed Qty Extended Sales

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Pharmaceutical Prime Wholesaler Services Contract, Pharmaceutical Prime Wholesaler Services Contract, Pharmaceutical Prime Wholesaler Services Contract

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Reports provided to MMCAP Infuse. A. Sales Data Report‌ Wholesaler will supply to MMCAP Infuse accurate monthly sales data on or before the 10th day of the second subsequent month (e.g., June’s data will be due July 10th). This report MUST include the following for every transaction between the Wholesaler and the MMCAP Infuse Participating Facility, including those transactions that come through the Wholesaler’s Specialty Products Distribution division:Report i. The first table details the required fields for the sales data report ii. The second table details the required record layout in fixed record format. MMCAP Infuse -assigned facility ID MMCAP Infuse Facility Name Vendor Distribution Center Code Vendor-assigned Account number for the MMCAP Infuse Facility Invoice Number Invoice Line Number Purchase Order Number Invoice date (mmddccyy) Buyer name or equivalent of buyer ID for person submitting the invoices Vendor's (distributor) SKU item number NDC of purchased product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank, Inc. Label Name Unit Dose Pack Size Unit Case Size Dose Strength Route Unit Price (99999.9999) Quantity ordered (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity)(999999.9999) Quantity shipped (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity) (999999.9999) Extension (unit price multiplied by the quantity shipped) EXTENDED PRICE (99999999.999) Type of transaction (MMCAP Infuse contract purchase, other contract purchase (340B,PHS), not on contract purchase) 1=contract item, 2=other contract, 3=not on contract Xxxx to Address 1 Xxxx to State (2 alpha postal code) Xxxx to Zip (standard 5-4 format, no dash necessary) Ship to Address 1 Ship to City Ship to State (2 alpha postal code) Ship to Zip (standard 5-4 format, no dash necessary) Service Fee (9999.9999) MMCAP Infuse Contract Number (MMSxxxxx) or Generic Source Contract Identifier Admin fee for non-contract items (9999.9999) Credit Indicator (C for credit) MMCAP Infuse Assigned Wholesaler Code (Codes will be assigned to Wholesaler's during implementation period of the contract) Manufacture Name (MFG Name) Class of Trade 340b Purchase Attachment A Scope of Work – Cardinal MMCAP Infuse Contract Number MS1900113 Cardinal ATTACHMENT A 44 MMCAP-assigned facility ID MMCAP_id Alpha Numeric 7 1 1 7 MMCAP Facility Name MMCAP_Name Alpha Numeric 30 1 8 37 Vendor Distribution Center Code DistributionCenter Alpha Numeric 3 1 38 40 Vendor-assigned Account number for the MMCAP Facility VendAccountNo Alpha Numeric 10 1 41 50 Invoice Number InvoiceNumber Alpha Numeric 15 1 51 65 Invoice Line Number InvoiceLineNo Alpha Numeric 4 1 66 69 Purchase Order Number poNumber Alpha Numeric 15 1 70 84 Invoice date (mmddccyy) InvoiceDate numeric mmddccyy 8 1 85 92 Buyer name or equivalent of buyer ID for person submitting the invoices BuyerName Alpha Numeric 20 1 93 112 Vendor's (distributor) SKU item number SKU Alpha Numeric 13 1 113 125 NDC of purchased product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank, Inc. NDC Alpha Numeric 999999999 11 1 126 136 Label Name LabelName Alpha Numeric 40 1 137 176 Unit Dose UD numeric 9 1 1 177 177 Pack Size Pack_Size numeric 99999.999 9 1 178 186 Unit Unit Alpha Numeric 2 1 187 188 Case Size Case_Size numeric 9999 4 1 189 192 Dose D Alpha Numeric 10 1 193 202 Strength STR Alpha Numeric 10 1 203 212 Route RT Alpha Numeric 10 1 213 222 Unit Price (99999.9999) UnitPrice numeric 99999.9999 10 1 223 232 Quantity ordered (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity)(999999.9999) QuantityOrdered numeric 999999.9999 11 1 233 243 Quantiy shipped (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity) (999999.9999) QuantityShipped numeric 999999.9999 11 1 244 254 Extension (unit price multiplied by the quantity shipped) EXTENDED PRICE (99999999.999) ExtendedPrice numeric 99999999.999 13 1 255 267 Type of transaction (MMCAP contract purchase, other contract purchase (340B,PHS), not on contract purchase) 1=contract item, 2=other contract, 3=not on contract SaleType Alpha Numeric 1 1 268 268 Xxxx to Address 1 billtoaddress1 Alpha Numeric 30 1 269 298 Xxxx to City billtocity Alpha Numeric 20 1 299 318 Xxxx to State (2 alpha postal code) billtostate Alpha Numeric 2 1 319 320 Xxxx to Zip (standard 5-4 format, no dash necessary) billtozip Alpha Numeric 9 1 321 329 Ship to Address 1 shiptoaddress1 Alpha Numeric 30 1 330 359 Ship to City shiptocity Alpha Numeric 20 1 360 379 Ship to State (2 alpha postal code) shiptostate Alpha Numeric 2 1 380 381 Ship to Zip (standard 5-4 format, no dash necessary) shiptozip Alpha Numeric 9 1 382 390 Service Fee (9999.9999) ServiceFee numeric 9999.9999 9 1 391 399 MMCAP Contract Number (MMSxxxxx) contractnumber Alpha Numeric 10 1 400 409 Admin fee for not-on-contract items (9999.9999) AdminFee numeric 9999.9999 9 1 410 418 Credit Indicator (C for credit) CreditIndicator Alpha Numeric 1 1 419 419 MMCAP Assigned Wholesaler Code (AmeriSource-Bergen=0401, Cardinal Health=0301, Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx=0000, Xxxxxx=0000, (New codes will be assigned to PPV's during implementation period of the contract) WholeCode Alpha Numeric 4 0 420 423 Manufacture Name (MFG Name) MfgName Alpha Numeric 40 1 424 463 Class of Trade ClassofTrade Alpha Numeric 4 1 464 467 340b Xxxxxxxx 000x Xxxxx Numeric 1 1 468 468 Attachment A Scope of Work – Cardinal MMCAP Infuse Contract Number MS1900113 B. Monthly Payment Report‌ Wholesaler will provide to MMCAP Infuse accurate monthly payment data on or before the 10th day of the second subsequent month (e.g., June’s data will be due July 10th). 1. The first table details the required fields for the monthly payment report 2. The second table details the required record layout in fixed record format. MMCAP Infuse Payment Data Fields MMCAP Infuse-assigned facility ID MMCAP Infuse Facility Name Vendor-assigned Account number for the MMCAP Infuse Facility Invoice Number Invoice Line Number Purchase Order Number Vendor's (distributor) SKU item number NDC of purchased Product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank, Inc. Payment Due Date (mmddccyy) Label Name Packaging as associated with NDC Number Date Payment Credited to Account (mmddccyy) Quantity Purchased-must be expressed in terms of the packaging associated with the NDC (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity) (999999.9999) Dollar Amount of Transaction-to the third decimal. The dollar amount must be the actual acquisition cost, after any discounts and service fees. Credit Indicator (C for credit) ID for person making the payment Cardinal ATTACHMENT A 45 Attachment A Scope of Work – Cardinal MMCAP Infuse Contract Number MS1900113 Record Layout for the Monthly Payment File - Fixed Length Fields Long Name (from original MMCAP Infuse Contract) Field Name Data Type Format (note decimals are to be included) Size Nulls Begin Column End Column MMCAP Infuse -assigned facility ID MMCAP_id Alpha Numeric 7 1 1 7 MMCAP Infuse Facility Name MMCAP_Name Alpha Numeric 30 1 8 37 Vendor-assigned Account number for the MMCAP Infuse Facility VendAccountNo Alpha Numeric 10 1 38 47 Invoice Number InvoiceNumber Alpha Numeric 15 1 48 62 Invoice Line Number InvoiceLineNo Alpha Numeric 4 1 63 66 Purchase Order Number poNumber Alpha Numeric 15 1 67 81 Vendor's (distributor) SKU item number SKU Alpha Numeric 13 1 82 94 NDC of purchased Product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank, Inc. NDC numeric 99999999999 11 1 95 105 Payment Due Date (mmddccyy) DueDate numeric mmddccyy 8 1 106 113 Label Name LabelName Alpha Numeric 40 1 114 153 Packaging as associated with NDC Number Packaging Alpha Numeric 16 1 154 169 Date Payment Credited to Account (mmddccyy) PaymentCDate numeric mmddccyy 8 1 170 177 Quantity Purchased-must be expressed in terms of the packaging associated with the NDC (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity) (999999.9999) QuantityOrdered (Shipped) numeric 999999.9999 11 1 178 188 Dollar Amount of Transaction-to the third decimal. The dollar amount must be the actual acquisition cost, after any discounts and service fees. TranDollar numeric 99999999.999 13 1 189 201 Credit Indicator (C for credit) CreditIndicator Alpha Numeric 1 1 202 202 ID for person making the payment BuyerName Alpha Numeric 20 1 203 222 C. Kill/Fill Report‌ Wholesaler will provide to MMCAP Infuse accurate kill/fill data on or before the 10th day of the second subsequent month (e.g., June’s data will be due July 10th). This data must be provided in an Excel format and be submitted electronically to xx.xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx.xx. The following table details the required fields for the Kill/Fill data report: MMCAP Infuse ID Customer Name PPV Customer DC Number Customer Distribution Center PPV Customer Number Address City State NDC of Product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank Invoice Number Invoice Date Short Reason Code Short Reason Description Product Trade Name Product Generic Name Pack Qty Pack Size Order Quantity Shipped Quantity Killed Qty Extended Sales

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Pharmaceutical Prime Wholesaler Services Contract

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Reports provided to MMCAP Infuse. ‌ A. Sales Data Report‌ Wholesaler will supply to MMCAP Infuse accurate monthly sales data on or before the 10th day of the second subsequent month (e.g., June’s data will be due July 10th). This report MUST include the following for every transaction between the Wholesaler and the MMCAP Infuse Participating Facility, including those transactions that come through the Wholesaler’s Specialty Products Distribution division: i. The first table details the required fields for the sales data report ii. The second table details the required record layout in fixed record format. MMCAP Infuse -assigned facility ID MMCAP Infuse Facility Name Vendor Distribution Center Code Vendor-assigned Account number for the MMCAP Infuse Facility Invoice Number Invoice Line Number Purchase Order Number Invoice date (mmddccyy) Buyer name or equivalent of buyer ID for person submitting the invoices Vendor's (distributor) SKU item number NDC of purchased product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank, Inc. Label Name Unit Dose Pack Size Unit Case Size Dose Strength Route Unit Price (99999.9999) Quantity ordered (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity)(999999.9999) Quantity shipped (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity) (999999.9999) Extension (unit price multiplied by the quantity shipped) EXTENDED PRICE (99999999.999) Type of transaction (MMCAP Infuse contract purchase, other contract purchase (340B,PHS), not on contract purchase) 1=contract item, 2=other contract, 3=not on contract Xxxx Bill to Address 1 Xxxx Bill to State (2 alpha postal code) Xxxx Bill to Zip (standard 5-4 format, no dash necessary) Ship to Address 1 Ship to City Ship to State (2 alpha postal code) Ship to Zip (standard 5-4 format, no dash necessary) Service Fee (9999.9999) MMCAP Infuse Contract Number (MMSxxxxx) or Generic Source Contract Identifier Admin fee for non-contract items (9999.9999) Credit Indicator (C for credit) MMCAP Infuse Assigned Wholesaler Code (Codes will be assigned to Wholesaler's during implementation period of the contract) Manufacture Name (MFG Name) Class of Trade 340b Purchase Attachment A Scope of Work – Cardinal MMCAP Infuse Contract Number MS1900113 Cardinal ATTACHMENT A 44 MMCAP-assigned facility ID MMCAP_id Alpha Numeric 7 1 1 7 MMCAP Facility Name MMCAP_Name Alpha Numeric 30 1 8 37 Vendor Distribution Center Code DistributionCenter Alpha Numeric 3 1 38 40 Vendor-assigned Account number for the MMCAP Facility VendAccountNo Alpha Numeric 10 1 41 50 Invoice Number InvoiceNumber Alpha Numeric 15 1 51 65 Invoice Line Number InvoiceLineNo Alpha Numeric 4 1 66 69 Purchase Order Number poNumber Alpha Numeric 15 1 70 84 Invoice date (mmddccyy) InvoiceDate numeric mmddccyy 8 1 85 92 Buyer name or equivalent of buyer ID for person submitting the invoices BuyerName Alpha Numeric 20 1 93 112 Vendor's (distributor) SKU item number SKU Alpha Numeric 13 1 113 125 NDC of purchased product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank, Inc. NDC Alpha Numeric 999999999 11 1 126 136 Label Name LabelName Alpha Numeric 40 1 137 176 Unit Dose UD numeric 9 1 1 177 177 Pack Size Pack_Size numeric 99999.999 9 1 178 186 Unit Unit Alpha Numeric 2 1 187 188 Case Size Case_Size numeric 9999 4 1 189 192 Dose D Alpha Numeric 10 1 193 202 Strength STR Alpha Numeric 10 1 203 212 Route RT Alpha Numeric 10 1 213 222 Unit Price (99999.9999) UnitPrice numeric 99999.9999 10 1 223 232 Quantity ordered (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity)(999999.9999) QuantityOrdered numeric 999999.9999 11 1 233 243 Quantiy shipped (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity) (999999.9999) QuantityShipped numeric 999999.9999 11 1 244 254 Extension (unit price multiplied by the quantity shipped) EXTENDED PRICE (99999999.999) ExtendedPrice numeric 99999999.999 13 1 255 267 Type of transaction (MMCAP contract purchase, other contract purchase (340B,PHS), not on contract purchase) 1=contract item, 2=other contract, 3=not on contract SaleType Alpha Numeric 1 1 268 268 Xxxx Bill to Address 1 billtoaddress1 Alpha Numeric 30 1 269 298 Xxxx Bill to City billtocity Alpha Numeric 20 1 299 318 Xxxx Bill to State (2 alpha postal code) billtostate Alpha Numeric 2 1 319 320 Xxxx Bill to Zip (standard 5-4 format, no dash necessary) billtozip Alpha Numeric 9 1 321 329 Ship to Address 1 shiptoaddress1 Alpha Numeric 30 1 330 359 Ship to City shiptocity Alpha Numeric 20 1 360 379 Ship to State (2 alpha postal code) shiptostate Alpha Numeric 2 1 380 381 Ship to Zip (standard 5-4 format, no dash necessary) shiptozip Alpha Numeric 9 1 382 390 Service Fee (9999.9999) ServiceFee numeric 9999.9999 9 1 391 399 MMCAP Contract Number (MMSxxxxx) contractnumber Alpha Numeric 10 1 400 409 Admin fee for not-on-contract items (9999.9999) AdminFee numeric 9999.9999 9 1 410 418 Credit Indicator (C for credit) CreditIndicator Alpha Numeric 1 1 419 419 MMCAP Assigned Wholesaler Code (AmeriSource-Bergen=0401, Cardinal Health=0301, Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx=0000, Xxxxxx=0000, (New codes will be assigned to PPV's during implementation period of the contract) WholeCode Alpha Numeric 4 0 420 423 Manufacture Name (MFG Name) MfgName Alpha Numeric 40 1 424 463 Class of Trade ClassofTrade Alpha Numeric 4 1 464 467 340b Xxxxxxxx 000x Xxxxx Numeric 1 1 468 468 Attachment A Scope of Work – Cardinal MMCAP Infuse Contract Number MS1900113 B. Monthly Payment Report‌ Wholesaler will provide to MMCAP Infuse accurate monthly payment data on or before the 10th day of the second subsequent month (e.g., June’s data will be due July 10th). 1. The first table details the required fields for the monthly payment report 2. The second table details the required record layout in fixed record format. MMCAP Infuse Payment Data Fields MMCAP Infuse-assigned facility ID MMCAP Infuse Facility Name Vendor-assigned Account number for the MMCAP Infuse Facility Invoice Number Invoice Line Number Purchase Order Number Vendor's (distributor) SKU item number NDC of purchased Product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank, Inc. Payment Due Date (mmddccyy) Label Name Packaging as associated with NDC Number Date Payment Credited to Account (mmddccyy) Quantity Purchased-must be expressed in terms of the packaging associated with the NDC (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity) (999999.9999) Dollar Amount of Transaction-to the third decimal. The dollar amount must be the actual acquisition cost, after any discounts and service fees. Credit Indicator (C for credit) ID for person making the payment Cardinal ATTACHMENT A 45 Attachment A Scope of Work – Cardinal MMCAP Infuse Contract Number MS1900113 Record Layout for the Monthly Payment File - Fixed Length Fields Long Name (from original MMCAP Infuse Contract) Field Name Data Type Format (note decimals are to be included) Size Nulls Begin Column End Column MMCAP Infuse -assigned facility ID MMCAP_id Alpha Numeric 7 1 1 7 MMCAP Infuse Facility Name MMCAP_Name Alpha Numeric 30 1 8 37 Vendor-assigned Account number for the MMCAP Infuse Facility VendAccountNo Alpha Numeric 10 1 38 47 Invoice Number InvoiceNumber Alpha Numeric 15 1 48 62 Invoice Line Number InvoiceLineNo Alpha Numeric 4 1 63 66 Purchase Order Number poNumber Alpha Numeric 15 1 67 81 Vendor's (distributor) SKU item number SKU Alpha Numeric 13 1 82 94 NDC of purchased Product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank, Inc. NDC numeric 99999999999 11 1 95 105 Payment Due Date (mmddccyy) DueDate numeric mmddccyy 8 1 106 113 Label Name LabelName Alpha Numeric 40 1 114 153 Packaging as associated with NDC Number Packaging Alpha Numeric 16 1 154 169 Date Payment Credited to Account (mmddccyy) PaymentCDate numeric mmddccyy 8 1 170 177 Quantity Purchased-must be expressed in terms of the packaging associated with the NDC (not Vendor repackaged or re-bundled quantity) (999999.9999) QuantityOrdered (Shipped) numeric 999999.9999 11 1 178 188 Dollar Amount of Transaction-to the third decimal. The dollar amount must be the actual acquisition cost, after any discounts and service fees. TranDollar numeric 99999999.999 13 1 189 201 Credit Indicator (C for credit) CreditIndicator Alpha Numeric 1 1 202 202 ID for person making the payment BuyerName Alpha Numeric 20 1 203 222 C. Kill/Fill Report‌ Wholesaler will provide to MMCAP Infuse accurate kill/fill data on or before the 10th day of the second subsequent month (e.g., June’s data will be due July 10th). This data must be provided in an Excel format and be submitted electronically to xx.xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx.xx. The following table details the required fields for the Kill/Fill data report: MMCAP Infuse ID Customer Name PPV Customer DC Number Customer Distribution Center PPV Customer Number Address City State NDC of Product in 5-4-2 format as stored in First DataBank Invoice Number Invoice Date Short Reason Code Short Reason Description Product Trade Name Product Generic Name Pack Qty Pack Size Order Quantity Shipped Quantity Killed Qty Extended Sales

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Pharmaceutical Prime Wholesaler Services Contract

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