Required Common Core. English Composition 6 Mathematical & Quantitative Reasoning 3 Life & Physical Sciences 3 Total Required Common Core 12 Creative Expression 6 World Culture & Global Issues 3 U.S. Experience in Its Diversity 3 Individual & Society 3 Scientific World 3 Total Flexible Core 18 Total Common Core 30 URB 100 - Introduction to Urban Studies 3 SOC 100 - Introduction to Sociology 3 URB 300 - Urban Studies Special Topics Course 3 XXX xxx – Urban Studies Electives Choose Two courses from1: CRJ 101- Introduction to Criminal Justice, CRJ 102- Criminology, CRJ 204 – Criminal Justice and the Urban Environment, ECO 111- Economics of Urban Communities, GEO 241- Population Geography, POL 110- Introduction to Politics, POL 220- Politics and Gov’t in NYC, SOC 110- Sociology of Urban Education, SOC 111- Understanding Technological Society, SOC 152/LAT 152- Puerto Rican Exp. in Urban U.S. Settings, SOC 154/AFN 154- Sociology of the Black Urban Community, SOC 161/ AFL 161- Health Problems in Urban Communities, SOC 200- Social Problems, SOC 240- Urban Sociology 240. 6 XXX xxx – Social Science Electives 9 XXX xxx - General Electives 6 Total Curriculum Credits 30 1 For the Urban Studies Track, students are strongly recommended to complete POL 110- Introduction to Politics and SOC 240- Urban Sociology.
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