Minimum Shipping Requirements for TIPS Sales Vendor shall ship, deliver, or provide ordered goods and services within a commercially reasonable time after acceptance of the order. If a delay in delivery is anticipated, Vendor shall notify the TIPS Member as to why delivery is delayed and provide an updated estimated time for completion. The TIPS Member may cancel the order if the delay is not commercially acceptable or not consistent with the Supplemental Agreement applicable to the order.
New Hampshire Specific Data Security Requirements The Provider agrees to the following privacy and security standards from “the Minimum Standards for Privacy and Security of Student and Employee Data” from the New Hampshire Department of Education. Specifically, the Provider agrees to: (1) Limit system access to the types of transactions and functions that authorized users, such as students, parents, and LEA are permitted to execute; (2) Limit unsuccessful logon attempts; (3) Employ cryptographic mechanisms to protect the confidentiality of remote access sessions; (4) Authorize wireless access prior to allowing such connections; (5) Create and retain system audit logs and records to the extent needed to enable the monitoring, analysis, investigation, and reporting of unlawful or unauthorized system activity; (6) Ensure that the actions of individual system users can be uniquely traced to those users so they can be held accountable for their actions; (7) Establish and maintain baseline configurations and inventories of organizational systems (including hardware, software, firmware, and documentation) throughout the respective system development life cycles; (8) Restrict, disable, or prevent the use of nonessential programs, functions, ports, protocols, and services; (9) Enforce a minimum password complexity and change of characters when new passwords are created; (10) Perform maintenance on organizational systems; (11) Provide controls on the tools, techniques, mechanisms, and personnel used to conduct system maintenance; (12) Ensure equipment removed for off-site maintenance is sanitized of any Student Data in accordance with NIST SP 800-88 Revision 1; (13) Protect (i.e., physically control and securely store) system media containing Student Data, both paper and digital; (14) Sanitize or destroy system media containing Student Data in accordance with NIST SP 800-88 Revision 1 before disposal or release for reuse; (15) Control access to media containing Student Data and maintain accountability for media during transport outside of controlled areas; (16) Periodically assess the security controls in organizational systems to determine if the controls are effective in their application and develop and implement plans of action designed to correct deficiencies and reduce or eliminate vulnerabilities in organizational systems; (17) Monitor, control, and protect communications (i.e., information transmitted or received by organizational systems) at the external boundaries and key internal boundaries of organizational systems; (18) Deny network communications traffic by default and allow network communications traffic by exception (i.e., deny all, permit by exception); (19) Protect the confidentiality of Student Data at rest; (20) Identify, report, and correct system flaws in a timely manner; (21) Provide protection from malicious code (i.e. Antivirus and Antimalware) at designated locations within organizational systems; (22) Monitor system security alerts and advisories and take action in response; and (23) Update malicious code protection mechanisms when new releases are available.
Subsidy Requests and Reporting Requirements 1. The Grantee or Management Company shall complete a CRF Subsidy Request Report - Recap of Tenant Income Certification, which provides a unit-by-unit listing of all units in the Development for whom assistance is being requested and gives detailed information including the occupants’ eligibility, set-aside requirements, amount of household rent paid, utility allowance and amount of CRF Rental Subsidy requested. 2. The CRF Subsidy Request Report - Recap of Tenant Income Certification shall be prepared as of the last day of each calendar month during the period of performance and shall be submitted to and Florida Housing’s monitoring agent no later than the 15th day of the following month. The December 2020 request will be due on or before December 15th. The Grantee will submit executed Coronavirus Relief Fund Rental Assistance Applications and supporting documentation to Florida Housing’s monitoring agent within 5 days upon the monitoring agent’s request.
Child Abuse Reporting Requirement Grantee will: a. comply with child abuse and neglect reporting requirements in Texas Family Code Chapter 261. This section is in addition to and does not supersede any other legal obligation of the Grantee to report child abuse. b. develop, implement and enforce a written policy that includes at a minimum the System Agency’s Child Abuse Screening, Documenting, and Reporting Policy for Grantees/Providers and train all staff on reporting requirements. c. use the System Agency Child Abuse Reporting Form located at xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/Contact Us/report abuse.asp as required by the System Agency. d. retain reporting documentation on site and make it available for inspection by the System Agency.
NASPO ValuePoint Summary and Detailed Usage Reports In addition to other reports that may be required by this solicitation, the Contractor shall provide the following NASPO ValuePoint reports.
DBE/HUB Compliance The Engineer’s subcontracting program shall comply with the requirements of Attachment H of the contract (DBE/HUB Requirements).
Legally Required Disclosures If a subpoena or other legal process concerning Confidential Information is served upon any party hereto pertaining to the subject matter hereof, the party served shall notify the other party immediately, the other party shall cooperate with the party served, at the other party’s expense, in any effort to contest the validity of such subpoena or other legal process. This Section 10.3 shall not be construed in any way to limit any party’s ability to satisfy any disclosure of its relationship with the other party required by any governmental authority.
Compliance Support Services Provide compliance policies and procedures related to services provided by BNY Mellon and, if mutually agreed, certain of the BNY Mellon Affiliates; summary procedures thereof; and periodic certification letters. · Such Compliance Support Services are administrative in nature and do not constitute, nor shall they be construed as constituting, legal advice or the provision of legal services for or on behalf of a Fund or any other person, and such services are subject to review and approval by the applicable Fund and by the Fund’s legal counsel. · Provide access to Fund records so as to permit the Fund or TRP to test the performance of BNY Mellon in providing the services under this Agreement. · Such Compliance Support Services performed by BNY Mellon under this Agreement shall be at the request and direction of the Fund and/or its chief compliance officer (the “Fund’s CCO”), as applicable. BNY Mellon disclaims liability to the Fund, and the Fund is solely responsible, for the selection, qualifications and performance of the Fund’s CCO and the adequacy and effectiveness of the Fund’s compliance program.
Legally Required Disclosure Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent the Employee is required by law to disclose any Confidential Information, the Employee will be permitted to do so, provided that notice of this requirement is delivered to the Company in a timely manner, so that the Company may contest such potential disclosure.
Listing and Maintenance Requirements Compliance The Company has not in the two years preceding the date hereof received written notice from any stock exchange, market or trading facility on which the Common Stock is or has been listed or quoted to the effect that the Company is not in compliance with the listing, maintenance or other requirements of such exchange, market, trading or quotation facility. The Company has no reason to believe that it does not now or will not in the future meet any such requirements.