Completed by. Xxx Xxxxxxxx
Completed by. In year 1 of their evaluation cycle, Educator submits to Evaluator the PAC Evaluation Plan. October 1 In year 1 of their evaluation cycle, Evaluator meets with Educators to review Educator Plans (Educator Plan may be established at Summative Evaluation Report meeting in prior school year) October 15 In year 1 of their evaluation cycle, final PAC Evaluation Plan approval. October 30 Evaluator completes 1 announced and at least 2 unannounced observation(s) Any time during the 2- year evaluation cycle, but must be spread over the 2 years Educator should submit any applicable evidence of progress towards standards and goals May 15 of Year 1 Evaluator completes and delivers Formative Evaluation Report to Educator June 1 of Year 1 Formative Evaluation signed and Formative Evaluation Meeting held, if any. Meeting will occur if an Evaluator anticipates a negative change in the Educator’s rating. June 10 of Year 1 Educator should submit any applicable evidence of progress towards standards and goals The Friday following April school vacation Evaluator completes Summative Evaluation Report Evaluator conducts Summative Evaluation Meeting, if any. Meeting will occur if the rating is changed to Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory. Seven days prior to the last day of school Evaluator and Educator sign and return Summative Evaluation Report, and provides any written response By the last day of school
Completed by. Ongoing until contract is closed. Budget: $4000 (plus $1000 DPW match)
Completed by. Initial/on-going assessment Xxxxx’s mother has undergone FGM Other female family members have had FG Father comes from a community known to practice FG A Family Elder such as Grandmother is very influential within the family and is/will be involved in the care of the girl Mother/Family have limited contact with people outside of her family Parents have poor access to information about FGM and do not know about the harmful effects of FGM or UK law Parents say that they or a relative will be taking the girl abroad for a prolonged period – this may not only be to a country with high prevalence, but this would more likely lead to a concern Girl has spoken about a long holiday to her country of origin/another country where the practice is prevalent Girl has attended a travel clinic or equivalent for vaccinations/anti-malarials FGM is referred to in conversation by the child, family or close friends of the child (see Appendix Three for traditional and local terms) – the context of the discussion will be important Sections missing from the Red book. Consider if the child has received immunisations, do they attend clinics etc Girl withdrawn from PHSE lessons or from learning about FGM - School Nurse should have conversation with child Girls presents symptoms that could be related to FGM – continue with questions in part 3 Family not engaging with professionals (health, school, or other) Any other safeguarding alert already associated with the Always check whether family are already known to social care A child or sibling asks for help A parent or family member expresses concern that FGM may be carried out on the child Girl has confided in another that she is to have a ‘special procedure’ or to attend a ‘special occasion’. Girl has talked about going away ‘to become a woman’ or ‘to become like my mum and sister Girl has a sister or other female child relative who has already undergone FGM Family/child are already known to social services – if known, and you have identified FGM within a family, you must share this information with social services If the risk of harm is imminent, contact Social Services/CAIT team/ Police/MASH URGENTLY Patient’s details
Completed by. Initial/on-going assessment Woman already has daughters who have undergone FGM – who are over 18 years of age Husband/partner comes from a community known to practice FG Grandmother (maternal or paternal) is influential in family or female family elder is involved in care of children Woman and family have limited integration in UK community Woman’s husband/partner/other family member may be very dominant in the family and have not been present during consultations with the woman Woman/family have limited/ no understanding of harm of FGM or UK law Woman’s nieces (by sibling or in-laws) have undergone FGM Please note:– if they are under 18 years you have a professional duty of care to refer to social care Woman has failed to attend follow-up appointment with an FGM clinic/FGM related appointment Family are already known to social services – if known, and you have identified FGM within a family, you must share this information with social services Woman/family believe FGM is integral to cultural or religious identity Woman already has daughters who have undergone FGM – who are under 18 years of age Woman is considered to be a vulnerable adult and therefore issues of mental capacity and consent should be triggered if she is found to have FGM If the risk of harm is imminent, contact Social Services/CAIT team/ Police/MASH URGENTLY Patient’s details
Completed by. (NOTE: The penalty for making false statements in bids/offers is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. 1001) “Bid Sheet” (ATTACHMENT B) Bid Sheet (Attachment B-1) Note to Bidders: These prices are cost of services listed below for monthly landscape maintenance and landscape material Installation. This chart does not include all work that might be associated with the repairs due to existing conditions.
Completed by. Date Yes No Action
Completed by. Date: Completed monitoring forms and a copy of the invoice can be returned electronically via: Email: Q2 (Jul - Sept) Q4 (Jan - Mar) Please tick quarter to which this form relates: Provider Code: PLEASE ENSURE ALL QUESTIONS ARE RESPONDED TO FULLY. All Clients Socio-economic Classification Pharmacotherapy Treatment Received Intervention Received Client No Partial Post Code Age at Quit Date Gender Ethnicity Quit Date Set Successfully Quit Not known/ lost to follow- up CO validation less than 10 ppm Socio-economic Status Treatment Type Intervention Type Intervention Setting Intervention Type Intervention Settings 1 | P a g e
Completed by. Evaluator meets with educator to assist in self-assessment & goal setting process. Educator submits self-assessment and proposed goals October 1 Evaluator meets with educators in teams or individually to establish Educator Plans (Educator Plan may be established at Summative Evaluation Report meeting in prior school year October 15 (November 1 for 2013 – 2014 school year) Evaluator completes Educator Plans November 1 (November 7 for 2013 – 2014 school year) Evaluator completes unannounced observation(s) Any time during the 2- year evaluation cycle Educator submits evidence on parent outreach, professional growth, progress on goals (and other standards, if desired) Any time during the first year of the 2-year evaluation cycle, but prior to May 1 Evaluator completes Formative Evaluation Report June 1 of Year 1 Evaluator conducts Formative Evaluation Meeting at request of Evaluator or Educator June 1 of Year 1 Educator submits evidence on parent outreach, professional growth, progress on goals (and other standards, if desired) Any time during the 2- year evaluation cycle, but prior to April 15 of the second year Evaluator completes and delivers Summative Evaluation Report May 15 of Year 2 Evaluator meets with educators whose overall Summative Evaluation ratings are Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory June 1 of Year 2 Evaluator meets with educators whose overall Summative Evaluation ratings are proficient or exemplary at request of Evaluator or Educator June 10 of Year 2 Educator signs Summative Evaluation Report and adds any response June 15 of Year 2 • Educators who have been rated proficient or exemplary and after 2013-2014 whose impact on student learning is low. Evaluator meets with educator to assist in self-assessment & goal setting process Educator submits self-assessment and proposed goals, one of which must address low outcomes. October 1 Evaluator meets with Educators in teams or individually to establish Educator Plans (Educator Plan may be established at Summative Evaluation Report meeting in prior school year October 15 (November 1 for 2013 – 2014 school year) Evaluator completes Educator Plans November 1 (November 7 for 2013 – 2014 school year) Evaluator completes unannounced observation(s) Any time during the evaluation cycle Educator submits evidence on parent outreach, professional growth, progress on goals (and other standards, if desired) January 15 Evaluator completes mid-cycle Formative Assessment Report February 1 Evaluator holds Formati...
Completed by. In year 1 of their evaluation cycle, Educator submits to Evaluator the PAC Evaluation Plan. September 15 In year 1 of their evaluation cycle, Evaluator meets with Educators to review Educator Plans (Educator Plan may be established at Summative Evaluation Report meeting in prior school year) October 15 In year 1 of their evaluation cycle, final PAC Evaluation Plan approval. November 1 Evaluator completes 1 announced and at least 2 unannounced observation(s) Any time during the 2- year evaluation cycle, but must be spread over the 2 years Evaluator completes and delivers Formative Evaluation Report to Educator June 1 of Year 1 Formative Evaluation signed and Formative Evaluation Meeting held, if any June 10 of Year 1 Evaluator completes Summative Evaluation Report May 15 of Year 2 Evaluator conducts Summative Evaluation Meeting, if any June 10 of Year 2 Evaluator and Educator sign Summative Evaluation Report June 15 of Year 2