Requirements for All Unbundled Sub-Loop. Unbundled Sub-Loops shall be capable of carrying all signaling messages or tones needed to provide telecommunications services.
Requirements for All Unbundled Sub-Loop. Unbundled Sub-Loops shall be capable of carrying all signaling messages or tones needed to provide telecommunications services. Unbundled Sub-Loop shall support functions associated with provisioning, maintenance and testing of the Unbundled Sub-Loop. In these scenarios, GulfPines would be required to place a cross-box, remote terminal (RT), or other similar device and deliver a cable to the BellSouth remote terminal or cross-box. This cable would be connected, by a BST technician, to a cross-connect panel within the BellSouth RT/cross-box. GulfPines’s cable pairs can then be connected to BST’s USL within the BST cross-box by the BST technician.
Requirements for All Unbundled Sub-Loop