Insurance Reserves Lender may require Grantor to maintain with Lender reserves for payment of insurance premiums, which reserves shall be created by monthly payments from Grantor of a sum estimated by Lender to be sufficient to produce, at least fifteen (15) days before the premium due date, amounts at least equal to the insurance premiums to be paid. If fifteen (15) days before payment is due, the reserve funds are insufficient, Grantor shall upon demand pay any deficiency to Lender. The reserve funds shall be held by Lender as a general deposit and shall constitute a non-interest-bearing account which Lender may satisfy by payment of the insurance premiums required to be paid by Grantor as they become due. Lender does not hold the reserve funds in trust for Grantor, and Lender is not the agent of Grantor for payment of the insurance premiums required to be paid by Grantor. The responsibility for the payment of premiums shall remain Grantor's sole responsibility.
Insurance Costs (08/19) Contractor shall be financially responsible for all premiums, deductibles, self-insured retentions, and self-insurance.
Reinsurance Premiums A. The total Reinsurance Premium for the business ceded hereunder is the sum of the GMDB Reinsurance Premium, the EPB Reinsurance Premium and the GMIB Reinsurance Premium, each of which is defined separately in this article. B. The Reinsurance Premium rates and structure described above are subject to change in accordance with the criteria described in Article XV. GMDB AND EPB ------------ C. The total GMDB Reinsurance Premium for the business ceded hereunder is the sum of the GMDB Reinsurance Premium and the EPB Reinsurance Premium, each of which is defined separately in this article. GMDB CESSION PREMIUM -------------------- D. The GMDB Reinsurance Premium is expressed in terms of basis points and is defined in Exhibit II. E. The Cedent shall calculate, for each premium class, the Reinsurer's Percentage of the greater of the average aggregate GMDB value and the average aggregate account value for the reporting month. This value shall be applied to the GMDB Cession Premium rates per premium class on a 1/12th basis. EPB CESSION PREMIUM ------------------- F. The EPB Reinsurance Premium is an asset-based premium rate, expressed in terms of basis points, and is defined in Exhibit II. G. The Cedent shall calculate, for each premium class, the Reinsurer's Percentage of the average aggregate account value for the reporting month. This value shall be applied to the annualized EPB reinsurance premium rates per premium class on a 1/12th basis. The total EPB Cession Premium due for the month is the sum of the premiums calculated for each premium class. SPOUSAL CONTINUANCES -------------------- H. Spousal continuances will be covered under this Agreement to the extent that the surviving spouse satisfies the issue age restrictions and benefit limitations, as described in Schedule A, at time of continuance, and shall be deemed to be terminations followed by subsequent new issues for purposes of calculating Reinsurance Premiums. The new reinsurance premium rate applied shall be based off the attained age of the surviving spouse at the time of election of spousal continuance. After the termination of this Agreement for new cessions, a spousal continuation of a Reinsured Contract may be ceded to this Agreement in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article I, Paragraph D. GMIB ---- I. The GMIB cession premium ("GMIB Reinsurance Premium") is an asset-based premium rate, expressed in terms of basis points, as set forth in Exhibit II, and shall be calculated on an aggregate basis. J. The Cedent shall calculate the Reinsurer's Percentage of the greater of the average aggregate IBB value and the average aggregate account value for the reporting month. This value shall be applied to the annualized GMIB cession premium rates on a 1/12th basis.
Other Reinsurance The Company shall be permitted to carry other reinsurance, recoveries under which shall inure solely to the benefit of the Company and be entirely disregarded in applying all of the provisions of this Contract.
Coinsurance After the deductible is satisfied, seventy percent (70%) coverage up to the plan out-of-pocket maximum designated below.
Payment of Reinsurance Premiums For automatic and facultative reinsurance, following the close of each calendar month, the Ceding Company will send the Reinsurer a statement and a listing of new business, changes and terminations. If a net reinsurance premium balance is payable to the Reinsurer, the Ceding Company will forward this balance within (60) sixty days after the close of each month. If a net reinsurance premium balance is payable to the Ceding Company, the balance due will be subtracted from the reinsurance premium payable by Ceding Company for the current month. The Reinsurer shall pay any remaining balance due the Ceding Company sixty days after the Ceding Company submits the statement.
REINSURANCE COVERAGE Reinsurance under this Agreement will apply to insurance issued by Ceding Company on the Plans of Insurance shown in Schedule A. Such Plans of Insurance shall be reinsured with the Reinsurer on an automatic basis, subject to the requirements set forth in Section A below or on a facultative basis, subject to the requirements set forth in Section B below. The specifications for all reinsurance under this Agreement are provided in Schedule A. A. Requirements for Automatic Reinsurance For risks which meet the requirements for automatic reinsurance as set forth below, Reinsurer will participate in a reinsurance pool whereby Reinsurer will automatically reinsure a portion of the insurance risks as indicated in Schedule A. The requirements for automatic reinsurance are as follows: 1. Each life must be a resident of the United States or Canada at the time of application. 2. Each life must be underwritten according to the Ceding Company's standard underwriting practices and guidelines. Any life falling into the category of special underwriting programs will be excluded from this Agreement unless previously agreed to by the Reinsurer via a written amendment. 3. Any risk offered on a facultative basis by the Ceding Company to the Reinsurer or any other company will not qualify for automatic reinsurance under this Agreement for the same risk and same life. 4. The maximum issue age on any risk will be age 85. 5. The mortality rating on each risk must not exceed Table 16, Table P, or 500%, or its equivalent, as shown in the Ceding Company's retention schedule, on a flat extra premium basis. However, one life may be uninsurable if the other life meets the preceding requirements. 6. The total face amount of insurance for the Plans of Insurance in Schedule A to be reinsured on an automatic basis must not exceed the Automatic Issue Limits in Exhibit II. 7. The total amount of insurance issued and applied for in all companies on each life must not exceed the jumbo limits as stated in Exhibit II. 8. The Ceding Company shall retain it's maximum limit of retention for the age and risk classification of each life, as shown in Exhibit II, either on previous insurance or insurance currently applied for.
Duration of Insurance Contribution An employee is eligible for School District contributions as provided in this Article as long as an employee is employed by the School District. Employees whose employment terminates during the school year will be eligible for insurance and district contributions to insurance through the end of the month in which they terminate provided they pay the employee portion of the insurance premium for that month. Otherwise, the employee’s insurance will terminate as of the last day of employment.
Basis of Reinsurance Reinsurance under this Agreement will be on the Yearly Renewable Term basis on the portion of each policy that is reinsured as described in Schedule A.
Reinsurance The Contractor shall purchase reinsurance from a commercial reinsurer and shall establish reinsurance agreements meeting the requirements listed below. The Contractor shall submit new policies, renewals or amendments to OMPP for review and approval at least one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days before becoming effective. Agreements and Coverage The attachment point shall be equal to or less than $200,000 and shall apply to all services, unless otherwise approved by OMPP. The Contractor electing to establish commercial reinsurance agreements with an attachment point greater than $200,000 must provide a justification in its proposal or submit justification to OMPP in writing at least one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days prior to the policy renewal date or date of the proposed change. The Contractor must receive approval from OMPP before changing the attachment point. The Contractor’s co-insurance responsibilities above the attachment point shall be no greater than twenty percent (20%). Reinsurance agreements shall transfer risk from the Contractor to the reinsurer. The reinsurer's payment to the Contractor shall depend on and vary directly with the amount and timing of claims settled under the reinsured contract. Contractual features that delay timely reimbursement are not acceptable. The Contractor shall maintain a plan acceptable to the IDOI commissioner for continuation of benefits in the event of receivership. The Contractor must finance the greater of $1,000,000 or total projected costs as calculated by the form set forth in 760 IAC 1-70-8. The Contractor shall obtain continuation of coverage insurance (insolvency insurance) to continue plan benefits for members until the end of the period for which premiums have been paid. This coverage shall extend to members in acute care hospitals or nursing facility settings when the Contractor’s insolvency occurs during the member’s inpatient stay. The Contractor shall continue to reimburse for its member’s care under those circumstances (i.e., inpatient stays) until the member is discharged from the acute care setting or nursing facility. Requirements for Reinsurance Companies The Contractor shall submit documentation that the reinsurer follows the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' (NAIC) Reinsurance Accounting Standards. The Contractor shall be required to obtain reinsurance from insurance organizations that have Standard and Poor's claims- paying ability ratings of "AA" or higher and a Xxxxx’x bond rating of “A1” or higher, unless otherwise approved by OMPP. Subcontractors Subcontractors’ reinsurance coverage requirements must be clearly defined in the reinsurance agreement. Subcontractors should be encouraged to obtain their own stop-loss coverage with the above-mentioned terms. If subcontractors do not obtain reinsurance on their own, the Contractor is required to forward appropriate recoveries from stop- loss coverage to applicable subcontractors.