RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS OR ENDORSEMENTS. The automated processing of the large volume of checks we receive prevents us from inspecting or looking for restrictive legends, restrictive endorsements or other special instructions on every check. For this reason, we are not required to honor any restrictive legend or endorsement or other special instruction placed on checks you write unless we have agreed in writing to the restriction or instruction. Unless we have agreed in writing, we are not responsible for any losses, claims, damages, or expenses that result from your placement of these restrictions or instructions on your checks. Examples of restrictive legends placed on checks are "must be presented within 90 days" or "not valid for more than $1,000.00." The payee's signature accompanied by the words "for deposit only" is an example of a restrictive endorsement. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES - Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on us. You give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. You must notify us at once if you suspect that your facsimile signature is being or has been misused. CHECK PROCESSING - We process items mechanically by relying solely on the information encoded in magnetic ink along the bottom of the items. This means that we do not individually examine all of your items to determine if the item is properly completed, signed and endorsed or to determine if it contains any information other than what is encoded in magnetic ink. You agree that we have exercised ordinary care if our automated processing is consistent with general banking practice, even though we do not inspect each item. Because we do not inspect each item, if you write a check to multiple payees, we can properly pay the check regardless of the number of endorsements unless you notify us in writing that the check requires multiple endorsements. We must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and you must tell us the precise date of the check, amount, check number and payee. We are not responsible for any unauthorized signature or alteration that would not be identified by a reasonable inspection of the item. Using an automated process helps us keep costs down for you and all account holders. CHECK CASHING - We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. ENDORSEMENTS - We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not endorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing endorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all endorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must endorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire endorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other endorsement information (e.g. additional endorsements, ID information, driver's license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2" of the "trailing edge" of a check. Endorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable by automated check processing equipment. As you look at the front of a check, the "trailing edge" is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all endorsement information within 1 1/2" of that edge. loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). Positive pay and other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer It is important that you confine the endorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed endorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your endorsement, another endorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our endorsement. These endorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or is adjudicated (determined by the appropriate official) incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we know of your death or adjudication of incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or adjudication of incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or adjudication of incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. We are not responsible for the actions of a fiduciary, including the misuse of funds. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed "legal action" in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. ACCOUNT SECURITY - Duty to protect account information and methods of access - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to issue an electronic debit or to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account, and payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the electronic fund transfers subject to Regulation E, you agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered. You will not be responsible for such transactions if we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. Such services include positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures. If we offered you a commercially reasonable security procedure which you reject, you agree that you are responsible for any payment order, whether authorized or not, that we accept in compliance with an alternative security procedure that you have selected. The positive pay service can help detect and prevent check fraud and is appropriate for account holders that issue: a high volume of checks, a lot of checks to the general public, or checks for large dollar amounts. TELEPHONIC INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission or leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machine.

Appears in 6 contracts

Samples: Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions

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RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS OR ENDORSEMENTS. The automated processing of the large volume of checks we receive prevents us from inspecting or looking for restrictive legends, restrictive endorsements or other special instructions on every check. For this reason, we are not required to honor any restrictive legend or endorsement or other special instruction placed on checks you write unless we have agreed in writing to the restriction or instruction. Unless we have agreed in writing, we are not responsible for any losses, claims, damages, or expenses that result from your placement of these restrictions or instructions on your checks. Examples of restrictive legends placed on checks are "must be presented within 90 days" or "not valid for more than $1,000.00." The payee's ’s signature accompanied by the words "for deposit only" is an example of a restrictive endorsement. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES - Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on us. You give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. You must notify us at once if you suspect that your facsimile signature is being or has been misused. CHECK PROCESSING - We process items mechanically by relying solely on the information encoded in magnetic ink along the bottom of the items. This means that we do not individually examine all of your items to determine if the item is properly completed, signed and endorsed or to determine if it contains any information other than what is encoded in magnetic ink. You agree that we have exercised ordinary care if our automated processing is consistent with general banking practice, even though we do not inspect each item. Because we do not inspect each item, if you write a check to multiple payees, we can properly pay the check regardless of the number of endorsements unless you notify us in writing that the check requires multiple endorsements. We must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and you must tell us the precise date of the check, amount, check number and payee. We are not responsible for any unauthorized signature or alteration that would not be identified by a reasonable inspection of the item. Using an automated process helps us keep costs down for you and all account holders. CHECK CASHING - We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. ENDORSEMENTS - We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not endorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing endorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all endorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must endorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire endorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other endorsement information (e.g. additional endorsements, ID information, driver's license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2" of the "trailing edge" of a check. Endorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable by automated check processing equipment. As you look at the front of a check, the "trailing edge" is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all endorsement information within 1 1/2" of that edge. loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). Positive pay and other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer It is important that you confine the endorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed endorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your endorsement, another endorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our endorsement. These endorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or is adjudicated (determined by the appropriate official) incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we know of your death or adjudication of incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or adjudication of incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or adjudication of incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. We are not responsible for the actions of a fiduciary, including the misuse of funds. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed "legal action" in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. ACCOUNT SECURITY - Duty to protect account information and methods of access - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to issue an electronic debit or to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account, Positive pay and payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer electronic fund transfers subject to Regulation E, you agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered. You will not be responsible for such transactions if we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. Such services include positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures. If we offered you a commercially reasonable security procedure which you reject, you agree that you are responsible for any payment order, whether authorized or not, that we accept in compliance with an alternative security procedure that you have selected. The positive pay service can help detect and prevent check fraud and is appropriate for account holders that issue: a high volume of checks, a lot of checks to the general public, or checks for large dollar amounts. TELEPHONIC INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission or leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machine.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Terms and Conditions

RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS OR ENDORSEMENTS. The automated processing of the large volume of checks we receive prevents us from inspecting or looking for restrictive legends, restrictive endorsements or other special instructions on every check. For this reason, we are not required to honor any restrictive legend or endorsement or other special instruction placed on checks you write unless we have agreed in writing to the restriction or instruction. Unless we have agreed in writing, we are not responsible for any losses, claims, damages, or expenses that result from your placement of these restrictions or instructions on your checks. Examples of restrictive legends placed on checks are "must be presented within 90 days" or "not valid for more than $1,000.00." The payee's ’s signature accompanied by the words "for deposit only" is an example of a restrictive endorsement. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES - Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on us. You give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. You must notify us at once if you suspect that your facsimile signature is being or has been misused. CHECK PROCESSING - We process items mechanically by relying solely on the information encoded in magnetic ink along the bottom of the items. This means that we do not individually examine all of your items to determine if the item is properly completed, signed and endorsed or to determine if it contains any information other than what is encoded in magnetic ink. You agree that we have exercised ordinary care if our automated processing is consistent with general banking practice, even though we do not inspect each item. Because we do not inspect each item, if you write a check to multiple payees, we can properly pay the check regardless of the number of endorsements unless you notify us in writing that the check requires multiple endorsements. We must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and you must tell us the precise date of the check, amount, check number and payee. We are not responsible for any unauthorized signature or alteration that would not be identified by a reasonable inspection of the item. Using an automated process helps us keep costs down for you and all account holders. CHECK CASHING - We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. TRUNCATION, SUBSTITUTE CHECKS, AND OTHER CHECK IMAGES - If you truncate an original check and create a substitute check, or other paper or electronic image of the original check, you warrant that no one will be asked to make payment on the original check, a substitute check or any other electronic or paper image, if the payment obligation relating to the original check has already been paid. You also warrant that any substitute check you create conforms to the legal requirements and generally accepted specifications for substitute checks. You agree to retain the original check in conformance with our internal policy for retaining original checks. You agree to indemnify us for any loss we may incur as a result of any truncated check transaction you initiate. We can refuse to accept substitute checks that have not previously been warranted by a bank or other financial institution in conformance with the Check 21 Act. Unless specifically stated in a separate agreement between you and us, we do not have to accept any other electronic or paper image of an original check. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES - Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on us. You give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. You must notify us at once if you suspect that your facsimile signature is being or has been misused. REMOTELY CREATED CHECKS - Like any standard check or draft, a remotely created check (sometimes called a telecheck, preauthorized draft or demand draft) is a check or draft that can be used to withdraw money from an account. Unlike a typical check or draft, however, a remotely created check is not issued by the paying bank and does not contain the signature of the account owner (or a signature purported to be the signature of the account owner). In place of a signature, the check usually has a statement that the owner authorized the check or has the owner’s name typed or printed on the signature line. UNLAWFUL INTERNET GAMBLING NOTICE - Restricted transactions as defined in Federal Reserve Regulation GG are prohibited from being processed through this account or relationship. Restricted transactions generally include, but are not limited to, those in which credit, electronic fund transfers, checks, or drafts are knowingly accepted by gambling businesses in connection with the participation by others in unlawful Internet gambling. WAIVER OF NOTICES - To the extent permitted by law, you waive any notice of non-payment, dishonor or protest regarding any items credited to or charged against your account. For example, if you deposit an item and it is returned unpaid or we receive a notice of nonpayment, we do not have to notify you unless required by federal Regulation CC or other law. FUNDS TRANSFERS - The terms used in this section have the meaning given to them in Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code - Funds Transfers (UCC 4A). This section will generally not apply to you if you are a consumer. However, even if you are a consumer, this section will apply to that part of any funds transfer that is conducted by Xxxxxxx. This section is subject to UCC 4A as adopted in the state in which you have your deposit with us. This agreement is also subject to all clearing house association rules, rules of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and their operating circulars. If any part of this agreement is determined to be unenforceable, the rest of the agreement remains effective. This agreement controls funds transfers unless supplemented or amended in a separate written agreement signed by us. This agreement does not apply to a funds transfer if any part of the transfer is governed by the Electronic Fund Transfer Act of 1978 (EFTA), except this agreement does apply to a funds transfer that is a remittance transfer as defined in EFTA unless the remittance transfer is an electronic fund transfer as defined in EFTA. Funds transfer - A funds transfer is the transaction or series of transactions that begin with the originator’s payment order, made for the purpose of making payment to the beneficiary of the order. A funds transfer is completed by the acceptance by the beneficiary’s bank of a payment order for the benefit of the beneficiary of the originator’s order. You may give us a payment order orally, electronically, or in writing, but your order cannot state any condition to payment to the beneficiary other than the time of payment. Credit entries may be made by ACH. Authorized account - An authorized account is a deposit or share account you have with us that you have designated as a source of payment of payment orders you issue to us. If you have not designated an authorized account, any account you have with us is an authorized account to the extent that payment of the payment order is not inconsistent with the use of the account. Acceptance of your payment order - We are not obligated to accept any payment order that you give us, although we normally will accept your payment order if you have a withdrawable credit in an authorized account sufficient to cover the order. If we do not execute your payment order, but give you notice of our rejection of your payment order after the execution date or give you no notice, we are not liable to pay you as restitution any interest on a withdrawable credit in a non-interest- bearing account. Cutoff time - If we do not receive your payment order or communication canceling or amending a payment order before our cutoff time on a funds transfer day for that type of order or communication, the order or communication will be deemed to be received at the opening of our next funds transfer business day. Payment of your order - If we accept a payment order you give us, we may receive payment by automatically deducting from any authorized account the amount of the payment order plus the amount of any expenses and charges for our services in execution of your payment order. We are entitled to payment on the payment or execution date. Unless your payment order specifies otherwise, the payment or execution date is the funds transfer date we receive the payment order. The funds transfer is completed upon acceptance by the beneficiary’s bank. Your obligation to pay your payment order is excused if the funds transfer is not completed, but you are still responsible to pay us any expenses and charges for our services. However, if you told us to route the funds transfer through an intermediate bank, and we are unable to obtain a refund because the intermediate bank that you designated has suspended payments, then you are still obligated to pay us for the payment order. You will not be entitled to interest on any refund you receive because the beneficiary’s bank does not accept the payment order. Security procedure - As described more fully in a separate writing, the authenticity of a payment order or communication canceling or amending a payment order issued in your name as sender may be verified by a security procedure. You affirm that you have no circumstances which are relevant to the determination of a commercially reasonable security procedure unless those circumstances are expressly contained in a separate writing signed by us. You may choose from one or more security procedures that we have developed, or you may develop your own security procedure if it is acceptable to us. If you refuse a commercially reasonable security procedure that we have offered you, you agree that you will be bound by any payment order issued in your name, whether or not authorized, that we accept in good faith and in compliance with the security procedure you have chosen. Duty to report unauthorized or erroneous payment - You must exercise ordinary care to determine that all payment orders or amendments to payment orders that we accept that are issued in your name are authorized, enforceable, in the correct amount, to the correct beneficiary, and not otherwise erroneous. If you discover (or with reasonable care should have discovered) an unauthorized, unenforceable, or erroneously executed payment order or amendment, you must exercise ordinary care to notify us of the relevant facts. The time you have to notify us will depend on the circumstances, but that time will not in any circumstance exceed 14 days from when you are notified of our acceptance or execution of the payment order or amendment or that your account was debited with respect to the order or amendment. If you do not provide us with timely notice you may not be entitled to interest on any refundable amount. If we can prove that you failed to perform either of these duties with respect to an erroneous payment and that we incurred a loss as a result of the failure, you are liable to us for the amount of the loss not exceeding the amount of your order. Identifying number - If your payment order identifies an intermediate bank, beneficiary bank, or beneficiary by name and number, we and every receiving or beneficiary bank may rely upon the identifying number rather than the name to make payment, even if the number identifies an intermediate bank or person different than the bank or beneficiary identified by name. Neither we nor any receiving or beneficiary bank have any responsibility to determine whether the name and identifying number refer to the same financial institution or person. Record of oral or telephone orders - You agree that we may, if we choose, record any oral or telephone payment order or communication of amendment or cancelation. Notice of credit - If we receive a payment order to credit an account you have with us, we are not required to provide you with any notice of the payment order or the credit. Provisional credit - You agree to be bound by the automated clearing house association operating rules that provide that payments made to you or originated by you by funds transfer through the automated clearing house system are provisional until final settlement is made through a Federal Reserve Bank or otherwise payment is made as provided in Article 4A-403(a) of the Uniform Commercial Code. Refund of credit - You agree that if we do not receive payment of an amount credited to your account, we are entitled to a refund from you in the amount credited and the party originating such payment will not be considered to have paid the amount so credited. Amendment of funds transfer agreement - From time to time we may amend any term of this agreement by giving you reasonable notice in writing. We may give notice to anyone who is authorized to send payment orders to us in your name, or to anyone who is authorized to accept service. Cancelation or amendment of payment order - You may cancel or amend a payment order you give us only if we receive the communication of cancelation or amendment before our cutoff time and in time to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it before we accept the payment order. The communication of cancelation or amendment must be presented in conformity with the same security procedure that has been agreed to for payment orders. Intermediaries - We are not liable for the actions of any intermediary, regardless of whether or not we selected the intermediary. We are not responsible for acts of God, outside agencies, or nonsalaried agents. Limit on liability - You waive any claim you may have against us for consequential or special damages, including loss of profit arising out of a payment order or funds transfer, unless this waiver is prohibited by law. We are not responsible for attorney fees you might incur due to erroneous execution of payment order. Erroneous execution - If we receive an order to pay you, and we erroneously pay you more than the amount of the payment order, we are entitled to recover from you the amount in excess of the amount of the payment order, regardless of whether you may have some claim to the excess amount against the originator of the order. Objection to payment - If we give you a notice that reasonably identifies a payment order issued in your name as sender that we have accepted and received payment for, you cannot claim that we are not entitled to retain the payment unless you notify us of your objection to the payment within one year of our notice to you. STALE-DATED CHECKS - We are not obligated to, but may at our option, pay a check, other than a certified check, presented for payment more than six months after its date. If you do not want us to pay a stale-dated check, you must place a stop-payment order on the check in the manner we have described elsewhere. ENDORSEMENTS - We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not endorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing endorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all endorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must endorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire endorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other endorsement information (e.g. additional endorsements, ID information, driver's license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2" of the "trailing edge" of a check. Endorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable by automated check processing equipment. As you look at the front of a check, the "trailing edge" is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all endorsement information within 1 1/2" of that edge. loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). Positive pay and other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer It is important that you confine the endorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed endorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your endorsement, another endorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our endorsement. These endorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or is adjudicated (determined by the appropriate official) incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we know of your death or adjudication of incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or adjudication of incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or adjudication of incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. We are not responsible for the actions of a fiduciary, including the misuse of funds. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed "legal action" in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. ACCOUNT SECURITY - Duty to protect account information and methods of access - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to issue an electronic debit or to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account, and payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the electronic fund transfers subject to Regulation E, you agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered. You will not be responsible for such transactions if we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. Such services include positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures. If we offered you a commercially reasonable security procedure which you reject, you agree that you are responsible for any payment order, whether authorized or not, that we accept in compliance with an alternative security procedure that you have selected. The positive pay service can help detect and prevent check fraud and is appropriate for account holders that issue: a high volume of checks, a lot of checks to the general public, or checks for large dollar amounts. TELEPHONIC INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission or leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machine.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Account Agreement

RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS OR ENDORSEMENTS. The automated processing of the large volume of checks we receive prevents us from inspecting or looking for restrictive legends, restrictive endorsements or other special instructions on every check. Examples of restrictive legends placed on checks are “must be presented within 90 days” or “not valid for more than $1,000.00.” The payee’s signature accompanied by the words “for deposit only” is an example of a restrictive endorsement. For this reason, we are not required to honor any restrictive legend or endorsement or other special instruction placed on checks you write unless we have agreed in writing to the restriction or instruction. Unless we have agreed in writing, we are not responsible for any losses, claims, damages, or expenses that result from your placement of these restrictions or instructions on your checks. Examples of restrictive legends placed on checks are "must be presented within 90 days" RE-PRESENTED CHECKS - If a merchant or "payee electronically re-presents a paper check that was returned because you did not valid for more than $1,000.00." The payee's signature accompanied have enough money in your account, the transaction is not covered by the words "for deposit only" Electronic Funds Transfer Act. Checks that are re-presented will not be included with your statement. A merchant may electronically collect a fee associated with a re-presented check. If collected from a consumer account, the fee is covered by the Electronic Funds Transfer Act and subject to the Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement and Disclosure below. The fee will appear on your statement. REMOTELY CREATED CHECKS - Like any standard check or draft, a remotely created check (sometimes called a telecheck, preauthorized draft or demand draft) is a check or draft that can be used to withdraw money from an example account. Unlike a typical check or draft, however, a remotely created check is not issued by the paying bank and does not contain the signature of the account owner (or a signature purported to be the signature of the account owner). In place of a restrictive endorsement. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES - Unless you make advance arrangements with ussignature, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, check usually has a statement that are drawn on us. You give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble owner authorized the facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. You must notify us at once if you suspect that your facsimile signature is being check or has been misused. CHECK PROCESSING - We process items mechanically by relying solely the owner’s name typed or printed on the information encoded in magnetic ink along the bottom of the itemssignature line. This means that we do not individually examine all of your items to determine if the item is properly completed, signed and endorsed or to determine if it contains any information other than what is encoded in magnetic ink. You agree that we have exercised ordinary care if our automated processing is consistent with general banking practice, even though we do not inspect each item. Because we do not inspect each item, if you write a check to multiple payees, we can properly pay the check regardless of the number of endorsements unless you notify us in writing that the check requires multiple endorsements. We must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and you must tell us the precise date of the check, amount, check number and payee. STALE-DATED CHECKS - We are not responsible for any unauthorized signature or alteration that would not be identified by a reasonable inspection of the item. Using an automated process helps us keep costs down for you and all account holders. CHECK CASHING - We obligated to, but may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing at our option, pay a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such than a certified check, draft or other instrumentpresented for payment more than six months after its date. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting If you do not want us to pay a thumbprint or fingerprint. ENDORSEMENTS - We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not endorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing endorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all endorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delaystale-dated check, you must endorse it (sign it place a stop-payment order on the back) in a specific area. Your entire endorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other endorsement information (e.g. additional endorsements, ID information, driver's license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2" of the "trailing edge" of a check. Endorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable by automated check processing equipment. As you look at the front of a check, the "trailing edge" is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all endorsement information within 1 1/2" of that edge. loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). Positive pay and other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer It is important that you confine the endorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed endorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your endorsement, another endorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our endorsement. These endorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or is adjudicated (determined by the appropriate official) incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we know of your death or adjudication of incompetence, and (b) manner we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or adjudication of incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or adjudication of incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. We are not responsible for the actions of a fiduciary, including the misuse of funds. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed "legal action" in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. ACCOUNT SECURITY - Duty to protect account information and methods of access - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to issue an electronic debit or to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account, and payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the electronic fund transfers subject to Regulation E, you agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered. You will not be responsible for such transactions if we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. Such services include positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures. If we offered you a commercially reasonable security procedure which you reject, you agree that you are responsible for any payment order, whether authorized or not, that we accept in compliance with an alternative security procedure that you have selected. The positive pay service can help detect and prevent check fraud and is appropriate for account holders that issue: a high volume of checks, a lot of checks to the general public, or checks for large dollar amounts. TELEPHONIC INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission or leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machinedescribed elsewhere.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Account Agreement

RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS OR ENDORSEMENTS. The automated processing of the large volume of checks we receive prevents us from inspecting or looking for restrictive legends, restrictive endorsements or other special instructions on every check. For this reason, we are not required to honor any restrictive legend or endorsement or other special instruction placed on checks you write unless we have agreed in writing to the restriction or instruction. Unless we have agreed in writing, we are not responsible for any losses, claims, damages, or expenses that result from your placement of these restrictions or instructions on your checks. Examples of restrictive legends placed on checks are "must be presented within 90 days" or "not valid for more than $1,000.00." The payee's ’s signature accompanied by the words "for deposit only" is an example of a restrictive endorsement. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES - Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on us. You give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. You must notify us at once if you suspect that your facsimile signature is being or has been misused. PLEDGES - Each owner of this account may pledge all or any part of the funds in it for any purpose to which we agree. Any pledge of this account must first be satisfied before the rights of any surviving account owner or account beneficiary become effective. CHECK PROCESSING - We process items mechanically by relying solely on the information encoded in magnetic ink along the bottom of the items. This means that we do not individually examine all of your items to determine if the item is properly completed, signed and endorsed or to determine if it contains any information other than what is encoded in magnetic ink. You agree that we have exercised ordinary care if our automated processing is consistent with general banking practice, even though we do not inspect each item. Because we do not inspect each item, if you write a check to multiple payees, we can properly pay the check regardless of the number of endorsements unless you notify us in writing that the check requires multiple endorsements. We must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and you must tell us the precise date of the check, amount, check number and payee. We are not responsible for any unauthorized signature or alteration that would not be identified by a reasonable inspection of the item. Using an automated process helps us keep costs down for you and all account holders. CHECK CASHING UNCLAIMED PROPERTY NOTICE - We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification Your property may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprinttransferred to the appropriate state if no activity occurs in the account within the time period specified by state law. ENDORSEMENTS - We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not endorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing endorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all endorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must endorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire endorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other endorsement information (e.g. additional endorsements, ID information, driver's license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2" of the "trailing edge" of a check. Endorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable by automated check processing equipment. As you look at the front of a check, the "trailing edge" is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all endorsement information within 1 1/2" of that edge. loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). Positive pay and other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer It is important that you confine the endorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed endorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your endorsement, another endorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our endorsement. These endorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or is adjudicated (determined by the appropriate official) incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we know of your death or adjudication of incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or adjudication of incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or adjudication of incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. We are not responsible for the actions of a fiduciary, including the misuse of funds. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed "legal action" in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. ACCOUNT SECURITY - Duty to protect account information and methods of access - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to issue an electronic debit or to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account, Positive pay and payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer electronic fund transfers subject to Regulation E, you agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered. You will not be responsible for such transactions if we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. Such services include positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures. If we offered you a commercially reasonable security procedure which you reject, you agree that you are responsible for any payment order, whether authorized or not, that we accept in compliance with an alternative security procedure that you have selected. The positive pay service can help detect and prevent check fraud and is appropriate for account holders that issue: a high volume of checks, a lot of checks to the general public, or checks for large dollar amounts. TELEPHONIC INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission or leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machine.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Account Agreement

RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS OR ENDORSEMENTS. The automated processing of the large volume of checks we receive prevents us from inspecting or looking for restrictive legends, restrictive endorsements or other special instructions on every check. For this reason, we are not required to honor any restrictive legend or endorsement or other special instruction placed on checks you write unless we have agreed in writing to the restriction or instruction. Unless we have agreed in writing, we are not responsible for any losses, claims, damages, or expenses that result from your placement of these restrictions or instructions on your checks. Examples of restrictive legends placed on checks are "must be presented within 90 days" or "not valid for more than $1,000.00." The payee's ’s signature accompanied by the words "for deposit only" is an example of a restrictive endorsement. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES PLEDGES - Unless you make advance arrangements with us, Each owner of this account may pledge all or any part of the funds in it for any purpose to which we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks agree. Any pledge of this account must first be satisfied before the rights of any surviving account owner or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on us. You give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. You must notify us at once if you suspect that your facsimile signature is being or has been misusedaccount beneficiary become effective. CHECK PROCESSING - We process items mechanically by relying solely on the information encoded in magnetic ink along the bottom of the items. This means that we do not individually examine all of your items to determine if the item is properly completed, signed and endorsed or to determine if it contains any information other than what is encoded in magnetic ink. You agree that we have exercised ordinary care if our automated processing is consistent with general banking practice, even though we do not inspect each item. Because we do not inspect each item, if you write a check to multiple payees, we can properly pay the check regardless of the number of endorsements unless you notify us in writing that the check requires multiple endorsements. We must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and you must tell us the precise date of the check, amount, check number and payee. We are not responsible for any unauthorized signature or alteration that would not be identified by a reasonable inspection of the item. Using an automated process helps us keep costs down for you and all account holders. CHECK CASHING - We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. ENDORSEMENTS - We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not endorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing endorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all endorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must endorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire endorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other endorsement information (e.g. additional endorsements, ID information, driver's license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2" of the "trailing edge" of a check. Endorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable by automated check processing equipment. As you look at the front of a check, the "trailing edge" is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all endorsement information within 1 1/2" of that edge. loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). Positive pay and other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer It is important that you confine the endorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed endorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your endorsement, another endorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our endorsement. These endorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or is adjudicated (determined by the appropriate official) incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we know of your death or adjudication of incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or adjudication of incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or adjudication of incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. We are not responsible for the actions of a fiduciary, including the misuse of funds. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed "legal action" in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. ACCOUNT SECURITY - Duty to protect account information and methods of access - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to issue an electronic debit or to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account, and payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the electronic fund transfers subject to Regulation E, you agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered. You will not be responsible for such transactions if we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. Such services include positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures. If we offered you a commercially reasonable security procedure which you reject, you agree that you are responsible for any payment order, whether authorized or not, that we accept in compliance with an alternative security procedure that you have selected. The positive pay service can help detect and prevent check fraud and is appropriate for account holders that issue: a high volume of checks, a lot of checks to the general public, or checks for large dollar amounts. TELEPHONIC INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission or leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machine.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Account Agreement

RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS OR ENDORSEMENTS. The automated processing of the large volume of checks we receive prevents us from inspecting or looking for restrictive legends, restrictive endorsements or other special instructions on every check. For this reason, we are not required to honor any restrictive legend or endorsement or other special instruction placed on checks you write unless we have agreed in writing to the restriction or instruction. Unless we have agreed in writing, we are not responsible for any losses, claims, damages, or expenses that result from your placement of these restrictions or instructions on your checks. Examples of restrictive legends placed on checks are "must be presented within 90 days" or "not valid for more than $1,000.00." The payee's signature accompanied by the words "for deposit only" is an example of a restrictive endorsement. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES - Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on us. You give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. You must notify us at once if you suspect that your facsimile signature is being or has been misused. CHECK PROCESSING - We process items mechanically by relying solely almost exclusively on the information encoded in magnetic ink along the bottom of the items. This means that we do not individually examine all of your items to determine if the item is properly completed, signed and endorsed or to determine if it contains any information other than what is encoded in magnetic ink. You agree that we have exercised ordinary care if our automated processing is consistent with general banking practice, even though we do not inspect each item. Because we do not inspect each item, if you write a check to multiple payees, we can properly pay the check regardless of the number of endorsements unless you notify us in writing that the check requires multiple endorsements. We must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and you must tell us the precise date of the check, amount, check number and payee. We are not responsible for any unauthorized signature or alteration that would not be identified by a reasonable inspection of the item. Using an automated process helps us keep costs down for you and all account holders. CHECK CASHING - We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. ENDORSEMENTS - We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not endorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing endorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all endorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must endorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire endorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other endorsement information (e.g. additional endorsements, ID information, driver's license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2" of the "trailing edge" of a check. Endorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable by automated check processing equipment. As you look at the front of a check, the "trailing edge" is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all endorsement information within 1 1/2" of that edge. loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). Positive pay and other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer It is important that you confine the endorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed endorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your endorsement, another endorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our endorsement. These endorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or is adjudicated (determined by the appropriate official) incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we know of your death or adjudication of incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or adjudication of incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or adjudication of incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. We are not responsible for the actions of a fiduciary, including the misuse of funds. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed "legal action" in this section), we will comply with that legal action as required by applicable law. However, nothing in this agreement shall be construed as a waiver of any rights you may have under applicable law with regards to such legal action. OrSubject to applicable law, we may, in our sole discretion, we may choose to freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments or transfers out of the account account, or take other action as may be appropriate under the circumstances, until there is a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal actionaction and applicable law. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees ’ fees, and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) - provided elsewhere - may specify additional fees that we may charge for responding to certain legal actions. ACCOUNT SECURITY - Duty Your duty to protect account information and methods of access - It Our policy may require methods of verifying your identity before providing you with a service or allowing you access to your account. We can decide what identification is your responsibility to protect reasonable under the account numbers circumstances. For example, process and electronic access devices (e.g.identification requirements may vary depending on whether they are online or in person. Identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a fingerprint, an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, comparevoiceprint, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your moneyother biometric information. An account number can be used by thieves to issue an electronic debit or to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like Positive pay and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, other fraud prevention services - Except for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account, and payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the consumer electronic fund transfers subject to Regulation E, you agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered. You will not be responsible for such transactions if we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. Such services include positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures. If we offered you a commercially reasonable security procedure which you reject, you agree that you are responsible for any payment order, whether authorized or not, that we accept in compliance with an alternative security procedure that you have selected. The positive pay service can help detect and prevent check fraud and is appropriate for account holders that issue: issue a high volume of checks, a lot of checks to the general public, or checks for large dollar amounts. TELEPHONIC INSTRUCTIONS FROM YOU - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission transmission, email, voicemail, or leave phone call to a facsimile number, email address, or phone number not designated by voice mail us for a particular purpose or on for a telephone answering machinepurpose that is unrelated to the request or instruction.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Business Deposit Account Agreement

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RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS OR ENDORSEMENTS. The automated processing of the large volume of checks we receive prevents us from inspecting or looking for restrictive legends, restrictive endorsements or other special instructions on every check. For this reason, we are not required to honor any restrictive legend or endorsement or other special instruction placed on checks you write unless we have agreed in writing to the restriction or instruction. Unless we have agreed in writing, we are not responsible for any losses, claims, damages, or expenses that result from your placement of these restrictions or instructions on your checks. Examples of restrictive legends placed on checks are "must be presented within 90 days" or "not valid for more than $1,000.00." The payee's signature accompanied by the words "for deposit only" is an example of a restrictive endorsement. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES - Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on us. You give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. You must notify us at once if you suspect that your facsimile signature is being or has been misused. CHECK PROCESSING - We process items mechanically by relying solely almost exclusively on the information encoded in magnetic ink along the bottom of the items. This means that we do not individually examine all of your items to determine if the item is properly completed, signed and endorsed or to determine if it contains any information other than what is encoded in magnetic ink. You agree that we have exercised ordinary care if our automated processing is consistent with general banking practice, even though we do not inspect each item. Because we do not inspect each item, if you write a check to multiple payees, we can properly pay the check regardless of the number of endorsements unless you notify us in writing that the check requires multiple endorsements. We must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and you must tell us the precise date of the check, amount, check number and payee. We are not responsible for any unauthorized signature or alteration that would not be identified by a reasonable inspection of the item. Using an automated process helps us keep costs down for you and all account holders. CHECK CASHING - We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. ENDORSEMENTS - We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not endorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing endorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all endorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must endorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire endorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other endorsement information (e.g. additional endorsements, ID information, driver's license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2" of the "trailing edge" of a check. Endorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable by automated check processing equipment. As you look at the front of a check, the "trailing edge" is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all endorsement information within 1 1/2" of that edge. loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). Positive pay and other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer It is important that you confine the endorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed endorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your endorsement, another endorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our endorsement. These endorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or is adjudicated (determined by the appropriate official) incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we know of your death or adjudication of incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or adjudication of incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or adjudication of incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. We are not responsible for the actions of a fiduciary, including the misuse of funds. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed "legal action" in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. ACCOUNT SECURITY - Duty to protect account information and methods of access - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to issue an electronic debit or to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account, and payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the electronic fund transfers subject to Regulation E, you agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered. You will not be responsible for such transactions if we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. Such services include positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures. If we offered you a commercially reasonable security procedure which you reject, you agree that you are responsible for any payment order, whether authorized or not, that we accept in compliance with an alternative security procedure that you have selected. The positive pay service can help detect and prevent check fraud and is appropriate for account holders that issue: a high volume of checks, a lot of checks to the general public, or checks for large dollar amounts. TELEPHONIC INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission or leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machine.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Terms and Conditions

RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS OR ENDORSEMENTS. The automated processing of the large volume of checks we receive prevents us from inspecting or looking for restrictive legends, restrictive endorsements or other special instructions on every check. For this reason, we are not required to honor any restrictive legend or endorsement or other special instruction placed on checks you write unless we have agreed in writing to the restriction or instruction. Unless we have agreed in writing, we are not responsible for any losses, claims, damages, or expenses that result from your placement of these restrictions or instructions on your checks. Examples of restrictive legends placed on checks are "must be presented within 90 days" or "not valid for more than $1,000.00." The payee's signature accompanied by the words "for deposit only" is an example of a restrictive endorsement. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES - Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on us. You give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. You must notify us at once if you suspect that your facsimile signature is being or has been misused. PLEDGES - Each owner of this account may pledge all or any part of the funds in it for any purpose to which we agree. Any pledge of this account must first be satisfied before the rights of any surviving account owner or account beneficiary become effective. For example, if an account has two owners and one of the owners pledges the account (i.e., uses it to secure a debt) and then dies, (1) the surviving owner’s rights in this account do not take effect until the debt has been satisfied, and (2) the debt may be satisfied with the funds in this account. CHECK PROCESSING - We process items mechanically by relying solely almost exclusively on the information encoded in magnetic ink along the bottom of the items. This means that we do not individually examine all of your items to determine if the item is properly completed, signed and endorsed or to determine if it contains any information other than what is encoded in magnetic ink. You agree that we have exercised ordinary care if our automated processing is consistent with general banking practice, even though we do not inspect each item. Because we do not inspect each item, if you write a check to multiple payees, we can properly pay the check regardless of the number of endorsements unless you notify us in writing that the check requires multiple endorsements. We must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and you must tell us the precise date of the check, amount, check number and payee. We are not responsible for any unauthorized signature or alteration that would not be identified by a reasonable inspection of the item. Using an automated process helps us keep costs down for you and all account holders. CHECK CASHING - We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. ENDORSEMENTS - We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not endorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing endorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all endorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must endorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire endorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other endorsement information (e.g. additional endorsements, ID information, driver's license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2" of the "trailing edge" of a check. Endorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable by automated check processing equipment. As you look at the front of a check, the "trailing edge" is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all endorsement information within 1 1/2" of that edge. loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). Positive pay and other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer It is important that you confine the endorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed endorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your endorsement, another endorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our endorsement. These endorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or is adjudicated (determined by the appropriate official) incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we know of your death or adjudication of incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or adjudication of incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or adjudication of incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. We are not responsible for the actions of a fiduciary, including the misuse of funds. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed "legal action" in this section), we will comply with that legal action as required by applicable law. However, nothing in this agreement shall be construed as a waiver of any rights you may have under applicable law with regards to such legal action. OrSubject to applicable law, we may, in our sole discretion, we may choose to freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments or transfers out of the account account, or take other action as may be appropriate under the circumstances, until there is a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal actionaction and applicable law. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees fees, and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) - provided elsewhere - may specify additional fees that we may charge for responding to certain legal actions. ACCOUNT SECURITY - Duty Your duty to protect account information and methods of access - It Our policy may require methods of verifying your identity before providing you with a service or allowing you access to your account. We can decide what identification is your responsibility to protect reasonable under the account numbers circumstances. For example, process and electronic access devices (e.g.identification requirements may vary depending on whether they are online or in person. Identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a fingerprint, an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, comparevoiceprint, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your moneyother biometric information. An account number can be used by thieves to issue an electronic debit or to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like Positive pay and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, other fraud prevention services - Except for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account, and payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the consumer electronic fund transfers subject to Regulation E, you agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered. You will not be responsible for such transactions if we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. Such services include positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures. If we offered you a commercially reasonable security procedure which you reject, you agree that you are responsible for any payment order, whether authorized or not, that we accept in compliance with an alternative security procedure that you have selected. The positive pay service can help detect and prevent check fraud and is appropriate for account holders that issue: issue a high volume of checks, a lot of checks to the general public, or checks for large dollar amounts. TELEPHONIC Account numbers - Thieves can encode your account number on a check which looks and functions like an authorized check and can be used to withdraw money from your account. Your account number can also be used to issue a “remotely created check.” Like a typical check, a remotely created check (sometimes called a telecheck, preauthorized draft or demand draft) is a draft or check that can be used to withdraw money from your account. Unlike a typical check or draft, however, a remotely created check is not issued by the paying bank and does not contain the signature of the account owner (or a signature purported to be the signature of the account owner). If you have truly authorized the remotely created check (to purchase a service or merchandise, for example), it is properly payable. But it can be risky to authorize a remotely created check. A xxxxxxxx could issue a remotely created check in an amount greater than you authorized, or issue additional remotely created checks that you have not authorized. We will not know if the withdrawal is unauthorized or in an amount greater than the amount you have authorized. Payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. Access devices - If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to someone who then exceeds that authority, you will be liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Please review the additional information you have received or will receive regarding transfers by access device. Blank checks - You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you think your blank checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself, or share the loss with us if we failed to use ordinary care which substantially contributes to the loss. INSTRUCTIONS FROM YOU - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission transmission, email, voicemail, or leave phone call to a facsimile number, email address, or phone number not designated by voice mail us for a particular purpose or for a purpose that is unrelated to the request or instruction. CLAIM OF LOSS - The following rules do not apply to a transaction or claim related to a consumer electronic fund transfer governed by Regulation E (e.g., an everyday/one-time consumer debit card or ATM transaction). The error resolution procedures for consumer electronic fund transfers can be found in our initial Regulation E disclosure generally titled, “Electronic Fund Transfers.” For other transactions or claims, if you claim a credit or refund because of a forgery, alteration, or any other unauthorized withdrawal, you agree to cooperate with us in the investigation of the loss, including giving us an affidavit containing whatever reasonable information we require concerning your account, the transaction, and the circumstances surrounding the loss. You will notify law enforcement authorities of any criminal act related to the claim of lost, missing, or stolen checks or unauthorized withdrawals. We will have a reasonable period of time to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding any claim of loss. Unless we have acted in bad faith, we will not be liable for special or consequential damages, including loss of profits or opportunity, or for attorneys’ fees incurred by you. EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTIES (and involuntary withdrawals) - We may impose early withdrawal penalties on a telephone answering machinewithdrawal from a time or term share account even if you don’t initiate the withdrawal. For instance, the early withdrawal penalty may be imposed if the withdrawal is caused by the enforcement of our right to repayment of indebtedness against funds in the account or as a result of an attachment or other legal process. We may close your account and impose the early withdrawal penalty on the entire account balance in the event of a partial early withdrawal. See your separately provided notice of penalty for early withdrawal for additional information.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Account Agreements

RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS OR ENDORSEMENTS. The automated processing of the large volume of checks we receive prevents us from inspecting or looking for restrictive legends, restrictive endorsements or other special instructions on every check. For this reason, we are not required to honor any restrictive legend or endorsement or other special instruction placed on checks you write unless we have agreed in writing to the restriction or instruction. Unless we have agreed in writing, we are not responsible for any losses, claims, damages, or expenses that result from your placement of these restrictions or instructions on your checks. Examples of restrictive legends placed on checks are "must be presented within 90 days" or "not valid for more than $1,000.00." The payee's signature accompanied by the words "for deposit only" is an example of a restrictive endorsement. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES - Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on us. You give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. You must notify us at once if you suspect that your facsimile signature is being or has been misused. CHECK PROCESSING - We process items mechanically by relying solely on the information encoded in magnetic ink along the bottom of the items. This means that we do not individually examine all of your items to determine if the item is properly completed, signed and endorsed or to determine if it contains any information other than what is encoded in magnetic ink. You agree that we have exercised ordinary care if our automated processing is consistent with general banking practice, even though we do not inspect each item. Because we do not inspect each item, if you write a check to multiple payees, we can properly pay the check regardless of the number of endorsements unless you notify us in writing that the check requires multiple endorsements. We must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and you must tell us the precise date of the check, amount, check number and payee. We are not responsible for any unauthorized signature or alteration that would not be identified by a reasonable inspection of the item. Using an automated process helps us keep costs down for you and all account holders. CHECK CASHING - We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. ENDORSEMENTS - We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not endorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing endorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all endorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must endorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire endorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other endorsement information (e.g. additional endorsements, ID information, driver's license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2" of the "trailing edge" of a check. Endorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable by automated check processing equipment. As you look at the front of a check, the "trailing edge" is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all endorsement information within 1 1/2" of that edge. loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). Positive pay and other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer It is important that you confine the endorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed endorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your endorsement, another endorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our endorsement. These endorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or is adjudicated (determined by the appropriate official) incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we know of your death or adjudication of incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or adjudication of incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or adjudication of incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. We are not responsible for the actions of a fiduciary, including the misuse of funds. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed "legal action" in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. ACCOUNT SECURITY - Duty to protect account information and methods of access - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to issue an electronic debit or to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account, and payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the electronic fund transfers subject to Regulation E, you agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered. You will not be responsible for such transactions if we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. Such services include positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures. If we offered you a commercially reasonable security procedure which you reject, you agree that you are responsible for any payment order, whether authorized or not, that we accept in compliance with an alternative security procedure that you have selected. The positive pay service can help detect and prevent check fraud and is appropriate for account holders that issue: a high volume of checks, a lot of checks to the general public, or checks for large dollar amounts. TELEPHONIC INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission or leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machine.

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Samples: Deposit Account Contract

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