Seat of the Commission. 1. The seat of the Commission shall be determined by the Commission.
2. Sessions of the Commission shall normally be held at its seat. Sessions may, however, be convened elsewhere, in consultation with the Director-General of the Organization, in pursuance of a decision of the Commission at a previous session, or, in exceptional circumstances, of a decision by the Executive Committee.
Seat of the Commission. 1. The Commission shall decide the location of its seat. The agreement on the seat concluded between the Director-General of FAO and the government concerned shall be submitted to the Commission for approval.
2. In agreement with the Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in North-West Africa and the Government of Algeria, the Commission shall benefit from the expertise and, as appropriate, the property and assets of the CCDLNWA.
Seat of the Commission. 1. The seat of the Commission shall be determined by the Commission.