SELLER’S STATEMENTS OF FACT. Seller states that the following are true as of the date of this Agreement:
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  • Shareholders Statements and Reports Promptly upon the furnishing thereof to the shareholders of such Seller Party copies of all financial statements, reports and proxy statements so furnished.

  • Closing Statements Buyer’s Closing Statement, and a certificate confirming the truth of Buyer’s representations and warranties hereunder as of the Closing Date.

  • Property Inspections; Collection of Financial Statements; Delivery of Certain Reports (a) The Special Servicer shall perform or cause to be performed a physical inspection of the Mortgaged Property securing a Serviced Mortgage Loan as soon as practicable after such Serviced Mortgage Loan becomes a Specially Serviced Mortgage Loan and annually thereafter for so long as such Mortgage Loan remains a Specially Serviced Mortgage Loan, the cost of which shall be paid by the Master Servicer, at the direction of the Special Servicer, and shall be reimbursable as a Servicing Advance. In addition, the Special Servicer shall perform or cause to be performed a physical inspection of each of the Administered REO Properties at least once per calendar year, the cost of which shall be paid by the Master Servicer, at the direction of the Special Servicer, and shall be reimbursable as a Servicing Advance. Beginning in 2008, the Master Servicer shall at its expense perform or cause to be performed a physical inspection of each Mortgaged Property securing a Performing Serviced Mortgage Loan: (i) at least once every two calendar years in the case of Mortgaged Properties securing Performing Serviced Mortgage Loans that have outstanding principal balances of (or Mortgaged Properties having allocated loan amounts of) $2,000,000 or less; and (ii) at least once every calendar year in the case of all other such Mortgaged Properties; provided that, the Master Servicer will not be required to perform or cause to be performed an inspection on a Mortgaged Property if such Mortgaged Property has been inspected by the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer in the preceding six (6) months. The Master Servicer and the Special Servicer shall each promptly prepare or cause to be prepared and deliver to the Trustee, the related Serviced Non-Trust Mortgage Loan Noteholder(s) (if the subject Mortgaged Property secures a Serviced Loan Combination) and each other a written report of each such inspection performed by it that sets forth in detail the condition of the Mortgaged Property and that specifies the existence of: (i) any sale, transfer or abandonment of the Mortgaged Property of which the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as applicable, is aware, (ii) any change in the condition or value of the Mortgaged Property that the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as applicable, in its reasonable, good faith judgment, considers material, or (iii) any waste committed on the Mortgaged Property. The Master Servicer and Special Servicer shall each forward copies of any such inspection reports prepared by it to the Underwriters, the Controlling Class Representative and the Serviced Non-Trust Noteholders, upon request, subject to payment of a reasonable fee. The Special Servicer, in the case of each Specially Serviced Mortgage Loan and each REO Mortgage Loan that relates to an Administered REO Property, and the Master Servicer, in the case of each Performing Serviced Mortgage Loan, shall each, consistent with the Servicing Standard, use reasonable efforts to obtain quarterly, annual and other periodic operating statements and rent rolls with respect to each of the related Mortgaged Properties and REO Properties. The Special Servicer shall, promptly following receipt, deliver copies of the operating statements and rent rolls received or obtained by it to the Master Servicer. The Master Servicer shall promptly deliver copies of the operating statements and rent rolls received or obtained by it (including pursuant to the preceding sentence) to the Trustee, the Special Servicer, any related Serviced Non-Trust Mortgage Loan Noteholder(s) (if the subject Mortgaged Property secures a Serviced Loan Combination) or any Controlling Class Certificateholder, in each case upon request. Within 30 days after receipt by the Master Servicer or Special Servicer, as applicable, of any annual operating statements with respect to any Mortgaged Property (other than a Mortgaged Property that secures an Outside Serviced Loan Combination) or Administered REO Property, the Master Servicer (with respect to a Mortgaged Property that secures a Performing Serviced Mortgage Loan) and the Special Servicer (with respect to a Mortgaged Property that secures a Specially Serviced Mortgage Loan or with respect to an Administered REO Property) shall prepare or update and forward to the Trustee a CMSA NOI Adjustment Worksheet for such Mortgaged Property or Administered REO Property (with, upon request, the annual operating statements attached thereto as an exhibit). The Master Servicer, with respect to a Mortgaged Property that secures a Performing Serviced Mortgage Loan, and the Special Servicer, with respect to a Mortgaged Property that secures a Specially Serviced Mortgage Loan or with respect to an Administered REO Property, shall prepare and maintain one CMSA Operating Statement Analysis Report for each such Mortgaged Property and Administered REO Property. The CMSA Operating Statement Analysis Report for each such Mortgaged Property and REO Property is to be updated by the Master Servicer or Special Servicer, as applicable, within 30 days after its receipt of updated operating statements for a Mortgaged Property or REO Property, as the case may be. The Master Servicer or Special Servicer, as applicable, shall use the "Normalized" column from the CMSA NOI Adjustment Worksheet for any Mortgaged Property or REO Property, as the case may be, to update and normalize the corresponding annual year-end information in the CMSA Operating Statement Analysis Report and shall use any annual operating statements and related data fields received with respect to any Mortgaged Property or REO Property, as the case may be, to prepare the CMSA NOI Adjustment Worksheet for such property. Copies of CMSA Operating Statement Analysis Reports and CMSA NOI Adjustment Worksheets (as well as any comparable items received with respect to an Outside Serviced Trust Mortgage Loan or any related REO Property) are to be forwarded by the Master Servicer or the Special Servicer, as applicable, to each other, the Trustee and any Controlling Class Certificateholder, in each case upon request.

  • Inspections; Collection of Financial Statements (a) The Master Servicer shall perform (at its own expense), or shall cause to be performed (at its own expense), a physical inspection of each Mortgaged Property relating to a Mortgage Loan (other than a Non-Serviced Mortgage Loan or a Specially Serviced Mortgage Loan) with a Stated Principal Balance of (i) $2,000,000 or more at least once every twelve (12) months and (ii) less than $2,000,000 at least once every twenty-four (24) months, in each case, commencing in the calendar year 2019 (and each Mortgaged Property shall be inspected on or prior to December 31, 2019); provided, however, that if a physical inspection has been performed by the Special Servicer in the previous twelve (12) months and the Master Servicer has no knowledge of a material change in the Mortgaged Property since such physical inspection, the Master Servicer will not be required to perform or cause to be performed, such physical inspection; provided, further, that if any scheduled payment becomes more than sixty (60) days delinquent on the related Mortgage Loan, the Special Servicer shall inspect or cause to be inspected the related Mortgaged Property as soon as practicable after such Mortgage Loan becomes a Specially Serviced Mortgage Loan and annually thereafter for so long as such Mortgage Loan remains a Specially Serviced Mortgage Loan. The cost of such inspection by the Special Servicer pursuant to the second proviso of the immediately preceding sentence shall be an expense of the Trust, and, to the extent not paid by the related Mortgagor, reimbursed first from Penalty Charges actually received from the related Mortgagor and then from the Collection Account pursuant to Section 3.05(a)(ii), provided that, with respect to a Serviced Whole Loan, such cost shall be payable, subject to the terms of the related Co-Lender Agreement (i) with respect to a Serviced Pari Passu Whole Loan, pro rata and pari passu, from the related Serviced Pari Passu Mortgage Loan and Serviced Pari Passu Companion Loan, in accordance with their respective Stated Principal Balances, or (ii) with respect to a Serviced AB Whole Loan, first, from the related AB Subordinate Companion Loan and then, from the AB Mortgage Loan (and any Pari Passu Companion Loans, on a pro rata basis) (provided that, with respect to any AB Subordinate Companion Loan, the foregoing shall not limit or otherwise modify the terms of the related Co-Lender Agreement pursuant to which any amounts collected with respect to the related Whole Loan are allocated to the related Serviced Mortgage Loan, any related Pari Passu Companion Loan and the AB Subordinate Companion Loan), in each case, prior to being payable out of general collections. The Special Servicer or the Master Servicer, as applicable, shall prepare or cause to be prepared a written report of each such inspection detailing the condition of and any damage to the Mortgaged Property to the extent evident from the inspection and specifying the existence of (i) any vacancy in the Mortgaged Property that the preparer of such report has knowledge of and deems material, (ii) any sale, transfer or abandonment of the Mortgaged Property of which the preparer of such report has knowledge or that is evident from the inspection, (iii) any adverse change in the condition of the Mortgaged Property of which the preparer of such report has knowledge or that is evident from the inspection, and that the preparer of such report deems material, (iv) any visible material waste committed on the Mortgaged Property of which the preparer of such report has knowledge or that is evident from the inspection and (v) photographs of each inspected Mortgaged Property. The Special Servicer and the Master Servicer shall deliver or, if applicable, make available on its website a copy (in electronic format) of each such report prepared by the Special Servicer and the Master Servicer, respectively, to the other party, to the Directing Holder ((i) prior to the occurrence and continuance of a Control Termination Event and (ii) other than with respect to any Excluded Loan), any related Serviced Pari Passu Companion Noteholder, the Certificate Administrator and to the Trustee within seven (7) Business Days after the later of (i) the completion of such report or (ii) the Special Servicer’s or the Master Servicer’s, as applicable (or, if earlier, any sub-servicer on their behalf), receipt of such report. Within five (5) Business Days after request for copies of such reports by the Rating Agencies, the Special Servicer or the Master Servicer, as applicable, shall deliver or make available a copy (in electronic format) of each such report prepared by the Special Servicer and the Master Servicer, as applicable, to the 17g-5 Information Provider for posting to the 17g-5 Information Provider’s Website for review by Privileged Persons. In respect of any Mortgage Loan other than an Excluded Loan and prior to the occurrence of a Consultation Termination Event, the Master Servicer shall deliver a copy of each such report to the Directing Holder and upon request to each Controlling Class Certificateholder (which request may state that such items may be delivered until further notice).

  • Certain Special Servicer Reports (a) The Special Servicer, for each Specially Serviced Mortgage Loan, shall provide to the Master Servicer and the Paying Agent one (1) Business Day after the Determination Date for each month, the CMSA Special Servicer Loan File in such electronic format as is mutually acceptable to the Master Servicer and the Special Servicer and in CMSA format. The Master Servicer and the Paying Agent may use such reports or information contained therein to prepare its reports and the Master Servicer may, at its option, forward such reports directly to the Depositor and the Rating Agencies.

  • Earning Statements The Company will make generally available (which includes filings pursuant to the Exchange Act made publicly through the XXXXX system) to its security holders as soon as practicable, but in any event not later than 16 months after the end of the Company’s current fiscal year, an earnings statement (which need not be audited) covering a 12-month period that shall satisfy the provisions of Section 11(a) of the Securities Act and Rule 158 of the Rules and Regulations.

  • Financial Statements, Reports, Certificates Borrower shall deliver the following to Bank: (i) as soon as available, but in any event within twenty five (25) days after the end of each calendar month, a company prepared consolidated and consolidating balance sheet and income statement covering Borrower’s operations during such period, in a form reasonably acceptable to Bank and certified by a Responsible Officer; (ii) as soon as available, but in any event within one hundred fifty (150) days after the end of Borrower’s fiscal year (beginning with the 2010 fiscal year), audited consolidated and consolidating financial statements of Borrower prepared in accordance with GAAP, consistently applied, together with an opinion which is unqualified or otherwise consented to in writing by Bank on such financial statements of an independent certified public accounting firm reasonably acceptable to Bank; (iii) if applicable, copies of all statements, reports and notices sent or made available generally by Borrower to its security holders or to any holders of Subordinated Debt and all reports on Forms 10-K and 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission; (iv) promptly upon receipt of notice thereof, a report of any legal actions pending or threatened against Borrower or any Subsidiary that could reasonably be expected to result in damages or costs to Borrower or any Subsidiary of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) or more; (v) promptly upon receipt, each management letter prepared by Borrower’s independent certified public accounting firm regarding Borrower’s management control systems; (vi) no later than twenty five (25) days prior to the end of each fiscal year of Borrower, an annual business plan including a monthly operating budget; (vii) such other budgets, sales projections, operating plans or other financial information generally prepared by Borrower in the ordinary course of business as Bank may reasonably request from time to time; and (viii) within thirty (30) days of the last day of each fiscal quarter, a report signed by Borrower, in form reasonably acceptable to Bank, listing any applications or registrations that Borrower has made or filed in respect of any Patents, Copyrights or Trademarks and the status of any outstanding applications or registrations, as well as any material change in Borrower’s Intellectual Property Collateral, including but not limited to any subsequent ownership right of Borrower in or to any Trademark, Patent or Copyright not specified in Exhibits A, B, and C of any Intellectual Property Security Agreement delivered to Bank by Borrower in connection with this Agreement.

  • Auditor's Reports Promptly upon receipt thereof, a copy of any other report or "management letter" submitted by independent accountants to any Consolidated Party in connection with any annual, interim or special audit of the books of such Person.

  • Delivery of Earnings Statements to Security Holders The Company will make generally available to its security holders as soon as practicable, but not later than the first day of the fifteenth full calendar month following the Effective Date, an earnings statement (which need not be certified by independent public or independent certified public accountants unless required by the Act or the Regulations, but which shall satisfy the provisions of Rule 158(a) under Section 11(a) of the Act) covering a period of at least twelve consecutive months beginning after the Effective Date.

  • Non-Reliance on Company Estimates, Projections, Forecasts, Forward-Looking Statements and Business Plans In connection with the due diligence investigation of the Company by Parent and Merger Subsidiary, Parent and Merger Subsidiary have received and may continue to receive from the Company certain estimates, projections, forecasts and other forward-looking information, as well as certain business plan information, regarding the Company and its business and operations. Parent and Merger Subsidiary hereby acknowledge that there are uncertainties inherent in attempting to make such estimates, projections, forecasts and other forward-looking statements, as well as in such business plans, with which Parent and Merger Subsidiary are familiar, that Parent and Merger Subsidiary are taking full responsibility for making their own evaluation of the adequacy and accuracy of all estimates, projections, forecasts and other forward-looking information, as well as such business plans, so furnished to them (including the reasonableness of the assumptions underlying such estimates, projections, forecasts, forward-looking information or business plans), and that Parent and Merger Subsidiary will have no claim, right or obligation under this Agreement or otherwise (including under Article 9) against the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, or any of their respective Representatives, or any other Person, with respect thereto. Accordingly, Parent and Merger Subsidiary hereby acknowledge that none of the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries, nor any of their respective Representatives, nor any other Person, has made or is making any representation or warranty with respect to such estimates, projections, forecasts, forward-looking statements or business plans (including the reasonableness of the assumptions underlying such estimates, projections, forecasts, forward-looking statements or business plans).

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