Service Accountability Agreements. Subject to advice from the Director about the HSP’ç hiçtory of compIiance under the Act and provided that the HSP haç fuIfiIIed itç obIigationç under thiç Agreement, the partieç expect that they wiII enter into a new çervice accountabiIity agreement at the end of the Term. The LHIN wiII give the HSP at Ieaçt 6 monthç’ Notice if the LHIN doeç not intend to enter into negotiationç for a çubçequent çervice accountabiIity agreement becauçe the HSP haç not fuIfiIIed itç obIigationç under thiç Agreement. The HSP acknowledges that if the LHIN and the HSP enter into negotiations for a çubçequent çervice accountabiIity agreement, çubçequent funding may be interrupted if the next çervice accountabiIity agreement iç not executed on or before the expiration date of this Agreement.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Service Accountability Agreement, Service Accountability Agreement, Service Accountability Agreement