Shareholder No Sample Clauses

Shareholder No of the voting rights bound by the 2020 Shareholders’ Agreement % of the voting rights of the total outstanding voting rights % of voting rights of the total voting rights bound by the 2020 Shareholders’ Agreement No. of the shares bound by the 2020 Shareholders’ Agreement % of shares of total share capital % of shares of total shares bound by the 2020 Shareholders Agreement Total 6,273,699 32.583 100 3,155,186 23.010 100
Shareholder No of Shares Amount Payable Shareholding Ratio ----------- ------------- ------------------ ------------------ EBI 6,000 J.Y. 300,000,000 30% OSI 14,000 J.Y. 700,000,000 70% Total 20,000 J.Y. 1,000,000,000 100% The payments for the shares of NEWCO subscribed by each party shall be made by telegraphic transfer remittance to a bank account of NEWCO in Japanese Yen within fifteen (15) days after obtaining the necessary approval of the Japanese government regarding the capital contribution by EBI.
Shareholder No. OF INCENTIVE SHARES % ----------- ----------------------- ------ Z 536,000 24.963 III 448,045 20.866 RB 429,445 20.000 HK 236,700 11.024 TOTAL 1,650,190 76.853
Shareholder No. Of Shares ----------- ------------- Axxxxx Jxxxx Xxxxx 1
Shareholder No. OF SHARES ----------- ------------- The undersigned, being the spouses of the persons named above, hereby consent and agree to all terms and conditions of the foregoing Agreement, in each case on his or her own behalf and on behalf of his or her marital community. /s/ Marlxxx Xxxx Date: March 10, 1993 ----------------------------- ------------------------ /s/ Carox X. Xxxxx Date: March 11, 1993 ----------------------------- ------------------------ /s/ Doroxxx Xxxx Date: March 22, 1993 ----------------------------- ------------------------ /s/ Susax X. Xxxx Date: March 23, 1993 ----------------------------- ------------------------ /s/ Damaxxx X. Xxxx Date: March 26, 1993 ----------------------------- ------------------------ /s/ Jean X. Xxxxxxx Date: March 29, 1993 ----------------------------- ------------------------ /s/ Waleda Mia Xxxxxxxx Date: April 7, 1993 ----------------------------- ------------------------ /s/ Darlxxx Xxxxx Date: April 16, 1993 ----------------------------- ------------------------ /s/ Thomxx X. Xxxxxxx Date: March 19, 1993 ----------------------------- ------------------------ Date: ----------------------------- ------------------------ DATED AS OF APRIL 30, 1996
Shareholder No. OF SHARES OWNED PERCENTAGE OWNERSHIP ----------- ------------------- -------------------- Trust B 72,869 93.4217949% G. Bauer Trust 5,131 6.5782051% ----- ------------ Total 78,000 100.00%; and
Shareholder No of Common Shares Percentage ----------- -------------------- ---------- Charter Oak Partners 85.431 62.89% Charter Oak Capital Partners 21.478 15.81% GEO Chemicals, Ltd. 25.994 19.14% Georxx X. Xxxxxx 2.146 1.58% Georxx X. Xxxx, Xx. 0.608 0.45% A. Ellixxx Xxxxxx 0.178 0.13%
Shareholder No of shares
Shareholder No. 1 declares that it does not intend to participate on the Capital Increase and is aware of all the consequences related thereto. Shareholder No. 1 shall take all necessary steps and actions in order to increase the registered capital of the Company in accordance with Article 8.2. konania valného zhromaždenia o schválení zvýšení zákaldného imania nebolo začaté žiadne konkurzné konanie ani žiadne nehrozia a neboli vydané žiadne predbežné opatrenia alebo nariadenia a ani xxx xx pravdepodobné, že by mali byť vydané, s významným negatívnym dopadom, čo xx xxxx Spoločnosti, voči Spoločnosti, ktoré by mohli mať za následok likvidáciu alebo zrušenie, dôkazy o xxx, že nebol vymenovaný žiaden správca konkurznej podstaty, likvidátor ani iná podobná osoba v súvislosti s majetkom Spoločnosti a že valné zhromaždenie nerozhodlo o dobrovoľnom zrušení Spoločnosti. 8.3 Akcionár č. 1 vyhlasuje, že nemá v úmysle podieľať sa na zvýšení základného imania a že si je vedomý všetkých s tým súvisiacich dôsledkov. Akcionár č. 1 prijme všetky potrebné opatrenia a kroky s cieľom zvýšiť základné imanie spoločnosti v súlade s bodom 8.2.
Shareholder No of Shares %